The Democratic presidential field is a joke

Given that nobody in the Republican clown car is capable of beating Hillary, the Democratic field is deep enough

Hillary will not get the nomination. Feel free to quote me down the road when history proves me right...again. (I made the same prediction in 2007).

After Tuesdays debate, it was obvious Hillary is a lock to receive the nomination
Spare us from any rightwing rants aboutpending ain't going to happen

One thin refreshing about the Democratic debate was it was refreshing to see adults actually discussing the issues

Yeah, she was an obvious lock in 2007'd that work out again? :lol:

This is not 2007 and Barack Obama is not running

There is nobody in the 2016 field capable of generating the political enthusiasm that Obama did. Obama was a rock star in 2008, there are no rock stars in this group

Dude, Hillary, the heir apparent, lost out to a zilch from Chicago that no one had even heard of.

Gimme a fucking break.

The guy who beat the repubs twice?
Given that nobody in the Republican clown car is capable of beating Hillary, the Democratic field is deep enough

Hillary will not get the nomination. Feel free to quote me down the road when history proves me right...again. (I made the same prediction in 2007).

After Tuesdays debate, it was obvious Hillary is a lock to receive the nomination
Spare us from any rightwing rants aboutpending ain't going to happen

One thin refreshing about the Democratic debate was it was refreshing to see adults actually discussing the issues

Yeah, she was an obvious lock in 2007'd that work out again? :lol:

This is not 2007 and Barack Obama is not running

There is nobody in the 2016 field capable of generating the political enthusiasm that Obama did. Obama was a rock star in 2008, there are no rock stars in this group

Keep telling yourself that. I am seeing a lot of folks who are thinking Bernie is a rock star....and then there is ole Shotgun Joe to consider...or even the legend himself Algore. :lol:
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth

A fleeting mention for a minute or so in a 2.5 hour debate is a discussion?

You're certifiable
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth
As to your list you could sum the entire debate up in three words.


Beyond that there was 0 substance in the debate.
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth

Not one single democrat mentioned the word ISIS during the debate.
Hillary will win by default because of the lack of opposition.

Hillary, an untrustworthy liar
Bernie, as one track minded as Matthew
Webb, *raises hand* call on me call on me!
Omalley, we need Detroit riots on a national level
Chaffey, "why am I here?"

The Democratic party is a joke
Your sorry ass party has lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 National elections, next year will be 6 out of 7..

You have nothing but Horseshit in your clown party, full of clowns, and a bunch of warmongers with their head up their ass..

Trump is a fat Orangutan, with a cheap looking rug, half the country hates him, can't even debate worth a shit, I hope to hell your stupid enough to give him the nomination, Hillary will gut his sorry ass like a dead fish..

Carson, an uncle Tom, Trump says he's low energy, he's Nothing but a lying bag of shit, Jesus freak, please put that asshole on the ticket with your Orangutan, that will be the offical clown ticket..

Fiorina, not even worth talking about..

Christie polling at 3%, LOL, hell probably be dead of a heart attack by the time Hillary finishes her first term..

Paul a kook like his daddy, 1or the other run for office every 4 years , and both come away with nothing but their dick in their hands..

Jeb, his last name is Bush all you need to know, his dad was shit that's why slick wilie kicked his ass, and his drunk Brother was even worse .

Ted Cruz, born in Canada sorry ineligible, Clinton would beat his ass silly anyways.

Rubio, better candidate than Trump , but lousy debater, looks to nervous , ain't gonna happen the other guy's can't stand him so he won't go very far..
Last edited:
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth
As to your list you could sum the entire debate up in three words.


Beyond that there was 0 substance in the debate.

You didn't listen very well. It was about things people actually care about like college tuition costs and increasing wages.
Given that nobody in the Republican clown car is capable of beating Hillary, the Democratic field is deep enough

Hillary will not get the nomination. Feel free to quote me down the road when history proves me right...again. (I made the same prediction in 2007).

After Tuesdays debate, it was obvious Hillary is a lock to receive the nomination
Spare us from any rightwing rants aboutpending ain't going to happen

One thin refreshing about the Democratic debate was it was refreshing to see adults actually discussing the issues

Yeah, she was an obvious lock in 2007'd that work out again? :lol:

This is not 2007 and Barack Obama is not running

There is nobody in the 2016 field capable of generating the political enthusiasm that Obama did. Obama was a rock star in 2008, there are no rock stars in this group

Dude, Hillary, the heir apparent, lost out to a zilch from Chicago that no one had even heard of.

Gimme a fucking break.
And that Zilch from Chicago won 2 easy landslides against your weak ass opponents, And has been pistol whipping your sorry ass party for 7 years now, have you heard of him now..

I hope to hell that fat blowhard Orangutan gets the nomination, from all the clowns in your shit party she would kick his ass...
Given that nobody in the Republican clown car is capable of beating Hillary, the Democratic field is deep enough

Hillary will not get the nomination. Feel free to quote me down the road when history proves me right...again. (I made the same prediction in 2007).

She was a shoe in for 2008... oh, wait... never mind.

Hillary will not win anything.. she's plummeting.
:haha: Yea I remember hearing the same thing from you retarded ass people , that Obama would fold against McCain, and that fucking Mormon..

Clinton is just getting started..she's got all the Money and political skills , capital to win it all..
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Since the OP believes that all Democrats are untrustworthy lying socialists, there is no way to take this thread seriously. His claims about Clinton come from the rightwing echo chamber, and his claims about Sanders are uninteresting.
Yawn..................Liberals love Liars...........and they have another one in the Hildabeast.............

DUCK...............whew that was close...........

Landed on this thread under sniper fire..................dead broke at that..........

Enjoy the Lying old hag.
Hillary will win by default because of the lack of opposition.

Hillary, an untrustworthy liar
Bernie, as one track minded as Matthew
Webb, *raises hand* call on me call on me!
Omalley, we need Detroit riots on a national level
Chaffey, "why am I here?"

The Democratic party is a joke
Your sorry ass party has lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 National elections, next year will be 6 out of 7..

You have nothing but Horseshit in your clown party, full of clowns, and a bunch of warmongers with their head up their ass..

Trump is a fat Orangutan, with a cheap looking rug, half the country hates him, can't even debate worth a shit, I hope to hell your stupid enough to give him the nomination, Hillary will gut his sorry ass like a dead fish..

Carson, an uncle Tom, Trump says he's low energy, he's Nothing but a lying bag of shit, Jesus freak, please put that asshole on the ticket with your Orangutan, that will be the offical clown ticket..

Fiorina, not even worth talking about..

Christie polling at 3%, LOL, hell probably be dead of a heart attack by the time Hillary finishes her first term..

Paul a kook like his daddy, 1or the other run for office every 4 years , and both come away with nothing but their dick in their hands..

Jeb, his last name is Bush all you need to know, his dad was shit that's why slick wilie kicked his ass, and his drunk Brother was even worse .

Ted Cruz, born in Canada sorry ineligible, Clinton would beat his ass silly anyways.

Rubio, better candidate than Trump , but lousy debater, looks to nervous , ain't gonna happen the other guy's can't stand him so he won't go very far..
Joined one month ago

Fuck off noob
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth
As to your list you could sum the entire debate up in three words.


Beyond that there was 0 substance in the debate.

You didn't listen very well. It was about things people actually care about like college tuition costs and increasing wages.
I listened perfectly well. I have a child in college right now. The difference is I don't expect YOU to pay for her tuition because our family understands the importance of self reliance & responsibility
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth
As to your list you could sum the entire debate up in three words.


Beyond that there was 0 substance in the debate.

You didn't listen very well. It was about things people actually care about like college tuition costs and increasing wages.
I listened perfectly well. I have a child in college right now. The difference is I don't expect YOU to pay for her tuition because our family understands the importance of self reliance & responsibility

And what happens to our country when only the rich can afford college? Won't be good, that gene pool is really inbred.
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth
As to your list you could sum the entire debate up in three words.


Beyond that there was 0 substance in the debate.

You didn't listen very well. It was about things people actually care about like college tuition costs and increasing wages.
I listened perfectly well. I have a child in college right now. The difference is I don't expect YOU to pay for her tuition because our family understands the importance of self reliance & responsibility

And what happens to our country when only the rich can afford college? Won't be good, that gene pool is really inbred.
You're clearly too stupid for this conversation.

I paid for my own college 2 years after getting out 9f prison.
YOU are responsible for your own future. Period
It makes an interesting contrast

Republican debates have centered on:
Carly has an ugly face
Rand is funny looking
Donald hates women
Jeb is boring

Democratic debate centered on:
Distribution of wealth
As to your list you could sum the entire debate up in three words.


Beyond that there was 0 substance in the debate.

You didn't listen very well. It was about things people actually care about like college tuition costs and increasing wages.
I listened perfectly well. I have a child in college right now. The difference is I don't expect YOU to pay for her tuition because our family understands the importance of self reliance & responsibility

And what happens to our country when only the rich can afford college? Won't be good, that gene pool is really inbred.
You're clearly too stupid for this conversation.

I paid for my own college 2 years after getting out 9f prison.
YOU are responsible for your own future. Period

Prison? You are clearly a genius.

Wages are stagnant and the cost of college is exploding. Do the math.
As to your list you could sum the entire debate up in three words.


Beyond that there was 0 substance in the debate.

You didn't listen very well. It was about things people actually care about like college tuition costs and increasing wages.
I listened perfectly well. I have a child in college right now. The difference is I don't expect YOU to pay for her tuition because our family understands the importance of self reliance & responsibility

And what happens to our country when only the rich can afford college? Won't be good, that gene pool is really inbred.
You're clearly too stupid for this conversation.

I paid for my own college 2 years after getting out 9f prison.
YOU are responsible for your own future. Period

Prison? You are clearly a genius.

Wages are stagnant and the cost of college is exploding. Do the math.
I am clearly in control of my own destiny. Not some magic millionaire who pulls the strings.
Wages are definitely stagnant if you're in a dead end job. And if you're in a dead end job who's fault is that?

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