The Dirty Little Truth About the Minimum Wage

So how do you know what kind of job she did unless you were her supervisor? Just because you have a college degree and experience doesn't mean you're not Fn things up. Plenty of college degree employees lose their job every single day.

Because I worked with her every day and saw the quality of her work.

The fact that she was a minority is also a problem if she actually got fired and not laid off. Why would a company risk being sued out of business just to get a "golf buddy" in to work there? Seems like a pretty high price to pay.

The reality is, most people don't sue. Illinois is an "At Will" employment state, and this woman was a contract employee. Technically, she didn't work for the company, she worked for the temp agency (even though she had been there nearly a year)

Golfing Buddy didn't have to go through the Temp Agency. What I hear is that he works a whole 6 hours a day these days.

Why not just move to Europe and try it out yourself? We like our capitalist country. We like freedom, we like less government, and we like having the sky as the limit. Hell, our so-called poor people live better than many working Europeans. You want to live like that, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Guy, you miss the point. YOur side isn't winning elections anymore. You don't get to say what kind of country we have. I mean you got lucky, you got away with stealing 2000, so you delayed it for a few years, I guess... but European Social Democracy is coming... and you'll be better off for it. You might even get decent health insurance.

Why would you care if it's a living wage? And what is a living wage anyway? Have any numbers for us?

$15.00 an hour would work just fine.

Really? You think $15.00 is a living wage in California? How about the New England states? You think anybody could have a nice home or apartment, feed themselves, and pay their utilities in any of these over inflated liberal states?

$15.00 an hour would work just fine.

Guy, you miss the point. YOur side isn't winning elections anymore. You don't get to say what kind of country we have. I mean you got lucky, you got away with stealing 2000, so you delayed it for a few years, I guess... but European Social Democracy is coming... and you'll be better off for it. You might even get decent health insurance.

No, we are not going socialist. The last two mid-terms were gigantic for the Republicans, in fact historical. They both had to do with Commie Care which is our newest socialist program. Now we see the problems already with the program because of increasing healthcare costs, insurance companies getting out of the program, the working people who lost their healthcare, the whole nine yards. We were lied to about this Commie program--several times.

As Costs Rise, Fewer Small Businesses Are Offering Healthcare | NFIB

The reality is, most people don't sue. Illinois is an "At Will" employment state, and this woman was a contract employee. Technically, she didn't work for the company, she worked for the temp agency (even though she had been there nearly a year)

Golfing Buddy didn't have to go through the Temp Agency. What I hear is that he works a whole 6 hours a day these days.

Because I worked with her every day and saw the quality of her work.

Oh, so you spent your working day bent over the shoulder of a temporary worker and seen what she was doing all day long? If that's what you're doing, how are you keeping your job?

I know how companies that use temps work. They usually don't keep them long term because temporary agencies are usually more expensive than company employees. They either keep them for a while because they expect work to fluctuate where they can easily get rid of the worker, or they hire them outright from the agency.

What I find amazing is how you've seen all this so-called discrimination, and in any case I've seen, companies are scared to death of even the charge yet alone the challenge. To say they just assumed the worker would not fight the case is like saying you are going to assume the gun won't go off playing Russian Roulette. No legitimate business runs their operations on assumptions.
Really? You think $15.00 is a living wage in California? How about the New England states? You think anybody could have a nice home or apartment, feed themselves, and pay their utilities in any of these over inflated liberal states?

sure. Why not?
To rewrite back to the truth. It is progressives who have written history as a lie. Hugo Black was a former KKK member and lead attorney. Everything you listed in FLSA made it more difficult for minority and poor families to procure gainful employment.

Guy, why do you keep saying "the KKK" as though that's a real point. In the 1920's, the KKK was pretty much the Rotarians... where White Anglo-Saxon Protestants were more concerned about Catholic Immigrants than the Darkies. The 1920's Klan was the one which felt it had to "Get right with Lincoln"... and expanded well beyond the South.

Oh yes, Hugo was very much anti-Catholic as well. Again, much of the New Deal legislation punished minorities including poor Irish (Catholic) immigrants. Racist, anti-black, anti-Asian, anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic policies designed to help white males... that's the legacy of how progressives "help people" in America.
90% of the population was Hispanic or some sort of other non white group. 51.9% was white. Those numbers don't add up. Why?

my guess, the fucked up way the Census parses the race question.

They put "Race" in groups of White, black, Asian, Native American.

Then they have another section for Hispanic origin. - Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban...

So a lot of Hispanics probably consider themselves "white' instead of black or Asian. In reality, depending on where they are from, they are mixtures of Spanish settlers, Native American and black slaves, but so far back they really don't know who their ancestors were.

When I worked as a census taker in 2000 and 2010, people frequently got confused at this point. "Well, I'm Mexican". Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Except I wasn't allowed to say that. If people wanted to identify themselves as Klingon, we had to put that down.
Oh yes, Hugo was very much anti-Catholic as well. Again, much of the New Deal legislation punished minorities including poor Irish (Catholic) immigrants. Racist, anti-black, anti-Asian, anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic policies designed to help white males... that's the legacy of how progressives "help people" in America.

Yeah, funny thing about that. How come things get better for working people when Democrats are in charge and WORSE when Republicans are in charge, then?

Shit, guy, the only Republican you guys can talk nice about is Ronnie Raygun, because all the things he fucked up didn't hit until Bush was president. But the Bushes, Ford, Nixon, Hoover, you don't want to talk about THOSE guys. Ike is someone you could be proud of, but he pretty much admitted the Democrats were right on most of the issues.
Oh yes, Hugo was very much anti-Catholic as well. Again, much of the New Deal legislation punished minorities including poor Irish (Catholic) immigrants. Racist, anti-black, anti-Asian, anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic policies designed to help white males... that's the legacy of how progressives "help people" in America.

Yeah, funny thing about that. How come things get better for working people when Democrats are in charge and WORSE when Republicans are in charge, then?

Shit, guy, the only Republican you guys can talk nice about is Ronnie Raygun, because all the things he fucked up didn't hit until Bush was president. But the Bushes, Ford, Nixon, Hoover, you don't want to talk about THOSE guys. Ike is someone you could be proud of, but he pretty much admitted the Democrats were right on most of the issues.

Things DON'T get better for working people, Joey. You SAY they do but the statistics don't lie. For 82 years now, the minimum wage was supposed to give every American a "decent living wage" and we're still hearing the SAME emotive bleat out of the progressives. Your scam doesn't work and hasn't worked for 82 years. All it ever does is help white folks at the expense of minorities and the working poor.

And no... Reagan most certainly didn't admit Democrats were right about any damn thing. Especially individual liberty over the tyranny of Federal government. I have NO problem calling out Hoover, Nixon, Ford or the Bushes... I'm not a Republican loyalist, I am a Conservative. Progressivism is not exclusive to the Democrat party.
To rewrite back to the truth. It is progressives who have written history as a lie. Hugo Black was a former KKK member and lead attorney. Everything you listed in FLSA made it more difficult for minority and poor families to procure gainful employment.

Black joined the KKK to garner their vote, as you no doubt already know. In other words, he used them. They represented a large voting block back then.

Today, politicians no longer have to worry about the racist vote to get elected - unless they are Republicans.

The only thing that has had an ill affect on minority and poor families gainfully procuring employment under the FLSA, back then and now, are racist employers.
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sure. Why not?

Why not? Because $15.00 per hour in NYC is like making $7.00 an hour over here, or $4.50 an hour in Alabama. The cost of living varies greatly across our country.

If you ever watch HGTV sometime, check out what you get for your money when you buy a home. In the NE states, homes over there that cost $850,000 are comparable to homes over here for less than $250,000. Same thing in California.

Years ago I rented an apartment to a lady from Buffalo. She was sending her kid to school here, and because he was young and didn't have a job, I told her I could only rent the apartment to her since he was not financially stable enough to put an apartment in his name.

At the time, I was charging in the area of $500.00 a month give or take depending on what unit one wanted. Her son told me he had relatives that lived in NYC that he visited all the time. He said if I could magically lift my property, place it on the outskirts of NYC, my apartments would easily go for $1,800 a month and I would have a waiting list to boot.
No, what I am saying as does the OP, is while these progressive ideas are promoted as "helping" the minorities and working poor, they are actually intended and designed to do the opposite and that is their result.

Again, Chief Running Gag, you are the type of conservative who blames short dresses for rape and women complaining for spousal abuse.

The Minimum Wage was created for a specific reason - to keep the rich from using the opportunity of a recession or depression as an excuse to drive down wages by firing everyone they were currently employing and replacing them with people who'd work for less.

And when the Minimum Wage had some REAL TEETH- that period of WWII and afterwards, until Nixon's hyperinflation rendered it meaningless - we enjoyed the greatest prosperity we had ever known. Even minorities got a leg up on wages, which is part of what triggered the civil rights movement.

Of course, this wasn't good enough for the Plutocrats. They were horrified at the thought they might run into a darkie at the Country Club which couldn't keep them out anymore.
Things DON'T get better for working people, Joey. You SAY they do but the statistics don't lie. For 82 years now, the minimum wage was supposed to give every American a "decent living wage" and we're still hearing the SAME emotive bleat out of the progressives. Your scam doesn't work and hasn't worked for 82 years. All it ever does is help white folks at the expense of minorities and the working poor.

Actually, up until 1980 or so, the Minimum wage was just fine at what it did. Shit, I worked my way through college on minimum wage jobs.

Clearly, the problem is, the Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation, as Republicans drag their feet on raising it...

But in the 1960's, when the workforce was largely unionized and it had teeth, it was pretty good for working folks.
No, what I am saying as does the OP, is while these progressive ideas are promoted as "helping" the minorities and working poor, they are actually intended and designed to do the opposite and that is their result.

Again, Chief Running Gag, you are the type of conservative who blames short dresses for rape and women complaining for spousal abuse.

The Minimum Wage was created for a specific reason - to keep the rich from using the opportunity of a recession or depression as an excuse to drive down wages by firing everyone they were currently employing and replacing them with people who'd work for less.

And when the Minimum Wage had some REAL TEETH- that period of WWII and afterwards, until Nixon's hyperinflation rendered it meaningless - we enjoyed the greatest prosperity we had ever known. Even minorities got a leg up on wages, which is part of what triggered the civil rights movement.

Of course, this wasn't good enough for the Plutocrats. They were horrified at the thought they might run into a darkie at the Country Club which couldn't keep them out anymore.

replacing them with people who'd work for less.

You just admitted it that the minimum wage law is racist.

What do you have against people working for less?
No, what I am saying as does the OP, is while these progressive ideas are promoted as "helping" the minorities and working poor, they are actually intended and designed to do the opposite and that is their result.

Again, Chief Running Gag, you are the type of conservative who blames short dresses for rape and women complaining for spousal abuse.

The Minimum Wage was created for a specific reason - to keep the rich from using the opportunity of a recession or depression as an excuse to drive down wages by firing everyone they were currently employing and replacing them with people who'd work for less.

And when the Minimum Wage had some REAL TEETH- that period of WWII and afterwards, until Nixon's hyperinflation rendered it meaningless - we enjoyed the greatest prosperity we had ever known. Even minorities got a leg up on wages, which is part of what triggered the civil rights movement.

Of course, this wasn't good enough for the Plutocrats. They were horrified at the thought they might run into a darkie at the Country Club which couldn't keep them out anymore.

Try not to post when you're drunk, buddy.
replacing them with people who'd work for less.

You just admitted it that the minimum wage law is racist.

What do you have against people working for less?

YOu mean other than they are part of the problem?

At an early age, someone should have taught you the history of the labor movement.
Why not? Because $15.00 per hour in NYC is like making $7.00 an hour over here, or $4.50 an hour in Alabama. The cost of living varies greatly across our country.

If you ever watch HGTV sometime, check out what you get for your money when you buy a home. In the NE states, homes over there that cost $850,000 are comparable to homes over here for less than $250,000. Same thing in California.

Yeah, but that's because people want to live in the NE or California.

Nobody wants to live in fucking Ohio. Republican Paradise.
replacing them with people who'd work for less.

You just admitted it that the minimum wage law is racist.

What do you have against people working for less?

YOu mean other than they are part of the problem?

At an early age, someone should have taught you the history of the labor movement.

The workers who want to work our part of the problem now?

Again buddy, it was happening all over the world, you can't admit that.
Why not? Because $15.00 per hour in NYC is like making $7.00 an hour over here, or $4.50 an hour in Alabama. The cost of living varies greatly across our country.

If you ever watch HGTV sometime, check out what you get for your money when you buy a home. In the NE states, homes over there that cost $850,000 are comparable to homes over here for less than $250,000. Same thing in California.

Yeah, but that's because people want to live in the NE or California.

Nobody wants to live in fucking Ohio. Republican Paradise.

God Damn another thing you don't want to admit democrat policies and union buddies created that high cost of living.
sure. Why not?

Why not? Because $15.00 per hour in NYC is like making $7.00 an hour over here, or $4.50 an hour in Alabama. The cost of living varies greatly across our country.

If you ever watch HGTV sometime, check out what you get for your money when you buy a home. In the NE states, homes over there that cost $850,000 are comparable to homes over here for less than $250,000. Same thing in California.

Years ago I rented an apartment to a lady from Buffalo. She was sending her kid to school here, and because he was young and didn't have a job, I told her I could only rent the apartment to her since he was not financially stable enough to put an apartment in his name.

At the time, I was charging in the area of $500.00 a month give or take depending on what unit one wanted. Her son told me he had relatives that lived in NYC that he visited all the time. He said if I could magically lift my property, place it on the outskirts of NYC, my apartments would easily go for $1,800 a month and I would have a waiting list to boot.

You are right, the minimum wage should be based on the cost of living in each city and state. You also make a good argument for housing assistance in some areas and cities.

You must be a closet progressive.
The workers who want to work our part of the problem now?

Again buddy, it was happening all over the world, you can't admit that.

Uh, what was happening all over the world was government realized that you needed to have stable wages in order to keep recessions from getting really bad.

This isn't complicated, even for a drunken retard who thinks there are still Italians in Cicero.

If wages drop, people don't have money to buy things. People don't buy things, merchants can't sell things. Merchants can't sell things, people can't get employed making things.

this is what everyone figured out during the Great Depressions. It's why after the Depression and World War II, most of the civilized world realized that if they didn't want to go the way of Russia and China, they had to make it worthwhile for working people to not shoot the rich.

And for about 40 years, it worked out well. Working people made good wages, could even enjoy some of the good life.

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