The Donald Hopes To Pardon The Late Muhammad Ali!!!

Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.
The Don skipped the war also, something about smelly feet, drooping ass, lack of honor, character and the stamina of a spoiled brat.
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.

Ali’s conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court. There is nothing to pardon.

My God you button the top button of your polo shirt every day of your life?:2up:
Ali was already pardoned by Carter when he gave a blanket pardon to draft dodgers. No need to pardon the piece of shit Ali.
Who Trump, that coward piece of shit that sat out the war on the lame excuse of bone spurs, please..
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.

Ali’s conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court. There is nothing to pardon.

My God you button the top button of your polo shirt every day of your life?:2up:

What? Do you think a conversation about pardoning someone who got their conviction overturned by the SCOTUS is intelligent?
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.
I thought he was exonerated by the Supreme Court years ago?
People who pull the strings of the gullible Trump supporters celebrates the intellectual rot of this country --- This thread is a prime example -- even when told otherwise, Trump lovers will still believe Trump is pardoning Ali -- some may start believing that Trump pardoned Ali back in the 70's if Trump tells them to believe it.
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.
I thought he was exonerated by the Supreme Court years ago?

His conviction was overturned. There is nothing to pardon. At best, it is a publicity stunt.
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.
I thought he was exonerated by the Supreme Court years ago?

His conviction was overturned. There is nothing to pardon. At best, it is a publicity stunt.
Trump has an entire staff working for him. He must know. Perhaps he was mocking his minions. Showing them how stupid they are believing outrageous nonsense.
Once again, Fat Donnie shoots his mouth off without verifying his facts

This is the man we are trusting to negotiate with N Korea
It should have been done long ago

And Trump is the guy to do it....the one you asshats lie about and call a know, the guy who wasn't a racist his entire life until he decided to run for President against the criminal, hilary clinton.....then he became a racist.....
Once again, Fat Donnie shoots his mouth off without verifying his facts

This is the man we are trusting to negotiate with N Korea
The Great Douche can trade many thangs to Kim Dong.
All payable to DrumpF LLC to get it. Lucky he can't trade much if
it not approved by Congress in the end. The Great Douche has the spending power
to give Kim Dong up too I think 300- 750 Million cash the Congress can't stop.
But Donnie will want 80% of this money given in fees back to DrumpF LLC.

Donnie loves criminals to make deals for IT to Profit. MAGA in full bloom!

btw: I'm referring to the WH emergency funds budget allotment per year.
If there are any funds still available. The last time I knew the maximum amount per
issue spent on. Was set to like 250M (back in the 90's) without Congress approval.

I'm not sure what today's number is set at.
Cassius Clay was the worst example of sportsmanship ever. This was mostly damaging to black youth because it coincided with the increase in fatherlessness among blacks. They had to look outside the home for role models.
Clay’s legacy dominates the sports landscape as demonstrated by the current low bar of courtesy and the prevalence of boorishness among most college and pro athletes today.
Only God can pardon him now.
I hope he repented for that before he passed.
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.
Drumpf is a fking idiot. How is he going to pardon Ali when Ali doesnt have a record? You clowns fall for anything.
It should have been done long ago

And Trump is the guy to do it....the one you asshats lie about and call a know, the guy who wasn't a racist his entire life until he decided to run for President against the criminal, hilary clinton.....then he became a racist.....
No he was racist before he ran for POTUS you dummy. Check out the ad he purchased and ran for weeks to get 4 Black guys and 1 Latino locked up that were later found not guilty when someone else confessed to the crime.
Once again, Fat Donnie shoots his mouth off without verifying his facts

This is the man we are trusting to negotiate with N Korea
He doesn't have to do anything, he's just a decoration.

Remember when he was doing the sword dance with the Saudis and his sword was usually out of sync?
Check out the ad he purchased and ran for weeks to get 4 Black guys and 1 Latino locked up that were later found not guilty when someone else confessed to the crime.

The five savages you allude to were in fact part of the group of savages who went "wilding" in Central Park the night they targeted a White female for racist reasons. They committed assaults and robberies and should have spent life in prison.
The Don skipped the war also, something about smelly feet, drooping ass, lack of honor, character and the stamina of a spoiled brat.

Jack Reacher said. "There are four types of people who join the military. For some, it's a family trade. Others are patriots, eager to serve. Next, you have those who just need a job. Than there's the kind who want a legal means of killing other people."

There is nothing patriotic about dying for a "domino theory."
Muhammad, unlike Hamburger Hill Mueller, refused to go to Viet Nam to kill little Brown people and faced consequences here in the land of the "free." The Donald hopes to wipe the slate clean.

The Donald is the best President since the early founders.

Ali’s conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court. There is nothing to pardon.

I did not know that.

That old boy could fight in the ring, though, nobody can deny him that.

The Don skipped the war also, something about smelly feet, drooping ass, lack of honor, character and the stamina of a spoiled brat.

Jack Reacher said. "There are four types of people who join the military. For some, it's a family trade. Others are patriots, eager to serve. Next, you have those who just need a job. Than there's the kind who want a legal means of killing other people."

There is nothing patriotic about dying for a "domino theory."

And they sure as sht don't fight for duty, honor, courage. We're putting the poor of our country in a warzone to die and to kill the poor of other countries for the freedoms of KBR, Exxon Mobil and BP.

All of the hero worship makes me want to vomit. We lose more and more freedoms each and every year in the name of 'national security.' And a lot of young men and women are sent to lose their lives for some company's bottom line.

Over 900 bases we have on the borders of every nation all over the world and not a single declaration of war.

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