The difference

Tim Wise: ‘White America’ does not understand the racial realities of America

Is this a racist rant?

What this man is saying is quite valid. While a person cannot walk in another person's shoes, one can at least acknowledge what the other is going through or has gone through. Unfortunately, there is a large, though not a majority, of whites who maintain a state of denial and deflection about anything they don't want to discuss, race and other issues as well.. Hence the current right-wing movement to cleanse our history books of everything that makes European-descended people look bad. With these people, the fantasy of happy darkies and happy housewives preparing dinner in pearls while singing hymns and happy Mexicans mowing the lawn is paramount.

This is how we get the phenomenon of posters who first deny

Before the usual barrage of "white guilt," "libtard," blah, blah, blah, begins, let me point out that sometimes you have to take a good, hard look at reality, as well as your values.
Tim Wise: ‘White America’ does not understand the racial realities of America

Is this a racist rant?

What this man is saying is quite valid. While a person cannot walk in another person's shoes, one can at least acknowledge what the other is going through or has gone through. Unfortunately, there is a large, though not a majority, of whites who maintain a state of denial and deflection about anything they don't want to discuss, race and other issues as well.. Hence the current right-wing movement to cleanse our history books of everything that makes European-descended people look bad. With these people, the fantasy of happy darkies and happy housewives preparing dinner in pearls while singing hymns and happy Mexicans mowing the lawn is paramount.

This is how we get the phenomenon of posters who first deny

Before the usual barrage of "white guilt," "libtard," blah, blah, blah, begins, let me point out that sometimes you have to take a good, hard look at reality, as well as your values.

Exactly. Racism is not the only thing these right wingers have chosen to deny. Including fact.
Tim Wise: ‘White America’ does not understand the racial realities of America

Is this a racist rant?

What this man is saying is quite valid. While a person cannot walk in another person's shoes, one can at least acknowledge what the other is going through or has gone through. Unfortunately, there is a large, though not a majority, of whites who maintain a state of denial and deflection about anything they don't want to discuss, race and other issues as well.. Hence the current right-wing movement to cleanse our history books of everything that makes European-descended people look bad. With these people, the fantasy of happy darkies and happy housewives preparing dinner in pearls while singing hymns and happy Mexicans mowing the lawn is paramount.

This is how we get the phenomenon of posters who first deny

Before the usual barrage of "white guilt," "libtard," blah, blah, blah, begins, let me point out that sometimes you have to take a good, hard look at reality, as well as your values.

Exactly. Racism is not the only thing these right wingers have chosen to deny. Including fact.

The right-wingers talk about making the country great "again" without ever realizing that they are actually trying to tear it apart. My late father really liked the '60's expression "tell it like it is." You have to face the truth to solve problems. Learn from past mistakes.
Tim Wise: ‘White America’ does not understand the racial realities of America

Is this a racist rant?

What this man is saying is quite valid. While a person cannot walk in another person's shoes, one can at least acknowledge what the other is going through or has gone through. Unfortunately, there is a large, though not a majority, of whites who maintain a state of denial and deflection about anything they don't want to discuss, race and other issues as well.. Hence the current right-wing movement to cleanse our history books of everything that makes European-descended people look bad. With these people, the fantasy of happy darkies and happy housewives preparing dinner in pearls while singing hymns and happy Mexicans mowing the lawn is paramount.

This is how we get the phenomenon of posters who first deny

Before the usual barrage of "white guilt," "libtard," blah, blah, blah, begins, let me point out that sometimes you have to take a good, hard look at reality, as well as your values.

Exactly. Racism is not the only thing these right wingers have chosen to deny. Including fact.

The right-wingers talk about making the country great "again" without ever realizing that they are actually trying to tear it apart. My late father really liked the '60's expression "tell it like it is." You have to face the truth to solve problems. Learn from past mistakes.

They know what they are doing I think. They don't care if they tear this nation apart just as long as white supremacy is he rule.
Tim Wise: ‘White America’ does not understand the racial realities of America

Is this a racist rant?

What this man is saying is quite valid. While a person cannot walk in another person's shoes, one can at least acknowledge what the other is going through or has gone through. Unfortunately, there is a large, though not a majority, of whites who maintain a state of denial and deflection about anything they don't want to discuss, race and other issues as well.. Hence the current right-wing movement to cleanse our history books of everything that makes European-descended people look bad. With these people, the fantasy of happy darkies and happy housewives preparing dinner in pearls while singing hymns and happy Mexicans mowing the lawn is paramount.

This is how we get the phenomenon of posters who first deny

Before the usual barrage of "white guilt," "libtard," blah, blah, blah, begins, let me point out that sometimes you have to take a good, hard look at reality, as well as your values.

Exactly. Racism is not the only thing these right wingers have chosen to deny. Including fact.

The right-wingers talk about making the country great "again" without ever realizing that they are actually trying to tear it apart. My late father really liked the '60's expression "tell it like it is." You have to face the truth to solve problems. Learn from past mistakes.

They know what they are doing I think. They don't care if they tear this nation apart just as long as white supremacy is he rule.
I just watched "A Time To Kill" again, and there is zero difference between the Klan representation in that movie and the social conservatives talking points I read here.
If there are 10 violent crimes and 7 are committed by whites, the likelihood is that a white person commits the violent crime.

Flat ass no.. "LIKELIHOOD" has a very specific meaning if you apply it to a subset of criminals. Doesn't mean the likelihood of whites committing that crime is higher. Only means that they commit MORE of them due to their higher population number of that group..

Works for ANY subgroup. It could be the LIKELIHOOD or probability that felonies are committed more or less by ex-felons. It's meaningless without NORMALIZING for the size of that group... Felons commit a future felonies at a very high rate of probability compared to other demographics. But more than certainly, the number is far less than other populations.

Any time you COMPARE those subset populations, you MUST take into account the size of that population. If you're NOT comparing them -- no one cares what you do...
That's exactly where white privilege is spurred from. Social cons/white nationalists like to make the argument on "per capita" means, because using total would paint them in a negative light...a negative light that they have no qualms of denigrating minorities over. You use the term "black" to encompass all blacks, but when the same is done for whites, you show up and argue how we should all get along or pretend that social cons don't see race.

I'm a patient man. Let's talk this out. Whites commit more serious crimes than blacks because their subgroup is about 3 times larger. There's your argument. There's the explanation. NOW --

Why is it that blacks commit more serious crime than Asians? Or Hispanics? Your turn. Explain that using the definitions of probability or likelihood..

Because where blacks commit the violent crime, they are living like sardines infested with gang activity. Just like whites that live in trailer parks.

Why don't they leave the ghettos then? Do they not want to live in safer places where the local govts actually SERVE their citizens? What's the attraction to living segregated and in fear?

It would probably help if you read up on what "redlining" was and how it shaped the "ghettos" you see today. Just because you asked the question, lends me to believe that you are not cognizant on what people who a aren't white, deal with on a daily basis, and it's deeper than just being poor.
Flat ass no.. "LIKELIHOOD" has a very specific meaning if you apply it to a subset of criminals. Doesn't mean the likelihood of whites committing that crime is higher. Only means that they commit MORE of them due to their higher population number of that group..

Works for ANY subgroup. It could be the LIKELIHOOD or probability that felonies are committed more or less by ex-felons. It's meaningless without NORMALIZING for the size of that group... Felons commit a future felonies at a very high rate of probability compared to other demographics. But more than certainly, the number is far less than other populations.

Any time you COMPARE those subset populations, you MUST take into account the size of that population. If you're NOT comparing them -- no one cares what you do...
That's exactly where white privilege is spurred from. Social cons/white nationalists like to make the argument on "per capita" means, because using total would paint them in a negative light...a negative light that they have no qualms of denigrating minorities over. You use the term "black" to encompass all blacks, but when the same is done for whites, you show up and argue how we should all get along or pretend that social cons don't see race.

I'm a patient man. Let's talk this out. Whites commit more serious crimes than blacks because their subgroup is about 3 times larger. There's your argument. There's the explanation. NOW --

Why is it that blacks commit more serious crime than Asians? Or Hispanics? Your turn. Explain that using the definitions of probability or likelihood..

Because where blacks commit the violent crime, they are living like sardines infested with gang activity. Just like whites that live in trailer parks.

Why don't they leave the ghettos then? Do they not want to live in safer places where the local govts actually SERVE their citizens? What's the attraction to living segregated and in fear?

It would probably help if you read up on what "redlining" was and how it shaped the "ghettos" you see today. Just because you asked the question, lends me to believe that you are not cognizant on what people who a aren't white, deal with on a daily basis, and it's deeper than just being poor.

Flacaltenn is dumb. He came into this thread to troll. He's trying to take this thread off topic because he can't face what is said in the OP. He's a white dude from Tennessee and while all whites in the south are not like him, he is a classic southern white racist..
Tim Wise: ‘White America’ does not understand the racial realities of America

Is this a racist rant?

I'm not going to spend 8 minutes on a IM2 vid.

If anyone did watch it, I assume it boils down to, "We should all wallow in white guilt and just listen to our betters"?
You're simply not equipped to trash math and statistics. No. 4,935 people are not 13% of the US population. But then again that's a stupid statement. Would you EXPECT blacks to be killing and murdering 13% of the population ? :ack-1: Would 1% be awful? That's not how you would analyze it. It's meaningless.
Because if Whites murdered 42% of the population every year or even 1% --- you'd might see that on the news.. :rolleyes: That's meaningless to point out.

You would find out what PERCENTAGE of blacks killed someone in a year. The RATE per black person. And do the same for any other subgroup you wanted to compare to..

But I just did exactly that. And your rebuttal shows you cannot read or comprehend written language. The per capita argument is always that blacks are 13 percent if the pupation so.....

Need to follow thru on the math then. If the entire US Murder Rate is 1 per 20,000 (e.g.) than that percentage is 0.005% -- a VERY small number of the entire population. That's why comparing ANYTHING about a murder rate to 13% is just garbage. Because blacks are only 13% of the population. That 0.005% is the OVERALL murder rate (I'd need to check that figure).

Every number you pull is suspect and needs to be inspected for what it ACTUALLY SAYS. To defend yourself against number abuse --- you have to be constantly aware of the DETAILS of every number you use.. For instance. If you go the Wiki you find these numbers.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of African Americans victims were killed by African Americans.[49][50][51]

--- **** ---- Flacaltenn -- NOTE this is not number of MURDERS -- this is number of OFFENDERS. The number of actual lives TAKEN is NOT part of these numbers.Would have different results. That's what I mean about INTERPRETING every number carefully.. ---- **** -----

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 51.3%
White Americans (non-Hispanic Americans) 2,861 = 33.5%
Hispanic Americans 1,096 = 12.8%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.14%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.18%[52][53]

So the 4,379 is not much different than the number you used and threw at me for another year.. We learn that the TOTAL number of arrested homicide cases was 8536 for ALL offenders in 2013 (4379/0.513) . Since these numbers are just for homicide arrests, NOT MURDERS, the overall US rate in rate in 2013 using 315Mill as the full population was 0.0027%.. So to compare by race, any race having higher percentage of murderers charged is OVER-REPRESENTED. Any race having a lower percentage of murderers charged is UNDER-REPRESENTED.

By glancing at the numbers above we already KNOW that Blacks are WAY over-represented because they are 13% of the population but comprise 51% of the persons charged. So how do the rates work out when you calculate the percentage by population..

Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 (with 2016 population estimates) was:

0.0102% of Black or African American population (4,379/42,975,959)
0.0023% of American Indian or Alaska Native population (98/4,200,658)
0.0019% Hispanic American population (1,096/57,516,697)
0.0014% of White American (3,799/198,077,165)
0.001% of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander population (6/646,255)
0.0005% of Asian American population (101/18,418,268)[52][54]

Remember the rate of homicide arrests for the WHOLE population was a tiny 0.0027% and that any subset with a LARGER number is over-represented. So whites are about 1/2 as likely as the general population to be arrested for homicide (0,0014/0.0027) and blacks are more than 3.5 times MORE likely (0,0102/0.0027) to be arrested for homicide then the average for the WHOLE population and more than 7 times more likely (0.0102/0.0014) to be arrested for homicide than whites.

This is the only way to compare the carnage by racial rates.. And this is not rigorous. Depends on what question you ask and what the numbers actually are. If you used murders instead of arrests, the number would be slightly different. Or even if you used CONVICTIONS rather arrests -- the numbers would be slightly different still. Always ASK what the numbers actually are.

I used 2016 stats. Not 2013. Your numbers are wrong.

The PROCESS I showed you IS CORRECT for ANY year you want to do it. And the numbers in the Wiki are footnoted. So go find out where they came from and tell me that they are junk. I highly DOUBT they are inaccurate for that year.

The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.
But I just did exactly that. And your rebuttal shows you cannot read or comprehend written language. The per capita argument is always that blacks are 13 percent if the pupation so.....

Need to follow thru on the math then. If the entire US Murder Rate is 1 per 20,000 (e.g.) than that percentage is 0.005% -- a VERY small number of the entire population. That's why comparing ANYTHING about a murder rate to 13% is just garbage. Because blacks are only 13% of the population. That 0.005% is the OVERALL murder rate (I'd need to check that figure).

Every number you pull is suspect and needs to be inspected for what it ACTUALLY SAYS. To defend yourself against number abuse --- you have to be constantly aware of the DETAILS of every number you use.. For instance. If you go the Wiki you find these numbers.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of African Americans victims were killed by African Americans.[49][50][51]

--- **** ---- Flacaltenn -- NOTE this is not number of MURDERS -- this is number of OFFENDERS. The number of actual lives TAKEN is NOT part of these numbers.Would have different results. That's what I mean about INTERPRETING every number carefully.. ---- **** -----

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 51.3%
White Americans (non-Hispanic Americans) 2,861 = 33.5%
Hispanic Americans 1,096 = 12.8%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.14%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.18%[52][53]

So the 4,379 is not much different than the number you used and threw at me for another year.. We learn that the TOTAL number of arrested homicide cases was 8536 for ALL offenders in 2013 (4379/0.513) . Since these numbers are just for homicide arrests, NOT MURDERS, the overall US rate in rate in 2013 using 315Mill as the full population was 0.0027%.. So to compare by race, any race having higher percentage of murderers charged is OVER-REPRESENTED. Any race having a lower percentage of murderers charged is UNDER-REPRESENTED.

By glancing at the numbers above we already KNOW that Blacks are WAY over-represented because they are 13% of the population but comprise 51% of the persons charged. So how do the rates work out when you calculate the percentage by population..

Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 (with 2016 population estimates) was:

0.0102% of Black or African American population (4,379/42,975,959)
0.0023% of American Indian or Alaska Native population (98/4,200,658)
0.0019% Hispanic American population (1,096/57,516,697)
0.0014% of White American (3,799/198,077,165)
0.001% of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander population (6/646,255)
0.0005% of Asian American population (101/18,418,268)[52][54]

Remember the rate of homicide arrests for the WHOLE population was a tiny 0.0027% and that any subset with a LARGER number is over-represented. So whites are about 1/2 as likely as the general population to be arrested for homicide (0,0014/0.0027) and blacks are more than 3.5 times MORE likely (0,0102/0.0027) to be arrested for homicide then the average for the WHOLE population and more than 7 times more likely (0.0102/0.0014) to be arrested for homicide than whites.

This is the only way to compare the carnage by racial rates.. And this is not rigorous. Depends on what question you ask and what the numbers actually are. If you used murders instead of arrests, the number would be slightly different. Or even if you used CONVICTIONS rather arrests -- the numbers would be slightly different still. Always ASK what the numbers actually are.

I used 2016 stats. Not 2013. Your numbers are wrong.

The PROCESS I showed you IS CORRECT for ANY year you want to do it. And the numbers in the Wiki are footnoted. So go find out where they came from and tell me that they are junk. I highly DOUBT they are inaccurate for that year.

The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

Excellent example.. :clap: Only way science can ASSESS risk by subgroups. Actually also a part of drug trials or DNA analysis.
But I just did exactly that. And your rebuttal shows you cannot read or comprehend written language. The per capita argument is always that blacks are 13 percent if the pupation so.....

Need to follow thru on the math then. If the entire US Murder Rate is 1 per 20,000 (e.g.) than that percentage is 0.005% -- a VERY small number of the entire population. That's why comparing ANYTHING about a murder rate to 13% is just garbage. Because blacks are only 13% of the population. That 0.005% is the OVERALL murder rate (I'd need to check that figure).

Every number you pull is suspect and needs to be inspected for what it ACTUALLY SAYS. To defend yourself against number abuse --- you have to be constantly aware of the DETAILS of every number you use.. For instance. If you go the Wiki you find these numbers.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of African Americans victims were killed by African Americans.[49][50][51]

--- **** ---- Flacaltenn -- NOTE this is not number of MURDERS -- this is number of OFFENDERS. The number of actual lives TAKEN is NOT part of these numbers.Would have different results. That's what I mean about INTERPRETING every number carefully.. ---- **** -----

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 51.3%
White Americans (non-Hispanic Americans) 2,861 = 33.5%
Hispanic Americans 1,096 = 12.8%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.14%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.18%[52][53]

So the 4,379 is not much different than the number you used and threw at me for another year.. We learn that the TOTAL number of arrested homicide cases was 8536 for ALL offenders in 2013 (4379/0.513) . Since these numbers are just for homicide arrests, NOT MURDERS, the overall US rate in rate in 2013 using 315Mill as the full population was 0.0027%.. So to compare by race, any race having higher percentage of murderers charged is OVER-REPRESENTED. Any race having a lower percentage of murderers charged is UNDER-REPRESENTED.

By glancing at the numbers above we already KNOW that Blacks are WAY over-represented because they are 13% of the population but comprise 51% of the persons charged. So how do the rates work out when you calculate the percentage by population..

Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 (with 2016 population estimates) was:

0.0102% of Black or African American population (4,379/42,975,959)
0.0023% of American Indian or Alaska Native population (98/4,200,658)
0.0019% Hispanic American population (1,096/57,516,697)
0.0014% of White American (3,799/198,077,165)
0.001% of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander population (6/646,255)
0.0005% of Asian American population (101/18,418,268)[52][54]

Remember the rate of homicide arrests for the WHOLE population was a tiny 0.0027% and that any subset with a LARGER number is over-represented. So whites are about 1/2 as likely as the general population to be arrested for homicide (0,0014/0.0027) and blacks are more than 3.5 times MORE likely (0,0102/0.0027) to be arrested for homicide then the average for the WHOLE population and more than 7 times more likely (0.0102/0.0014) to be arrested for homicide than whites.

This is the only way to compare the carnage by racial rates.. And this is not rigorous. Depends on what question you ask and what the numbers actually are. If you used murders instead of arrests, the number would be slightly different. Or even if you used CONVICTIONS rather arrests -- the numbers would be slightly different still. Always ASK what the numbers actually are.

I used 2016 stats. Not 2013. Your numbers are wrong.

The PROCESS I showed you IS CORRECT for ANY year you want to do it. And the numbers in the Wiki are footnoted. So go find out where they came from and tell me that they are junk. I highly DOUBT they are inaccurate for that year.

The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.
Need to follow thru on the math then. If the entire US Murder Rate is 1 per 20,000 (e.g.) than that percentage is 0.005% -- a VERY small number of the entire population. That's why comparing ANYTHING about a murder rate to 13% is just garbage. Because blacks are only 13% of the population. That 0.005% is the OVERALL murder rate (I'd need to check that figure).

Every number you pull is suspect and needs to be inspected for what it ACTUALLY SAYS. To defend yourself against number abuse --- you have to be constantly aware of the DETAILS of every number you use.. For instance. If you go the Wiki you find these numbers.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of African Americans victims were killed by African Americans.[49][50][51]

--- **** ---- Flacaltenn -- NOTE this is not number of MURDERS -- this is number of OFFENDERS. The number of actual lives TAKEN is NOT part of these numbers.Would have different results. That's what I mean about INTERPRETING every number carefully.. ---- **** -----

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 51.3%
White Americans (non-Hispanic Americans) 2,861 = 33.5%
Hispanic Americans 1,096 = 12.8%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.14%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.18%[52][53]

So the 4,379 is not much different than the number you used and threw at me for another year.. We learn that the TOTAL number of arrested homicide cases was 8536 for ALL offenders in 2013 (4379/0.513) . Since these numbers are just for homicide arrests, NOT MURDERS, the overall US rate in rate in 2013 using 315Mill as the full population was 0.0027%.. So to compare by race, any race having higher percentage of murderers charged is OVER-REPRESENTED. Any race having a lower percentage of murderers charged is UNDER-REPRESENTED.

By glancing at the numbers above we already KNOW that Blacks are WAY over-represented because they are 13% of the population but comprise 51% of the persons charged. So how do the rates work out when you calculate the percentage by population..

Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 (with 2016 population estimates) was:

0.0102% of Black or African American population (4,379/42,975,959)
0.0023% of American Indian or Alaska Native population (98/4,200,658)
0.0019% Hispanic American population (1,096/57,516,697)
0.0014% of White American (3,799/198,077,165)
0.001% of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander population (6/646,255)
0.0005% of Asian American population (101/18,418,268)[52][54]

Remember the rate of homicide arrests for the WHOLE population was a tiny 0.0027% and that any subset with a LARGER number is over-represented. So whites are about 1/2 as likely as the general population to be arrested for homicide (0,0014/0.0027) and blacks are more than 3.5 times MORE likely (0,0102/0.0027) to be arrested for homicide then the average for the WHOLE population and more than 7 times more likely (0.0102/0.0014) to be arrested for homicide than whites.

This is the only way to compare the carnage by racial rates.. And this is not rigorous. Depends on what question you ask and what the numbers actually are. If you used murders instead of arrests, the number would be slightly different. Or even if you used CONVICTIONS rather arrests -- the numbers would be slightly different still. Always ASK what the numbers actually are.

I used 2016 stats. Not 2013. Your numbers are wrong.

The PROCESS I showed you IS CORRECT for ANY year you want to do it. And the numbers in the Wiki are footnoted. So go find out where they came from and tell me that they are junk. I highly DOUBT they are inaccurate for that year.

The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.
I used 2016 stats. Not 2013. Your numbers are wrong.

The PROCESS I showed you IS CORRECT for ANY year you want to do it. And the numbers in the Wiki are footnoted. So go find out where they came from and tell me that they are junk. I highly DOUBT they are inaccurate for that year.

The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.

In the first place, the OP was not about percentages and numbers. This is the race and racism section, so things are going to be racially charged. But what the whites here want is a white racist echo chamber.. If a black person talks about our experiences, it's what about me, I'm white and I suffer too. If we present a thread for whites to look at themselves like they have done in over a thousand threads about us then it's what about you blacks. At no time do whites here take a look at themselves in order to take any responsibility. In fact the favorite line you whites here have is I'm not responsible.

Well I'm not responsible for having illegitimate children but you whites decided you can preach me about that. I'm not responsible for not taking education seriously, but you whites preach to me abut that. I am not responsible for being on welfare but you whites lecture me about that. I am not responsible for failing in life in order to blame whites but you whites here lecture me about that. You want to hold everybody else accountable but think you cannot be held accountable yourselves Well you don't get to do that.

And so instead of discussing what Tim Wise said, we get the usual dumb ass trolling about math, percentages, rates and all that. Whites commit the most crimes. Whites are 5-6 times more likely to be a victim of a crime don't hem by another white person. If you are white and in a situation where you are going to be a victim of a crime perpetrated by another white you are not going to complain about the rate of crime in the black community. Therefore that argument has no merit and it is only used to support a belief in white supremacy.

I took this thread get off topic, so I'm taking it back to the OP. I'm reporting all who do not post on topic from this point on.
The PROCESS I showed you IS CORRECT for ANY year you want to do it. And the numbers in the Wiki are footnoted. So go find out where they came from and tell me that they are junk. I highly DOUBT they are inaccurate for that year.

The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.

In the first place, the OP was not about percentages and numbers. This is the race and racism section, so things are going to be racially charged. But what the whites here want is a white racist echo chamber.. If a black person talks about our experiences, it's what about me, I'm white and I suffer too. If we present a thread for whites to look at themselves like they have done in over a thousand threads about us then it's what about you blacks. At no time do whites here take a look at themselves in order to take any responsibility. In fact the favorite line you whites here have is I'm not responsible.

Well I'm not responsible for having illegitimate children but you whites decided you can preach me about that. I'm not responsible for not taking education seriously, but you whites preach to me abut that. I am not responsible for being on welfare but you whites lecture me about that. I am not responsible for failing in life in order to blame whites but you whites here lecture me about that. You want to hold everybody else accountable but think you cannot be held accountable yourselves Well you don't get to do that.

And so instead of discussing what Tim Wise said, we get the usual dumb ass trolling about math, percentages, rates and all that. Whites commit the most crimes. Whites are 5-6 times more likely to be a victim of a crime don't hem by another white person. If you are white and in a situation where you are going to be a victim of a crime perpetrated by another white you are not going to complain about the rate of crime in the black community. Therefore that argument has no merit and it is only used to support a belief in white supremacy.

I took this thread get off topic, so I'm taking it back to the OP. I'm reporting all who do not post on topic from this point on.
You want whites to take responsibility for something they aren't responsible for. When illegitimate children, welfare, etc are discussed by whites, we understand that whites also have these issues, the difference is that you make excuses for the blacks who have these issues. Nowhere have I seen anyone suggest white supremacy, just because blacks in this country suffered longer than whites does not dismiss that whites have suffered also. You dismiss everything because you don't give a rat's ass about anything any white has to say. It is all about you and what you think, which in your mind is that you know all there is to know about whites but how dare us even insinuate that we know anything about blacks.
The PROCESS I showed you IS CORRECT for ANY year you want to do it. And the numbers in the Wiki are footnoted. So go find out where they came from and tell me that they are junk. I highly DOUBT they are inaccurate for that year.

The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.

I took this thread get off topic, so I'm taking it back to the OP. I'm reporting all who do not post on topic from this point on.

Okay then, back on topic.

Is it a racist rant? Not really.

As for what he says, there is some truth to what Wise says but he is full of it when he defends the violence of rioting blacks by comparing it to the Revolutionary War. I.E., that whites were willing to commit violence to achieve their ends. Here's the difference though: American whites did not start the violence, Britain did. All we did was declare our independence.
In the case of the black rioters, half the time they rioted after a police involved shooting, they did so immediately after the shooting instead of waiting to see if the investigation ruled it unjustified. Every time a cop shoots a black man they assume it was racially motivated and unjustified and then start looting, burning and destroying property of those who had nothing to do with it.
The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.

In the first place, the OP was not about percentages and numbers. This is the race and racism section, so things are going to be racially charged. But what the whites here want is a white racist echo chamber.. If a black person talks about our experiences, it's what about me, I'm white and I suffer too. If we present a thread for whites to look at themselves like they have done in over a thousand threads about us then it's what about you blacks. At no time do whites here take a look at themselves in order to take any responsibility. In fact the favorite line you whites here have is I'm not responsible.

Well I'm not responsible for having illegitimate children but you whites decided you can preach me about that. I'm not responsible for not taking education seriously, but you whites preach to me abut that. I am not responsible for being on welfare but you whites lecture me about that. I am not responsible for failing in life in order to blame whites but you whites here lecture me about that. You want to hold everybody else accountable but think you cannot be held accountable yourselves Well you don't get to do that.

And so instead of discussing what Tim Wise said, we get the usual dumb ass trolling about math, percentages, rates and all that. Whites commit the most crimes. Whites are 5-6 times more likely to be a victim of a crime don't hem by another white person. If you are white and in a situation where you are going to be a victim of a crime perpetrated by another white you are not going to complain about the rate of crime in the black community. Therefore that argument has no merit and it is only used to support a belief in white supremacy.

I took this thread get off topic, so I'm taking it back to the OP. I'm reporting all who do not post on topic from this point on.
You want whites to take responsibility for something they aren't responsible for. When illegitimate children, welfare, etc are discussed by whites, we understand that whites also have these issues, the difference is that you make excuses for the blacks who have these issues. Nowhere have I seen anyone suggest white supremacy, just because blacks in this country suffered longer than whites does not dismiss that whites have suffered also. You dismiss everything because you don't give a rat's ass about anything any white has to say. It is all about you and what you think, which in your mind is that you know all there is to know about whites but how dare us even insinuate that we know anything about blacks.


Whites haven't been made to suffer by blacks as blacks have been made to suffer by whites and that includes whites living today such as you. I don't see whites taking any responsibility in these threads. None. Your post here now is a prime example of that. This s a thread about comments made by a White man, you don't discuss what he says. Instead you have now repeated for the millionth time the poor pitful me, I'm white and whites have suffered to. You have not faced the same things as blacks have.

29 Stupid Things White People Do and What We Can Do Instead

  1. Believe that you can relate to a person of color’s experience of racism because you’ve encountered a similar situation.
Instead: Recognize that as a white person you have never experienced what it’s like to be a person of color, and you never will. A personal instance of pain is not the same as a lifetime of oppression.

  • Believe that if you have experienced discrimination it is the same as experiencing structural racism.
Instead: Recognize that racism is not just prejudice, but prejudice plus power. In our society, whites have the vast majority of power in institutions such as schools, courts, and corporations and maintenance of national narratives. Individual people of color may be biased against whites, just as whites may be biased against people of color. But the difference is that whites have institutional power to consistently deny resources and rights to people of color impacting their life choices and life chances; people of color do not have similar power to use their bias that way.

  • Believe that racism “goes both ways.”
Instead: See above

  • Believe that any personal struggle you endure is the equivalent of oppression.
Instead: All people endure personal struggle; oppression is a separate situation. Oppression is when the cards are systematically stacked against you by forces outside your control; when society has the power to deny you rights and resources. Oppression is the systematic exploitation of one social group by another for its own benefit; it involves institutional control, ideological domination and the imposition of the dominant group’s culture on the oppressed group.

But I guess I should not have posted that since it was from a white person and I don't care what white people think. You got it wrong. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT RACIST WHITES THINK! Who needs to consider what you have say when you are using that as an excuse to deny what whites have done and CONTINUE DOING. That means whites are being held responsible for things they ARE DOING NOW.

So learn this about the huge hole in your lie of an argument. You are in your 60's and I doubt if your parnts are here anymore. YOU are here because of people who are not. Events and actions of the past have an impact on right now. Your excuse has no merit and if this is all you've got to say every time you try a rebuttal stop trying.

Last edited:
The numbers are wrong so is the process. The fact is whites commit more crimes. Your argument doesn't fly unless you want to push white supremacy.

Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.

I took this thread get off topic, so I'm taking it back to the OP. I'm reporting all who do not post on topic from this point on.

Okay then, back on topic.

Is it a racist rant? Not really.

As for what he says, there is some truth to what Wise says but he is full of it when he defends the violence of rioting blacks by comparing it to the Revolutionary War. I.E., that whites were willing to commit violence to achieve their ends. Here's the difference though: American whites did not start the violence, Britain did. All we did was declare our independence.
In the case of the black rioters, half the time they rioted after a police involved shooting, they did so immediately after the shooting instead of waiting to see if the investigation ruled it unjustified. Every time a cop shoots a black man they assume it was racially motivated and unjustified and then start looting, burning and destroying property of those who had nothing to do with it.

You've said that once and you are wrong again. Wise spent more than 7 minutes out of an 8:22 second video talking about other things and you misstate for a second time what he said about how the colonists didn't embrace non violent resistance to make change happen in order to make your racist comment regarding how blacks riot without waiting for investigations and how we just assume things are racially motivated, not that there is a record of over400 years of whites doing such things to us..
Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.

In the first place, the OP was not about percentages and numbers. This is the race and racism section, so things are going to be racially charged. But what the whites here want is a white racist echo chamber.. If a black person talks about our experiences, it's what about me, I'm white and I suffer too. If we present a thread for whites to look at themselves like they have done in over a thousand threads about us then it's what about you blacks. At no time do whites here take a look at themselves in order to take any responsibility. In fact the favorite line you whites here have is I'm not responsible.

Well I'm not responsible for having illegitimate children but you whites decided you can preach me about that. I'm not responsible for not taking education seriously, but you whites preach to me abut that. I am not responsible for being on welfare but you whites lecture me about that. I am not responsible for failing in life in order to blame whites but you whites here lecture me about that. You want to hold everybody else accountable but think you cannot be held accountable yourselves Well you don't get to do that.

And so instead of discussing what Tim Wise said, we get the usual dumb ass trolling about math, percentages, rates and all that. Whites commit the most crimes. Whites are 5-6 times more likely to be a victim of a crime don't hem by another white person. If you are white and in a situation where you are going to be a victim of a crime perpetrated by another white you are not going to complain about the rate of crime in the black community. Therefore that argument has no merit and it is only used to support a belief in white supremacy.

I took this thread get off topic, so I'm taking it back to the OP. I'm reporting all who do not post on topic from this point on.
You want whites to take responsibility for something they aren't responsible for. When illegitimate children, welfare, etc are discussed by whites, we understand that whites also have these issues, the difference is that you make excuses for the blacks who have these issues. Nowhere have I seen anyone suggest white supremacy, just because blacks in this country suffered longer than whites does not dismiss that whites have suffered also. You dismiss everything because you don't give a rat's ass about anything any white has to say. It is all about you and what you think, which in your mind is that you know all there is to know about whites but how dare us even insinuate that we know anything about blacks.


Whites haven't been made to suffer by blacks as blacks have been made to suffer by whites and that includes whites living today such as you. I don't see whites taking any responsibility in these threads. None. Your post here now is a prime example of that. This s a thread about comments made by a White man, you don't discuss what he says. Instead you have now repeated for the millionth time the poor pitful me, I'm white and whites have suffered to. You have not faced the same things as blacks have.

29 Stupid Things White People Do and What We Can Do Instead

  1. Believe that you can relate to a person of color’s experience of racism because you’ve encountered a similar situation.
Instead: Recognize that as a white person you have never experienced what it’s like to be a person of color, and you never will. A personal instance of pain is not the same as a lifetime of oppression.

  • Believe that if you have experienced discrimination it is the same as experiencing structural racism.
Instead: Recognize that racism is not just prejudice, but prejudice plus power. In our society, whites have the vast majority of power in institutions such as schools, courts, and corporations and maintenance of national narratives. Individual people of color may be biased against whites, just as whites may be biased against people of color. But the difference is that whites have institutional power to consistently deny resources and rights to people of color impacting their life choices and life chances; people of color do not have similar power to use their bias that way.

  • Believe that racism “goes both ways.”
Instead: See above

  • Believe that any personal struggle you endure is the equivalent of oppression.
Instead: All people endure personal struggle; oppression is a separate situation. Oppression is when the cards are systematically stacked against you by forces outside your control; when society has the power to deny you rights and resources. Oppression is the systematic exploitation of one social group by another for its own benefit; it involves institutional control, ideological domination and the imposition of the dominant group’s culture on the oppressed group.

But I guess I should not have posted that since it was from a white person and I don't care what white people think. You got it wrong. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT RACIST WHITES THINK! Who needs to consider what you have say when you are using that as an excuse to deny what whites have done and CONTINUE DOING. That means whites are being held responsible for things they ARE DOING NOW.

So learn this about the huge hole in your lie of an argument. You are in your 60's and I doubt if your parnts are here anymore. YOU are here because of people who are not. Events and actions of the past have an impact on right now. Your excuse has no merit and if this is all you've got to say every time you try a rebuttal stop trying.

First of all, no, I did not say I suffered anything, but there are whites who have. Secondly, it doesn't matter who suffered what from what race. This isn't a competition. Whites today do not owe you for anything. The suffering you mention is usually from before any of our time. There are whites that have suffered things worse than you have in your lifetime. It doesn't mean they suffered at the hands of black people. Like I said, this is not a competition, not all suffering is related to race. Yes, this is a race and racism forum, but not all suffering is due to race, yet you seem to think if it isn't racial, there is no suffering.
Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.

In the first place, the OP was not about percentages and numbers. This is the race and racism section, so things are going to be racially charged. But what the whites here want is a white racist echo chamber.. If a black person talks about our experiences, it's what about me, I'm white and I suffer too. If we present a thread for whites to look at themselves like they have done in over a thousand threads about us then it's what about you blacks. At no time do whites here take a look at themselves in order to take any responsibility. In fact the favorite line you whites here have is I'm not responsible.

Well I'm not responsible for having illegitimate children but you whites decided you can preach me about that. I'm not responsible for not taking education seriously, but you whites preach to me abut that. I am not responsible for being on welfare but you whites lecture me about that. I am not responsible for failing in life in order to blame whites but you whites here lecture me about that. You want to hold everybody else accountable but think you cannot be held accountable yourselves Well you don't get to do that.

And so instead of discussing what Tim Wise said, we get the usual dumb ass trolling about math, percentages, rates and all that. Whites commit the most crimes. Whites are 5-6 times more likely to be a victim of a crime don't hem by another white person. If you are white and in a situation where you are going to be a victim of a crime perpetrated by another white you are not going to complain about the rate of crime in the black community. Therefore that argument has no merit and it is only used to support a belief in white supremacy.

I took this thread get off topic, so I'm taking it back to the OP. I'm reporting all who do not post on topic from this point on.
You want whites to take responsibility for something they aren't responsible for. When illegitimate children, welfare, etc are discussed by whites, we understand that whites also have these issues, the difference is that you make excuses for the blacks who have these issues. Nowhere have I seen anyone suggest white supremacy, just because blacks in this country suffered longer than whites does not dismiss that whites have suffered also. You dismiss everything because you don't give a rat's ass about anything any white has to say. It is all about you and what you think, which in your mind is that you know all there is to know about whites but how dare us even insinuate that we know anything about blacks.


Whites haven't been made to suffer by blacks as blacks have been made to suffer by whites and that includes whites living today such as you. I don't see whites taking any responsibility in these threads. None. Your post here now is a prime example of that. This s a thread about comments made by a White man, you don't discuss what he says. Instead you have now repeated for the millionth time the poor pitful me, I'm white and whites have suffered to. You have not faced the same things as blacks have.

29 Stupid Things White People Do and What We Can Do Instead

  1. Believe that you can relate to a person of color’s experience of racism because you’ve encountered a similar situation.
Instead: Recognize that as a white person you have never experienced what it’s like to be a person of color, and you never will. A personal instance of pain is not the same as a lifetime of oppression.

  • Believe that if you have experienced discrimination it is the same as experiencing structural racism.
Instead: Recognize that racism is not just prejudice, but prejudice plus power. In our society, whites have the vast majority of power in institutions such as schools, courts, and corporations and maintenance of national narratives. Individual people of color may be biased against whites, just as whites may be biased against people of color. But the difference is that whites have institutional power to consistently deny resources and rights to people of color impacting their life choices and life chances; people of color do not have similar power to use their bias that way.

  • Believe that racism “goes both ways.”
Instead: See above

  • Believe that any personal struggle you endure is the equivalent of oppression.
Instead: All people endure personal struggle; oppression is a separate situation. Oppression is when the cards are systematically stacked against you by forces outside your control; when society has the power to deny you rights and resources. Oppression is the systematic exploitation of one social group by another for its own benefit; it involves institutional control, ideological domination and the imposition of the dominant group’s culture on the oppressed group.

But I guess I should not have posted that since it was from a white person and I don't care what white people think. You got it wrong. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT RACIST WHITES THINK! Who needs to consider what you have say when you are using that as an excuse to deny what whites have done and CONTINUE DOING. That means whites are being held responsible for things they ARE DOING NOW.

So learn this about the huge hole in your lie of an argument. You are in your 60's and I doubt if your parnts are here anymore. YOU are here because of people who are not. Events and actions of the past have an impact on right now. Your excuse has no merit and if this is all you've got to say every time you try a rebuttal stop trying.

This post of yours is so stupid, since nowhere is there a "pity me". I wasn't talking about me. People don't forget the past, they try not to dwell on it, they have a life to lead.
Why is it white supremecy to do a break down on the numbers by percentage? So there are two ways of looking at the numbers, the total of murderers/ murders vs percentage by racial demographics. Either way is accurate but each points out a different thing.

Again, so millions of dollars have been spent in medical research and educating African Americans that they are the most susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure, and millions have been spent in prevention because for their racial demographic they are the most in danger by percentage. SO, is this racist of doctors to point this out? It must be, because though white mortality rates for the same conditions are higher over all, their percentage as a group is lower than African Americans. So why is the medical industry picking on Black people?

Fact of the matter, simply pointing out numbers about anything is just that, its just stating facts as they are.

The numbers being talked about have nothing to do with heart disease.

Right, absolutely. But that was just an example of numbers being used in a similar way. I'm sure you see that but here on USMB things are so racially charged so many things are seen as an attack or a false pretext for something else. Finding where the needs are in society should be the goal, whether its about education or communities suffering from violent crime, not simply putting each other down.

I took this thread get off topic, so I'm taking it back to the OP. I'm reporting all who do not post on topic from this point on.

Okay then, back on topic.

Is it a racist rant? Not really.

As for what he says, there is some truth to what Wise says but he is full of it when he defends the violence of rioting blacks by comparing it to the Revolutionary War. I.E., that whites were willing to commit violence to achieve their ends. Here's the difference though: American whites did not start the violence, Britain did. All we did was declare our independence.
In the case of the black rioters, half the time they rioted after a police involved shooting, they did so immediately after the shooting instead of waiting to see if the investigation ruled it unjustified. Every time a cop shoots a black man they assume it was racially motivated and unjustified and then start looting, burning and destroying property of those who had nothing to do with it.

You've said that once and you are wrong again.

Considering your predilection for forgetting everything I say, I'm frankly surprised you remembered I already said this. In fact, just to mess with you I went and copy and pasted that same post just to see if you would notice.

Wise spent more than 7 minutes out of an 8:22 second video talking about other things and you misstate for a second time what he said about how the colonists didn't embrace non violent resistance to make change happen in order to make your racist comment regarding how blacks riot without waiting for investigations and how we just assume things are racially motivated, not that there is a record of over400 years of whites doing such things to us..

I didn't misstate what he said. He said "The very founding of the country was rooted in violence." What I said was the absolute truth: We did not want violence and we didn't start the violence, Britain did. As for what I said about black rioters, that is also true that they riot before the investigation after a shooting. If they're not rioting they're protesting in the streets and blocking traffic before anyone even has all the facts of the case.

I'm sorry, but I'm just not inclined to be sympathetic when people assume every time a black man is shot by police that it is racially motivated; when people are saying stupid shit like cotton plant displays are racist; that whites are racist simply by virtue of the color of their skin and thugs use the shooting of a black man as an excuse to loot stores and steal TVs.

Even given the history of white racism in this country, I cannot stand by without pointing out how ridiculous some of these things are. You can call me racist for pointing these things out if you wish (and you have) but somebody has to point it out.

Black Lives Matter and people like them may be able to sucker the weaker minded whites into saying "I'm an evil, racist white devil and don't deserve to live" and committing racial hara kiri but this white boy is having none of it.

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