The easiest way to end the debate for Trump

There have been an average of 2+ million trying to cross the southern border a year, since Biden took office....those are called border crossing encounters.

almost half of those 2 million encounters a year have been allowed to enter..... the rest were removed via deportations, expulsions, returns.

That figure of 10 million illegals allowed in, is questionable!!!
The problem you have defending the Biden on immigration is that they have been baldfaced lying to the American people 24/7/365 about the border for 3 1/2 straight years so at this point, no one believes a single word coming out of their mouths.
No darling! It is YOU and those like you, that were TOLD by your propaganda masters what to say about the Republican written, senate immigration bill, WITHOUT YOU even reading kicked a gift horse, in its mouth!

It's sad to see, such weaklings.... :(

The Senate bill, was an excellent bill.... with 99% of what republicans wanted.... You all intentionally blew it, and won't have this chance again.... And it shows and clears up, that you never did want'd rather have perpetual chaos at the border than to fix the problems.... because fixing the problems might help Biden in the election....and hurt your idol, Trump. Shame on you all!

None of that is actually true.
The House passed a much better bill.

You are in an open borders Cult.
The Nixon v Kennedy debate was defined by the "looks" of both men.
Kennedy looked young and energetic
Nixon looked sweaty and tired
Kennedy won the debate and the election.

Biden looks something like this

View attachment 965327
And Trump will show up with the stink of Timothy Mellon's ass on his face.
why is it no one ever discusses illegals from canada
We have a ton of Canadians in Maine up where I am from what I've heard, and I wouldn't know one from another American, and Maine can use all the business owners and workers and spenders that we can get....on land! Maybe a little bit of strife in logging/ lumber jacks with Canucks in the Northern Woods?

Where we seem to spar with the Canadians is in the Atlantic Ocean and bays, for Lobster and deep sea fishing....And Lobster Wars on pricing too!

The guy who owned the 200 acres across from me was Acadian....French Canadian decent...a great old man....he left the property to his grandson, and his grandson put a home there in a meadow part of it.... Married, with two daughters, the best neighbor ever!a

When Matt tore his rotator cuff and had surgery, he mowed our lawn too, along with a good portion of the meadow of his....without even us asking... Matt and I are likely old enough to be his parents...?

Any way, his grandson is American born so the property is now owned by an American. It was so hard to understand his grandpa, a very heavy Mainer accent... it's really Acadian.

The French Acadians battled against the British constantly, and finally the Brits kicked them out, and they ended up in Louisiana.... is my understanding....

We really do not have enough workers here, for the summer vacation land we are and influx of people.

We'd pay, and pray for Canadian illegal immigrant workers to invade us! 😁
The problem you have defending the Biden on immigration is that they have been baldfaced lying to the American people 24/7/365 about the border for 3 1/2 straight years so at this point, no one believes a single word coming out of their mouths.
Well, if your comment on lying means them telling everyone ...every thing was fine, they could handle the influx, blah blah blah... then I agree with your "lying" claim of the admin about problems there!

But I do think for the past year, Biden has been willing to change, and address the situation....which is a good trait to have, instead of steadfast, heels dug in forever and a day.
None of that is actually true.
The House passed a much better bill.

You are in an open borders Cult.
What was better about the House bill?

No Democrats were part of it.... half the country completely left out, and it never had a chance to pass the Senate under those conditions, which the House knew when they passed it.

it was solely political eye candy.

the Senate bill, written by a Republican Senator, with a Democrat and independent, had bi- partisan support and would have passed the Senate if Trump had not intervened, and with minor negotiated changes it would have passed the House as well, and the President would have signed it, even without what Democrats wanted MOST, not being in the Senate bill...citizenship for DACA and Dreamers.

To me, you have a good bill when it passes and signed by the president. Anything else, is simply showmanship.
And you don't think there have been just as many if not more who've never encountered the authorities?
I think over a million to a million and a half during the same period, is what I have read. And THAT is why it was important to pass the Senate immigration bill which addressed the Gotaways and preventing them from happening, head on!
What was better about the House bill?

No Democrats were part of it.... half the country completely left out, and it never had a chance to pass the Senate under those conditions, which the House knew when they passed it.

it was solely political eye candy.

the Senate bill, written by a Republican Senator, with a Democrat and independent, had bi- partisan support and would have passed the Senate if Trump had not intervened, and with minor negotiated changes it would have passed the House as well, and the President would have signed it, even without what Democrats wanted MOST, not being in the Senate bill...citizenship for DACA and Dreamers.

To me, you have a good bill when it passes and signed by the president. Anything else, is simply showmanship.

You think that President Trump is a God.
Why do you think that ?

"The easiest way to end the debate for Trump"

Would you rather vote for a man who spent the night with Stormy Daniels or the other one who gets caught jerking off in the shower?
Well, if your comment on lying means them telling everyone ...every thing was fine, they could handle the influx, blah blah blah... then I agree with your "lying" claim of the admin about problems there!

But I do think for the past year, Biden has been willing to change, and address the situation....which is a good trait to have, instead of steadfast, heels dug in forever and a day.
Sorry Care, but bullshit. 3 1/2 year they baldfaced lied to us and lied to us and lied to us that "The Border is Secure" when our own lying eyes told us just the opposite. Only when his team realized he was going to get crushed in the election did they switch their lies to "It's Trump's fault" "It's the Senate's fault"

A huge test for Jake 'Trump is Hitler" Tapper in the debate is whether he will hold Biden's feet to the fire for his policies and lies about the border.
Sorry Care, but bullshit. 3 1/2 year they baldfaced lied to us and lied to us and lied to us that "The Border is Secure" when our own lying eyes told us just the opposite. Only when his team realized he was going to get crushed in the election did they switch their lies to "It's Trump's fault" "It's the Senate's fault"

A huge test for Jake 'Trump is Hitler" Tapper in the debate is whether he will hold Biden's feet to the fire for his policies and lies about the border.

The second part was funny.
One aspect of today's Left is the most appalling: If some negative act, trend, initiative, or person does things that benefit the Left, the Left will unanimously support it, regardless of its basic evil character.

Leftists will NEVER call Biden on the invasion from the South because they can see that in the long run it will benefit the Democrat party. All of these tens of millions of third-world bastards will one day be reliable, government-dependent, US citizen, Democrat voters.
You act like a third world bastard. What party do you support?
Lol, since 2024. Dems encouraged the illegal invasion. We can see right through that..
Y'all encouraged it, by your media touting and advertising open borders, open borders, open borders, 24/7 non-stop!!!! Could your invitation have been any bigger??? ;)
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Well duh! Because y'all trumpers treat him that way, every day of the week and twice on Sunday! 😊

Your ignorance overwhelms you.

Your media supports "open borders"
It is in their interest for you and everyone in your echo chamber to support open borders.
Members of Congress who are not Conservative write a senate bill that entrenches open borders.
While no conservatives actually support the bill, your media tell you that it has overwhelming bi-partisan support
and that it is set to pass easily.

While - back in reality, no conservatives support it.

President Trump weighs in and agrees with the conservatives who already don't support it.
Your media, who has already completely lied to you, ups its lies to now include that President Trump killed the bill.

Your media needs a boogey man, because you all are all extremely real-life ignorant and easily led.

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