The DNC told us we shouldn't vote for Trump because he is mean.

A Leader doesn't intentionally divide the nation and citizens that he is suppose to lead, on the basis of whether they openly praise him, grovel at his feet, unconditionally support his lies, donated to him, or voted for him.

Lol, fighting back against Dems who were on tilt from day one isn't trying to intentionally divide the country.

It takes two to tango, Dems have been treating Trump as illegitimate since the beginning because he had the audacity to win when they thought they had the election in the bag.


Trump started it, long before he was sworn in.... expected by the sane, that he would stop his bull crap on inauguration day, like all presidents.... but no such luck.

And, he cheated.... cheating is not something to admire or revere or brag about as you all do with his win.


with the Senate investigation report on Russian Interference and the Trump campaign just released.... He cheated.... yes he and his campaign cheated by welcoming the help of Russian hacks, thieves, and operatives....

That's a FACT now.... a non partisan fact with all republicans on the Senate intelligence committee signing off on it.


He didn't cheat, you can say it all you want, but it's simply not true.
A Leader doesn't intentionally divide the nation and citizens that he is suppose to lead, on the basis of whether they openly praise him, grovel at his feet, unconditionally support his lies, donated to him, or voted for him.

Lol, fighting back against Dems who were on tilt from day one isn't trying to intentionally divide the country.

It takes two to tango, Dems have been treating Trump as illegitimate since the beginning because he had the audacity to win when they thought they had the election in the bag.


Trump started it, long before he was sworn in.... expected by the sane, that he would stop his bull crap on inauguration day, like all presidents.... but no such luck.

And, he cheated.... cheating is not something to admire or revere or brag about as you all do with his win.


with the Senate investigation report on Russian Interference and the Trump campaign just released.... He cheated.... yes he and his campaign cheated by welcoming the help of Russian hacks, thieves, and operatives....

That's a FACT now.... a non partisan fact with all republicans on the Senate intelligence committee signing off on it.

Link to the confirmation you claim.

I think you may have some things confused.

This is a short synopsis, the report itself is 960 pages... a link is in the article below.

The Senate Intelligence report describes the Russian government’s overall operation in support of Trump in 2016 as “aggressive and multi-faceted”. The language echoes that of Mueller, who called Moscow’s meddling “sweeping and systematic”. But in many places the committee is more damning, suggesting a high level of coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian intermediaries.

The report says that Trump’s close friend Roger Stone was working closely with WikiLeaks in summer 2016. It suggests Stone was briefing Trump in real time, and that the Trump campaign was shaping its messages ahead of releases by WikiLeaks of Democratic emails stolen in Moscow by GRU state hackers.

It says: “Trump and senior campaign officials sought to obtain advance information about WikiLeaks’s planned releases through Roger Stone. At their direction, Stone took action to gain inside knowledge for the campaign and shared his purported knowledge directly with Trump and senior campaign officials on multiple occasions.”

Trump believed Stone was getting “inside information” from WikiLeaks, the committee said, adding that it wasn’t able to establish if this was indeed the case. It also said it was “implausible” that Trump’s foreign policy aide George Papadopoulos – who learned of the hack in April 2016 – did not pass this information on to the Trump campaign.

Scott Horton, a lecturer at Columbia law school, said on Tuesday the Senate committee’s report “confirms nearly everything” about Trump’s ties to Moscow. He said it vindicated claims by the Democrats and others that the campaign had indeed colluded with the Russians – something Trump has vehemently denied.

“The committee offers a much deeper view into the intelligence collected by US authorities than does the much sketchier Mueller report. It will support the view that Mueller, far from exonerating Trump, simply expected to pass the baton to Congress to conduct deeper inquiries.”

A Leader doesn't intentionally divide the nation and citizens that he is suppose to lead, on the basis of whether they openly praise him, grovel at his feet, unconditionally support his lies, donated to him, or voted for him.
There's no one angrier than a Liberal.
You nut cases always need to be angry about something.
Look in the mirror Indy.... or better yet, look at the divider n chief, liar n chief, cheater n chief....
Feel free to call me the same kind of nut...I'm disgusted with Globalism.
It's inevitable, we all live on the same planet.... God set it up that way..... :(
A Leader doesn't intentionally divide the nation and citizens that he is suppose to lead, on the basis of whether they openly praise him, grovel at his feet, unconditionally support his lies, donated to him, or voted for him.

Lol, fighting back against Dems who were on tilt from day one isn't trying to intentionally divide the country.

It takes two to tango, Dems have been treating Trump as illegitimate since the beginning because he had the audacity to win when they thought they had the election in the bag.


Trump started it, long before he was sworn in.... expected by the sane, that he would stop his bull crap on inauguration day, like all presidents.... but no such luck.

And, he cheated.... cheating is not something to admire or revere or brag about as you all do with his win.


with the Senate investigation report on Russian Interference and the Trump campaign just released.... He cheated.... yes he and his campaign cheated by welcoming the help of Russian hacks, thieves, and operatives....

That's a FACT now.... a non partisan fact with all republicans on the Senate intelligence committee signing off on it.


He didn't cheat, you can say it all you want, but it's simply not true.
Believe what you want, but he did cheat, by opening his arms to a foreign adversary who STOLE his opposition's emails and DNCs emails, so Trump could use them, every night at his rallies... if that isn't cheating, and unethical, I don't know what is? Maybe Trump could have won without them, but we'll never know....
A Leader doesn't intentionally divide the nation and citizens that he is suppose to lead, on the basis of whether they openly praise him, grovel at his feet, unconditionally support his lies, donated to him, or voted for him.

Lol, fighting back against Dems who were on tilt from day one isn't trying to intentionally divide the country.

It takes two to tango, Dems have been treating Trump as illegitimate since the beginning because he had the audacity to win when they thought they had the election in the bag.


Trump started it, long before he was sworn in.... expected by the sane, that he would stop his bull crap on inauguration day, like all presidents.... but no such luck.

And, he cheated.... cheating is not something to admire or revere or brag about as you all do with his win.


with the Senate investigation report on Russian Interference and the Trump campaign just released.... He cheated.... yes he and his campaign cheated by welcoming the help of Russian hacks, thieves, and operatives....

That's a FACT now.... a non partisan fact with all republicans on the Senate intelligence committee signing off on it.


He didn't cheat, you can say it all you want, but it's simply not true.
Believe what you want, but he did cheat, by opening his arms to a foreign adversary who STOLE his opposition's emails and DNCs emails, so Trump could use them, every night at his rallies... if that isn't cheating, and unethical, I don't know what is? Maybe Trump could have won without them, but we'll never know....

Even if that's what happened (and it probably didn't, not the way you describe it,) That isn't cheating. cheating is somehow making changes to the actual system of voting.

Those leaks became public knowledge. He was supposed to give up and advantage?

Dems would have done the same if the shoe was on the other foot.
A Leader doesn't intentionally divide the nation and citizens that he is suppose to lead, on the basis of whether they openly praise him, grovel at his feet, unconditionally support his lies, donated to him, or voted for him.
There's no one angrier than a Liberal.
You nut cases always need to be angry about something.
Look in the mirror Indy.... or better yet, look at the divider n chief, liar n chief, cheater n chief....
Feel free to call me the same kind of nut...I'm disgusted with Globalism.
It's inevitable, we all live on the same planet

Yes, but that does not mean that what's mine is yours, or that we all must live in mud huts for some displaced sense of equality.
A Leader doesn't intentionally divide the nation and citizens that he is suppose to lead, on the basis of whether they openly praise him, grovel at his feet, unconditionally support his lies, donated to him, or voted for him.

Lol, fighting back against Dems who were on tilt from day one isn't trying to intentionally divide the country.

It takes two to tango, Dems have been treating Trump as illegitimate since the beginning because he had the audacity to win when they thought they had the election in the bag.


Trump started it, long before he was sworn in.... expected by the sane, that he would stop his bull crap on inauguration day, like all presidents.... but no such luck.

And, he cheated.... cheating is not something to admire or revere or brag about as you all do with his win.


with the Senate investigation report on Russian Interference and the Trump campaign just released.... He cheated.... yes he and his campaign cheated by welcoming the help of Russian hacks, thieves, and operatives....

That's a FACT now.... a non partisan fact with all republicans on the Senate intelligence committee signing off on it.


He didn't cheat, you can say it all you want, but it's simply not true.
Believe what you want, but he did cheat, by opening his arms to a foreign adversary who STOLE his opposition's emails and DNCs emails, so Trump could use them, every night at his rallies... if that isn't cheating, and unethical, I don't know what is? Maybe Trump could have won without them, but we'll never know....
I keep asking the same question, so in your mind the public didn't have a right to know ?

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