The doctrine of the Democrats disintegrates right before our eyes

I challenge Mammaries to link to a post where I said "the Democrats hate white males" or quit USMB (when) he can't!

Ooh, someone is seeking my attention again. My subs get needy after a good spanking.

Why would I leave the board for stating what you implied in your OP?

You seem rage-addled, so it might be in your best interest to take a break. I enjoy having you around, but I'm looking out for your best interest.
They have to protect the white millionaires. She would wipe the floor with both of them.

We're democrats, so we don't promote Russian assets. I understand Republicans have trouble understanding such a concept.

Don't worry about Tulsi. She's already got a FOX News gig in the works, as their token Democrat who hates all other Democrats. Fools the morons.
They have to protect the white millionaires. She would wipe the floor with both of them.

We're democrats, so we don't promote Russian assets. I understand Republicans have trouble understanding such a concept.

Don't worry about Tulsi. She's already got a FOX News gig in the works, as their token Democrat who hates all other Democrats. Fools the morons.

Yea, she’s a “Russian asset” because she doesn’t believe in stupid foreign wars.
Tulsi is still in it....

The DNC won’t let her be in the next debate though. They have to protect the white millionaires. She would wipe the floor with both of them.
The irony is, she'd wipe the floor with Trump too. Not in a debate, but in the actual election. I think she would win in a landslide. But she's not communist enough for the left.
She’s just as leftwing as the others, she’s just against stupid wars like President Trump is.
I challenge Mammaries to link to a post where I said "the Democrats hate white males" or quit USMB (when) he can't!
Why would I leave the board for stating what you implied in your OP?
And just like...when challenged to produce evidence...Mammaries moves the goalposts from “you said” to “you implied”.

I love proving mammaries is a liar!
Gabbard didn't qualify for the debate...because the only people still voting for her are Republicans.
Well, she served her country honorably, she’s rational and calm, and she’s not a radical anti-American marxist communist - so it’s no surprise that Democrats won’t vote for her.
So the left supports a college locking down their facilities with key-cards just for students, but thinks borders should be wide open for any drug cartel hitman to walk in and setup camp. The entire ideology of the left-wing doctrine is disintegrating right before our eyes and it is glorious. :laugh:

So the left supports a college locking down their facilities with key-cards just for students, but thinks borders should be wide open for any drug cartel hitman to walk in and setup camp. The entire ideology of the left-wing doctrine is disintegrating right before our eyes and it is glorious. :laugh:

Yeah, I saw that. These people have NEVER had their stupid ideas challenged in their lives. They don't have a clue how to think.
Funny coming from the “conservative” who favored the blob over an actual conservative like Ted Cruz.
Funny coming from the “conservative” who favored the blob over an actual conservative like Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz was not the one the forced Trade and Deporting illegals to the forefront of the debate.

As they should be.
Funny coming from the “conservative” who favored the blob over an actual conservative like Ted Cruz.
That is astoundingly ignorant. I was the #1 “Never Trump” conservative on the board because he was a life-long NY liberal asshat. Here is who I supported in order:

1. Rand Paul
2. Ted Cruz
3. Dr. Ben Carson

However, unlike you, I am mature enough to admit when I’m wrong. And I was dead wrong about President Trump. He has been amazing and has implemented true conservative policy across the board. Unlike his predecessors, he has respected the limitation of powers in the constitution and restored power to the American people.
*YAWN* How many of these threads will we be subjected to? The Killer Bs(Bernie & Biden) must be gaining some traction and it's showing in the desperation of the Trumpkins. :04:

The ration of this kind of thread to "I hate Trump...and will post bullshit" threads is about 1:25.
Funny coming from the “conservative” who favored the blob over an actual conservative like Ted Cruz.
That is astoundingly ignorant. I was the #1 “Never Trump” conservative on the board because he was a life-long NY liberal asshat. Here is who I supported in order:

1. Rand Paul
2. Ted Cruz
3. Dr. Ben Carson

However, unlike you, I am mature enough to admit when I’m wrong. And I was dead wrong about President Trump. He has been amazing and has implemented true conservative policy across the board. Unlike his predecessors, he has respected the limitation of powers in the constitution and restored power to the American people.
How’s that national debt looking dumbass?
The left would have you believe they are committed to "diversity". The force institutions to implement "Diversity Officers". They force corporations to meet a certain level of minority interviews and hires.

And yet...when given the golden opportunity to nominate a minority to run against President Trump, what does the left do? They whittle it down to two old, lily white, millionaires.

But...but...but....Patriot, the left will cry. Our goal is to beat President Trump and none of our minority candidates can do that.

So? The goal of a corporation is to make money (especially for their shareholders if they are publicly traded). The goal of a think tank is to study policy. The goal of a university is to educate students. And yet all of those institutions (and more) have the left's "diversity" ideology shoved down their throats to the detriment of their stated goal. They are forced to hire the least qualified for the position, dragging down their organization. They are forced to spend money that would be better allocated to other resources. They are forced to waste time. All of which contributes to the failure of the organization in achieving their goal.

If the left were actually committed to diversity, Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide. A bi-racial female? That's diversity gold. Instead, she was one of the first to drop out due to the left rejecting her.
I think that those on the right need to shut the fuck up about this. The left has produced the first black president in US history. The right has one black senator. The people voted, and that includes blacks. And they voted for Biden.

A piece of shit like you fails to understand that whites are not always the best qualified and when you argue against diversity, you never consider this fact.
Funny coming from the “conservative” who favored the blob over an actual conservative like Ted Cruz.
That is astoundingly ignorant. I was the #1 “Never Trump” conservative on the board because he was a life-long NY liberal asshat. Here is who I supported in order:

1. Rand Paul
2. Ted Cruz
3. Dr. Ben Carson

However, unlike you, I am mature enough to admit when I’m wrong. And I was dead wrong about President Trump. He has been amazing and has implemented true conservative policy across the board. Unlike his predecessors, he has respected the limitation of powers in the constitution and restored power to the American people.
Great post, thanks.

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