The doctrine of the Democrats disintegrates right before our eyes

*YAWN* How many of these threads will we be subjected to? The Killer Bs(Bernie & Biden) must be gaining some traction and it's showing in the desperation of the Trumpkins. :04:

Trump will dismantle Biden. Bernie is the only one that even stands a chance. It's worth noting that Michael Moore (the lefty that predicted Trump's win before ANYBODY else) thinks if the Democrats vote with fear and go with what they think is safe they will definitely lose to Donald Trump.
That has certainly happened before but Bernie couldn't even beat a terrible candidate like Hillary, do you really expect him to beat a great candidate like Trump? His is not a unifier and he didn't get out the youth vote in big enough numbers. Some of us fondly remember George McGovern but don't want history to repeat itself.
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.
You seem far more invested in identity politics than any Dem
Actually, he was still president in 2017, less than four years ago, you fucking idiot.
Bwahahahahaha!!! He wasn’t “primaried” by a Dumbocrat challenger in his second term, you fucking imbecile.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
More nonsense from one of trump's bootlicking idiots.
Demorats prove they racists because black voters supported Biden more than Harris or Booker. Dem racist black dems. LOL
Actually, he was still president in 2017, less than four years ago, you fucking idiot.
Bwahahahahaha!!! He wasn’t “primaried” by a Dumbocrat challenger in his second term, you fucking imbecile.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
More nonsense from one of trump's bootlicking idiots.
Demorats prove they racists because black voters supported Biden more than Harris or Booker. Dem racist black dems. LOL
Let me guess, you are a trump u grad, right?
Actually, he was still president in 2017, less than four years ago, you fucking idiot.
Bwahahahahaha!!! He wasn’t “primaried” by a Dumbocrat challenger in his second term, you fucking imbecile.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
More nonsense from one of trump's bootlicking idiots.
Demorats prove they racists because black voters supported Biden more than Harris or Booker. Dem racist black dems. LOL
Let me guess, you are a trump u grad, right?
Well I was being sarcastic. LOL I mean the Trump OP criticizes the dems for being racist when the black voters voted for a white candidate.

But as I posted on another thread a minute ago, I thought Cory Booker had a pretty compelling resume and reason to run from his early career, but he just hasn't seemed to have done anything lately.
Actually, he was still president in 2017, less than four years ago, you fucking idiot.
Bwahahahahaha!!! He wasn’t “primaried” by a Dumbocrat challenger in his second term, you fucking imbecile.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
More nonsense from one of trump's bootlicking idiots.
You're too stupid to realize there was no real "nomination" by the Dumbocrat Party in 2012. Nobody primaried him. There were no debates. His "nomination" was a mere formality.

I always marvel at how the left doesn't know even the basics about government and how it functions. No wonder they want more and more of it. If I were that ignorant, I probably would too.
You seem far more invested in identity politics than any Dem
No, I'm far more interested in exposing the hypocrisy and lies of the left. You'd realize that if you weren't a partisan hack desperately trying to back track away from the facts.
Poor P@triot.

First he spends months screaming the Democrats hate white males, now they're running a white male.

No wonder he's upset. All that propaganda, wasted. Damn, he looks stupid, and he knows it. And with his race cards taken away, he knows his party doesn't have much hope.
No, I'm far more interested in exposing the hypocrisy and lies of the left.

You being a fuktard doesn't make us a hypocrite.

The problem here is that you're a moron. You think "diversity" doesn't include white males. Your stupidity is only your own problem.
Blacks are only 12% of the population nationwide...

Hispanics have overtaken them as the Dominant Minority at 16% nationwide...

Whites still hold the floor with 72-77% of the population nationwide...

Even in this so-called 'enlightened age' Whites are gonna control things most of the time...

As we see unfolding presently...

MEH... no big deal...

Minority Folk will vote the way they're told to vote.
No, I'm far more interested in exposing the hypocrisy and lies of the left.

You being a fuktard doesn't make us a hypocrite.

The problem here is that you're a moron. You think "diversity" doesn't include white males. Your stupidity is only your own problem.

The gap between the behavior demanded by liberals, of everyone else, and the behavior they exhibit, is the point, and one you are dodging.
*YAWN* How many of these threads will we be subjected to? The Killer Bs(Bernie & Biden) must be gaining some traction and it's showing in the desperation of the Trumpkins. :04:

The gap between the behavior demanded by liberals, of everyone else, and the behavior they exhibit, is the point, and one you are dodging.
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.
It’s bullshit because they can’t accept us.
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.
Last 2 nominees, a black guy and a woman
Now two old white guys
Poor P@triot. First he spends months screaming the Democrats hate white males, now they're running a white male.
I challenge Mammaries to link to a post where I said "the Democrats hate white males" or quit USMB (when) he can't!

Ohhhhhh! That stings, mammaries. Now you're fucked. You either have to quit the board or prove to everyone that you just lied by falling to link to a post where I said that.
Tulsi is still in it....

The DNC won’t let her be in the next debate though. They have to protect the white millionaires. She would wipe the floor with both of them.
The irony is, she'd wipe the floor with Trump too. Not in a debate, but in the actual election. I think she would win in a landslide. But she's not communist enough for the left.

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