The disease of snowflake spreads…

There is a temptation to get Congress to form committees to impeach all the unAmericans or at least do full background checks as to how they were elected in terms of financing and other influence. But IMO, that is what the unAmericans want. They want The Donald administration to lose focus of the agenda to make America great again. The unAmericans in Congress should just be ignored! They lost! Big time!
I wish you guys would get a new term so I could change my siggie. It's 7 degrees here and I would prefer something else, to be honest.
Snowflakes are remarkable, each individual but wrought from the same environment and conditions. They are ephemeral but in unison they can create awesome displays or total havoc. I like REAL snowflakes. You guys aren't that far off the mark, though, come to think of it.
TrumpFlake is caving into the Russians and is now saying all Americans will be covered by health insurance.
It's like a bunch of spoiled kids, not getting their way. I think it's funny…

More Democratic Legislators Plan on Sitting Out Trump’s Swearing-In


Progressive men are fags. Passive aggressive stunts like women......terrified of conflict. They duck competition whenever it is present. All the same MO......beat up on the playground. Never picked for the team. Laughed at by the women well after the formative years. Its learned behavior.

40 years of feminism.......the damage is very evident. We're fucked.......except...........

Imagine if we ever choose up sides!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It's like a bunch of spoiled kids, not getting their way. I think it's funny…

More Democratic Legislators Plan on Sitting Out Trump’s Swearing-In


Progressive men are fags. Passive aggressive stunts like women......terrified of conflict. They duck competition whenever it is present. All the same MO......beat up on the playground. Never picked for the team. Laughed at by the women well after the formative years. Its learned behavior.

40 years of feminism.......the damage is very evident. We're fucked.......except...........

Imagine if we ever choose up sides!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

There we go, the homosexual stuff is always lurking in the minds of these folks. Another hissyfit partisanshithead post please?
I wish you guys would get a new term so I could change my siggie. It's 7 degrees here and I would prefer something else, to be honest.
Snowflakes are remarkable, each individual but wrought from the same environment and conditions. They are ephemeral but in unison they can create awesome displays or total havoc. I like REAL snowflakes. You guys aren't that far off the mark, though, come to think of it.
How about buttercup?

Unfortunately, I don't think that the popularity of snowflake will vanish soon.

Its' etymology in popular culture goes back to Fight Club I believe, which is sort of paradoxical really. It's more used by anarchists to describe statists that are in a condition of cognitive dissonance when they finally come to see the truth about the dying system they are living in.

Once you understand that the reason political solutions to problems never work, and the more they are tried and seem to make things worse, it is not because this party, or that party is worse than the other, it's because it is the system that is meant to be the solution, now only operates, and will ever only operate to benefit itself.

Most folks when educated to this reality, would rather be angry, lash out, or are too fragile to acknowledge this, (conservatives included.) Thus . . . snowflake.

Tell a Democrat that the Deep State killed JFK, they will lash out at you and tell you to put on a tin foil hat, IOW, they are a snowflakes. Tell a Republican that the Deep State was complicit with the terrorists in 9/11 and helped in launching a never ending faux war on terror, they will have the same reaction, they too are the snowflakes, they also are too fragile to accept reality. Google the term, "Hyper-normalization."

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