The Dirty Little Truth About the Minimum Wage

Oh yeah... it has worked fine to ensure jobs for white racist fucks like you. I'm sure you did work your dumb ass through college making minimum wage while some poor black guy was unemployed who could've done a better jobs for less.

Right- because clearly someone was going to do a really fantastic job for no money.

Again, do you blame short skirts for rape? Just asking.

What's the alternative?

I know Joe's answer.. The government Will take care of them!
No times have changed, the country's that got destroyed in that warr are now on equal footing with the USA today.

Wow, that was so eloquently written, I don't know how you can argue with it after being horrified by the bad grammar.

HA! I knew it!

Your name isn't Joe, you're Elizabeth Warren, aren't cha????

You missed my earlier conversation with Boss where he claims to be a Native American...

I said that? I don't believe I did.

What I did say is that $15.00 an hour is not a livable wage in many parts of our country. That doesn't mean I think it should be raised by state, it means you're trying to piss on a three alarm house fire expecting to put it out.

I think you are a bit confused. Saying that there are some places where people can't live on $15.00 an hour isn't an excuse to make sure we keep wages at a rate where NO ONE can live on them.

Np critical thinking skills while listening to rap music Joe?
But it does demonstrate wonderfully the need to do so.

No, because it would do more harm than good just like our social programs.

You can't raise wages for one group of people. There is a domino effect to consider.

So you take this poor french fry maker, and force McDonald's to raise his wages from $8.00 an hour to $15.00 an hour. Now the french fry maker is happy.......for now.

But after a while, he starts to realize that costs all around him are going up. He can no longer get his car washed for $10.00. It's now $13.00. He can't buy that hammer at his hardware store for $18.00, it's now $22.00. He can't buy a chicken dinner at KFC for $6.00, it's now $8.50. His grocery store bill went up from $70.00 a week to $90.00 a week. The rent for his apartment went up $50.0 a month.

Before you know it, the french fry maker finds himself in the exact same place he stared before the minimum wage increase, because now that he's making more, he is paying more taxes, and his cost of living went up as well.
No, because it would do more harm than good just like our social programs.

You can't raise wages for one group of people. There is a domino effect to consider.

So you take this poor french fry maker, and force McDonald's to raise his wages from $8.00 an hour to $15.00 an hour. Now the french fry maker is happy.......for now.

But after a while, he starts to realize that costs all around him are going up. He can no longer get his car washed for $10.00. It's now $13.00. He can't buy that hammer at his hardware store for $18.00, it's now $22.00. He can't buy a chicken dinner at KFC for $6.00, it's now $8.50. His grocery store bill went up from $70.00 a week to $90.00 a week. The rent for his apartment went up $50.0 a month.

All of hat assumes that labor is a big component in providing any of those services...

In fact, if the wage for Fast food workers increased, the cost of a big mac would go up a whopping 17 cents. I think we can live with that.
But it does demonstrate wonderfully the need to do so.

No, because it would do more harm than good just like our social programs.

You can't raise wages for one group of people. There is a domino effect to consider.

So you take this poor french fry maker, and force McDonald's to raise his wages from $8.00 an hour to $15.00 an hour. Now the french fry maker is happy.......for now.

But after a while, he starts to realize that costs all around him are going up. He can no longer get his car washed for $10.00. It's now $13.00. He can't buy that hammer at his hardware store for $18.00, it's now $22.00. He can't buy a chicken dinner at KFC for $6.00, it's now $8.50. His grocery store bill went up from $70.00 a week to $90.00 a week. The rent for his apartment went up $50.0 a month.

Before you know it, the french fry maker finds himself in the exact same place he stared before the minimum wage increase, because now that he's making more, he is paying more taxes, and his cost of living went up as well.

So you are saying that the minimum wage needs to be periodically adjusted to fall in line with the rising cost of living. You are quite right, but I am fairly certain that is the idea behind the recent push to raise it.

And as you demonstrated in an earlier post, $15 an hour may not be enough.
But it does demonstrate wonderfully the need to do so.

No, because it would do more harm than good just like our social programs.

You can't raise wages for one group of people. There is a domino effect to consider.

So you take this poor french fry maker, and force McDonald's to raise his wages from $8.00 an hour to $15.00 an hour. Now the french fry maker is happy.......for now.

But after a while, he starts to realize that costs all around him are going up. He can no longer get his car washed for $10.00. It's now $13.00. He can't buy that hammer at his hardware store for $18.00, it's now $22.00. He can't buy a chicken dinner at KFC for $6.00, it's now $8.50. His grocery store bill went up from $70.00 a week to $90.00 a week. The rent for his apartment went up $50.0 a month.

Before you know it, the french fry maker finds himself in the exact same place he stared before the minimum wage increase, because now that he's making more, he is paying more taxes, and his cost of living went up as well.

If the minimum wage is raised more people will be able to afford to visit KFC and profits will rise. This is true across the board. It is when companies use the rise in the minimum wage as an excuse to raise prices that helps create the need for future raises in wages. Corporate greed.
No, because it would do more harm than good just like our social programs.

You can't raise wages for one group of people. There is a domino effect to consider.

So you take this poor french fry maker, and force McDonald's to raise his wages from $8.00 an hour to $15.00 an hour. Now the french fry maker is happy.......for now.

But after a while, he starts to realize that costs all around him are going up. He can no longer get his car washed for $10.00. It's now $13.00. He can't buy that hammer at his hardware store for $18.00, it's now $22.00. He can't buy a chicken dinner at KFC for $6.00, it's now $8.50. His grocery store bill went up from $70.00 a week to $90.00 a week. The rent for his apartment went up $50.0 a month.

All of hat assumes that labor is a big component in providing any of those services...

In fact, if the wage for Fast food workers increased, the cost of a big mac would go up a whopping 17 cents. I think we can live with that.

You stupid dumb fuck propaganda tool

What about the price of

A ding dong?


A candy bar?

Lawn care

God Damn fool pennies add up to probably around an extra $50 bucks or so a week
If the minimum wage is raised more people will be able to afford to visit KFC and profits will rise. This is true across the board. It is when companies use the rise in the minimum wage as an excuse to raise prices that helps create the need for future raises in wages. Corporate greed.

It has nothing to do with corporate greed as many of the businesses affected by minimum wage will be those mom and pop shops, franchises, or smaller stores.

The one thing you people on the left have to realize is that when you cost a business money, they have to recoup that money from somewhere. They don't just dig deeper into their pockets. We all end up paying for those additional expenses.

If I ask my employer for a $2.00 an hour raise, he would have no problem giving that to me, but he has to consider all the extra costs with that raise first. For instance, an increase of pay means an increase in:

Workman's compensation insurance.
Unemployment insurance
Vacation pay
Matching my Social Security contributions
Matching my Medicare contributions
Increasing his contributions to our retirement plan

You bring out the calculator and start adding up this pay increase plus all the other associated costs, it adds up to quite a bit, and that's just for one employee. Now multiply that by the 10, 15, 30,70 employees a business might have.
So you are saying that the minimum wage needs to be periodically adjusted to fall in line with the rising cost of living. You are quite right, but I am fairly certain that is the idea behind the recent push to raise it.

And as you demonstrated in an earlier post, $15 an hour may not be enough.

Correct, it's perpetual. It's like trying to stop global warming. It's a bottomless money pit. You will never be able to fill that pit up.

One of the major reasons our products are made in other countries is because of unions. When unions get pay increases for their employees, non-union places have to increase their wages as well to attract workers: The Domino Effect. This is why unions only asked for pay increases or go on strike in good economic times.

So when unions increased our pay scale by $1.00 an hour, other countries may have raised theirs 3 cents. When those unions raised our wages another $1.00 per hour, those other countries increased their pay by 5 cents.

As time went on, we priced ourselves right out of the world market, and that's why most of our products we buy today are from somewhere else.

Minimum wage only adds insult to injury. It once again increases our pay much higher than those in other countries, and that makes it more likely that businesses will move out of the country, or do like so many have already and invest in automation. Today, even McDonald's are investing in machines instead of humans.

And this is why when you go to your grocery store (or wherever) you see more and more open lines for self-checkout and less and less lines of cashier checkouts. I went to see my doctor at the Cleveland Clinic a few months ago. I went to the check-in desk and was met by a dark room with nobody behind the empty counter. A woman walks up to me and escorted me to their new Kiosks to check myself in. This is what's happening to our country and it's spreading like an out of control disease. We don't need minimum wage increases to augment this problem.
All of hat assumes that labor is a big component in providing any of those services...

In fact, if the wage for Fast food workers increased, the cost of a big mac would go up a whopping 17 cents. I think we can live with that.

That is correct. But the reason for that is because a McDonald's may sell 500 Big Mac's a day, 1000 french fries, 1,000 drinks.

But that doesn't work for your hardware store, your cell phone store, your pizza parlor, your car wash, your sub shop........
So how do you know what kind of job she did unless you were her supervisor? Just because you have a college degree and experience doesn't mean you're not Fn things up. Plenty of college degree employees lose their job every single day.

Because I worked with her every day and saw the quality of her work.

The fact that she was a minority is also a problem if she actually got fired and not laid off. Why would a company risk being sued out of business just to get a "golf buddy" in to work there? Seems like a pretty high price to pay.

The reality is, most people don't sue. Illinois is an "At Will" employment state, and this woman was a contract employee. Technically, she didn't work for the company, she worked for the temp agency (even though she had been there nearly a year)

Golfing Buddy didn't have to go through the Temp Agency. What I hear is that he works a whole 6 hours a day these days.

Why not just move to Europe and try it out yourself? We like our capitalist country. We like freedom, we like less government, and we like having the sky as the limit. Hell, our so-called poor people live better than many working Europeans. You want to live like that, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Guy, you miss the point. YOur side isn't winning elections anymore. You don't get to say what kind of country we have. I mean you got lucky, you got away with stealing 2000, so you delayed it for a few years, I guess... but European Social Democracy is coming... and you'll be better off for it. You might even get decent health insurance.

Why would you care if it's a living wage? And what is a living wage anyway? Have any numbers for us?

$15.00 an hour would work just fine.

Where? Perry Florida? New York City? New Orleans? Where?

Eliminate the Federal Minimum Wage entirely. If a state or city want one, that's their business. Right?

Republicans in the 1920's were just involved with the Klan.

You see, the 1920's Klan was not about beating black folks into submission. That had already been accomplished with Jim Crow and Segregation. The 1920's Klan was about all these Irish and Italian and Polish immigrants coming over and being all Catholic and shit. These people were absolutely HORRIFIED at the thought of a Catholic President, but in 1928, the Democrats nominated one.

As you know, the Ku Klux Klan began as the radical wing of the Democrat Party.

Remnants of them have only recently dropped out of our Legislature.

Oh yes, Hugo was very much anti-Catholic as well. Again, much of the New Deal legislation punished minorities including poor Irish (Catholic) immigrants. Racist, anti-black, anti-Asian, anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic policies designed to help white males... that's the legacy of how progressives "help people" in America.

Yeah, funny thing about that. How come things get better for working people when Democrats are in charge and WORSE when Republicans are in charge, then?

Shit, guy, the only Republican you guys can talk nice about is Ronnie Raygun, because all the things he fucked up didn't hit until Bush was president. But the Bushes, Ford, Nixon, Hoover, you don't want to talk about THOSE guys. Ike is someone you could be proud of, but he pretty much admitted the Democrats were right on most of the issues.

Then why have things gotten so much worse for "working people" (I don't know anyone who works for a living who is NOT a "working person" under the command of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama?
Things DON'T get better for working people, Joey. You SAY they do but the statistics don't lie. For 82 years now, the minimum wage was supposed to give every American a "decent living wage" and we're still hearing the SAME emotive bleat out of the progressives. Your scam doesn't work and hasn't worked for 82 years. All it ever does is help white folks at the expense of minorities and the working poor.

Actually, up until 1980 or so, the Minimum wage was just fine at what it did. Shit, I worked my way through college on minimum wage jobs.

Clearly, the problem is, the Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation, as Republicans drag their feet on raising it...

But in the 1960's, when the workforce was largely unionized and it had teeth, it was pretty good for working folks.

Curious, I got my first "real" job when I was 16. That would have been 1960. I got a job bagging groceries for $0.85 an hour because we also got tips. Minimum wage otherwise was $1.00. NO ONE, NO ONE, expected or even dreamed of that being a "LIVING WAGE" or anything upon which to start a household. It is a place to START, learn a work ethic and move up.

Do you believe that workers remain in the same income level all their lives?
Curious, I got my first "real" job when I was 16. That would have been 1960. I got a job bagging groceries for $0.85 an hour because we also got tips. Minimum wage otherwise was $1.00. NO ONE, NO ONE, expected or even dreamed of that being a "LIVING WAGE" or anything upon which to start a household. It is a place to START, learn a work ethic and move up.

Do you believe that workers remain in the same income level all their lives?

That's not to mention that only 3% of our workforce actually works for minimum wage in the first place. And many of them (providing they stay with the same company) will be working above minimum wage within a year.
You stupid dumb fuck propaganda tool

What about the price of

A ding dong?


A candy bar?

Lawn care

God Damn fool pennies add up to probably around an extra $50 bucks or so a week

I agree. We totally need to cut the Million Dollar salaries of CEO's to make it fair for the consumer....

Oh, wait. Sorry, that's not what you are going for, is it?
You stupid dumb fuck propaganda tool

What about the price of

A ding dong?


A candy bar?

Lawn care

God Damn fool pennies add up to probably around an extra $50 bucks or so a week

I agree. We totally need to cut the Million Dollar salaries of CEO's to make it fair for the consumer....

Oh, wait. Sorry, that's not what you are going for, is it?
Why would you destroy companies that employ thousands of people?
Curious, I got my first "real" job when I was 16. That would have been 1960. I got a job bagging groceries for $0.85 an hour because we also got tips. Minimum wage otherwise was $1.00. NO ONE, NO ONE, expected or even dreamed of that being a "LIVING WAGE" or anything upon which to start a household. It is a place to START, learn a work ethic and move up.

Do you believe that workers remain in the same income level all their lives?

No, but here's the thing. You should make a living wage. Period.

Why are we even still discussing this?

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