The Difference Between 'Overwhelmed' And 'Treason'

I don't know why conservatives are so giddy over this delusion that Biden is going to step down. Who wants to see Kamala Harris as president? Her approval rating is in the toilet and she has already shown she is incompetent in the Number 2 seat. The country is far better off with Biden at the helm than Harris, which, granted, is not saying much.
this is funny after the bullshit attacks on Trump for shit that was made up.

Biden is fucking shit up in a way history will ream him for, rightfully so.

attack problems, not people
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The next problem will likely be an American hostage situation that will be a reminder of Iran and Jimmy Carter. I shudder to think how this incompetent administration will deal with that.
We’ve seen the consequences of Dimtards like you. The result being Biden getting over a dozen military people killed due to his incompetence. Crawl back under your rock and hang your head in shame for voting for this disaster.
Biden's incompetence caused the attack? Really? I am surprised that there weren't more attacks.
Biden's incompetence caused the attack? Really? I am surprised that there weren't more attacks.
YOu really should keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you’re a fool, rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
YOu really should keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you’re a fool, rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
How about you keeping your mouth shut instead, unless you can communicate without moronic remarks.

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