the destruction of herman cain, from an election far far away.

Republicans paid the price for thinking that sexual harassment mattered.

But you libs got a pass. That is wrong.

You need to pay a price for your small minded anti-sex-ness.
If you think that's wrong, then don't punish your candidates who get caught cheating on their spouses.

There, problem solved.

I didn't.

The media, and the foolish republicans who give them ANY credibility did.

You, with your support of their actions, share the blame.
Blame for what? Cain stepping down? That was his choice.

Blame for their actions.

Much like the repubicans got slammed for their actions. Before they were taught that sex doesn't matter.

THe media still has that slam coming.
Your continued whining is noted and dismissed. Herman Cain is still responsible for his actions.

Only to his wife.

The media was WAY out of line.
Are you not listening?


The vicious smear campaign is what drove him from the election. Done by you and yours.
Nope, that was done by Ginger White. I have no idea what her political leanings are.

The media should have vilified Ginger White for talking openly about sex just like they did with Monica.

That is what is considered "Right" in our culture.

As historically documented.

You should be ashamed.
As if you decide what is considered, "right."


Don't play stupid.

The culture as a whole sets it's rules.

And the rules were pounded into our republican heads quite vigorously.


The media did "wrong" by making a big issue of a report of sex.

They deserve to be punished.
Well obviously sex can matter otherwise Cain wouldn't have dropped from the race.

A media lynch mob matters. And they should be ashamed.

IT is weird that you dems are as equally outraged.

I recall how angry you have been other times when people tried to gin up "sex scandals" or prosecute sexual harassment cases.

The issue is not that the smear campaign worked.

The issue is that the smear campaign was launched.

THe people who launched and supported it are in the wrong, by modern American standards.

As you are supporting is after the fact, you are in the wrong.

Are you talking about Cain, or John Edwards?

Standards are by definition STANDARD.

That you feel the need to ask who before you make a judgement, shows you are a lib.

So it was wrong to smear Bill Clinton over unproven sex scandals.

We misunderstood the rules, at that time. We have paid the price and learned our lesson.


That the media, that helped enforce those rules on republicans, then turned around and DID THE SAME THING?

They don't have the excuse of ignorance. They knowingly and purposefully broke the rules.

And they paid no price.

If sex doesn't matter, why is much of the public lashing out at Crazy Donald for trying to have sex with married women and exploiting his star power to grab their pussies?

I don't know.

It's almost like there are no rules. Or different rules for different people.

I remember so many people, women even, telling me that it was so wrong what the republicans were doing to Bill Clinton and his family.

To bad I'm still not in touch with those same women. It might help to see if they are just as mad at the people talking about sex this time.
Of course I'm listening. That's why I'm hearing a moron repeat the same failed strawman over and over again.


It wasn't my choice for Herman Cain to drop out of the race over allegations he had a 13 year long affair. I can't make that any more clear to you than I already have. It's not my problem you're ineducable.

The issue is not that the smear campaign worked.

The issue is that the smear campaign was launched.

THe people who launched and supported it are in the wrong, by modern American standards.

As you are supporting is after the fact, you are in the wrong.
The "smear campaign" was Ginger White stepping forward to claim she and Cain had an affair.

If she had made that claim about a dem, it would have been a blip and that would have been the end of it.

As it was about a Republican the media made it their top story for weeks.
Gennifer Flowers proves you're insane. flowers 1992&sm=3

4,000 results for the dem.

34,000 for the republican.

donald trump grabbing - YouTube

And only a fool would doubt that the tone of the pieces were very different depending on party affiliation.
Thanks for reminding me how nuts you are. :cuckoo: 1992 was not only before youtube, it was before the Internet as we know it today. Comparing the number of hits from an incident in 1992 with one from a week or two ago reveals a) how desperate you are; b) how badly you lost this argument; and c) how your claim that it would have been a "blip" had it been a Democrat stems from a deranged rightie who sees the world through rightard-tinted glasses.

John Edwards, Gary Hart, Anthony Weiner, among many others, proves you wrong.
Sex sells

The media reports the biggest story. A report of Cains pathetic advances on women will get more viewers than an economic study of 9-9-9

Your pretense that the main stream media is not an arm of the democratic party is pathetic nonsense.

I hope you are not so deluded as to actually believe that.

Arm of the Democratic Party?

Republicans like Trump would not get away with the crap they do if it were

What do you imagine that Trump is getting away with?

And just to make sure we are on the same page, since you seem to be communicating from an alternate universe, we are talking about a Donald Trump who is running for President, right?

Trump has gotten away with more transgressions than any candidate in history

Gary Hart was toast merely for being photographed with Donna Rice on his lap

Trump mocks POWs, Mocks the handicapped, is derisive towards women, openly brags about grabbing pussy, brags about not paying taxes....

Yet still moves on

Those are lies.

Trump mocked a grumpy old man who had insulted his supporters, trump mocked a vile reporter who deserved it, trump has mocked specific women who have attacked him, Trump has bragged about women being attracted to his wealth and fame (see definition of word "let"), and we all pay as little taxes as we can.

If McCain is grumpy and insults your supporters ...attack what he said, don't attack him for being captured in defense of his country

If a reporter says something you disagree with...attack what he said and why he is wrong, don't encourage your supporters to mock his handicap

If women say things you don't like...attack what they said, don't call them fat pigs, ugly or having their period

Like Michelle Obama said, its human decency
If you think that's wrong, then don't punish your candidates who get caught cheating on their spouses.

There, problem solved.

I didn't.

The media, and the foolish republicans who give them ANY credibility did.

You, with your support of their actions, share the blame.
Blame for what? Cain stepping down? That was his choice.

Blame for their actions.

Much like the repubicans got slammed for their actions. Before they were taught that sex doesn't matter.

THe media still has that slam coming.
Your continued whining is noted and dismissed. Herman Cain is still responsible for his actions.

Only to his wife.

The media was WAY out of line.
Says you. Cain's actions said othewise.
1. Credible.

2. Cain was the leader is the polls in a crowed field, until he was dogpiled.

3. HE did. You are a race baiting asshole.

1) Uh, no, when you say you saw someone's dick and describe it wrong, you have no crediblity.

2) Cain was never leading in the polls. And he was crashing and burning before we found out he was groping the White women.


3) Trump refuses to denounce Duke.

Donald Trump's absurd claim that he knows nothing about former KKK leader David Duke

1. When you believe BIll Clinton in a sexual harassment case, you have no credibility. Jones was credible.

2. YOur own graph shows Cain was leading in the polls for two good months. You are so biased that you can't even objectively read a graph.

3. Yes, he did. He did before that incident. HE did after that incident. The reporters are fucking assholes for even asking the question, and you are a dupe of Duke's by supporting the idea that he is significant.
Jones was not credible. Her suit was thrown out due to lack of merit.
3. Whites have been and still are, by a good margin the majority of this country and men are far more likely to run for office than women. To that that is a strike against republicans just shows that you are bad at math.

Okay, but the Democrats elected a black man and are about to elect a woman. So it seems they have this down.

But you keep nominating white men.

You present me, and/or the GOP with a woman or a black or anyone or anything, that has a set of policies or a resume or a campaign that fits what we want out of a candidate, and we will support that candidate.

We judge candidates based on what they have to offer.

Your dem inability to understand that can be seen in how you kept trying to make an issue of Romney's religion and how you failed at doing so.

WE have that down, ie judging candidates, (or people) on their actions and/or the content of their character, not their skin color or their gender.

But you keep checking off boxes.
Bullshit. Many on the right just can't seem to find any blacks or women they think are as capable as white men.
I didn't.

The media, and the foolish republicans who give them ANY credibility did.

You, with your support of their actions, share the blame.
Blame for what? Cain stepping down? That was his choice.

Blame for their actions.

Much like the repubicans got slammed for their actions. Before they were taught that sex doesn't matter.

THe media still has that slam coming.
Your continued whining is noted and dismissed. Herman Cain is still responsible for his actions.

Only to his wife.

The media was WAY out of line.
Says you. Cain's actions said othewise.

Cain was a marginal candidate, who quickly disappeared from the race

Problem with Republicans is they have too many candidates unwilling to drop out. That is how we got Trump
The issue is not that the smear campaign worked.

The issue is that the smear campaign was launched.

THe people who launched and supported it are in the wrong, by modern American standards.

As you are supporting is after the fact, you are in the wrong.
The "smear campaign" was Ginger White stepping forward to claim she and Cain had an affair.

If she had made that claim about a dem, it would have been a blip and that would have been the end of it.

As it was about a Republican the media made it their top story for weeks.
Gennifer Flowers proves you're insane. flowers 1992&sm=3

4,000 results for the dem.

34,000 for the republican.

donald trump grabbing - YouTube

And only a fool would doubt that the tone of the pieces were very different depending on party affiliation.
Thanks for reminding me how nuts you are. :cuckoo: 1992 was not only before youtube, it was before the Internet as we know it today. Comparing the number of hits from an incident in 1992 with one from a week or two ago reveals a) how desperate you are; b) how badly you lost this argument; and c) how your claim that it would have been a "blip" had it been a Democrat stems from a deranged rightie who sees the world through rightard-tinted glasses.

John Edwards, Gary Hart, Anthony Weiner, among many others, proves you wrong.

NOt my fault you felt you had to go back that far for a good comparison scandal.
Your pretense that the main stream media is not an arm of the democratic party is pathetic nonsense.

I hope you are not so deluded as to actually believe that.

Arm of the Democratic Party?

Republicans like Trump would not get away with the crap they do if it were

What do you imagine that Trump is getting away with?

And just to make sure we are on the same page, since you seem to be communicating from an alternate universe, we are talking about a Donald Trump who is running for President, right?

Trump has gotten away with more transgressions than any candidate in history

Gary Hart was toast merely for being photographed with Donna Rice on his lap

Trump mocks POWs, Mocks the handicapped, is derisive towards women, openly brags about grabbing pussy, brags about not paying taxes....

Yet still moves on

Those are lies.

Trump mocked a grumpy old man who had insulted his supporters, trump mocked a vile reporter who deserved it, trump has mocked specific women who have attacked him, Trump has bragged about women being attracted to his wealth and fame (see definition of word "let"), and we all pay as little taxes as we can.

If McCain is grumpy and insults your supporters ...attack what he said, don't attack him for being captured in defense of his country

If a reporter says something you disagree with...attack what he said and why he is wrong, don't encourage your supporters to mock his handicap

If women say things you don't like...attack what they said, don't call them fat pigs, ugly or having their period

Like Michelle Obama said, its human decency

1. Your request that Republicans take the high road, while you dems fight dirty is rejected. McCain was a grumpy old man who attacked Trump supporters and was insulted back in turn.

2. YOur request that Republicans take the high road while you dems fight dirty is rejected. The reporter's handicap was such that he FROZEN JOINTS, not spastic flailing. The media is lying about Trump mocking a disability. He was mocking the reporter who deserved it.

3. Your request that the Republicans take the high road while you dems fight dirty is rejected. Megan Kelly betrayed her professional responsibility, behaved unethically and deserved to be called on her bullshit.

4. Meanwhile you libs are happy to personally smear just about EVERYONE who disagrees with you, one at a time or a half the country at a time. Or have you never considered the implication of calling someone a "racist"? Or "deplorable"? YOur don't get to sling so much vile mud and then whine when someone uses far less offensive language BACK at you.

Well, you do. But I am here to call you on it.

I didn't.

The media, and the foolish republicans who give them ANY credibility did.

You, with your support of their actions, share the blame.
Blame for what? Cain stepping down? That was his choice.

Blame for their actions.

Much like the repubicans got slammed for their actions. Before they were taught that sex doesn't matter.

THe media still has that slam coming.
Your continued whining is noted and dismissed. Herman Cain is still responsible for his actions.

Only to his wife.

The media was WAY out of line.
Says you. Cain's actions said othewise.

That fact that the media's vile actions were successful in no way supports your position that they were in the right to do what they did.

Try to be less stupid.
Arm of the Democratic Party?

Republicans like Trump would not get away with the crap they do if it were

What do you imagine that Trump is getting away with?

And just to make sure we are on the same page, since you seem to be communicating from an alternate universe, we are talking about a Donald Trump who is running for President, right?

Trump has gotten away with more transgressions than any candidate in history

Gary Hart was toast merely for being photographed with Donna Rice on his lap

Trump mocks POWs, Mocks the handicapped, is derisive towards women, openly brags about grabbing pussy, brags about not paying taxes....

Yet still moves on

Those are lies.

Trump mocked a grumpy old man who had insulted his supporters, trump mocked a vile reporter who deserved it, trump has mocked specific women who have attacked him, Trump has bragged about women being attracted to his wealth and fame (see definition of word "let"), and we all pay as little taxes as we can.

If McCain is grumpy and insults your supporters ...attack what he said, don't attack him for being captured in defense of his country

If a reporter says something you disagree with...attack what he said and why he is wrong, don't encourage your supporters to mock his handicap

If women say things you don't like...attack what they said, don't call them fat pigs, ugly or having their period

Like Michelle Obama said, its human decency

1. Your request that Republicans take the high road, while you dems fight dirty is rejected. McCain was a grumpy old man who attacked Trump supporters and was insulted back in turn.

2. YOur request that Republicans take the high road while you dems fight dirty is rejected. The reporter's handicap was such that he FROZEN JOINTS, not spastic flailing. The media is lying about Trump mocking a disability. He was mocking the reporter who deserved it.

3. Your request that the Republicans take the high road while you dems fight dirty is rejected. Megan Kelly betrayed her professional responsibility, behaved unethically and deserved to be called on her bullshit.

4. Meanwhile you libs are happy to personally smear just about EVERYONE who disagrees with you, one at a time or a half the country at a time. Or have you never considered the implication of calling someone a "racist"? Or "deplorable"? YOur don't get to sling so much vile mud and then whine when someone uses far less offensive language BACK at you.

Well, you do. But I am here to call you on it.


Odd what you call the high road

McCain called Trump supporters nuts (they are nuts as you know very well)
Trump should have stood up for his supporters and condemned McCain for what he said
Attacking POWs for being captured does nothing to prove that Trump supporters are not nuts. If anything, it proves they are nuts for supporting a candidate who would attack those who are defending their country
1. Credible.

2. Cain was the leader is the polls in a crowed field, until he was dogpiled.

3. HE did. You are a race baiting asshole.

1) Uh, no, when you say you saw someone's dick and describe it wrong, you have no crediblity.

2) Cain was never leading in the polls. And he was crashing and burning before we found out he was groping the White women.


3) Trump refuses to denounce Duke.

Donald Trump's absurd claim that he knows nothing about former KKK leader David Duke

1. When you believe BIll Clinton in a sexual harassment case, you have no credibility. Jones was credible.

2. YOur own graph shows Cain was leading in the polls for two good months. You are so biased that you can't even objectively read a graph.

3. Yes, he did. He did before that incident. HE did after that incident. The reporters are fucking assholes for even asking the question, and you are a dupe of Duke's by supporting the idea that he is significant.
Jones was not credible. Her suit was thrown out due to lack of merit.

Actually, the case was initially dismissed because the Judge claimed that Jones could show no harm.

Which is nonsense. And VERY DIFFERENT from "lack of merit".

Were you lied to, or were you lying?
2. YOur request that Republicans take the high road while you dems fight dirty is rejected. The reporter's handicap was such that he FROZEN JOINTS, not spastic flailing. The media is lying about Trump mocking a disability. He was mocking the reporter who deserved it.

Trump not doing good impressions is not a defense

When you start a sentence with "Have you seen this guy?" It is clear what you are mocking
No one with a disability deserves to be mocked for it
3. Whites have been and still are, by a good margin the majority of this country and men are far more likely to run for office than women. To that that is a strike against republicans just shows that you are bad at math.

Okay, but the Democrats elected a black man and are about to elect a woman. So it seems they have this down.

But you keep nominating white men.

You present me, and/or the GOP with a woman or a black or anyone or anything, that has a set of policies or a resume or a campaign that fits what we want out of a candidate, and we will support that candidate.

We judge candidates based on what they have to offer.

Your dem inability to understand that can be seen in how you kept trying to make an issue of Romney's religion and how you failed at doing so.

WE have that down, ie judging candidates, (or people) on their actions and/or the content of their character, not their skin color or their gender.

But you keep checking off boxes.
Bullshit. Many on the right just can't seem to find any blacks or women they think are as capable as white men.

Actually to choose a certain individual candidate over another, they should be MORE capable than the other candidate. You dumb ass.

Do you think that Ben Carson was more capable than Donald Trump?

I actually don't care. It was a trick question.

Ben Carson's appeal was more to social conservatives, my support of Donald Trump stemmed from his Trade and Immigration issues.

That you assume that my decision had ANYTHING TO do with the skin color or gender of the candidates in question, is just you having a bad opinion of me. A completely unsupported opinion.

I would LIKE for the final candidate to be a woman or a black. Just to see the pretzel logic that you libs would twist your little brains in to rationalize it away.

BUT, I will not pass over, imo, better candidate in favor of a lesser candidate based on such petty concerns.

Do you have any doubt that if it came down to Ben Carson vs Hillary Clinton that there would be ANY hesitation on my part for voting for the "black"?

Rhetorical question. Only a complete moron would think so.
Last edited:
Blame for what? Cain stepping down? That was his choice.

Blame for their actions.

Much like the repubicans got slammed for their actions. Before they were taught that sex doesn't matter.

THe media still has that slam coming.
Your continued whining is noted and dismissed. Herman Cain is still responsible for his actions.

Only to his wife.

The media was WAY out of line.
Says you. Cain's actions said othewise.

Cain was a marginal candidate, who quickly disappeared from the race

Problem with Republicans is they have too many candidates unwilling to drop out. That is how we got Trump

It was a packed field. Lots of candidates disappeared quickly from the race. Your dismissal of Cain is just you not being willing to face the fact that your belief system of the GOP being racist, is complete, self serving bullshit.

Sure. The Establishment types split the anti-Trump vote this time.

Makes up for when Hucklebee split the Conservative vote and gave us McCain.

We Republicans have primaries where the voters actually get to influence the election. I know that is weird for a dem.

What do you imagine that Trump is getting away with?

And just to make sure we are on the same page, since you seem to be communicating from an alternate universe, we are talking about a Donald Trump who is running for President, right?

Trump has gotten away with more transgressions than any candidate in history

Gary Hart was toast merely for being photographed with Donna Rice on his lap

Trump mocks POWs, Mocks the handicapped, is derisive towards women, openly brags about grabbing pussy, brags about not paying taxes....

Yet still moves on

Those are lies.

Trump mocked a grumpy old man who had insulted his supporters, trump mocked a vile reporter who deserved it, trump has mocked specific women who have attacked him, Trump has bragged about women being attracted to his wealth and fame (see definition of word "let"), and we all pay as little taxes as we can.

If McCain is grumpy and insults your supporters ...attack what he said, don't attack him for being captured in defense of his country

If a reporter says something you disagree with...attack what he said and why he is wrong, don't encourage your supporters to mock his handicap

If women say things you don't like...attack what they said, don't call them fat pigs, ugly or having their period

Like Michelle Obama said, its human decency

1. Your request that Republicans take the high road, while you dems fight dirty is rejected. McCain was a grumpy old man who attacked Trump supporters and was insulted back in turn.

2. YOur request that Republicans take the high road while you dems fight dirty is rejected. The reporter's handicap was such that he FROZEN JOINTS, not spastic flailing. The media is lying about Trump mocking a disability. He was mocking the reporter who deserved it.

3. Your request that the Republicans take the high road while you dems fight dirty is rejected. Megan Kelly betrayed her professional responsibility, behaved unethically and deserved to be called on her bullshit.

4. Meanwhile you libs are happy to personally smear just about EVERYONE who disagrees with you, one at a time or a half the country at a time. Or have you never considered the implication of calling someone a "racist"? Or "deplorable"? YOur don't get to sling so much vile mud and then whine when someone uses far less offensive language BACK at you.

Well, you do. But I am here to call you on it.


Odd what you call the high road

McCain called Trump supporters nuts (they are nuts as you know very well)
Trump should have stood up for his supporters and condemned McCain for what he said
Attacking POWs for being captured does nothing to prove that Trump supporters are not nuts. If anything, it proves they are nuts for supporting a candidate who would attack those who are defending their country

1. McCain insulted Trump's supporters and Trump insulted McCain personally back. That should be the end of it.

2. Your opinion on what Trump should have done is noted. And dismissed as you do NOT have the best interests of the Republicans at heart.

3. Trump supporters are good people who have real issues. YOur dismissal and constant smearing of them is just you being as asshole.
Blame for their actions.

Much like the repubicans got slammed for their actions. Before they were taught that sex doesn't matter.

THe media still has that slam coming.
Your continued whining is noted and dismissed. Herman Cain is still responsible for his actions.

Only to his wife.

The media was WAY out of line.
Says you. Cain's actions said othewise.

Cain was a marginal candidate, who quickly disappeared from the race

Problem with Republicans is they have too many candidates unwilling to drop out. That is how we got Trump

It was a packed field. Lots of candidates disappeared quickly from the race. Your dismissal of Cain is just you not being willing to face the fact that your belief system of the GOP being racist, is complete, self serving bullshit.

Sure. The Establishment types split the anti-Trump vote this time.

Makes up for when Hucklebee split the Conservative vote and gave us McCain.

We Republicans have primaries where the voters actually get to influence the election. I know that is weird for a dem.


Republicans are unable to say...enough

It hurt them in 2012, when clear choice Romney had to continue to fight against candidates who did not have a chance like Backmann, Santorum and Gingrich

It destroyed the party in 2016 when they ended up selecting a totally unqualified candidate because Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Christie refused to drop out
2. YOur request that Republicans take the high road while you dems fight dirty is rejected. The reporter's handicap was such that he FROZEN JOINTS, not spastic flailing. The media is lying about Trump mocking a disability. He was mocking the reporter who deserved it.

Trump not doing good impressions is not a defense

When you start a sentence with "Have you seen this guy?" It is clear what you are mocking
No one with a disability deserves to be mocked for it

As his impression of the guy did NOT match his disability, it is NOT clear what he was mocking.

Not surprisingly you lefties have spun it to in the worst possible light. Because you are dishonest.

There are other aspects of the man that it could be. The reporter is not solely his disability.

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