The Democrats and immigration


Gold Member
Mar 6, 2013
The state of Illinois passed a law legalizing the matricula consular card as valid in Illinois as an official state ID. Then, the Finance Committee of Cook County said that any foreign country with a consulate in Illinois can issue a matricula consular card.

So foreign nationals who have no documentation can vote in Illinois to reelect the very Democrats who passed the laws allowing them to vote. And these consular cards are so phony that no major bank in Mexico City will accept one to open up a simple savings account, and two-thirds of the states of Mexico do not accept the Mexican consular card.

These trends point to the demographic strategy Democrats have pursued in the past eighty years of creating voters out of "residents" in the largest cities under their control. This enables them to keep and maintain political power. And, it is all financed by taxpayers, T-bonds, and quantitative easing.

Blacks and Hispanics are now 25% of the U.S. population. Their votes put Barack Obama into office. In the final analysis, the reason President Obama is so resistant to real spending cuts is that he sees Federal spending as crucial to financing the demographic foundation of his party's electoral security
This is why we fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, so that Illegal Aliens can come here, get welfare and vote in our elections.

Just keep waving that Flag!

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