The earth was just almost destroyed by an asteroid and

Honey we're all going to die. This is no mystery.

All of this is passing away, in fact. All of it.
Honey my parents died and so shall I and so shall my children after inheriting the earth. You are already dead however as you have stopped loving and caring for the future

Not even close to the truth. You seem to see things only in extremes: either you do this EXTREME thing or you "don't care". Not true. I think living on the moon (!) or on Mars (!) or on a space station is a really desperate move to avoid an asteroid. You know you would spend the rest of your human life span there; the earth would not be healed in time for you to return. I see no point in that. That's reasonable and rational, not ignoring the future or whatever.

People who have to make extreme points usually have losing points.
If you can't then stay out of the way of those who will. NASA is planning the Mars base now, you would know if you werent already dead
Yeah a Mars base that can support a handful of humans. Good luck with that.
More then Adam and eve then....

Stomp up and down all you want, we are going to the moon and Mars both
You missed my point. Was it on purpose?
Honey my parents died and so shall I and so shall my children after inheriting the earth. You are already dead however as you have stopped loving and caring for the future

Not even close to the truth. You seem to see things only in extremes: either you do this EXTREME thing or you "don't care". Not true. I think living on the moon (!) or on Mars (!) or on a space station is a really desperate move to avoid an asteroid. You know you would spend the rest of your human life span there; the earth would not be healed in time for you to return. I see no point in that. That's reasonable and rational, not ignoring the future or whatever.

People who have to make extreme points usually have losing points.
If you can't then stay out of the way of those who will. NASA is planning the Mars base now, you would know if you werent already dead
Yeah a Mars base that can support a handful of humans. Good luck with that.
More then Adam and eve then....

Stomp up and down all you want, we are going to the moon and Mars both
You missed my point. Was it on purpose?
You will never see my purpose....

Would have destroyed a major city, not the Earth, but there is certainly more than one rock out there that is capable of ending civilization and these assholes would rather fiddle and waste money on the global warming fraud, than actually figure out how to prevent an asteroid strike.

Hopefully it would be NY City or LA.
To be honest we're not far above that now. Oh, we have advancements. We have technology. But in society, ethics, morals, culture---a fast track to total decay
We are far above that now as we are the most intelligent force in the known universe. We use bacteria in our guts

collision with huge asteroid - Google Search

A father recently left his two twin toddlers in a closed car all day while he was at work. They died. He says he had a brain drain and forgot them there. It could very well happen.

So I don't know how really "intelligent" we are. And that isn't even to speak out the complete idiot who took a gun into a crowded fair and gunned down strangers because he was angry.

I'm grateful to God, but I'm not all that impressed with us, on the whole.
And a bird that was born in my garage sang to the rising sun this morning.....

If you listen you will hear

Those who love will inherit the earth

Okay I'm not into cryptic so-called "platitudes" like Q Anon may be. State your case or write poetry, but not both.
Life is poetry in motion........

That's the kind of pablum that sounds nice at first blush but is essentially meaningless. Anything essentially meaningless is poor writing.

For instance. To stretch the metaphor if I had to--many people do not live at all poetically, but very prosaically. So for them life is in fact not at all poetry in motion.
We are far above that now as we are the most intelligent force in the known universe. We use bacteria in our guts

collision with huge asteroid - Google Search

A father recently left his two twin toddlers in a closed car all day while he was at work. They died. He says he had a brain drain and forgot them there. It could very well happen.

So I don't know how really "intelligent" we are. And that isn't even to speak out the complete idiot who took a gun into a crowded fair and gunned down strangers because he was angry.

I'm grateful to God, but I'm not all that impressed with us, on the whole.
And a bird that was born in my garage sang to the rising sun this morning.....

If you listen you will hear

Those who love will inherit the earth

Okay I'm not into cryptic so-called "platitudes" like Q Anon may be. State your case or write poetry, but not both.
Life is poetry in motion........

That's the kind of pablum that sounds nice at first blush but is essentially meaningless. Anything essentially meaningless is poor writing.

For instance. To stretch the metaphor if I had to--many people do not live at all poetically, but very prosaically. So for them life is in fact not at all poetry in motion.

Life is still poetry in motion
A father recently left his two twin toddlers in a closed car all day while he was at work. They died. He says he had a brain drain and forgot them there. It could very well happen.

So I don't know how really "intelligent" we are. And that isn't even to speak out the complete idiot who took a gun into a crowded fair and gunned down strangers because he was angry.

I'm grateful to God, but I'm not all that impressed with us, on the whole.
And a bird that was born in my garage sang to the rising sun this morning.....

If you listen you will hear

Those who love will inherit the earth

Okay I'm not into cryptic so-called "platitudes" like Q Anon may be. State your case or write poetry, but not both.
Life is poetry in motion........

That's the kind of pablum that sounds nice at first blush but is essentially meaningless. Anything essentially meaningless is poor writing.

For instance. To stretch the metaphor if I had to--many people do not live at all poetically, but very prosaically. So for them life is in fact not at all poetry in motion.

Life is still poetry in motion

Honey I'm not triggered if I'm laughing.

Also what does that really mean? Do you not see that Q Anon fools you the same way? Here is what I mean. People gloss over "Life is poetry in motion" because it's

1. nothing new and

2. Essentially meaningless

It SOUNDS pretty but it's like whipped-cream pretty. No substance, no foundation. In the sunshine it will melt away to ooze.

Try this:

"Life, like poetry, is ________________"

Then what? What do you mean to say?
The earth was just almost destroyed by an asteroid…

No, it was not. Not even close.

It would take much, much more than that, to destroy the Earth.

How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest

How to destroy the Earth
Destroying the Earth is harder than you may have been led to believe.

You've seen the action movies where the bad guy threatens to destroy the Earth. You've heard people on the news claiming that the next nuclear war or cutting down rainforests or persisting in releasing hideous quantities of pollution into the atmosphere threatens to end the world.


The Earth is built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you've had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily. So my first piece of advice to you, dear would-be Earth-destroyer, is: do NOT think this will be easy.

This is not a guide for wusses whose aim is merely to wipe out humanity. I can in no way guarantee the complete extinction of the human race via any of these methods, real or imaginary. Humanity is wily and resourceful, and many of the methods outlined below will take many years to even become available, let alone implement, by which time mankind may well have spread to other planets; indeed, other star systems. If total human genocide is your ultimate goal, you are reading the wrong document. There are far more efficient ways of doing this, many which are available and feasible RIGHT NOW. Nor is this a guide for those wanting to annihilate everything from single-celled life upwards, render Earth uninhabitable or simply conquer it. These are trivial goals in comparison.

This is a guide for those who do not want the Earth to be there anymore.
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And a bird that was born in my garage sang to the rising sun this morning.....

If you listen you will hear

Those who love will inherit the earth

Okay I'm not into cryptic so-called "platitudes" like Q Anon may be. State your case or write poetry, but not both.
Life is poetry in motion........

That's the kind of pablum that sounds nice at first blush but is essentially meaningless. Anything essentially meaningless is poor writing.

For instance. To stretch the metaphor if I had to--many people do not live at all poetically, but very prosaically. So for them life is in fact not at all poetry in motion.

Life is still poetry in motion

Honey I'm not triggered if I'm laughing.

Also what does that really mean? Do you not see that Q Anon fools you the same way? Here is what I mean. People gloss over "Life is poetry in motion" because it's

1. nothing new and

2. Essentially meaningless

It SOUNDS pretty but it's like whipped-cream pretty. No substance, no foundation. In the sunshine it will melt away to ooze.

Try this:

"Life, like poetry, is ________________"

Then what? What do you mean to say?
Rockets blasting holes in the ozone layer are poetry in motion.

Tell us again how you want to face off with an asteroid

Then abort some babies...... and MAGA
The earth was just almost destroyed by an asteroid…

No, it was not. Not even close.

It would take much, much more than that, to destroy the Earth.

How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest

How to destroy the Earth
Destroying the Earth is harder than you may have been led to believe.

You've seen the action movies where the bad guy threatens to destroy the Earth. You've heard people on the news claiming that the next nuclear war or cutting down rainforests or persisting in releasing hideous quantities of pollution into the atmosphere threatens to end the world.


The Earth is built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you've had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily. So my first piece of advice to you, dear would-be Earth-destroyer, is: do NOT think this will be easy.

This is not a guide for wusses whose aim is merely to wipe out humanity. I can in no way guarantee the complete extinction of the human race via any of these methods, real or imaginary. Humanity is wily and resourceful, and many of the methods outlined below will take many years to even become available, let alone implement, by which time mankind may well have spread to other planets; indeed, other star systems. If total human genocide is your ultimate goal, you are reading the wrong document. There are far more efficient ways of doing this, many which are available and feasible RIGHT NOW. Nor is this a guide for those wanting to annihilate everything from single-celled life upwards, render Earth uninhabitable or simply conquer it. These are trivial goals in comparison.

This is a guide for those who do not want the Earth to be there anymore.
45000 miles is close.......
And a bird that was born in my garage sang to the rising sun this morning.....

If you listen you will hear

Those who love will inherit the earth

Okay I'm not into cryptic so-called "platitudes" like Q Anon may be. State your case or write poetry, but not both.
Life is poetry in motion........

That's the kind of pablum that sounds nice at first blush but is essentially meaningless. Anything essentially meaningless is poor writing.

For instance. To stretch the metaphor if I had to--many people do not live at all poetically, but very prosaically. So for them life is in fact not at all poetry in motion.

Life is still poetry in motion

Honey I'm not triggered if I'm laughing.

Also what does that really mean? Do you not see that Q Anon fools you the same way? Here is what I mean. People gloss over "Life is poetry in motion" because it's

1. nothing new and

2. Essentially meaningless

It SOUNDS pretty but it's like whipped-cream pretty. No substance, no foundation. In the sunshine it will melt away to ooze.

Try this:

"Life, like poetry, is ________________"

Then what? What do you mean to say?
Between Earth and the Moon. Pretty close. Of course they don't take into account the likelyhood that it would burn up in the atmosphere. Would they be able to blame Trump?
That’s preposterous! There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever it was a black asteroid.
Well, I always sided with the theory that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a massive asteroid. Hearing stories like this, we may eventually experience the same fate.

when you look at the details of that claim it clearly is bullshit,,,

just look at a common desk globe and imagine a grain of salt hitting it,,,

yeah I doubt it happened that way,,,

looking at the fossil graveyards its clear a major hydro event happened that wiped them out

How though?
I just said how,,,

The earth is 8,000 miles in diameter.
its a 50/50 thing,, it either hits us or it doesnt,,,

and it didnt so go about your life like nothing happened because it didnt
If a big one was expected to hit Earth, I don’t think the powers that be would tell us. Of course, they would find shelter. The rest of us would be on our own.

if a big one hit there wouldnt be any place you could shelter,,,
Shelter would be in space
at this point that would just be a slower death
Between Earth and the Moon. Pretty close. Of course they don't take into account the likelyhood that it would burn up in the atmosphere. Would they be able to blame Trump?
That’s preposterous! There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever it was a black asteroid.
But it might have been a Honduran asteroid who's kids are in an ice concentration camp
Okay I'm not into cryptic so-called "platitudes" like Q Anon may be. State your case or write poetry, but not both.
Life is poetry in motion........

That's the kind of pablum that sounds nice at first blush but is essentially meaningless. Anything essentially meaningless is poor writing.

For instance. To stretch the metaphor if I had to--many people do not live at all poetically, but very prosaically. So for them life is in fact not at all poetry in motion.

Life is still poetry in motion

Honey I'm not triggered if I'm laughing.

Also what does that really mean? Do you not see that Q Anon fools you the same way? Here is what I mean. People gloss over "Life is poetry in motion" because it's

1. nothing new and

2. Essentially meaningless

It SOUNDS pretty but it's like whipped-cream pretty. No substance, no foundation. In the sunshine it will melt away to ooze.

Try this:

"Life, like poetry, is ________________"

Then what? What do you mean to say?
Rockets blasting holes in the ozone layer are poetry in motion.

Tell us again how you want to face off with an asteroid

Then abort some babies...... and MAGA

Oh listen, I do not want to face off with an asteroid. I think I have already stated that. But if that is my fate, that is my fate. Better that than living on Mars.
Life is poetry in motion........

That's the kind of pablum that sounds nice at first blush but is essentially meaningless. Anything essentially meaningless is poor writing.

For instance. To stretch the metaphor if I had to--many people do not live at all poetically, but very prosaically. So for them life is in fact not at all poetry in motion.

Life is still poetry in motion

Honey I'm not triggered if I'm laughing.

Also what does that really mean? Do you not see that Q Anon fools you the same way? Here is what I mean. People gloss over "Life is poetry in motion" because it's

1. nothing new and

2. Essentially meaningless

It SOUNDS pretty but it's like whipped-cream pretty. No substance, no foundation. In the sunshine it will melt away to ooze.

Try this:

"Life, like poetry, is ________________"

Then what? What do you mean to say?
Rockets blasting holes in the ozone layer are poetry in motion.

Tell us again how you want to face off with an asteroid

Then abort some babies...... and MAGA

Oh listen, I do not want to face off with an asteroid. I think I have already stated that. But if that is my fate, that is my fate. Better that than living on Mars.
Do you demand that the young who still have life to live die with you?
That's the kind of pablum that sounds nice at first blush but is essentially meaningless. Anything essentially meaningless is poor writing.

For instance. To stretch the metaphor if I had to--many people do not live at all poetically, but very prosaically. So for them life is in fact not at all poetry in motion.

Life is still poetry in motion

Honey I'm not triggered if I'm laughing.

Also what does that really mean? Do you not see that Q Anon fools you the same way? Here is what I mean. People gloss over "Life is poetry in motion" because it's

1. nothing new and

2. Essentially meaningless

It SOUNDS pretty but it's like whipped-cream pretty. No substance, no foundation. In the sunshine it will melt away to ooze.

Try this:

"Life, like poetry, is ________________"

Then what? What do you mean to say?
Rockets blasting holes in the ozone layer are poetry in motion.

Tell us again how you want to face off with an asteroid

Then abort some babies...... and MAGA

Oh listen, I do not want to face off with an asteroid. I think I have already stated that. But if that is my fate, that is my fate. Better that than living on Mars.
Do you demand that the young who still have life to live die with you?


Why would I demand anyone do anything with their life? It's not my life. Or were you talking about my own children? I already answered that question.

Life is still poetry in motion

Honey I'm not triggered if I'm laughing.

Also what does that really mean? Do you not see that Q Anon fools you the same way? Here is what I mean. People gloss over "Life is poetry in motion" because it's

1. nothing new and

2. Essentially meaningless

It SOUNDS pretty but it's like whipped-cream pretty. No substance, no foundation. In the sunshine it will melt away to ooze.

Try this:

"Life, like poetry, is ________________"

Then what? What do you mean to say?
Rockets blasting holes in the ozone layer are poetry in motion.

Tell us again how you want to face off with an asteroid

Then abort some babies...... and MAGA

Oh listen, I do not want to face off with an asteroid. I think I have already stated that. But if that is my fate, that is my fate. Better that than living on Mars.
Do you demand that the young who still have life to live die with you?


Why would I demand anyone do anything with their life? It's not my life. Or were you talking about my own children? I already answered that question.
Do you care about your children's children or humanity in general? Or is it all about you?

PS. Do you have any new info on the mach 10 cubes zipping around navy f18s

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