The Donald Hopes To Pardon The Late Muhammad Ali!!!

Remember when conservatives were all pissed off at Obama's pardons? The hypocrites change on a dime, never believe anything they say or that they are "patriots" or stand for "values".
I am guessing that Hussaine raised eyebrows of American patriots when he pardoned some 500 convicts the day before he was out of office, after he set up the wiretaps.
And they sure as sht don't fight for duty, honor, courage..

Good point! Don't forget the great Douglas MacArthur May 12, 1962 speech to West Point from which came "duty, honor, country" and "blood and sweat and tears", and "no substitute for victory." (I actually have a version hanging on the wall that was actually signed by MacArthur, my Father knew him when they both worked at Remington Rand.)

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And they sure as sht don't fight for duty, honor, courage..

Good point! Don't forget the great Douglas MacArthur May 12, 1962 speech to West Point from which came "duty, honor, country" and "blood and sweat and tears", and "no substitute for victory." (I actually have a version hanging on the wall that was actually signed by MacArthur, my Father knew him when they both worked at Remington Rand.)

I meant to say duty, honor, country. Thanks for the correction.
I think it's cheap of Trump to try and use a dead man to boost his image. But fortunately most Americans see through the orange con man.

And a pardon isn't necessary. His conviction was overturned in 1971.

Just shows Agent Orange doesn't fact check.
Is a Supreme Court decision the same as a Presidential Pardon Nia88 with the idiotic Kamala avatar? The Supreme Court for example made it legal nationwide for butchers to chop out infants from their mother's bodies. For better or worse the Executive and Judicial Branches are different legal entities. The President is voted in by the People. His decisions represent us. The Supreme Court judges are NOT voted in by the People. But they supposedly determine what is Constitutional or not.
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Is a Supreme Court decision the same as a Presidential Pardon Nia88 with the idiotic Kamala avatar? The Supreme Court for example made it legal nationwide for butchers to chop out infants from their mother's bodies. For better or worse the Executive and Judicial Branches are different legal entities. The President is voted in by the People. His decisions represent us. The Supreme Court judges are NOT voted in by the People. But they supposedly determine what is Constitutional or not.

It's funny how you are questioning the supreme court's effect, yet I'm sure you more than pleased with their recent decision to discriminate against homosexuals.

The point there is no need for Trump to pardon him. No one his conviction was overturned and Ali is dead. Was Trump campaigning for his pardon when he was alive?

It's so obvious Trump is trying to win popularity points with the public.

But keep drinking that nasty ass orange Kool-aid.
Is a Supreme Court decision the same as a Presidential Pardon Nia88 with the idiotic Kamala avatar? The Supreme Court for example made it legal nationwide for butchers to chop out infants from their mother's bodies. For better or worse the Executive and Judicial Branches are different legal entities. The President is voted in by the People. His decisions represent us. The Supreme Court judges are NOT voted in by the People. But they supposedly determine what is Constitutional or not.

Not only that, but I don't think anyone has found Judicial review in Article III anywhere. The SCOTUS has pretty much given themselves power.
Is a Supreme Court decision the same as a Presidential Pardon Nia88 with the idiotic Kamala avatar? The Supreme Court for example made it legal nationwide for butchers to chop out infants from their mother's bodies. For better or worse the Executive and Judicial Branches are different legal entities. The President is voted in by the People. His decisions represent us. The Supreme Court judges are NOT voted in by the People. But they supposedly determine what is Constitutional or not.

BTW Trump wasn't voted by the people. He was elected by the electoral college. The people voted for Hilary Clinton.
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.
Um....Ali's conviction has already been reversed. What a moron the orange cheeto is.
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.

Ali’s conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court. There is nothing to pardon.

I did not know that.

That old boy could fight in the ring, though, nobody can deny him that.

Yes he could. He talked smack like nobody else. But he backed it up.
Cassius Clay was the worst example of sportsmanship ever. This was mostly damaging to black youth because it coincided with the increase in fatherlessness among blacks. They had to look outside the home for role models.
Clay’s legacy dominates the sports landscape as demonstrated by the current low bar of courtesy and the prevalence of boorishness among most college and pro athletes today.
Only God can pardon him now.
I hope he repented for that before he passed.
Calm down boy, there's nothing to pardon. The Supreme Court overturned Ali's conviction decades ago.
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.
Um....Ali's conviction has already been reversed. What a moron the orange cheeto is.
Only a moron could secure the votes of so many Deplorables.
The Don skipped the war also, something about smelly feet, drooping ass, lack of honor, character and the stamina of a spoiled brat.

Jack Reacher said. "There are four types of people who join the military. For some, it's a family trade. Others are patriots, eager to serve. Next, you have those who just need a job. Than there's the kind who want a legal means of killing other people."

There is nothing patriotic about dying for a "domino theory."
And they sure as sht don't fight for duty, honor, courage..

Good point! Don't forget the great Douglas MacArthur May 12, 1962 speech to West Point from which came "duty, honor, country" and "blood and sweat and tears", and "no substitute for victory." (I actually have a version hanging on the wall that was actually signed by MacArthur, my Father knew him when they both worked at Remington Rand.)

macarthur was for macarthur. Period.
Is a Supreme Court decision the same as a Presidential Pardon Nia88 with the idiotic Kamala avatar? The Supreme Court for example made it legal nationwide for butchers to chop out infants from their mother's bodies. For better or worse the Executive and Judicial Branches are different legal entities. The President is voted in by the People. His decisions represent us. The Supreme Court judges are NOT voted in by the People. But they supposedly determine what is Constitutional or not.

No, they are not the same. A pardon says "You were convicted, but I am letting you off the hook". The SCOTUS over turning your conviction says "Your conviction shouldn't have happened, and now you have no conviction.".

The simple fact is that Ali has no conviction on his record to be forgiven. It does not exist. So a pardon is ridiculous. He may as well pardon Zimmerman for shooting Trayvon.
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.

As sad as it is, that's a possibility.

There were three Presidents that didn't do jack squat nothing, though. I have them written down some place, I'll have to dig it out. You can't really go wrong with a President that doesn't do anything, though.
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And they sure as sht don't fight for duty, honor, courage..

Good point! Don't forget the great Douglas MacArthur May 12, 1962 speech to West Point from which came "duty, honor, country" and "blood and sweat and tears", and "no substitute for victory." (I actually have a version hanging on the wall that was actually signed by MacArthur, my Father knew him when they both worked at Remington Rand.)

macarthur was for macarthur. Period.

He was disgraced, making him a hero to cons.

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