The downside of carrying a firearm...

Ah its courage.


So I am a fool for protecting my neighbors?

Lol, I would rather be a fool than a coward, you piece of shit.

When these left wing nut jobs run out of things to say, they start throwing anything they can out there. Most of the time they don't even believe the stupid shit they say.

OODA might not be leftwing, but he is being totally centered on protecting his own and to hell with everyone else, including his neighbors, which is fucking disgusting.
We have enough anti gunners to argue with, without arguing between each other.

The best arguments are between gunners.

It is when you can look at yourself and realize "Hey I don't know everything but I can arm myself with all the tools if I turn my ego off an seek focused training"

So why don't you follow your own damned advise?

I did. I had $3000 custom combat 1911, best leather, videos, books and thought I was a true blue gunslinger.

Then an IDPA COF run by pros (true BTDT) showed me I was sorely lacking.

But I was humble, willing to work and eager to learn so the BTDT eventually took a shine to me.

That led to focused training opportunities which costs way more than any gun.

And through that training, I realized I didn't know shit and was weak. Many years of chasing this for fun and seriousness have totally changed my mindset and abilities including my choice of gun, caliber, carry options and tactical theology.

Am I a bad ass ? Nope. Short fat balding lumpty.

But I am extremely confident of getting my family out of an armed encounter alive and free of legal costs.
Guns are not going away and they probably shouldn't. I have a gun cabinet full of them. But we all know people who may have a carry permit that are on the edge. I don't know what the solution is or even if there is a solution. But there has got to be some relationship between gun ownership and mental health. At this point I just don't know what it should be...
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Ego ate you up. Just like I opened with.

Rubber bullets.

No, I don't want an accidental firing to put a bullet through a wall and kill or maim someone, shit-for-brains.

You're just planning to be negligent.

There are no accidental firings.
Not according to this DEMOCRAT gun owner it happens all the time? :eusa_whistle::lol:
Kentucky Rep. Accidentally Fires Gun in Her Office: ?I am a gun owner. It happens?
No, it was not wrong, just a different set of priorities.

Yes, it was wrong because his point was that having the gun caused GZ's problems. That is incorrect. What caused his problems was Al Sharpton and the racists in the media. Had GZ killed a white man, no one would know his name and he wouldn't have spent a second in jail.

Sorry, thought you meant GZ was wrong, lol.

Reading too many posts too quickly.

No problem.
So I am a fool for protecting my neighbors?

Lol, I would rather be a fool than a coward, you piece of shit.

When these left wing nut jobs run out of things to say, they start throwing anything they can out there. Most of the time they don't even believe the stupid shit they say.

OODA might not be leftwing, but he is being totally centered on protecting his own and to hell with everyone else, including his neighbors, which is fucking disgusting.

Meh, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck......
Guns are not going away and they probably shouldn't. I have a gun cabinet full of them. But we all know people who may have a carry permit that are on the edge. I don't know what the solution is or even if there is a solution. But there has got to be some relationship between gun ownership and mental health. At this point I just don't know what it should be...

Look up how many people in this country have been issued CCW permits and then look up how many people with CCW permits commit crimes. Then rethink your position.
Ego ate you up. Just like I opened with.

Rubber bullets.

No, I don't want an accidental firing to put a bullet through a wall and kill or maim someone, shit-for-brains.

He throws the word "ego" around as if it means something, and is some sort of magic bullet.

I can surely see your blindness to the concept of restrained ego and personal growth.

Anyone who claims they cannot benefit, improve lethal hit probability or learn from focused, proven defensive firearms training from true professionals would not thrive with those professionals anyway.
Judge Denies Bail for Ex-cop Accused of Killing Son - Timothy Allen Davis Sr., 47, faces a first-degree murder charge.

By Jeff Weiner | Orlando Sentinel
Posted 5:05 p.m. EDT, October 7, 2011
Judge Denies Bail for Ex-cop Accused of Killing Son - Attorney Michael LaFay In The News

Wow, one example.

By the way, he was found not guilty.

By the way, he was found not guilty

yes but he was denied bail

a sure sign of his quilt

now are you saying cops are always found not guilty

or just rambling

what more examples look them up yourself

Funny, I don't recall saying that they are always found not guilty. Was I dreaming?
Why do some Americans think they are 'safer from the government' if they own guns? I've not heard that the IRS, for example, only extorts taxes from the gunless.

Imo people are not freer in a US awash with firearms than they are in New Zealand or Denmark or 30 other countries. The idea that gun-ownership keeps you free is a myth.

Why do you think the government cares if you are safe?
Great point.

Also 80% of all gun murders are due to gang violence not law abiding citizens

With guns laws so lax, it's no wonder that the criminals can easily get guns and assault weapons. I think the founding fathers wanted a well-armed militia, not well-armed criminals, didn't they?

Chicago has lax gun laws?

Oakland has lax gun laws?

Washington DC has lax gun laws?

El Paso Texas, which is mere feet from one of the deadliest cities in the world, is the victim of the fact that Texas has very lax gun laws, yet it is one of the safest cities in the country.
This is an insane cop. He was a man before he became a cop, and I' m betting he was insane then too.

Are there bad cops? Are there bad soldiers? Are there bad priests?

An occupation does not wash away sin. The shooter was a cop, but now he's a murderer. There"s no call for deadly force when faced with a cell phone and a bucket of popcorn.

Tell the family of Kelly Thomas that an occupation doesn't wash away sin.

The fact is that the government, supported by people like you, routinely makes different rules for itself and for everyone else. Until we deal with that, nothing else is going to matter. We need to restrict the government, and we should seriously consider getting rid of the standing army we call police. Until we do, I am not going to even entertain any notions that the problem is crazy people, or inanimate objects. The problem is the government.
So you favor vigilante justice over a police force?

Are you drunk?

I said we need to seriously consider getting rid of the standing army that we call police. That does not mean I want vigilante justice, it means I think we should consider getting rid of the standing army that passes itself off as something it isn't.
Lets be real here.. Since the police are not legally required to come to my aid, and when they do, they are minutes/hours away, I'm on my own

Who am I to rely on for me and my families protection late at night when the glass breaks?

Kimber... That's who

yes, we are. Safe from the government. And thats the exact reason for the 2nd amendment.

Very true.....

Our society is suffering from the Gubmint gunning down 13,000 Americans a year

The 2nd amendment was about protecting Americans from redcoats and indians. Since neither is now a threat, the 2nd amendment is now obsolete.

No this was not the reason for the second amendment the redcoats were long since vanquished by the time it was written.

Buy a history book.

It is meant to protect individuals from other individuals and from the government.

All freedom and rights are predicated on the ability to protect them which is garunteed by the second amendment which makes it never obsolete.

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