"The Democratic Party left me behind — and I'm not alone"

One could conscientiously be an independent until recently.

I was.

I usually voted D as I'm a liberal who wants my
representatives to rely on facts and evidence and not on religion and rhetoric. But I was
never a rah-rah Dem.

I became a card carrying Democrat in March of 2017 once I confirmed that Trump was gonna be Trump and got a look at how the GOP was gonna
react to Trump being Trump. I need the party resources in order to organize locally to help put a check
on him. That's what I'm doing.

This OP is meaningless.
One could conscientiously be an independent until recently.

I was.

I usually voted D as I'm a liberal who wants my
representatives to rely on facts and evidence and not on religion and rhetoric. But I was
never a rah-rah Dem.

I became a card carrying Democrat in March of 2017 once I confirmed that Trump was gonna be Trump and got a look at how the GOP was gonna
react to Trump being Trump. I need the party resources in order to organize locally to help put a check
on him. That's what I'm doing.

This OP is meaningless.
It’s impossible to be liberal and vote democrat.
Democrat is socialistic and draconianly stuck in a period between 1966 and 1989. Ultra-conservative.
And here is kiwiman127 's excellent followup on the same point:

But, it appears that the Republican Party is shrinking and the demographics are not in their favor.
Now the Democratic Party isn't quite taking over and have also lost public support, demographics are working their way for the future.

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party
Trump owns a shrinking Republican party


In the end, Independents are the fastest growing political demographic, they have had it with both parties as neither party appeals to centralist. The farther right or left the parties go, the more voters are moving to become Independent.

It's great to see more and more people thinking on their own, instead of goose-stepping to an ideology. This is a victory for America. It also raises of a centralist party to emerge, that prefers compromise.
Americans Favor Compromise to Get Things Done in Washington

(/end paste)

Notice the red and blue lines both in decline while the gray one climbs.

The gray line are Republicans tired of being put upon by Progressives
I laugh when people call trump an outlier

Trump's policies are the same ole GOP policies -- and whenever trump has done something different than usual GOP orthodoxy, he either just tweets about it but never makes it policy, or backs off his position or the GOP ignores it.
It's certainly at least left the white population behind.

I’m no Trump supporter, but I’ve been repulsed by the political and cultural left’s hatred, demonization and mistreatment of the president.

4:00 a.m. PDT July 9, 2018

I am a Democrat who has spent the last two years often criticizing my own party and fellow Democrats.

Yeah, I’m a bad Democrat, I know.

I have friends and readers asking me, “Are you still a liberal?” and “Have you changed parties?” and “Why are you seemingly defending Trump?”

I’ve been a loyal Democrat for about 15 years. As someone who became a citizen in 2006, I became a Democrat during the George W. Bush years, because I liked the party’s anti-war, pro-minority, pro-environment, pro-little guy positions.

But the 2016 election was an eye-opener for me. To use the current political jargon, I became “woke,” in some very different ways, and I got “red-pilled.”

The Democratic Party left me behind — and I'm not alone

This same thread was attempted earlier today. The thread was closed. Too bad too, as it sparked one of the better discussions of late.

Since you're trying to make the same point here I'll note the same thing I did there:

Cherrypicking is easy but the fact is people are leaving BOTH parties and have been for some time. The largest political party faction in this country is "none". And that's a good sign -- even though it personally gives me the creeps to be part of a majority. It means people might be waking up to the fallacy of partisan dichotomy.

This is why the Dimocrat party is going to continue to go further left. As the white population declines, it is replaced by minorities who have never seen a government program they didn't fall in love with.
The future of this country will be a giant social welfare state.
It's certainly at least left the white population behind.

I’m no Trump supporter, but I’ve been repulsed by the political and cultural left’s hatred, demonization and mistreatment of the president.

4:00 a.m. PDT July 9, 2018

I am a Democrat who has spent the last two years often criticizing my own party and fellow Democrats.

Yeah, I’m a bad Democrat, I know.

I have friends and readers asking me, “Are you still a liberal?” and “Have you changed parties?” and “Why are you seemingly defending Trump?”

I’ve been a loyal Democrat for about 15 years. As someone who became a citizen in 2006, I became a Democrat during the George W. Bush years, because I liked the party’s anti-war, pro-minority, pro-environment, pro-little guy positions.

But the 2016 election was an eye-opener for me. To use the current political jargon, I became “woke,” in some very different ways, and I got “red-pilled.”

The Democratic Party left me behind — and I'm not alone

Sounds like you're a candidate to join with #WalkAway
And here is kiwiman127 's excellent followup on the same point:

But, it appears that the Republican Party is shrinking and the demographics are not in their favor.
Now the Democratic Party isn't quite taking over and have also lost public support, demographics are working their way for the future.

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party
Trump owns a shrinking Republican party


In the end, Independents are the fastest growing political demographic, they have had it with both parties as neither party appeals to centralist. The farther right or left the parties go, the more voters are moving to become Independent.

It's great to see more and more people thinking on their own, instead of goose-stepping to an ideology. This is a victory for America. It also raises of a centralist party to emerge, that prefers compromise.
Americans Favor Compromise to Get Things Done in Washington

(/end paste)

Notice the red and blue lines both in decline while the gray one climbs.
I agree that's it a good thing, but this is really only somewhat interesting to those who think on the one dimensional line of left and right. It's wholly inadequate to show the real movement in politics over the last 20 years or so: both parties moving in the same authoritarian direction.

I'd venture to guess that the majority of those independents are so because there's at least one issue there where they go "can't you just leave me the fuck alone?" or "why does government need to be worrying about this?" Those would people would be correct.

With how the republicans have got thoroughly killed on social issues in recent memory combined with their supposed commitment to fiscal responsibility, it makes sense that they bring the libertarians in to supply the ideas for the republican machinery to run on. With so many people leaving the democrat party and so many identifying as "fiscally conservative, socially liberal", to liberpublicans would clean up.

"Parties" are irrelevant. Actually they always were except to those running one.

I've never voted for a "party" in my life. I vote for a candidate. And if possible I don't even want to know what their party affiliation is. Although it does impress me if they run without one.
They're not irrelevant at all. Rather, they should be. Both have political machinery they've established over decades that get their candidates in front of people and push them toward election.

Just like when anything institution gets big, they tend to lose focus on the mission statement and focus on their own survival/well being. Right now, the parties are much more about looking out for their own good (maintaining power) than earnestly representing their constituents (what they got in business for). I think there's a lot candidates that enter politics with good intentions and then get thoroughly corrupted by the big political machines and the overall game they play. It's very easy for one little "ok i'll take this guys' money even though i don't like what he stands for cause it's for the greater good" to turn into owing a cadre of well connected, wealthy people who largely hold your career and future in their hands.

But what you just described is the inevitable course of a political party. It becomes all about self-perpetuation. And to that end it will abandon whatever idealisms it started with in the interest of amassing numbers. Never fails.

I always say political parties should be chartered, like a corporation. A one-time twenty-year term. At the end of that twenty years you cease to exist whether you've accomplished anything or not.
The party is under the control of narcissistic, illiberal leftist authoritarians who refuse to see the role they played in getting this guy elected.

The only thing that will save them is who and what their competition is. They sure as hell won't deserve wins in 2018 and 2020.
And here is kiwiman127 's excellent followup on the same point:

But, it appears that the Republican Party is shrinking and the demographics are not in their favor.
Now the Democratic Party isn't quite taking over and have also lost public support, demographics are working their way for the future.

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party
Trump owns a shrinking Republican party


In the end, Independents are the fastest growing political demographic, they have had it with both parties as neither party appeals to centralist. The farther right or left the parties go, the more voters are moving to become Independent.

It's great to see more and more people thinking on their own, instead of goose-stepping to an ideology. This is a victory for America. It also raises of a centralist party to emerge, that prefers compromise.
Americans Favor Compromise to Get Things Done in Washington

(/end paste)

Notice the red and blue lines both in decline while the gray one climbs.

The gray line are Republicans tired of being put upon by Progressives

They can rest easy then, since Progressives have been gone for a century. What the hell y'all wags are talking about trying to revive them I'll never know.
The party is under the control of narcissistic, illiberal leftist authoritarians who refuse to see the role they played in getting this guy elected.

The only thing that will save them is who and what their competition is. They sure as hell won't deserve wins in 2018 and 2020.

"Leftists", authoritarian or otherwise, played no role in getting Rump elected. Authoritarians however certainly did. That's exactly what he appealed to.

FAR more to the point is the fact that 45% of the voter-eligible.......... didn't even bother to vote at all. That's the inevitable result of being offered a choice between "bad" and "worse". And that in turn is the inevitable result of the whole thing being run by a Duopoly with a monopoly. Nobody needs to offer anything of value; all they need to offer is "at least I'm not that one".
It's certainly at least left the white population behind.

I’m no Trump supporter, but I’ve been repulsed by the political and cultural left’s hatred, demonization and mistreatment of the president.

4:00 a.m. PDT July 9, 2018

I am a Democrat who has spent the last two years often criticizing my own party and fellow Democrats.

Yeah, I’m a bad Democrat, I know.

I have friends and readers asking me, “Are you still a liberal?” and “Have you changed parties?” and “Why are you seemingly defending Trump?”

I’ve been a loyal Democrat for about 15 years. As someone who became a citizen in 2006, I became a Democrat during the George W. Bush years, because I liked the party’s anti-war, pro-minority, pro-environment, pro-little guy positions.

But the 2016 election was an eye-opener for me. To use the current political jargon, I became “woke,” in some very different ways, and I got “red-pilled.”

The Democratic Party left me behind — and I'm not alone
Lots of threads of trumpanzees trying to convince themselves that they aren't the societal pariahs they really are.
The party is under the control of narcissistic, illiberal leftist authoritarians who refuse to see the role they played in getting this guy elected.

The only thing that will save them is who and what their competition is. They sure as hell won't deserve wins in 2018 and 2020.
I love Irony on Mondays.
So is the OP saying some white people mad because they don't feel their party is white enough?
The op said nothing racist....But YOU did.

Oh did he now. What was it?

Hard to believe how many wags waddle around here oblivious to what the word racism means, yet it doesn't even slow 'em down....

He referred to a group of people by skin color and did it in a lying, derogatory manner.
So is the OP saying some white people mad because they don't feel their party is white enough?
The op said nothing racist....But YOU did.

Oh did he now. What was it?

Hard to believe how many wags waddle around here oblivious to what the word racism means, yet it doesn't even slow 'em down....

He referred to a group of people by skin color and did it in a lying, derogatory manner.

Wrong. Thanks for proving my point.

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