The Don cannot find competent attorneys for Impeachment trial

Can you point to the exact words Trump used to incite the attack on Capitol Hill? I’ll wait.
He -- with the help of his media -- has been pounding lies, conspiracy theories and paranoia into your heads for four fucking years.

He didn't need to say anything. He and his media had you terrorists ready to go.

He could have "pretty little kitten", and you Neanderthals would have done the same thing.

What Attorney that has an ounce of integrity would represent this treasonous buffoon? Not mentioning the problem with getting paid.
He and most of his evil spawn are going to need extremely competent legal representation very soon.

Read it (at the link) and weep, RWNJs. Your denial and retreating into your fantasy reality cannot stop the wheels of justice from rolling over and squashing the nuts off your weasel-in-chief.

Attorney General James Calls for Full DOJ Investigation Into Capitol Riots Instigated by President Trump, Trump Family Members and Associates, and Members of Congress

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Can you point to the exact words Trump used to incite the attack on Capitol Hill? I’ll wait.
He -- with the help of his media -- has been pounding lies, conspiracy theories and paranoia into your heads for four fucking years.

He didn't need to say anything. He and his media had you terrorists ready to go.

He could have "pretty little kitten", and you Neanderthals would have done the same thing.

Ironically, it was YOUR media, the MSM, and the rest of the Democratic cabal that incited the violence by lying, covering up, mis-quoting, promoting false narratives virtually every week and allowing and supporting looting, burning and rioting. Just like in virtually every other case the last 4 years, they turn and blame Trump for the very things they did. Only indoctrinated lemmings and/or stupid folks have fallen for it.
It’s possibly the easiest case ever to defend based on the facts. The problem is, if you have a crooked judiciary it doesn’t matter.

Unlike McConnell's previous Impeachment trial there WILL be witnesses for this one....538 to be exact. trump is dirt.....He improbably will not be convicted....but he has shown himself to be a treasonous piece of excrement that is not worthy of holding the office of Dog Warden.

He and his deranged cult are threatening GOP Senators who know trump is Dirt. Its the Mafia Boss form of government. Like he told the Senator in Georgia... Vote my way or else. The country cannot survive when governed by a Mafia Boss who rules by fear.
If I were Trump I wouldn't send anyone. I wouldn't even acknowledge the farce is going on..............just completely ignore the entire Shampeachment.
Sounds like a job for the Lady Kraken. Prepaid of course. WTF is she these days?
Can you point to the exact words Trump used to incite the attack on Capitol Hill? I’ll wait.
He -- with the help of his media -- has been pounding lies, conspiracy theories and paranoia into your heads for four fucking years.

He didn't need to say anything. He and his media had you terrorists ready to go.

He could have "pretty little kitten", and you Neanderthals would have done the same thing.

Ironically, it was YOUR media, the MSM, and the rest of the Democratic cabal that incited the violence by lying, covering up, mis-quoting, promoting false narratives virtually every week and allowing and supporting looting, burning and rioting. Just like in virtually every other case the last 4 years, they turn and blame Trump for the very things they did. Only indoctrinated lemmings and/or stupid folks have fallen for it.

I have it on good authority that what really set off the crowd was the high pitch squealing over false claims of a stolen election from the neo-fascist wing of the GOP.

Please stop the squeal.
Anybody who voluntarily comes within his orbit deserves the damage that will come to their career, dignity, profession, credibility and self respect.

Good luck, tough shit.

Beacuase you say so?
Because Orange Man Talks Mean to the filthy pieces of worthless shit among us?

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