Zone1 The easiest way to figure out if a black or white is racist.

“my people have been enslaved”

“I want my 4 acres and a mule”

^This is a form of racism in some manner. The selfish lazy person feels entitled to free money in the form of reparations or something like that. And they’re selfish because they don’t know or care that white people of history have been enslaved by blacks. If pro blm people actually cared about the topic of slavery, they would study it from a worldwide perspective. I say blm as they are now on major plank of the Democratic Party, and one of the most well-known organizations pushing the reparations argument.

Pro blm folks say we should just concentrate on what happened in America, which is not only selfish, but it’s a dangerous view. Reality of the matter is that we are all born equal in the eyes of God …and all people whether they are white or black living in America today have ancestors who owned other people as slaves.
“You don’t know what it’s like to be black”

In history, people of all different types of groups have been targeted because of how they look or their religion. Nobody is unique in this regard there’s no special people here.

“Acknowledge police brutality against blacks.”

“Blacks are disproportionately targeted by police”

^That’s a form of racism by the left/blm. They simply assume that police officers are racist when in reality their job is to deal with criminals regardless of color.. They cannot control the skin color of people who are committing crimes.

For the comment about police that we constantly hear from the left-wing… Of course it’s nonsense as most American police officers, black or white are wonderful people and cases of police violence or a police officer who commits a crime has been committed against both white and Black people. Fact. That’s it.

But instead of accepting the reality, the radical left wing goes on insane tangents. I mean, they’re the people who say that there are 100 genders, that it’s OK for a man to urinate on another man with children present at left-wing pride events.
If somebody believes based on their skin color that they deserve a scholarship or easier access to a job because of their race …they are racist.
'Round heanh we got a secret silent way to find out with a look and

a certain motion and it works every time.

I can't be tellin' all our secrets though. :terror:
If somebody believes based on their skin color that they deserve a scholarship or easier access to a job because of their race …they are racist.
If somebody believes that, based on their Black skin color their family has not gotten ahead as easily as other families, they believe they are victims of racism and due some kind of compensation for damages. They are not wrong or racist.
If somebody believes that, based on their Black skin color their family has not gotten ahead as easily as other families, they believe they are victims of racism and due some kind of compensation for damages.

Then everyone is due compensation for damages. Slavery and oppression are as old and universal as humankind itself. There is hardly any age in history or nation where some such thing didn't exist against people of all colors, nationalities, economic position, and religion. It still goes on today, just altered in form. But the funny thing is that it is now probably at its lowest ebb now than any other time in history, the least victims of it, the most done against it, yet all of the race baiters out there now instead of celebrating our progress and evolution, instead want to capitalize on it for themselves further dividing and perpetuating racial division.

I'll tell you what: I'll give you $100 for the wrongs I did to you, and you give me $100 for the wrongs you did to me, and we will call it even.
Then everyone is due compensation for damages. Slavery and oppression are as old and universal as humankind itself. There is hardly any age in history or nation where some such thing didn't exist against people of all colors, nationalities, economic position, and religion. It still goes on today, just altered in form. But the funny thing is that it is now probably at its lowest ebb now than any other time in history, the least victims of it, the most done against it, yet all of the race baiters out there now instead of celebrating our progress and evolution, instead want to capitalize on it for themselves further dividing and perpetuating racial division.

I'll tell you what: I'll give you $100 for the wrongs I did to you, and you give me $100 for the wrongs you did to me, and we will call it even.
If I could document the damages I suffered because of you, I'd expect you to compensate me. Unfortunately that would be the exception rather than the rule. The best we can reasonably do is offer a good housing, education, and healthcare to EVERY American and hope the damages of the past will be erased over time.
If I could document the damages I suffered because of you, I'd expect you to compensate me. Unfortunately that would be the exception rather than the rule. The best we can reasonably do is offer a good housing, education, and healthcare to EVERY American and hope the damages of the past will be erased over time.
The "damages" are nowhere near as gigantic as you allege,

probably due to your ignorance.

I tell ya what: There was more racial harmony in America from 1900

until Obama.
Jim Crow, lynching, redlining,etc., were not very harmonious, just hidden.
And you were around for how much of that there, hmm?

You are aware the Civil Rights Act would never have passed without

a supermajority of white approval right?

Were they suckers? Wtf are you saying?

Naw, what I'm thinking is that people from back then are magnitudes better than the person you are right now.
If I could document the damages I suffered because of you, I'd expect you to compensate me. Unfortunately that would be the exception rather than the rule. The best we can reasonably do is offer a good housing, education, and healthcare to EVERY American and hope the damages of the past will be erased over time.
Toobefreak did something to you? What did he do?
And you were around for how much of that there, hmm?
Jim Crow and lynching were still around when I was young. My family vacationed in the South and we directly benefited from the low cost of living there because Blacks were forced to take very low paying jobs. I recall visiting a crabbing facility in NC and seeing row after row of older Black women picking the meat from the crabs. The only White faces I saw were in the front office. I did enjoy the crab though. Just one of many examples from my youth.

You are aware the Civil Rights Act would never have passed without

a supermajority of white approval right?

Were they suckers? Wtf are you saying?
Were they suddenly righteous after the many decades or were they aghast at the treatment of Southern Black marchers? And maybe worried about their own skins?

Naw, what I'm thinking is that people from back then are magnitudes better than the person you are right now.
I'm sure you admire the people who lynched and murdered Blacks and kids going to the South to gain civil rights for Blacks. I don't share your admiration.
If you understood what I wrote you'd know that only if I had evidence that toobfreak did something to me I'd demand compensation. I never implied I was owed anything just because toobfreak was of a different race.
It sounded like you said he caused you some damage. So if it wasn’t him, which specific whites have caused you damage? If you can prove it, you have a good chance of getting compensation from them - and I would support your lawsuit.

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