The doctrine of the Democrats disintegrates right before our eyes

According to some they aren't inclusive - In fact they were asked to leave a brand new "Diversity Center" at UofV
As I've told Trump's snowflake brigades before, if you devote your life to looking for reasons to proclaim yourself TheUltimateVictim, you'll find them.
Think of the irony of that statement. His side of the aisle has spent over a century crying "racism", "homophobia", "xenophobia". All they do is explore new ways to proclaim themselves a victim and then demand "reparations" (ie new libtard word for handouts).

And yet, when faced with indisputable video evidence of more racism from that side of the aisle, he whines "you can find victim status if you devout your life to finding it". Fucking hilarious. She never thinks before posting.
If Republicans were mindless MaObama Zombies like mammaries, once unemployment returns to where it was, we would declare "President Trump added 80 million jobs to the economy"!!! :laugh:

That's exactly what those imbeciles did with MaObama. He takes office with 7.6% unemployment, drives it up to over 10%, gets an ass-kicking in the 2010 midterm elections, after which Republicans take over coast-to-coast and create jobs, and imbeciles on the left attempt to claim that MaObama "created" jobs when he actually cost the U.S. millions of jobs. He needed the Republicans just to restore the economy back to the 7.6% unemployment he started with! :laugh:
According to some they aren't inclusive - In fact they were asked to leave a brand new "Diversity Center" at UofV
As I've told Trump's snowflake brigades before, if you devote your life to looking for reasons to proclaim yourself TheUltimateVictim, you'll find them.
Think of the irony of that statement. His side of the aisle has spent over a century crying "racism", "homophobia", "xenophobia". All they do is explore new ways to proclaim themselves a victim and then demand "reparations" (ie new libtard word for handouts).

And yet, when faced with indisputable video evidence of more racism from that side of the aisle, he whines "you can find victim status if you devout your life to finding it". Fucking hilarious. She never thinks before posting.

She is deflecting. Because she doesn't have an answer to what happened in that video was unacceptable.
Think of the irony

You making shit up about us isn't irony. It's just you lying.

And yet, when faced with indisputable video evidence of more racism from that side of the aisle,

Toss those race cards! Print new decks and toss them everywhere! After all, you are the ultimate victim! Revel in your bitchdom and victimhood! Scream your victimhood to the whole earth! Let the very heavens tremble at your screams of victimhood!

Good luck with that. It worked out poorly for you in 2018, but you're going to try again. Bless your heart. If you scream your victimhood even louder, it will work for sure this time.

Fucking hilarious. She never thinks before posting.

For the last time, I don't want to be your top, so stop begging me. I am not attracted to "bears". Go beg the other conservative men for that kind of attention. Ken Mac seems interested, so you two should get a SafeSpace

Oh, hilarious economic analysis. Trump runs Obama's stellar economy into the ground and further down towards Hell, and you're singing his praises. Yeah, you should totally run on that 2020 as well.
If Republicans were mindless MaObama Zombies like mammaries, once unemployment returns to where it was, we would declare "President Trump added 80 million jobs to the economy"!!! :laugh:

That's exactly what those imbeciles did with MaObama. He takes office with 7.6% unemployment, drives it up to over 10%, gets an ass-kicking in the 2010 midterm elections, after which Republicans take over coast-to-coast and create jobs, and imbeciles on the left attempt to claim that MaObama "created" jobs when he actually cost the U.S. millions of jobs. He needed the Republicans just to restore the economy back to the 7.6% unemployment he started with! :laugh:
Welp....the time has arrived! Look everybody, President Trump has “created” a record 2 million jobs in a single month!!! :laugh:
If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.

Their voters wanted old white Bernie and their leaders wanted old white Biden. No democrats wanted a black person.
The left would have you believe they are committed to "education" and pedigree.

And yet...when an Ivy League law professor speaks out about the acts of terrorism by “Black Lives Matter”, he is immediately attacked by the “cancel culture” of the fascists.
If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.

Bi-racial, female-ish, and a prolific cocksucker.... should be the ultimate trifecta for the marxist platform.... hmm? But, they really don't have any core beliefs. #metoo, #diversity #blm #believewomen is all just political schtick. They don't believe a word of it. POWER is all they care about. They ARE the enemy.
Dem presidential nominee - WHITE
Dem Speaker of the House - WHITE
Dem Senate Minority Leader - WHITE

Recent Dem racial slurs...

Biden, vote for me or you aint black
Biden, minority kids are just as smart as WHITE kids

Dem racism is on FULL display this election.
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.

Making sense never won over a Democrat. They lust only for power and control. Agree with their handlers and obey or you will be slandered and squashed. It happens in academia. It just occured in the New York Times, when the Opinion Editor resigned after being slandered and attacked for her common sense and fairness.

"In my next movie I get to kill all the whites. How cool is that!" - Will Smith

````Oppressed Will Smith.jpg
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.

Making sense never won over a Democrat. They lust only for power and control. Agree with their handlers and obey or you will be slandered and squashed. It happens in academia. It just occured in the New York Times, when the Opinion Editor resigned after being slandered and attacked for her common sense and fairness.

"In my next movie I get to kill all the whites. How cool is that!" - Will Smith

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Dude, there is absolutely no rational explanation for a a demofks
Ohhhh mammaries, President Trump created over 2.5 million jobs in one month!!

Aww, how sweet. My little buttercup misses me, so he keeps begging for my attention over and over. I wonder why he's praising Trump's economic record, being that the unemployment is so high. You'd think he'd want to avoid the topic of how Trump drove Obama's economy off the cliff.

You'd also think he'd want to avoid pushing faked job numbers, given how damaging that is to his credibilty. But then, he is a Trump cultist. In their eyes, being humiliated for lying is a good thing, because it demonstrates to other cultists how he's willing to debase himself on behalf of the cult.

I wonder why he's praising Trump's economic record, being that the unemployment is so high. You'd think he'd want to avoid the topic of how Trump drove Obama's economy off the cliff.
2.5 million jobs in a single month!!! #MAGA #ObamaMath
It's too bad the GOP is only interested in the wealthy. Then I could vote GOP. I can't vote Dem so I am forced to vote independent.
It's too bad the GOP is only interested in the wealthy. Then I could vote GOP. I can't vote Dem so I am forced to vote independent.
Please explain to the class how you came to the laughable conclusion that GOP legislation somehow only magically applies to the wealthy. I can’t wait to hear this one.
The left would have you believe they are committed to "Obamacare" and a “single payer system” for all.

And yet...when given the opportunity to “dog food” their own shit legislation, they opt out (despite forcing it down the throats of the American people, against our will). Senator GaryPeters‬⁩ is a typical piece of shit Dumbocrat. Socialism for thee, not for me.

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