The Demonetization of Detroit

And to think Progressives, our very own Liberal Intellectual Elites, STILL haven't figured out that the economic system they embrace is so fucking horrible and dehumanizing that it can only be enforced at gunpoint and they have to build walls, not to keep people from entering, but to keep the sane from fleeing
The Communists that run the Unions and the Democrat Party targeted Detroit BECAUSE it was a shining symbol of American innovation, entrepreneurship and prosperity. That's the "progress" Progressive endorse

The problem with you guys is that you say "Communist" like you are totally fucking serious.

Sorry, guy, we really did have a better country because the unions made sure working people got a fair cut of the pie.

We had nice homes and nice families and good values. Dad brought home a good wage and mom could stay home with the kids.

the thing about you conservatards is that you go on and on all day about how "moral" values are declining, but you don't link that at all with economic values declining.
The Communists that run the Unions and the Democrat Party targeted Detroit BECAUSE it was a shining symbol of American innovation, entrepreneurship and prosperity. That's the "progress" Progressive endorse

The problem with you guys is that you say "Communist" like you are totally fucking serious.

Sorry, guy, we really did have a better country because the unions made sure working people got a fair cut of the pie.

We had nice homes and nice families and good values. Dad brought home a good wage and mom could stay home with the kids.

the thing about you conservatards is that you go on and on all day about how "moral" values are declining, but you don't link that at all with economic values declining.

Henry Ford did more for the Middle class than any Union ever did.

Just look at what the Unions have done for Hostess, the Union Bosses have that nice home and get to stay home, the drivers, well, they're not doing so good
The Democrats? Yes, you're probably right. They've been doing so since they directed FDR to support Mao over Chek

Nixon opened our doors to china.

Your understanding of history is infintile.

FDR took the advise of Communist spies and abandoned Chek in favor of one of history's two biggest Mass murderers, Mao (FDR's "Uncle" Joe being the other).

I think you need to check your history.

FDR died in 1945. The communists didn't win until 1949. No one abandoned Chiang Kai-shek. In fact, billions were spent to prop him up. The only thing FDR did was emphasize that beating Japan was a little higher on the priority list than wiping out the last of Mao's forces.

Here's the dirty little secret about Chiang. The guy was a Nazi. In fact, he was such a fascist Hitler and Mussolini seriously considered inviting him to join the Axis instead of inviting Japan. Then they figured Japan was the better bet.

Also, like most Americans, you tend to overemphasize our importance. In fact, the Russians and the Chinese had a lot more to do with beating the Axis than we did.

Henry Ford did more for the Middle class than any Union ever did.

Just look at what the Unions have done for Hostess, the Union Bosses have that nice home and get to stay home, the drivers, well, they're not doing so good

Ford was the exception, because he accepted unions and paying his workers well.

As for Hostess, what did Hostess in was that the hedge funds that bought it looted it for every penny they could borrow against the assets. The unions in fact took several pay and benefit cuts to keep the place open.

Then they decided, we just can't trust these guys to keep any promises they make because they broke every promise they made up to this point.
Detroit is becoming a ghost town for the same reason every other ghost town in America became such.

Its industrial base collapsed.

The reasons for that collapse are many including: things like the BIG THREE building shit cars for two decades, foreign imports coming in that are both cheaper and better, the cost of unionism, and finally WHITE FLIGHT from Detroit to the burbs.
Detroit is becoming a ghost town for the same reason every other ghost town in America became such.

Its industrial base collapsed.

The reasons for that collapse are many including: things like the BIG THREE building shit cars for two decades, foreign imports coming in that are both cheaper and better, the cost of unionism, and finally WHITE FLIGHT from Detroit to the burbs.

The industrial base did not collapse.
They moved out.
When they moved the smaller businesses closed down because people started moving away. You can't keep a business open with very few customers.

An unbroken series of Democratic mayors, all of whom had a hand in implementing the full panoply of progressive policies, highlighted by the giveaways to public service employees. Their outlandish salaries and benefit packages, coupled with highly inefficient work rules, killed the golden goose: the auto industry, and its attendant industrial community headed South, where lower taxes and right-to-work rules kept their businesses afloat.
The Democrats? Yes, you're probably right. They've been doing so since they directed FDR to support Mao over Chek

Nixon opened our doors to china.

Your understanding of history is infintile.

FDR took the advise of Communist spies and abandoned Chek in favor of one of history's two biggest Mass murderers, Mao (FDR's "Uncle" Joe being the other).

You kinda forgot about the fact that we won the second world war while FDR was in office. Oh, yeah, and built the hoover dam.
Nixon opened our doors to china.

Your understanding of history is infintile.

FDR took the advise of Communist spies and abandoned Chek in favor of one of history's two biggest Mass murderers, Mao (FDR's "Uncle" Joe being the other).

I think you need to check your history.

FDR died in 1945. The communists didn't win until 1949. No one abandoned Chiang Kai-shek. In fact, billions were spent to prop him up. The only thing FDR did was emphasize that beating Japan was a little higher on the priority list than wiping out the last of Mao's forces.

Here's the dirty little secret about Chiang. The guy was a Nazi. In fact, he was such a fascist Hitler and Mussolini seriously considered inviting him to join the Axis instead of inviting Japan. Then they figured Japan was the better bet.

Also, like most Americans, you tend to overemphasize our importance. In fact, the Russians and the Chinese had a lot more to do with beating the Axis than we did.

Please don't confuse those people with facts.:cool:
No, unions are only half the problem. The other half is 50 years' worth of unremitting Leftwing Democrat rule with zero Conservative governance whatsoever. Sorry, but this thread deserves a slow painful death.

You forget the great things that Detroit did for this country. For example, Detroit was the key industrial supplier of World War II.

The 409, the GTO, The shelby mustang, the corvette, etc.

Rock and roll/motown music.

The Detroit pistons.
And Detroit also brought us the Lions, urban blight, union corruption. Oh, and the Chevette, Pinto, the AMC Gremlin. Need I go on??

Um...the Chevy Vega deserves honorable mention IMO.
Hey, don't forget White Flight. Gotta put some blame there too.

Remember now, 50 years ago Detroit was the glittering jewel city of America. High employment, good wages, and all that. Then 3-4 years later some black folks rioted, burned, looted, and forty-something were killed during the mayhem.

As a result some white folks started to sell their homes near where it all took place and move further away in the city or to the suburbs where they felt they'd be safer if riots broke out again. So, you decide to move for the safety of your family and to protect the investment you've made in your home, yet by fleeing you've somehow contributed to the demise of a once great city. What's that saying again...Only in America?
Globalization had nothing to do with Detroit's mismanagement.
We have always had global trade throughout history going back to ancient times as far back as 300 BCE.

Did you know that Detroit has a horseshoer blacksmith in the water department, even though they don't have any horses?
This is because of union rules that don't allow for him to be let go and their unfunded pensions.
No Horses, But Detroit Water Department Employs 'Horseshoer' [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Add the corruption in government, high taxes, poor education and bloated City government you finally run out of money.
Lefty political ideology at its finest for 50 years caused the city to go bankrupt.

Our congress is just as bloated or maybe more so.

You must remember that not everybody is as great as you.
Yes it is and that is why it needs to be smaller and more manageable, my opinion.
The Federal Government needs to cut the spending or it will go bankrupt just like Detroit, fact.

Just because I try to get facts & as much correct information out to people as I can does not make me great.
Don't confuse facts and information as opinions.
Yes it is and that is why it needs to be smaller and more manageable, my opinion.
The Federal Government needs to cut the spending or it will go bankrupt just like Detroit, fact.

Just because I try to get facts & as much correct information out to people as I can does not make me great.
Don't confuse facts and information as opinions.

Your idea reminds me of the days of humoral medicine when they thought it was wise to starve a cold. It makes as much sense.

Cuting spending in the middle of a recession is stupidity at it's highest level.

The pawn shop owners don't mind, though. Either do the rich as they get richer no matter what.

If it gets any worse there will be a revolution. How you like that?
Yes it is and that is why it needs to be smaller and more manageable, my opinion.
The Federal Government needs to cut the spending or it will go bankrupt just like Detroit, fact.

Just because I try to get facts & as much correct information out to people as I can does not make me great.
Don't confuse facts and information as opinions.

Your idea reminds me of the days of humoral medicine when they thought it was wise to starve a cold. It makes as much sense.

Cuting spending in the middle of a recession is stupidity at it's highest level.

The pawn shop owners don't mind, though. Either do the rich as they get richer no matter what.

If it gets any worse there will be a revolution. How you like that?

Your idea is to keep going as it is.
The US Unfunded Liabilities is at 125 Trillion.
Without cuts it will continue to go up.
The young are going to be paying this off for a very long time.
You think that's fair?
I don't.
Talk about wages being low. It will be for them.
Yes it is and that is why it needs to be smaller and more manageable, my opinion.
The Federal Government needs to cut the spending or it will go bankrupt just like Detroit, fact.

Just because I try to get facts & as much correct information out to people as I can does not make me great.
Don't confuse facts and information as opinions.

Your idea reminds me of the days of humoral medicine when they thought it was wise to starve a cold. It makes as much sense.

Cuting spending in the middle of a recession is stupidity at it's highest level.

The pawn shop owners don't mind, though. Either do the rich as they get richer no matter what.

If it gets any worse there will be a revolution. How you like that?

Your idea is to keep going as it is.
The US Unfunded Liabilities is at 125 Trillion.
Without cuts it will continue to go up.
The young are going to be paying this off for a very long time.
You think that's fair?
I don't.
Talk about wages being low. It will be for them.

Where did you come up with 125 trillion? Hell, the world don't cost that much, imo. link?
U.S. Debt Clock
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Federal Revenue brings in 2.7 trillion in taxes
Spending is over 3.5 trillion
The Federal Government is spending 1.2 trillion more than it takes in.
You can't spend more than you bring in by that large amount without eventually going bankrupt.
If we do go bankrupt there will be very little left for anything. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Foods Stamps, Welfare goes completely bye, bye.
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