The Economic Lockdown Catastrophe The worst jobs report in history shows why the economy must reopen.

With fake statistics everything is possible. We expected millions to die from the virus not all the other causes that are now counted as deaths. Trump already defeated the virus, it's time to open the economy back up. We could usher in a new Renaissance.

80,000 deaths... 1.3 MILLION cases. 33 Million jobs lost. People in Trump's inner circle now catching the disease.

The Virus is hardly "Defeated".

The virus may have snapped many people back into their senses, as after the black plague, after the Chinese plague things may get better. Saying farewell to leftism would make it the best virus ever.

Actually, if anything, this Virus has exposed the whole Conservative/Libertarian model as flawed, as people are realizing that tying your access to health care to your ability to work is kind of... stupid. Covid-19 made the best case for universal health care than I can think of.

4 Trillion spent in bailouts... We are All Socialists now.
President Trump has already leveled with the people.

After the disease is defeated, he will pull his magic wand again. The economy will sky rocket right back up... well the states that are not blue anyway.

Yeah, wasn't he the guy who said this would go away when the weather got warm and we'd only have a few cases.

80K dead as of this morning.

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With fake statistics everything is possible. We expected millions to die from the virus not all the other causes that are now counted as deaths. Trump already defeated the virus, it's time to open the economy back up. We could usher in a new Renaissance.

The virus may have snapped many people back into their senses, as after the black plague, after the Chinese plague things may get better. Saying farewell to leftism would make it the best virus ever.
COVID-19 is far from defeated. The idea is ridiculous because as long as the cases and deaths remain and in fact increase, it is somewhat unbelievable that some folks believe Trump has defeated COVID-19 when all indications are that Coronavirus is defeating him.
With fake statistics everything is possible. We expected millions to die from the virus not all the other causes that are now counted as deaths. Trump already defeated the virus, it's time to open the economy back up. We could usher in a new Renaissance.

80,000 deaths... 1.3 MILLION cases. 33 Million jobs lost. People in Trump's inner circle now catching the disease.

The Virus is hardly "Defeated".

The virus may have snapped many people back into their senses, as after the black plague, after the Chinese plague things may get better. Saying farewell to leftism would make it the best virus ever.

Actually, if anything, this Virus has exposed the whole Conservative/Libertarian model as flawed, as people are realizing that tying your access to health care to your ability to work is kind of... stupid. Covid-19 made the best case for universal health care than I can think of.

4 Trillion spent in bailouts... We are All Socialists now.

The last thing we want is government running health care on the midst of the crisis. In US the only thing government should be focused on running is running from the people.

The virus is a death blow to your globalist vision. We have just experienced that it can't work, and thus will not ever work.
/—-/ Why do you continue to spread that lie? Trump called they media coverage a hoax, not the virus.

Distinction without a difference. The fact that the virus spread as quickly as it did shows the media was spot on about how dangerous this was.
/——/ Your second lie of the day. It’s Mother’s Day, have you no shame?
"Mental-health crisis hotlines are reporting spikes in calls. According to Express Scripts, anti-anxiety prescriptions increased by a third between mid-February and mid-March. "

I don't know what bat-crazy article you pulled this from, but I'm pretty sure the time frame would be mid-March to mid-April!
With fake statistics everything is possible. We expected millions to die from the virus not all the other causes that are now counted as deaths. Trump already defeated the virus, it's time to open the economy back up. We could usher in a new Renaissance.

80,000 deaths... 1.3 MILLION cases. 33 Million jobs lost. People in Trump's inner circle now catching the disease.

The Virus is hardly "Defeated".

The virus may have snapped many people back into their senses, as after the black plague, after the Chinese plague things may get better. Saying farewell to leftism would make it the best virus ever.

Actually, if anything, this Virus has exposed the whole Conservative/Libertarian model as flawed, as people are realizing that tying your access to health care to your ability to work is kind of... stupid. Covid-19 made the best case for universal health care than I can think of.

4 Trillion spent in bailouts... We are All Socialists now.

The last thing we want is government running health care on the midst of the crisis. In US government the only thing government should be focused on running is running from the people.

The virus is a death blow to your globalist vision. We have just experienced that it can't work, and thus will not ever work.
/——/ The very same libtards who complained the government dropped the ball on PPE distribution want Gubmint run Healthcare.
The last thing we want is government running health care on the midst of the crisis. In US the only thing government should be focused on running is running from the people.

The virus is a death blow to your globalist vision. We have just experienced that it can't work, and thus will not ever work.

ANyone who rants about "Globalists" is about one step above those who rant about Lizard People.

The reality- countries with single payer have handled this crisis better than we have, because they have access to health care.
The last thing we want is government running health care on the midst of the crisis. In US the only thing government should be focused on running is running from the people.

The virus is a death blow to your globalist vision. We have just experienced that it can't work, and thus will not ever work.

ANyone who rants about "Globalists" is about one step above those who rant about Lizard People.

The reality- countries with single payer have handled this crisis better than we have, because they have access to health care.

Are you saying that globalists do not exist?

That's a laughable claim... You know very well what I am referring to, stop defending you masters.
Are you saying that globalists do not exist?

That's a laughable claim... You know very well what I am referring to, stop defending you masters.

Here is the reality: This shutdown cannot continue or it will destroy this country:

Unemployment in April soared to 14.7%—the highest rate since the government started keeping records in 1948—while employers shed 20.5 million more jobs after losing 870,000 in March. The labor-market bleeding is even worse than those numbers suggest since 6.4 million workers left the workforce.
Labor participation had been trending upward the past two years as faster job growth drew millions of low-income Americans from the sidelines. But the participation rate has now fallen 3.2 percentage points to 60.2% since a recent peak in February, the lowest since 1973 before large numbers of women started working.
Much of the media continue to treat the economic destruction as a sideshow and present a false choice between saving lives and jobs. But this is the fastest jobs collapse in modern history. The Great Depression drove millions of Americans into poverty and caused many suicides, and there’s a substantial risk this could happen again.
Mental-health crisis hotlines are reporting spikes in calls. According to Express Scripts, anti-anxiety prescriptions increased by a third between mid-February and mid-March. Many in despair will probably turn to alcohol or narcotics. CVS executives warned this week that delayed care could lead to a surge of non-coronavirus related health problems. They include cancers undiagnosed and illnesses left untreated.
Hospitals have also had to cancel elective procedures, which is how they make most of their money. Stanford Health Care is cutting pay by 20% for its 14,000 workers. The California Medical Association reported that revenues at private practices have declined by two-thirds since March 1, and half have furloughed or laid off staff.
Congress has appropriated $175 billion to shore up hospitals, but this won’t help small physician practices much. Many health-care providers warn they may not survive if their privately insured patients lose jobs and sign up for Medicaid
Which part of you failed to demonstrate that globalists are not a thing did you not understand?

I've just moved on to mocking you at this point, if you think there is some globalist conspiracy to make you fail.

You've failed because you are a white trash racist loser, not because the Lizard Men Globalists are out to get you.

No good choices. The models we were sold on in terms of relative risks were flat shit and off by at least 10X.

States and countries that have not followed this total shutdown approach and/or are relaxing restrictions have not seen the prognostications of the doom that was supposed to consume them come to fruition either.

Continue basic common-sense measures to slow it down, actually ramp up medical system capacity instead of reducing it, which they are doing in Illinois, do something about the nursing home clusters, which account for ~ half of the fatalities, allow those at risk to stay home if they want and get back to work.

Continuing like this makes no sense. We're waiting/hoping for therapeutics and a vaccine that, if/when, they show up will have minimal impacts on fatalities, and we're somehow justifying all of this based on that nebulous timeframe and benefit in conjunction with data and predictions that have been dogshit from the jump.

Really, the data is meaningless at this point to the "continue the complete lockdowns" crowd. The calculus is the most cautious approach possible is best while ignoring secondaries completely, aside from hoping for the government to somehow pay everyone's bills, which is literally impossible. That approach doesn't make any more sense than gathering everyone into groups and having them lick each other's eyeballs to get everyone infected at once and just get it over with.
/——-/ since your post, a 1/2 dozen blogs popped up proclaiming the benefits of eyeball licking.
I heard that St. Fauci now says that wearing underpants on your head will help stop the virus.....MAKE IT THE LAW THAT EVERYONE MUST DO THIS!!!!
All across the country you see the filthy Democrats resisting reopening.

They aren't doing it for public safety. They wouldn't know what public safety was if it bit them in the ass. The nitwits are doing it because they think it will hurt Trump.

They are willing to sell out this country to hurt Trump. That is just the kind of assholes they are.

Like most Democrat hairbrain schemes like Russia Russia Russia and Impeachement of course it won't work. The American people are smarter than the idiot Democrats. They know it is Biden's Chicom buddies that created this shit sandwich and that Trump has been doing a great job managing it.
The last thing we want is government running health care on the midst of the crisis. In US the only thing government should be focused on running is running from the people.

The virus is a death blow to your globalist vision. We have just experienced that it can't work, and thus will not ever work.

ANyone who rants about "Globalists" is about one step above those who rant about Lizard People.

The reality- countries with single payer have handled this crisis better than we have, because they have access to health care.
/——/ Your reliance on cliches is tiresome. Who doesn’t have access to healthcare? The hospitals are at 45% capacity and all of the emergency treatment center closed due to a lack of need.
With fake statistics everything is possible. We expected millions to die from the virus not all the other causes that are now counted as deaths. Trump already defeated the virus, it's time to open the economy back up. We could usher in a new Renaissance.

80,000 deaths... 1.3 MILLION cases. 33 Million jobs lost. People in Trump's inner circle now catching the disease.

The Virus is hardly "Defeated".

The virus may have snapped many people back into their senses, as after the black plague, after the Chinese plague things may get better. Saying farewell to leftism would make it the best virus ever.

Actually, if anything, this Virus has exposed the whole Conservative/Libertarian model as flawed, as people are realizing that tying your access to health care to your ability to work is kind of... stupid. Covid-19 made the best case for universal health care than I can think of.

4 Trillion spent in bailouts... We are All Socialists now.
/——-/ Funny. DemocRAT Gov Cuomo says coronavirus is on the run. I guess he’s lying.
With fake statistics everything is possible. We expected millions to die from the virus not all the other causes that are now counted as deaths. Trump already defeated the virus, it's time to open the economy back up. We could usher in a new Renaissance.
The virus may have snapped many people back into their senses, as after the black plague, after the Chinese plague things may get better. Saying farewell to leftism would make it the best virus ever.
I dont think the stats are so much 'fake' as inflated a bit, probably around 10%. The Europeans have no reason to inflate their numbers and they have had more than twice our reported deaths.

Trump has done a phenomenal job of managing the response to the COVID19 pandemic, and if you remove the top 5 blue states by population Trumps success is even more apparent (sometimes you h ave to drop the incompetent outliers to get the truer picture of the norm).

But this economy is being held down by these ridiculous Stalinist approaches that are mimicking the Chicoms approach instead of the more successful Swedish approach.

Now that we have achieved 'flattening the curve' we can safely open the economy back up and it will spring back as fast as the goobernators allow it to.
DemocRAT Gov Cuomo says coronavirus is on the run. I guess he’s lying.
Cuomo has been remarkably honest about the effectiveness of Trumps policies and management, so has Newsom of California.

Too bad the rest of the Democratic Party thinks that they can only win by lying their asses off about everything, and trampling peoples civil rights if they are GOP.

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