The Dirty Little Truth About the Minimum Wage

The workers who want to work our part of the problem now?

Again buddy, it was happening all over the world, you can't admit that.

Uh, what was happening all over the world was government realized that you needed to have stable wages in order to keep recessions from getting really bad.

This isn't complicated, even for a drunken retard who thinks there are still Italians in Cicero.

If wages drop, people don't have money to buy things. People don't buy things, merchants can't sell things. Merchants can't sell things, people can't get employed making things.

this is what everyone figured out during the Great Depressions. It's why after the Depression and World War II, most of the civilized world realized that if they didn't want to go the way of Russia and China, they had to make it worthwhile for working people to not shoot the rich.

And for about 40 years, it worked out well. Working people made good wages, could even enjoy some of the good life.

You ducking moron what about the people who couldn't get a job because of their skin color and couldn't under bid? You can't fucking admit the minimum wage law was racist to start with
God Damn another thing you don't want to admit democrat policies and union buddies created that high cost of living.

No, guy. Democrats and Unions created the MIDDLE CLASS. I grew up in a middle class household. It was kind of nice to have a middle class.

World WarII created the middle class in this country ..unions and democrats take the credit for it.
You ducking moron what about the people who couldn't get a job because of their skin color and couldn't under bid? You can't fucking admit the minimum wage law was racist to start with

Well, since blacks made their greatest ecnomic advancements when it was in place- um- no. not really.

World WarII created the middle class in this country ..unions and democrats take the credit for it.

Uh, you see, funny thing, that. When my Dad got back from WWII, he wasn't middle class. His parents still lived in a house on the South Side in an immigrant neighborhood. What got him into the middle class was that he came back to a good union job that paid well, so that in his late 20's, he was able to afford property and stuff.

The sheer stupidity of the Rich in this country and their useful idiots on the right is that they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
To rewrite back to the truth. It is progressives who have written history as a lie. Hugo Black was a former KKK member and lead attorney. Everything you listed in FLSA made it more difficult for minority and poor families to procure gainful employment.

Black joined the KKK to garner their vote, as you no doubt already know. In other words, he used them. They represented a large voting block back then.

Today, politicians no longer have to worry about the racist vote to get elected - unless they are Republicans.

The only thing that has had an ill affect on minority and poor families gainfully procuring employment under the FLSA, back then and now, are racist employers.

Oh yes... I fully expect you progressives to apologize for Black's racist past just like you take up for all your racists. And I know you all don't have to worry about the racist vote anymore... you've got the black folks believing you're looking out for them now, so you can all give each other a wink and a nod and go on being the racist POS asswipes that you've always been.
Oh yes... I fully expect you progressives to apologize for Black's racist past just like you take up for all your racists. And I know you all don't have to worry about the racist vote anymore... you've got the black folks believing you're looking out for them now, so you can all give each other a wink and a nod and go on being the racist POS asswipes that you've always been.

Chief Running Gag no trust-um Paleface Democrat giving him blankets....
You ducking moron what about the people who couldn't get a job because of their skin color and couldn't under bid? You can't fucking admit the minimum wage law was racist to start with

Well, since blacks made their greatest ecnomic advancements when it was in place- um- no. not really.

World WarII created the middle class in this country ..unions and democrats take the credit for it.

Uh, you see, funny thing, that. When my Dad got back from WWII, he wasn't middle class. His parents still lived in a house on the South Side in an immigrant neighborhood. What got him into the middle class was that he came back to a good union job that paid well, so that in his late 20's, he was able to afford property and stuff.

The sheer stupidity of the Rich in this country and their useful idiots on the right is that they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

No times have changed, the country's that got destroyed in that warr are now on equal footing with the USA today.
You are right, the minimum wage should be based on the cost of living in each city and state. You also make a good argument for housing assistance in some areas and cities.

You must be a closet progressive.

I said that? I don't believe I did.

What I did say is that $15.00 an hour is not a livable wage in many parts of our country. That doesn't mean I think it should be raised by state, it means you're trying to piss on a three alarm house fire expecting to put it out.
Actually, up until 1980 or so, the Minimum wage was just fine at what it did. Shit, I worked my way through college on minimum wage jobs.

Clearly, the problem is, the Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation, as Republicans drag their feet on raising it...

But in the 1960's, when the workforce was largely unionized and it had teeth, it was pretty good for working folks.

So what country were you living in at the time? Because I did work for minimum wage back in the late 70's and early 80's, and I can tell you it was no living wage. I had to make several dollars more an hour before I could move out of my parents house, and where I moved to was no paradise either.
Chief Running Gag no trust-um Paleface Democrat giving him blankets....

HA! I knew it!

Your name isn't Joe, you're Elizabeth Warren, aren't cha???? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Since Joey discovered I am "Native American" he has hurled these racial epithets at me in order to mock my ethnicity. He sounds like someone without a racist bigoted bone in his body, doesn't he? :dunno:
Since Joey discovered I am "Native American" he has hurled these racial epithets at me in order to mock my ethnicity. He sounds like someone without a racist bigoted bone in his body, doesn't he?

Most liberals are, just ask them. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
sure. Why not?

Why not? Because $15.00 per hour in NYC is like making $7.00 an hour over here, or $4.50 an hour in Alabama. The cost of living varies greatly across our country.

If you ever watch HGTV sometime, check out what you get for your money when you buy a home. In the NE states, homes over there that cost $850,000 are comparable to homes over here for less than $250,000. Same thing in California.

Years ago I rented an apartment to a lady from Buffalo. She was sending her kid to school here, and because he was young and didn't have a job, I told her I could only rent the apartment to her since he was not financially stable enough to put an apartment in his name.

At the time, I was charging in the area of $500.00 a month give or take depending on what unit one wanted. Her son told me he had relatives that lived in NYC that he visited all the time. He said if I could magically lift my property, place it on the outskirts of NYC, my apartments would easily go for $1,800 a month and I would have a waiting list to boot.

You are right, the minimum wage should be based on the cost of living in each city and state. You also make a good argument for housing assistance in some areas and cities.

You must be a closet progressive.

That's not a closet progressive, that's setting you up to steal those jobs away..

Damn you dumb
Actually, up until 1980 or so, the Minimum wage was just fine at what it did. Shit, I worked my way through college on minimum wage jobs.

Oh yeah... it has worked fine to ensure jobs for white racist fucks like you. I'm sure you did work your dumb ass through college making minimum wage while some poor black guy was unemployed who could've done a better jobs for less.
No times have changed, the country's that got destroyed in that warr are now on equal footing with the USA today.

Wow, that was so eloquently written, I don't know how you can argue with it after being horrified by the bad grammar.

HA! I knew it!

Your name isn't Joe, you're Elizabeth Warren, aren't cha????

You missed my earlier conversation with Boss where he claims to be a Native American...

I said that? I don't believe I did.

What I did say is that $15.00 an hour is not a livable wage in many parts of our country. That doesn't mean I think it should be raised by state, it means you're trying to piss on a three alarm house fire expecting to put it out.

I think you are a bit confused. Saying that there are some places where people can't live on $15.00 an hour isn't an excuse to make sure we keep wages at a rate where NO ONE can live on them.
Oh yeah... it has worked fine to ensure jobs for white racist fucks like you. I'm sure you did work your dumb ass through college making minimum wage while some poor black guy was unemployed who could've done a better jobs for less.

Right- because clearly someone was going to do a really fantastic job for no money.

Again, do you blame short skirts for rape? Just asking.
Yes, it's reliably accurate and it was reliably accurate in 1930. It's how we've decided delegate apportionment and electoral votes, it's how we've determined federal funding and all sorts of things. To be sitting here arguing that Census Bureau data is not accurate is simply idiotic.

Except that it routinely undercounts minorities...

Obviously, you've never collected Census Data. I did in 2000 and 2010. In 2000, it was in a town called Cicero, which had a very high Hispanic population, and frankly, they wouldn't even answer the door. When I did it in the Western burbs in 2010, it was more your white nuts who didn't want no gummit collecting data on them. And today we have computers and shit to help us fill in the gaps.

the Data in 1930 was probably absolute shit.

You're not going to suddenly change my mind..

GUy, I'm not about changing your mind. YOu are a sorry ass Tool who just needs to be mocked and humiliated every time you try to justify the racist status quo.

You're about being a liar and making excuses. Someone that is good at constantly making excuses is good for nothing else. In other words, you're good for nothing. Worthless.

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