The Donald on stage tonight, is it sink or swim time?

Will The Donald sink or swim tonight

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No plan on how to stop random rampagers with no connection to ISIS.

Dunno, but there are plans to stop terrorist attacks such as in Nice that are directly connected to radical Islam.

This is a truth about Trump which you tards never noticed. You think he is some kind of magical figure. He's going to let you down. If he is elected, people will still die on his watch. Quite a lot of people.

You tards are unbelievably stupid for bleeving a Trump Administration will be any different.

You are a democrat - you see the world as party members or as enemies. Conservatives are you enemy, ISIS is your ally.

I am not a Trump supporter - though he gave a good speech last night. Your gal Hillary would appoint radical left SCOTUS justices of the ilk of Marxist Elena Kagan. Since SCOTUS are the real rulers of the land, this would give the nation a hard, leftward lurch. The 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments will be gone, with other civil rights following shortly.

Look, you're a terrorist loving leftist, you seek to end individual rights. As a collectivist, you see privilege granted to groups. What privilege you have depends on what group you belong to. Gay has the most privilege, and is beloved by the party due to our gay president. White is hated by the party and has no privilege.

Trump will appoint justices who support the United States Constitution. This is reason enough for you to oppose him. As a democrat, lies, slander, and demagoguery are the tools you use. If your gal Hillary outlaws firearms. backed by a scofflaw supreme court, then there will be untold bloodshed of Americans in a civil war. I think Trump will be a crappy president. but will not end America as Hillary will.

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