The Difference Between 'Overwhelmed' And 'Treason'


I'd encourage everyone to read that final report I shared previusly in the thread.

I think you'll find it far more revealing, vertainly far more valuable, than the low-value propaganda.
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'I thought we could trust the Taliban.....'
I think that pointing fingers is a worthless distraction from the real problem.

But since we're here and since since finger pointing seems to be the only way Americans discuss the issues these days, Bush is noticeably missing from the exercise. Why is that?

I think it's a fair question since most of the revived saber-rattling seems to be coming from the Bushbots as they come out of the wood work.
My issue is with the trump supporters who never found fault with trump's divisiveness, constant lying
and general bad decisions and behavior. They are quick to jump on Biden for nonsensical stuff.
Of course you would, snowflake. :auiqs.jpg:

I bet you would withdraw all of the military from Afghanistan before making sure US citizens are out, just like Joe, right?

I bet you would abandon a secure air base that has 2 runways for the impossible-to-defend International airport that has only 1 runway and is easier to surround, just like Joe, right?

And I bet you would Trust the Taliban - surrounded the airport, set-up checkpoints, seized / destroyed Americans' passports, beat Americans bloody, are impeding US evacuation attempts, are pulling Afghanis out of line and going door-to-door to find them, pull them out onto the street, and then execute them, who have released thousands of the worst, hard-core Al Qaeda, Taliban, and ISIS terrorists - with the entire protection of Americans and the evacuation effort, just like Joe, right?

And I am almost positive YOU would give these Taliban terrorists the names / identities of every American in Afghanistan and Afghani who has worked with the US over the last 20 years, just like Joe did, right?

In Joe's case, you can't fix or cure STUPID or DEMENTIA, but you can Impeach it / remove it from office. In your case, all you can do is avoid / ignore it.
You would lose the bet, punkin'. The name of the game is pragmatism and unintended consequences
of actions. You only see what is in front of you since you don't have access to the facts. There are unintended consequences for whatever is done in Afghanastan and they need to be analyzed, and not by an ignorant trumpecile like you.
Do you think you're the only one around here who has ever laced up a pair of boots, boy?
Boy? I know you haven't, snowflake. You and your faggoty little liberal Marxist 'woke' America-hating propaganda-spouting pussies who support proven Marxist traitors, criminals, and failed politicians love to blame everyone else for the problems incompetent, brain-damaged, career failures like Joe is responsible for, and when someone offends you with the truth you laughably call them 'racists' and wilt from reality.

The truth is Biden and his failed appointees did just about everything wrong they possibly could have, starting with taking the troops out before evacuating civilians, followed by Joe refusing to listen to his Intel and Military advisors. He then lied to the American people, lied to our allies at the G7 Summit when he promised he would secure Kabul - not just an airport - and protect the citizens of our allies. shrinking back inside the airport with no buffer and allowing terrorists - to include thousands of the most vile / vicious recently released Al Qaeda and ISIS prisoners - to surround the airport was pulling a 'Custer' / 'Alamo'. Tactically and strategically speaking, almost everything they did was egregious.

Giving terrorists who were already working / fighting against you a list of every American and every Afghani who had helped the US the last 20 years was signing their death warrants and amounted to treason.

Instead of admitting the obvious you try to sound tough on some message board, only proving you have no idea what you are talking about and letting your partisanship overrule your tiny snowflake mind.


He's done a bang-up job, so far. As Barry said, 'Never underestimate Joe's ability to fu@k things up'. :p
I don't know why conservatives are so giddy over this delusion that Biden is going to step down. Who wants to see Kamala Harris as president? Her approval rating is in the toilet and she has already shown she is incompetent in the Number 2 seat. The country is far better off with Biden at the helm than Harris, which, granted, is not saying much.
My issue is with the trump supporters who never found fault with trump's divisiveness, constant lying
and general bad decisions and behavior. They are quick to jump on Biden for nonsensical stuff.
Snowflakes are always quick to falsely claim anyone who supported Trump never found fault with his divisiveness. I supported Trump and was accused of the same thing, and just like it is with most everyone else it was false with med.

Trump was abrasive, but you can't argue with a lot of his successes. One of the things I can't stand about snowflakes is they refuse to give him credit for anything, and he had a lot to give credit for:
- Lowest unemployment rate for blacks EVER
- Lowest unemployment rate for Latinos EVER
- Lowest unemployment rate for Asians EVER
- Lowest unemployment rate for women EVER
- Lowest unemployment rate for young adults EVER
- Most number of Americans working at one time EVER

These are documented, reported, recorded FACTS, yet die-hard Trump-hating snowflakes refuser to admit them...and more....because he sent out mean tweets...

Trump was abrasive, but he was 50 times better than the corrupt, influence-peddling scandal queen, and he's 100 times better that dementia Joe, a guy whose entire sold influence, engaged in Russian money laundering, took millions from the CCP, engaged in family porn movies on the side, Biden was proven tpo have taken millions from the CCP and Russia while running for President, has had non-stop scandals since he has been in, and now this embarrassing disaster...and because these facts OFFEND some people who find reality uncomfortable they will lash out, attack me, and will do everything they can to try to claim this disaster in Afghanistan is somehow not Joe's fault.

Joe declared the buck stops with him....snowflakes say he is a liar because NOTHING stops with Biden - its all someone else's fault.

Sorry, I would rather put up with someone who is abrasive and puts out mean tweets than a dementia-suffering puppet who just got 13 Americans murdered and a lot more injured / killed.


'Can I just go back to my basement now?'
I don't know why conservatives are so giddy over this delusion that Biden is going to step down. Who wants to see Kamala Harris as president? Her approval rating is in the toilet and she has already shown she is incompetent in the Number 2 seat. The country is far better off with Biden at the helm than Harris, which, granted, is not saying much.
No one is 'giddy' about Joe stepping down. Joe NEEDS to step down based on the horrific job he is doing, the damage he is doing, and the obvious fact that he is neither mentally or physically up to the job.
Today's right wing outrage machine lies, brought to you by one of Sleazy's favourite "Questionable Sources"

If Sleazy didn't have Russian propaganda and questionable sources, he'd never post.

if this is proven true how would you react? would you call it treason?
I don't know why conservatives are so giddy over this delusion that Biden is going to step down. Who wants to see Kamala Harris as president? Her approval rating is in the toilet and she has already shown she is incompetent in the Number 2 seat. The country is far better off with Biden at the helm than Harris, which, granted, is not saying much.

Well. Firstly, I would challenge your use of the phrase 'conservative' in this context. There are very few conservatives left in America. Very few. But that's another discussion completely. I guess.

Agreed on your latter point, though.

Unfortunately, everything is seen through a blue vs red lens these days. As if there's really much difference in leadership at that level of politics.

Placing it aside, it is extremely unlikely that Biden will be stepping down. Or removed for that matter.
Because compared to the clusterfuck that was Donald Trump, people have pretty much forgotten about W, and are actually remembering him fondly. George W. Bush may have been an incompetent boob but he was a likeable guy.

Trump is not only incompetent at a level that makes W look like a Rhodes Scholar, but it's simply an unlikeable, vile and disgusting piece of shit, who tells every woman he wants to fuck that she reminds him of his daughter. Now there's a real hot turn on line that the ladies must love. EEEEEWWWWWW!!!

Nobody likes Trump. Everyone in the world laughs at him and his ridiculous comb-over, his lies, and his childish feuds with people.

The entire world has lost respect for the USA, simply because you were stupid enough to elect this clown as your President. It will take generations of better decisions by your electorate to change our minds.
…trump and bush have zero to do with xiden’s cluster f and the fact all our allies don’t trust us anymore because of it

xiden’s actions lead directly to the deadliest day in afghan for the US since obama was president, nearly a decade
Still waiting for Biden's vowed "swift response to any attack"...I predict crickets.

Once we leave in a few days we're gone for good and any strikes he orders will be misses except for numerous dead goats.
Like Trump told Hannity yesterday, Joe talks tough, but he isn't tough.
We'll return to playing whack-a-mole from a long distance combined with stale Intel.
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Boy? I know you haven't, snowflake. You and your faggoty little liberal Marxist 'woke' America-hating propaganda-spouting pussies who support proven Marxist traitors, criminals, and failed politicians love to blame everyone else for the problems incompetent, brain-damaged, career failures like Joe is responsible for, and when someone offends you with the truth you laughably call them 'racists' and wilt from reality.

The truth is Biden and his failed appointees did just about everything wrong they possibly could have, starting with taking the troops out before evacuating civilians, followed by Joe refusing to listen to his Intel and Military advisors. He then lied to the American people, lied to our allies at the G7 Summit when he promised he would secure Kabul - not just an airport - and protect the citizens of our allies. shrinking back inside the airport with no buffer and allowing terrorists - to include thousands of the most vile / vicious recently released Al Qaeda and ISIS prisoners - to surround the airport was pulling a 'Custer' / 'Alamo'. Tactically and strategically speaking, almost everything they did was egregious.

Giving terrorists who were already working / fighting against you a list of every American and every Afghani who had helped the US the last 20 years was signing their death warrants and amounted to treason.

Instead of admitting the obvious you try to sound tough on some message board, only proving you have no idea what you are talking about and letting your partisanship overrule your tiny snowflake mind.

He's done a bang-up job, so far. As Barry said, 'Never underestimate Joe's ability to fu@k things up'. :p

It seems to me that the only person acting tough here is you.

You clearly lack control over your emotions. You seem like a ticking time bomb to me.

Maybe try a pinch of St. John's wort or something.
What outrage? Commenting on today's politics isn't "outrage". I'm not here complaining that Joe Biden doesn't spend every waking moment on television answering press questions about what is happening in Afghanistan, while doing nothing about, or making things worse, as Trump always did in a crisis.

Trump went on TV every day in the covid crisis, blamed everyone but himself for the crisis, and demonstrated to everyone why he was unfit for office. Biden deals with the crisis, and then goes on TV takes full responsibility for it happening in the first place.

That's REAL leadership.
All you do is cry foul at stereotypes.

You'd bust an anurism if you ever tried to actually think.
Today's right wing outrage machine lies, brought to you by one of Sleazy's favourite "Questionable Sources"

If Sleazy didn't have Russian propaganda and questionable sources, he'd never post.

So none of that is happening hun? Remain ignorant.
What outrage? Commenting on today's politics isn't "outrage". I'm not here complaining that Joe Biden doesn't spend every waking moment on television answering press questions about what is happening in Afghanistan, while doing nothing about, or making things worse, as Trump always did in a crisis.

Trump went on TV every day in the covid crisis, blamed everyone but himself for the crisis, and demonstrated to everyone why he was unfit for office. Biden deals with the crisis, and then goes on TV takes full responsibility for it happening in the first place.

That's REAL leadership.
You need to stop posting while ingesting alcohol or other substances. Another whiny lying rant about Trump to ignore Biden’s colossal screw up.
Because compared to the clusterfuck that was Donald Trump, people have pretty much forgotten about W, and are actually remembering him fondly. George W. Bush may have been an incompetent boob but he was a likeable guy.

Trump is not only incompetent at a level that makes W look like a Rhodes Scholar, but it's simply an unlikeable, vile and disgusting piece of shit, who tells every woman he wants to fuck that she reminds him of his daughter. Now there's a real hot turn on line that the ladies must love. EEEEEWWWWWW!!!

Nobody likes Trump. Everyone in the world laughs at him and his ridiculous comb-over, his lies, and his childish feuds with people.

The entire world has lost respect for the USA, simply because you were stupid enough to elect this clown as your President. It will take generations of better decisions by your electorate to change our minds.
Hey clown, the world has lost respect for the U.S. because of BIDEN’S colossal failure here. Trump isn’t calling the shots here so shut up about him. By the way, nobody here cares YOU think. This is ALL on Biden. Period.
You would lose the bet, punkin'. The name of the game is pragmatism and unintended consequences
of actions. You only see what is in front of you since you don't have access to the facts. There are unintended consequences for whatever is done in Afghanastan and they need to be analyzed, and not by an ignorant trumpecile like you.
We’ve seen the consequences of Dimtards like you. The result being Biden getting over a dozen military people killed due to his incompetence. Crawl back under your rock and hang your head in shame for voting for this disaster.
What outrage? Commenting on today's politics isn't "outrage". I'm not here complaining that Joe Biden doesn't spend every waking moment on television answering press questions about what is happening in Afghanistan, while doing nothing about, or making things worse, as Trump always did in a crisis.

Trump went on TV every day in the covid crisis, blamed everyone but himself for the crisis, and demonstrated to everyone why he was unfit for office. Biden deals with the crisis, and then goes on TV takes full responsibility for it happening in the first place.

That's REAL leadership.
Sound the alarms!!! They're criticizing Quid Pro again!!!! Quick, to the ramparts and throw out the stuffed TRUMP! straw man!!!! We can't let them criticize Quid Pro because we can't defend him without TRUMP!!!!

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