The Destructive Effects of Government

As noted earlier. The bulk of stores closed are in very conservative states, so obviously--as with every thread you have posted, you didn't do the 43 seconds of research necessary to realize that your premise is 100% false.

View attachment 61916

The premise was 'proven' right in the OP.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

“Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

Clean off your specs, an read more carefully next time.

And, to show that there are no hard feelings, some information that may save your life, old timer:
The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades

Then what is your explanation for all the stores that closed in the regressive states?

I never offered one.

I'll assume that this post is your attempt at an apology.

If so....accepted.

So you acknowledge that the facts are in conflict with your assertion
View attachment 61917

When you're in a hole such as the one you dug for yourself....stop digging.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

“Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

I just proved the import of the OP.

If you'd like a different assertion to prove....start a thread.

The ineluctable conclusion is that Democrat pols cost 400 workers their jobs by meddling where they don't belong.
It is a well trod path by Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives.....none of whom believe in the free market.

Did I mention that almost all the closed stores were in red states. If so I apologize. Here is the graphic I was referring to:

I guess the decisive factor must have been something entirely different than the lunacy in the OP.
More evidence of the truth of the title of this thread:

"According to the 2016 Index of Economic Freedom, an annual publication by The Heritage Foundation, America’s economic freedom has tumbled. With losses of economic freedom in eight of the past nine years, the U.S. has tied its worst score ever, wiping out a decade of progress. Since early2009:

· Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.

· The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.

· The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.

· Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation."
America’s Economic Freedom Has Rapidly Declined Under Obama

"It is painfully clear that our economy has been performing far below its potential, with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs being squeezed by the proliferation of big government bureaucracy and regulations."

Clearly, skin color is neither a valid reason for discriminating against....nor for election.

Who are the dolts who voted for the unmitigated failure in the White House?

Apologize now!
The premise was 'proven' right in the OP.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

“Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

Clean off your specs, an read more carefully next time.

And, to show that there are no hard feelings, some information that may save your life, old timer:
The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades

Then what is your explanation for all the stores that closed in the regressive states?

I never offered one.

I'll assume that this post is your attempt at an apology.

If so....accepted.

So you acknowledge that the facts are in conflict with your assertion
View attachment 61917

When you're in a hole such as the one you dug for yourself....stop digging.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

“Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

I just proved the import of the OP.

If you'd like a different assertion to prove....start a thread.

The ineluctable conclusion is that Democrat pols cost 400 workers their jobs by meddling where they don't belong.
It is a well trod path by Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives.....none of whom believe in the free market.

A narcissist is someone who actually believes the picture of them with their hand in the cookie jar is a fiction, and that everyone else is wrong and a thousand words are better than one picture.

Look who's here: the same moron who never brings anything to the table.

Here's your pat on the scurry off to the last seat in the dumb row.
The premise was 'proven' right in the OP.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

“Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

Clean off your specs, an read more carefully next time.

And, to show that there are no hard feelings, some information that may save your life, old timer:
The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades

Then what is your explanation for all the stores that closed in the regressive states?

I never offered one.

I'll assume that this post is your attempt at an apology.

If so....accepted.

So you acknowledge that the facts are in conflict with your assertion
View attachment 61917

When you're in a hole such as the one you dug for yourself....stop digging.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

“Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

I just proved the import of the OP.

If you'd like a different assertion to prove....start a thread.

The ineluctable conclusion is that Democrat pols cost 400 workers their jobs by meddling where they don't belong.
It is a well trod path by Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives.....none of whom believe in the free market.

Did I mention that almost all the closed stores were in red states. If so I apologize. Here is the graphic I was referring to:
View attachment 61918
I guess the decisive factor must have been something entirely different than the lunacy in the OP.

Since, twice now, you've posted nothing that has to do with the story of government debilitation as described in the article, one is left with the impression that you are desperately in search of some way to blunt the truth revealed.

Too late.

Everyone except the indelibly the truth about Democrats, big government, and Obama.

Of course, the more astute new it early on.

But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”
More evidence of the truth of the title of this thread:

"According to the 2016 Index of Economic Freedom, an annual publication by The Heritage Foundation, America’s economic freedom has tumbled. With losses of economic freedom in eight of the past nine years, the U.S. has tied its worst score ever, wiping out a decade of progress. Since early2009:

· Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.

· The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.

· The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.

· Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation."
America’s Economic Freedom Has Rapidly Declined Under Obama

"It is painfully clear that our economy has been performing far below its potential, with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs being squeezed by the proliferation of big government bureaucracy and regulations."

Clearly, skin color is neither a valid reason for discriminating against....nor for election.

Who are the dolts who voted for the unmitigated failure in the White House?

Apologize now!

The DailySignal?

The Daily Signal is an American news website founded in June 2014. The publication focuses on politics, culture, and under-reported stories. It is published by The Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An undergrad who used once source in a term paper would not pass the course, a journalist who reported on an issue using only one source is not a journalist, and a narcissist whose sole role in life is to insult everyone who disagrees with her is one sick puppy.
More evidence of the truth of the title of this thread:

But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”

"It is painfully clear that our economy has been performing far below its potential, with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs being squeezed by the proliferation of big government bureaucracy and regulations."

Clearly, skin color is neither a valid reason for discriminating against....nor for election.

Who are the dolts who voted for the unmitigated failure in the White House?

Apologize now!

The DailySignal?

The Daily Signal is an American news website founded in June 2014. The publication focuses on politics, culture, and under-reported stories. It is published by The Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An undergrad who used once source in a term paper would not pass the course, a journalist who reported on an issue using only one source is not a journalist, and a narcissist whose sole role in life is to insult everyone who disagrees with her is one sick puppy.

There is a certain level of moron.....your type.....who attempts to dodge the facts by claiming that they are not presented by a source they accept.

Not that the facts aren't true, correct, and accurate....but who has provided them.

Now...if that were an ethical and authentic rebuttal.....then that same individual would stop using Arabic numerals because of the attacks on America, 9/11.

Just to rub your face in are those facts, again....
"According to the 2016 Index of Economic Freedom, an annual publication by The Heritage Foundation, America’s economic freedom has tumbled. With losses of economic freedom in eight of the past nine years, the U.S. has tied its worst score ever, wiping out a decade of progress. Since early2009:

· Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.

· The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.

· The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.

· Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation."
America’s Economic Freedom Has Rapidly Declined Under Obama

"It is painfully clear that our economy has been performing far below its potential, with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs being squeezed by the proliferation of big government bureaucracy and regulations."

Pretend you have a brain....and try to deny them.

More evidence of the truth of the title of this thread:

But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”

"It is painfully clear that our economy has been performing far below its potential, with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs being squeezed by the proliferation of big government bureaucracy and regulations."

Clearly, skin color is neither a valid reason for discriminating against....nor for election.

Who are the dolts who voted for the unmitigated failure in the White House?

Apologize now!

The DailySignal?

The Daily Signal is an American news website founded in June 2014. The publication focuses on politics, culture, and under-reported stories. It is published by The Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An undergrad who used once source in a term paper would not pass the course, a journalist who reported on an issue using only one source is not a journalist, and a narcissist whose sole role in life is to insult everyone who disagrees with her is one sick puppy.

There is a certain level of moron.....your type.....who attempts to dodge the facts by claiming that they are not presented by a source they accept.

Not that the facts aren't true, correct, and accurate....but who has provided them.

Now...if that were an ethical and authentic rebuttal.....then that same individual would stop using Arabic numerals because of the attacks on America, 9/11.

Just to rub your face in are those facts, again....
"According to the 2016 Index of Economic Freedom, an annual publication by The Heritage Foundation, America’s economic freedom has tumbled. With losses of economic freedom in eight of the past nine years, the U.S. has tied its worst score ever, wiping out a decade of progress. Since early2009:

· Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.

· The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.

· The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.

· Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation."
America’s Economic Freedom Has Rapidly Declined Under Obama

"It is painfully clear that our economy has been performing far below its potential, with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs being squeezed by the proliferation of big government bureaucracy and regulations."

Pretend you have a brain....and try to deny them.


Waiting? Hmm...OK, I''ll have three eggs over easy on WW Toast (dry), a glass of grapefruit juice and green tea.

BTW, don't bet on the horse which enters the gate tail first. My tip to you for the day.
The DailySignal?

The Daily Signal is an American news website founded in June 2014. The publication focuses on politics, culture, and under-reported stories. It is published by The Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An undergrad who used once source in a term paper would not pass the course, a journalist who reported on an issue using only one source is not a journalist, and a narcissist whose sole role in life is to insult everyone who disagrees with her is one sick puppy.
This is why

A) she never attended any schooling beyond H.S.


B) They merely took her $$$ (tuition) and "pushed" her through

Her sourcing is laughable.
More evidence of the truth of the title of this thread:

But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”

"It is painfully clear that our economy has been performing far below its potential, with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs being squeezed by the proliferation of big government bureaucracy and regulations."

Clearly, skin color is neither a valid reason for discriminating against....nor for election.

Who are the dolts who voted for the unmitigated failure in the White House?

Apologize now!

The DailySignal?

The Daily Signal is an American news website founded in June 2014. The publication focuses on politics, culture, and under-reported stories. It is published by The Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An undergrad who used once source in a term paper would not pass the course, a journalist who reported on an issue using only one source is not a journalist, and a narcissist whose sole role in life is to insult everyone who disagrees with her is one sick puppy.

There is a certain level of moron.....your type.....who attempts to dodge the facts by claiming that they are not presented by a source they accept.

Not that the facts aren't true, correct, and accurate....but who has provided them.

Now...if that were an ethical and authentic rebuttal.....then that same individual would stop using Arabic numerals because of the attacks on America, 9/11.

Just to rub your face in are those facts, again....
"According to the 2016 Index of Economic Freedom, an annual publication by The Heritage Foundation, America’s economic freedom has tumbled. With losses of economic freedom in eight of the past nine years, the U.S. has tied its worst score ever, wiping out a decade of progress. Since early2009:

· Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.

· The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.

· The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.

· Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation."
America’s Economic Freedom Has Rapidly Declined Under Obama

"It is painfully clear that our economy has been performing far below its potential, with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs being squeezed by the proliferation of big government bureaucracy and regulations."

Pretend you have a brain....and try to deny them.


Placed on the table, and ignored:

"An undergrad who used one source in a term paper would not pass the course, a journalist who reported on an issue using only one source is not a journalist, and a narcissist whose sole role in life is to insult everyone who disagrees with her is one sick puppy."
Yes PC, I have concluded you are one sick puppy. I have put facts on the table, facts empirically investigated by reading your many many threads. They come in one single form:

1. The Troll
2. The Evidence (Appeal to obscure Authorities)
3. The Ad Hominem (Personal Attacks on those who do not agree)
4. The Claim (Of omniscient knowledge)

Yes, you are really that simple.

I never lie.

Does that make you jealous?

I proved you lie a couple days ago when you called me a liar for saying you believe abortion is murder. Now you're lying about lying.

I never lie...but let's rub your face in it: quote any lie in the OP.

Once you admit to lying about your position on abortion I'd be glad to.

if you thought a fetus is alive then yes abortion would be murder.

I think my appendix is alive but I don't ever expect to be charged with murder if I have it out.

That is because you appendix isn't alive so it wouldn't count as murder. Perhaps you should read and comprehend properly before saying anything. if the fetus is alive then it would be considered murder.
The premise was 'proven' right in the OP.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

“Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

Clean off your specs, an read more carefully next time.

And, to show that there are no hard feelings, some information that may save your life, old timer:
The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades

Then what is your explanation for all the stores that closed in the regressive states?

I never offered one.

I'll assume that this post is your attempt at an apology.

If so....accepted.

So you acknowledge that the facts are in conflict with your assertion
View attachment 61917

When you're in a hole such as the one you dug for yourself....stop digging.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

“Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

I just proved the import of the OP.

If you'd like a different assertion to prove....start a thread.

The ineluctable conclusion is that Democrat pols cost 400 workers their jobs by meddling where they don't belong.
It is a well trod path by Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives.....none of whom believe in the free market.

Did I mention that almost all the closed stores were in red states. If so I apologize. Here is the graphic I was referring to:
View attachment 61918
I guess the decisive factor must have been something entirely different than the lunacy in the OP.

We really don't know what made walmart close those stores. My guess is that they were in rural areas and suffer from low foot traffic. I know a lot of other stores are cutting the fat by doing the same thing. I know Macy's is doing that as well. Perhaps it just makes sense to do so considering this is a generation that has no money.
Maybe they are worried that 90% of their goods will be subject to Trump's tariff. Who knows? All I can say for certain is that where they are located, the OP cannot possibly be describing the situation accurately
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.

Do you think people should be allowed to only pay the taxes they like,

or do you believe that the democratic process based on our Constitution and the governance of this country should decide what taxes you must pay?
Placed on the table, and ignored:

"An undergrad who used one source in a term paper would not pass the course, a journalist who reported on an issue using only one source is not a journalist, and a narcissist whose sole role in life is to insult everyone who disagrees with her is one sick puppy."
Yes PC, I have concluded you are one sick puppy. I have put facts on the table, facts empirically investigated by reading your many many threads. They come in one single form:

1. The Troll
2. The Evidence (Appeal to obscure Authorities)
3. The Ad Hominem (Personal Attacks on those who do not agree)
4. The Claim (Of omniscient knowledge)

Yes, you are really that simple.
^ that
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.

Except when you get in a car crash we are required to care for you even if you don't have insurance .

Or would u rather have a system where we just let uncovered people just die in the streets ?
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?

Obama thinks you need health insurance.

Everyone needs health insurance.

Everyone is now forced to do so or pay a hefty fine.
So much for freedom from government, it now no longer exists.

Except when you get in a car crash we are required to care for you even if you don't have insurance .

Or would u rather have a system where we just let uncovered people just die in the streets ?

I prefer a system that is truly a free market for those that need it.
Set it up like the ones that are already working very well in this Country.
Doing it this way does not force anyone.

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