The Dirty Little Truth About the Minimum Wage

Bear destroyed you......the min wage is a fucking joke.

Not really. He just repeated some kind of revisionist history. The reality is, living in the Jim Crow South was a miserable experience for blacks and they couldn't move to the North fast enough where the nice industrial jobs that paid minimum wage were.

Our freedoms are removed?

How about the freedom of the People to choose via their representatives to set a minimum wage?

Shhhh.... when Boss says, "Freedom", he means the ability of the Rich to abuse the rest of us. That's what they always mean.

Whenever government meddles in the forces of free market capitalism the people suffer. Our freedoms are removed. Our lives are disrupted. Businesses can't function. This is why Communism and Socialism fail time and time again wherever they are tried.

See what I mean. He is just soooooo sad the rich can't exploit the working class.

Bullshit Joe, I have Ivory school historians on my side, again the racist minimum wage laws were happening all over the world so minoritys's couldn't underbid the whites.

You're the one who is trying to revise history.
Why, the Federal Government does these things better.

No, the Federal government CAN'T determine what is better for my state, your state and someone else's state. WE can determine what is best for our respective states MUCH better. It's the whole entire purpose of having states. When a bureaucrat in Washington decides what is best for my state, my freedom is taken away. Always.

Actually, there's no real purpose to having states. State governments are run by C-list clowns who can't win federal elections.

Your freedom to bend over for the rich is your own problem. I frankly like the fact that the air is safe to breathe and the water is safe to drink. But you keep living next to the biggest toxic waste dump in the country and think your state is looking out for you.


Alabama one of the most corrupt states in the country, Harvard study says

It turns out those perceptions aren't always correct. A new study conducted by Harvard's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics shows there are collection of states that are considered the most corrupt but it may not be the ones that immediately come to mind.

Can you guess which state showed up high on the list? That would be Alabama, of course.

The 2014 study looked at both illegal corruption, defined as private gains such as cash or gift in exchange for specific benefits, and legal corruption, that is, political gains through campaign contributions or endorsements by a government official in return to providing benefits for a private individual.

Joe you and Rderp are a trip, you live in the Chicago area and want to throw stones at other states and say they are corrupt.

Talk about someone who ignores where he lives.
So now you want some little corner where you can keep being bigots.

Says the the guy who supports racist policies and says we should hire and fire based on skin color.

We already do that. Seen it happen. Saw a guy fire a highly qualified black woman to make ajob for his golfing buddy.
No, the OP cited Amity Schlaes. The poster bear offered support for the OP from Sowell and the Hoover Institute among others. All of the information is documented fact. It's not people's opinions. You cannot refute documented facts with your liberal biased opinions no matter how much you wish you can.

Schlaes and Sowell are hacks.. paid by the Koch brothers to keep people like you stupid.
Joe you and Rderp are a trip, you live in the Chicago area and want to throw stones at other states and say they are corrupt.

Talk about someone who ignores where he lives.

Oh, I'll admit, Illinois is as corrupt as fuck. Which is why I don't want them regulating the things the Federal Government is doing perfectly well.

The government has the feds to print money out of thin air, they would have been bankrupt 20 years ago..

Jesus Christ anybody can be a president and it would recover no matter how bad they do
Joe you and Rderp are a trip, you live in the Chicago area and want to throw stones at other states and say they are corrupt.

Talk about someone who ignores where he lives.

He does the same thing with his racism and bigotry as well. You see the way he is apologizing for a racist policy and the other day he admitted he favors hiring and firing based on skin color. He blames racism on Republicans even though there is no historical evidence for it. Then he tries to claim he used to be a Republican. Joey is a real piece of shit.

Now we're discovering he wants the Feds lording over the states because his state is so corrupt. We won't mention which party has controlled politics in his state the past century or more. Noooo.. let's avoid that old chestnut!
He does the same thing with his racism and bigotry as well. You see the way he is apologizing for a racist policy and the other day he admitted he favors hiring and firing based on skin color. He blames racism on Republicans even though there is no historical evidence for it. Then he tries to claim he used to be a Republican. Joey is a real piece of shit.

I favor giving people a fair break. Sorry you don't get that.

It's already been established hiring is racially biased, even when all other factors (experience, education, etc.) are taken into account. You know, like when you tried to claim college educated minorities did just as well as whites and I proved that completely wrong.

Now we're discovering he wants the Feds lording over the states because his state is so corrupt. We won't mention which party has controlled politics in his state the past century or more. Noooo.. let's avoid that old chestnut!

Uh, Guy, we've had Republican Governors for 28 of the last 40 years. One of them even went to jail for selling driver's licences... So you'd be wrong again.
He does the same thing with his racism and bigotry as well. You see the way he is apologizing for a racist policy and the other day he admitted he favors hiring and firing based on skin color. He blames racism on Republicans even though there is no historical evidence for it. Then he tries to claim he used to be a Republican. Joey is a real piece of shit.

I favor giving people a fair break. Sorry you don't get that.

It's already been established hiring is racially biased, even when all other factors (experience, education, etc.) are taken into account. You know, like when you tried to claim college educated minorities did just as well as whites and I proved that completely wrong.

Now we're discovering he wants the Feds lording over the states because his state is so corrupt. We won't mention which party has controlled politics in his state the past century or more. Noooo.. let's avoid that old chestnut!

Uh, Guy, we've had Republican Governors for 28 of the last 40 years. One of them even went to jail for selling driver's licences... So you'd be wrong again.

Failed to mention which Illinois governor is still in jail?
I favor giving people a fair break. Sorry you don't get that.

No you don't. You favor stealing MY money to promote your little racist policies. You favor putting everyone in a little box so you can more easily pit them against each other while you discriminate against them.
No you don't. You favor stealing MY money to promote your little racist policies. You favor putting everyone in a little box so you can more easily pit them against each other while you discriminate against them.

As far as I'm concerned, the box was established 400 years ago when white crackers you descended from kidnapped these folks and dragged them over here in chains.

Can we talk "reparations"? Yes. Yes, we can.
No you don't. You favor stealing MY money to promote your little racist policies. You favor putting everyone in a little box so you can more easily pit them against each other while you discriminate against them.

As far as I'm concerned, the box was established 400 years ago when white crackers you descended from kidnapped these folks and dragged them over here in chains.

Can we talk "reparations"? Yes. Yes, we can.

If you mean slavery, it was established over 11,000 years ago. The Republican party was established over 150 years ago to get rid of slavery here, which your party had upheld for 85 years. It took another century to get your party to recognize basic civil rights for those people. Once you figured out you were going to have to do that, you figured out a way to exploit them for political advantage and you've been doing it ever since.

If "reparations" are going to be a thing, we're first going to talk about reparations for my people... you call us Native Americans. You see, you live in a state named after my ancestors because it belonged to them. So.... when ya movin', jerk? Come on, Joey... show us all how sincere you are about making things right regarding past transgressions. Either that, or shut your little sniveling racist mouth.
If you mean slavery, it was established over 11,000 years ago. The Republican party was established over 150 years ago to get rid of slavery here, which your party had upheld for 85 years. It took another century to get your party to recognize basic civil rights for those people. Once you figured out you were going to have to do that, you figured out a way to exploit them for political advantage and you've been doing it ever since.

Dude, my party is the Republican Party. We just need to purge it of all you religous crazies and Corporate suckups, and it will be a good party again.

Not to worry, after Trump crashes the thing into the wall, the voices of reason will be back in charge.

If "reparations" are going to be a thing, we're first going to talk about reparations for my people... you call us Native Americans. You see, you live in a state named after my ancestors because it belonged to them. So.... when ya movin', jerk? Come on, Joey... show us all how sincere you are about making things right regarding past transgressions. Either that, or shut your little sniveling racist mouth.

Yeah, so, um, you're native American this week?
If you mean slavery, it was established over 11,000 years ago. The Republican party was established over 150 years ago to get rid of slavery here, which your party had upheld for 85 years. It took another century to get your party to recognize basic civil rights for those people. Once you figured out you were going to have to do that, you figured out a way to exploit them for political advantage and you've been doing it ever since.

Dude, my party is the Republican Party. We just need to purge it of all you religous crazies and Corporate suckups, and it will be a good party again.

Not to worry, after Trump crashes the thing into the wall, the voices of reason will be back in charge.

If "reparations" are going to be a thing, we're first going to talk about reparations for my people... you call us Native Americans. You see, you live in a state named after my ancestors because it belonged to them. So.... when ya movin', jerk? Come on, Joey... show us all how sincere you are about making things right regarding past transgressions. Either that, or shut your little sniveling racist mouth.

Yeah, so, um, you're native American this week?
No one believes you you stupid fucktard democrat....:lol:

I am glad Trump has been so effective at curbing all the stupid fucking GOP'ers.....
Yeah, so, um, you're native American this week?

No. I have always been Cherokee and Choctaw. The term "Native American" is offensive to me. I am not a "Native American" and neither were my ancestors. They were native Cherokee and Choctaw. Those were our native nations before YOUR ancestors came here and stole our land.

So, again, when are you planning to move?
No. I have always been Cherokee and Choctaw. The term "Native American" is offensive to me. I am not a "Native American" and neither were my ancestors. They were native Cherokee and Choctaw. Those were our native nations before YOUR ancestors came here and stole our land.

So, again, when are you planning to move?

Oh, okay... because you seem to be a different race every week... depending on what argumetn you are trying to make, I really don't try to keep up...

Kind of like how you are voting for Trump one week and not voting for him the next.

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