The Doomsday Metric: Capitalism/Magdalene


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism and consumerism compel you to analyse the history of avarice parables?

This 'civilization-suture' fable was inspired by Angels & Demons.

Signing off (as summer ends),



Americans were interested in the gritty imagery associated with modernism imagination and sci-tech bravado, which is why Hollywood (USA) was making bold futurama-films such as Edge of Tomorrow, Ghost in the Machine, and Terminator Salvation. Everyone was somewhat 'anxious' about what the new age would bring to civilization perspectives on prudence and temperance, and society critics and comedians talked about the strange religious overtones created by daring forays into the world of science.


A brooding Chicago saloon-owner named Kingpin was a tyrant and a perfect 'diplomat' of new age capitalism-oriented avarice/corruption. Kingpin used his corrupt saloon to market prostitution, drugs, black market munitions, and software viruses for terrorists. His saloon was more or less an 'office' for modernism mischief. Kingpin was to modern-day Chicago what Al Capone was to Prohibition-Era evangelism --- a real Devil.


An insane female vigilante calling herself 'Magdalene' decided to destroy Kingpin after it was discovered that he was raping 18 year-old girls he was hiring to be dancers in his dirty saloon. Magdalene burst into Kingpin's establishment and doused him in a drum of toxic-waste, causing him to completely deform and become a hideous shapeless semi-intelligent 'being' named Clayface. Now, Clayface was a pure freak-show and evidence that capitalism and civilization evolution had not cleansed the human mind or spirit in any way.


After this 'daring deed,' Magdalene decided to run for political office as an 'upstart-female politician.' Chicago senators wondered if this move was too 'bold' to be considered 'wise' for modern-day America, especially since she was a very attractive Caucasian woman whom people would rather have seen become a repenting 'rogue-vigilante.' Nevertheless, Magdalene wanted to capitalize on this momentary 'celebrity' and inspired many women-voters to elect her into office --- especially since many believed what Magdalene did to Kingpin was purely in self-defense. Well, not everyone was in admiration of Magdalene's newfound socio-political celebrity, and one Chicago policeman named Hal decided to start wearing a neon costume and carry a bright yellow lantern and walk through the streets of Chicago reminding everyone that extreme vigilantism should never be 'romanticized' --- especially by politicians.


As Hal made the headlines himself, an eerie group of animal-mask wearing shotgun-wielding serial-killers from Texas known ominously as the 'Jackals' decided to invade Chicago and kill both Hal (aka, 'The Yellow Lantern') and Magdalene (aka, 'The Bandit-Queen'). The Jackals were of the 'old-guard' from the criminal underworld and believed the 'aesthetics' of violence should be honoured constantly in terms of the sheer human will to create mayhem. The Jackals therefore despised both Hal's 'civics-idealism/priesthood' and Magdalene's 'outlandish vigilantism' since they both symbolized modernism proverbs. The Jackals were instead devoted to the power of the AntiChrist.


As one might expect, the Jackals performed a deranged act of terrorism one Sunday afternoon, when they broke into the sci-tech robotics lab of the University of Chicago and stole about 100 newly-developed automated robotic spiders that the university's students had engineered. The Jackals took these 'robo-spiders' and released them onto the Chicago train-station, and they caused confusion and bewilderment. The people in the train-station wondered about the significance/symbolism of this eerie act of terrorism. Why were there robo-spiders wandering around in a modernized train-station, and what did they have to do with socio-political criticism? Were the Jackals 'messengers' of a new 'illumination code' or something?


As U.S. President Donald Trump watched all these news-stories on CNN, he concluded that Americans had simply started to neglect the values behind new age traffic and networking and consumerism imagination and had opted for strange acts/deeds/messages of passion and prophecy over the spiritually humble comforting words of wisdom found in the Bible regarding the practicality of normal life, teamwork, peaceful commerce, and diligent governance. Trump reasoned that a world that needed a 'Yellow Lantern' was a truly 'submerged world.' Trump tweeted, "I think it's clear no one in America even gives a damn anymore about lifestyle-vitality themed programs such as the naturalism-muppet show Teletubbies!" Trump's followers realized that America was losing its 'baby-lotion.'


GOD: It seems that America has much to ponder!
SATAN: The Yellow Lantern and the Bandit-Queen can't save everyone.
GOD: Maybe Trump is correct...
SATAN: Well, people still like those cute-and-cuddly Teletubbies.
GOD: However, perhaps consumers are numb to ideals regarding capitalism.
SATAN: I think everyone feels the 'angst' associated with markets and risk.
GOD: Yes, but capitalism also creates pirates (Kingpin) and madmen (Jackals).
SATAN: The Jackals are simply the new Manson Family.
GOD: Well, the Jackals have a lot more to say about 'consumerism consciousness.'
SATAN: Nah, they just don't trust media/television.
GOD: Are you a fan of EWTN (Catholic-TV)?
SATAN: I prefer Al Jazeera (Muslim-TV) for its holistic look at terrorism.
GOD: Yes, but some argue that Al Jazeera 'advocates' some terrorist groups!
SATAN: Well, we need to remain focused on free-speech values, no?
GOD: Sure; censorship is the main intrigue in this age of communication.
SATAN: Maybe there is an 'illumination code' in the modern 'media matrix.'
GOD: Are you a fan of labyrinth-tech films such as The Matrix?
SATAN: I prefer network-exorcism films such as Angels & Demons!
GOD: It seems that media can 'spice up' etiquette-rhetoric (e.g., The People's Court).
SATAN: Maybe the Apocalypse will see a confrontation between capitalism and Satanism.
GOD: Is there such thing as a 'network doomsday metric' (or customs-lancet/scalpel)?
SATAN: There is surely a modern meditation on the 'reality' of everyday heresy!



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