The direction America is going in


Oct 7, 2012
A simple question most Americans should ask themselves. What direction is America going in? As always there’s two answers yes or no. Let’s start off with the people who say yes America is going in the right direction. The direction of redistribution and were entitled to America. These groups of Americans believe that the United States Government is there to provide for them.

These people believe that the United States Government is there to finance their families and feed their families. They also believe that the United State Government is there to provide health care for their families.

They also should provide women free birth control which means it is the Governments job to keep women from getting pregnant. Don’t get my opinion wrong there are people who are on Government assistance who deserve it. If you’re over 65 or of the retirement age or you’re disabled and can’t work you should be receiving Government assistance. These programs are provided thorough Social Security and Medicare.

As of 10/15/2012 there are 4,300,000 people receiving welfare benefits in the United States. The United States has 46,700,000 on food stamps. This adds up to $131, 9 billion dollars in welfare t per year and $71,800,000,000. This equals out to 4.1% of the population on welfare and 14% on food stamps.

I’m in no way saying that 100% of these people want to be on Government assistance. A lot of them want to work and want to be self-reliant. The true facts are that to many Americans don’t want to be self-reliant.

A very high percentage of Americans feel that it is there right to have these Government assisted programs. This is where America is going. John F Kennedy said in his inaugural speech not asks what your Country can do for you ask what you can do for your Country. My true feeling is America has become a Country of hand outs
Hell, I would say so. The successfull people should be punished. The weak be granted a life that is a free ride. Hey, why cant lazy people have the same car as someone that works hard for their money? Does not make sense to the country now. Everything should be handed down. The country is too goddamn lazy to take care of their own. It's fuckin pathetic. I guess they want gov't control.. Mr prez, do I need Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi? ok. Where is my $2.18? Here take this. Its TNHarleys tax money on a card for food!
As of 10/15/2012 there are 4,300,000 people receiving welfare benefits in the United States. The United States has 46,700,000 on food stamps. This adds up to $131, 9 billion dollars in welfare t per year and $71,800,000,000. This equals out to 4.1% of the population on welfare and 14% on food stamps.

Scary part is the people who actually need it don't receive anything.
So why are you working? Quit your job and live off welfare. What - you don't want to reducce the lifestyle you are accustomed to? Then shut the hell up about those who have to live a hard life and are given no choice in the matter.

Big bad class warriors against those that have the least and struggle the most. Yore Mommas must be. *so* proud!

Regards from Rosie
So your saying all these people have it hard? Also if you think their a huge group that want life on welfare and do nothing to change it. If your trying you deserve it if your not you don't. If you haven't notice were 16 trillion in debt. This money will run out
So why are you working? Quit your job and live off welfare. What - you don't want to reducce the lifestyle you are accustomed to? Then shut the hell up about those who have to live a hard life and are given no choice in the matter.

Big bad class warriors against those that have the least and struggle the most. Yore Mommas must be. *so* proud!

Regards from Rosie

So should your grammar teacher
Some people need welfare. The rest DONT. Thats what the problem is.... The ones that DONT! Welfare needs to be reformed.
It needs to be reformed? Notice how the bigger the govt. gets, the bigger the government gets and we're always talking about reforming programs the government makes. Why is that? Could it be because the government is completely incompetent to handle wealth redistribution (which is why it never works)?

It isn't a reform issue, it's a moral fiber issue. These programs are destroying this nations economy, yet our answer is to hire some new jackwagon to reform them. Then the new jackwagon saddles us with a new program that will implode on us in 20 years while the one that needed reform gets the "we need to reform that".

It's the definition of insanity people. I feel like we're all taking crazy pills here.
It needs to be reformed? Notice how the bigger the govt. gets, the bigger the government gets and we're always talking about reforming programs the government makes. Why is that? Could it be because the government is completely incompetent to handle wealth redistribution (which is why it never works)?

It isn't a reform issue, it's a moral fiber issue. These programs are destroying this nations economy, yet our answer is to hire some new jackwagon to reform them. Then the new jackwagon saddles us with a new program that will implode on us in 20 years while the one that needed reform gets the "we need to reform that".

It's the definition of insanity people. I feel like we're all taking crazy pills here.

Damn... Well put
So why are you working? Quit your job and live off welfare. What - you don't want to reducce the lifestyle you are accustomed to? Then shut the hell up about those who have to live a hard life and are given no choice in the matter.

Big bad class warriors against those that have the least and struggle the most. Yore Mommas must be. *so* proud!

Regards from Rosie

So should your grammar teacher

There should be a Nuremberg for grammar Nazi's. You can be tried first.

Regards From Rosie
Some people need welfare. The rest DONT. Thats what the problem is.... The ones that DONT! Welfare needs to be reformed.
Communists have already reformed it. They equate not having money with misery. TV enhances that view. Anybody who disagrees with them is likened to Hitler but not Hitler's right hand man at the gas chambers of the Third Reich Haj Amin al-Husseini, who pushed murders of Jews and others for whom the Nazis had no use, and it was cold blood by government decree.

Haj Amin al-Husseini's Muslim Brotherhood tried to clean out Jews from the Middle East after WWII, but the United Nations wouldn't let them.

One by one, Jew-haters worked their way back into the United Nations, and now, they are a saboteuring voter bloc against Israel, and a bloc that is using the UN to pave their way to eliminate Jews once again by making sure the Palestinians are kept nice and poor for pity's sake.

Why Russia and Germany are still helping Iran to develop nuclear weaponry is beyond me. All Iran wants to do is to wipe out Israel in preparation for wiping out America.

Hugo Chavez has been used by Iran, also, and has used his solicited contacts with them to establish a missile base for Russia in Venezuela to give them good aim at America's southern border up to Washington way.

The Muslims want their 1% population in the USA to burgeon into another Bosnia so they can take over the free world and subjugate women.
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So why are you working? Quit your job and live off welfare. What - you don't want to reducce the lifestyle you are accustomed to? Then shut the hell up about those who have to live a hard life and are given no choice in the matter.

Big bad class warriors against those that have the least and struggle the most. Yore Mommas must be. *so* proud!

Regards from Rosie
He's not bad. What's bad is people collecting a million a year by establishing a dozen identities and not being asked for ids when they go get their welfare money at different locations.

Working people have to pay for abusers, and some of the social workers and community organizers actually tell welfare recipients how to obtain more than their fair share.

We're not being represented well, Rosie. And we will stop the abuse with insistence that right and not wrong be done.

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