The Economic Lockdown Catastrophe The worst jobs report in history shows why the economy must reopen.

Here is the reality: This shutdown cannot continue or it will destroy this country:

Unemployment in April soared to 14.7%—the highest rate since the government started keeping records in 1948—while employers shed 20.5 million more jobs after losing 870,000 in March. The labor-market bleeding is even worse than those numbers suggest since 6.4 million workers left the workforce.
Labor participation had been trending upward the past two years as faster job growth drew millions of low-income Americans from the sidelines. But the participation rate has now fallen 3.2 percentage points to 60.2% since a recent peak in February, the lowest since 1973 before large numbers of women started working.
Much of the media continue to treat the economic destruction as a sideshow and present a false choice between saving lives and jobs. But this is the fastest jobs collapse in modern history. The Great Depression drove millions of Americans into poverty and caused many suicides, and there’s a substantial risk this could happen again.
Mental-health crisis hotlines are reporting spikes in calls. According to Express Scripts, anti-anxiety prescriptions increased by a third between mid-February and mid-March. Many in despair will probably turn to alcohol or narcotics. CVS executives warned this week that delayed care could lead to a surge of non-coronavirus related health problems. They include cancers undiagnosed and illnesses left untreated.
Hospitals have also had to cancel elective procedures, which is how they make most of their money. Stanford Health Care is cutting pay by 20% for its 14,000 workers. The California Medical Association reported that revenues at private practices have declined by two-thirds since March 1, and half have furloughed or laid off staff.
Congress has appropriated $175 billion to shore up hospitals, but this won’t help small physician practices much. Many health-care providers warn they may not survive if their privately insured patients lose jobs and sign up for Medicaid

This is about lives vs jobs. People value their lives more.

Marybeth Glenn Retweeted


On March 25, Cargill worker Rafael Benjamin was ordered by a supervisor to remove his mask because it was creating unnecessary fears among plant employees. Benjamin was admitted to the ICU and put on a ventilator weeks later. He died on April 19
Wow, you found on case of someone dying from COVID? That proves everything you've been saying is true!

You can't really be that stupid, can you?

We know that you are that stupid. A worker tried to protect himself and was prevented from doing so. This company should be sued and forced out of business.
Its a bad choice either way

but not opening up will be worse

Yeah. People might actually hold Trump accountable. That would be tragic for you guys.

No, we need to hold the libs, who have perpetrated lie after lie after lie. This lockdown just being the latest. The left hates this country.
Not sure. Today am reading about infections on the president's valet, an aide to Ivanka and multiple on the president's security detail. Looks like the virus is no respecter of Rep vs Dem, trump supporter vs (dreaded) liberals, or even the white house walls. Heck, the military will not even accept corona infected into the service for fear of unleashing a dangerous infection in the close quarters of basic training stations, due to dangers identified. It is not that the (dreaded) left hates this country. They don't. It is just that few trust the president, his motives or his judgement about what is best. Probably why the constitution did not give him the power to enforce his will on the states and citizens.

Oh I agree its no respecter and doesn't discriminate but leaving our decisions up the state, local, and fed government had led us to great harm. The lefts actions show their disdain and hate for this country. Yes, they do hate the country. They're begging for socialism/communism. It will ultimately destroy them.
Maybe, but not
It is not that the (dreaded) left hates this country. They don't. It is just that few trust the president, his motives or his judgement about what is best.
the left merely tolerates America if things are going their way

they reserve hate for when they lose elections and they are not setting the agenda
Real Republicans only tolerate Don Trump if things are going their way. The reserve their disdain for trump when they lose election and are not setting the agenda.
In other words a "real Republican" is one without any principles?

You're truly a douchebag.
No. Not at all. That would be the trumptard 35%. Real republicans have been laying low for a while, most of the time since his election. I miss them, the conservative voices of reason.
Polls show that Trump's support among Republicans is at 95%. So who are these "real Republicans" you refer to?

Many have left the Republican Party. What is left is right wing fascists.
Here is the reality: This shutdown cannot continue or it will destroy this country:

Unemployment in April soared to 14.7%—the highest rate since the government started keeping records in 1948—while employers shed 20.5 million more jobs after losing 870,000 in March. The labor-market bleeding is even worse than those numbers suggest since 6.4 million workers left the workforce.
Labor participation had been trending upward the past two years as faster job growth drew millions of low-income Americans from the sidelines. But the participation rate has now fallen 3.2 percentage points to 60.2% since a recent peak in February, the lowest since 1973 before large numbers of women started working.
Much of the media continue to treat the economic destruction as a sideshow and present a false choice between saving lives and jobs. But this is the fastest jobs collapse in modern history. The Great Depression drove millions of Americans into poverty and caused many suicides, and there’s a substantial risk this could happen again.
Mental-health crisis hotlines are reporting spikes in calls. According to Express Scripts, anti-anxiety prescriptions increased by a third between mid-February and mid-March. Many in despair will probably turn to alcohol or narcotics. CVS executives warned this week that delayed care could lead to a surge of non-coronavirus related health problems. They include cancers undiagnosed and illnesses left untreated.
Hospitals have also had to cancel elective procedures, which is how they make most of their money. Stanford Health Care is cutting pay by 20% for its 14,000 workers. The California Medical Association reported that revenues at private practices have declined by two-thirds since March 1, and half have furloughed or laid off staff.
Congress has appropriated $175 billion to shore up hospitals, but this won’t help small physician practices much. Many health-care providers warn they may not survive if their privately insured patients lose jobs and sign up for Medicaid
Everyone is hiring no one is working they're all going to collect sugar for 4 months ...the dirt bags
I don't deny science. I am a scientist.

Sure you are....

Totally stupid of course! China has 100 billionaires and 350 million living at subsistence and China is far better off than they were when there was no inequality and all were starving. Is this really over your head? Have you heard of China?

China is a poor country that still has a lot of grinding poverty... not even sure what your point is. China did a much better job of controlling this thing than we did, but that was because they were totally ruthless in doing so.

Are you some kind of special retard? The fact is, that we have a lockdown that came too late, and as a result, millions of poorer people lost their jobs and are being completely wiped out by control measures.

So then we don't want libcommie health care since Republicans will be in charge half the time?

Well, no. Trump is probably the last time the GOP will be in charge of anything, so I'm not that worried about it. There aren't enough angry old white fucks to keep it going, and thankfully, more and more of them die off every day. Some of you even seem willing to do so, given the screams to reopen the economy to try to save Trump.
All across the country you see the filthy Democrats resisting reopening.

They aren't doing it for public safety. They wouldn't know what public safety was if it bit them in the ass. The nitwits are doing it because they think it will hurt Trump.

They are willing to sell out this country to hurt Trump. That is just the kind of assholes they are.

Like most Democrat hairbrain schemes like Russia Russia Russia and Impeachement of course it won't work. The American people are smarter than the idiot Democrats. They know it is Biden's Chicom buddies that created this shit sandwich and that Trump has been doing a great job managing it.

You people demonstrate your stupidity every day. There is good reason to avoid re-opening. Trump could facilitate reopening by increasing the number of tests available. That is one reason that South Korea has been able to reopen. Trump is too lazy to do that. He endangers people's lives by pushing bogus cures.

Test don't mean shit. You can pass it one day and fail it the next.

That is science, yo. Go look it up.

The stupid Moon Bats don't anything about science or public safety. Their agenda is to destroy the economy in the convoluted hopes that will somehow diminish Trump's chances of reelection.

It won't work because everybody other than the idiot Moon Bats know that the problem was caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. You know, the ones that gave Hunter Biden a billion dollars because his father was VP.
This is about lives vs jobs. People value their lives more.

Such ignorance.

For some people, their jobs ARE their lives. If they lose those jobs, they lose their life.

That sounds like some lame-ass job. Who would work under those circumstances? You lose this job, you die.

Tell me, what jobs require this kind of sacrifice?


First you lose your job, then you lose your paycheck, and then you lose your means to buy food and clothing, soon you lose the means to pay for utilities and housing. You then lose the means to pay for your own healthcare. Ergo, the means to live.

So, what jobs require "that sacrifice"?

Just about all of them do, really.

You know nothing.
There was a lot of life happening in there between the job loss and the death. Plenty of chances to get help. Stupidity is fatal I suppose.
Such arrogance and lack of compassion is why I never became a liberal or a Democrat.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
This is about lives vs jobs. People value their lives more.

Such ignorance.

For some people, their jobs ARE their lives. If they lose those jobs, they lose their life.

That sounds like some lame-ass job. Who would work under those circumstances? You lose this job, you die.

Tell me, what jobs require this kind of sacrifice?


First you lose your job, then you lose your paycheck, and then you lose your means to buy food and clothing, soon you lose the means to pay for utilities and housing. You then lose the means to pay for your own healthcare. Ergo, the means to live.

So, what jobs require "that sacrifice"?

Just about all of them do, really.

You know nothing.
There was a lot of life happening in there between the job loss and the death. Plenty of chances to get help. Stupidity is fatal I suppose.
Such arrogance and lack of compassion is why I never became a liberal or a Democrat.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Shaming by people such as yourself is something I enjoy.

I have negative compassion for Trumpers. I find them to be incredibly, willfully stupid.

Kind of like yourself, who thinks a loss of job leads directly to (do not pass GO, do not collect $200) suicide.

WTF?! Get some help!
Well, no. Trump is probably the last time the GOP will be in charge of anything, so I'm not that worried about it. There aren't enough angry old white fucks to keep it going,
It amazes me how libs can get away with racial hate speech after all this time of swooning whenever minorities are criticized
Here is the reality: This shutdown cannot continue or it will destroy this country:

Unemployment in April soared to 14.7%—the highest rate since the government started keeping records in 1948—while employers shed 20.5 million more jobs after losing 870,000 in March. The labor-market bleeding is even worse than those numbers suggest since 6.4 million workers left the workforce.
Labor participation had been trending upward the past two years as faster job growth drew millions of low-income Americans from the sidelines. But the participation rate has now fallen 3.2 percentage points to 60.2% since a recent peak in February, the lowest since 1973 before large numbers of women started working.
Much of the media continue to treat the economic destruction as a sideshow and present a false choice between saving lives and jobs. But this is the fastest jobs collapse in modern history. The Great Depression drove millions of Americans into poverty and caused many suicides, and there’s a substantial risk this could happen again.
Mental-health crisis hotlines are reporting spikes in calls. According to Express Scripts, anti-anxiety prescriptions increased by a third between mid-February and mid-March. Many in despair will probably turn to alcohol or narcotics. CVS executives warned this week that delayed care could lead to a surge of non-coronavirus related health problems. They include cancers undiagnosed and illnesses left untreated.
Hospitals have also had to cancel elective procedures, which is how they make most of their money. Stanford Health Care is cutting pay by 20% for its 14,000 workers. The California Medical Association reported that revenues at private practices have declined by two-thirds since March 1, and half have furloughed or laid off staff.
Congress has appropriated $175 billion to shore up hospitals, but this won’t help small physician practices much. Many health-care providers warn they may not survive if their privately insured patients lose jobs and sign up for Medicaid

This is about lives vs jobs. People value their lives more.

Marybeth Glenn Retweeted


On March 25, Cargill worker Rafael Benjamin was ordered by a supervisor to remove his mask because it was creating unnecessary fears among plant employees. Benjamin was admitted to the ICU and put on a ventilator weeks later. He died on April 19
Let them decide that.

Furthermore, it's almost entirely about the lives of people in nursing homes who are near death anyway. Virtually no one under the age of 65 has anything to worry about.

Let them decide to infect other people? I think not.
ROFL! The TDS moron reveals his Stalinist cloven hoof.

Soon it will happen whether you approve or not.
Here is the reality: This shutdown cannot continue or it will destroy this country:

Unemployment in April soared to 14.7%—the highest rate since the government started keeping records in 1948—while employers shed 20.5 million more jobs after losing 870,000 in March. The labor-market bleeding is even worse than those numbers suggest since 6.4 million workers left the workforce.
Labor participation had been trending upward the past two years as faster job growth drew millions of low-income Americans from the sidelines. But the participation rate has now fallen 3.2 percentage points to 60.2% since a recent peak in February, the lowest since 1973 before large numbers of women started working.
Much of the media continue to treat the economic destruction as a sideshow and present a false choice between saving lives and jobs. But this is the fastest jobs collapse in modern history. The Great Depression drove millions of Americans into poverty and caused many suicides, and there’s a substantial risk this could happen again.
Mental-health crisis hotlines are reporting spikes in calls. According to Express Scripts, anti-anxiety prescriptions increased by a third between mid-February and mid-March. Many in despair will probably turn to alcohol or narcotics. CVS executives warned this week that delayed care could lead to a surge of non-coronavirus related health problems. They include cancers undiagnosed and illnesses left untreated.
Hospitals have also had to cancel elective procedures, which is how they make most of their money. Stanford Health Care is cutting pay by 20% for its 14,000 workers. The California Medical Association reported that revenues at private practices have declined by two-thirds since March 1, and half have furloughed or laid off staff.
Congress has appropriated $175 billion to shore up hospitals, but this won’t help small physician practices much. Many health-care providers warn they may not survive if their privately insured patients lose jobs and sign up for Medicaid

This is about lives vs jobs. People value their lives more.

Marybeth Glenn Retweeted


On March 25, Cargill worker Rafael Benjamin was ordered by a supervisor to remove his mask because it was creating unnecessary fears among plant employees. Benjamin was admitted to the ICU and put on a ventilator weeks later. He died on April 19
Wow, you found on case of someone dying from COVID? That proves everything you've been saying is true!

You can't really be that stupid, can you?

We know that you are that stupid. A worker tried to protect himself and was prevented from doing so. This company should be sued and forced out of business.
I agree the supervisor acted wrongly, but how does one incident prove the shutdown is justified? You can't even prove the work contracted COVID in the plant.
Its a bad choice either way

but not opening up will be worse

Yeah. People might actually hold Trump accountable. That would be tragic for you guys.

No, we need to hold the libs, who have perpetrated lie after lie after lie. This lockdown just being the latest. The left hates this country.
Not sure. Today am reading about infections on the president's valet, an aide to Ivanka and multiple on the president's security detail. Looks like the virus is no respecter of Rep vs Dem, trump supporter vs (dreaded) liberals, or even the white house walls. Heck, the military will not even accept corona infected into the service for fear of unleashing a dangerous infection in the close quarters of basic training stations, due to dangers identified. It is not that the (dreaded) left hates this country. They don't. It is just that few trust the president, his motives or his judgement about what is best. Probably why the constitution did not give him the power to enforce his will on the states and citizens.

Oh I agree its no respecter and doesn't discriminate but leaving our decisions up the state, local, and fed government had led us to great harm. The lefts actions show their disdain and hate for this country. Yes, they do hate the country. They're begging for socialism/communism. It will ultimately destroy them.
Maybe, but not
It is not that the (dreaded) left hates this country. They don't. It is just that few trust the president, his motives or his judgement about what is best.
the left merely tolerates America if things are going their way

they reserve hate for when they lose elections and they are not setting the agenda
Real Republicans only tolerate Don Trump if things are going their way. The reserve their disdain for trump when they lose election and are not setting the agenda.
In other words a "real Republican" is one without any principles?

You're truly a douchebag.
No. Not at all. That would be the trumptard 35%. Real republicans have been laying low for a while, most of the time since his election. I miss them, the conservative voices of reason.
Polls show that Trump's support among Republicans is at 95%. So who are these "real Republicans" you refer to?

Many have left the Republican Party. What is left is right wing fascists.
You don't even know what fascism is, turd.
It amazes me how libs can get away with racial hate speech after all this time of swooning whenever minorities are criticized

I'm white... I can criticize my own.

Especially when we kind of deserve it. The GOP has managed to dismantle the middle class in the last 50 years by playing on the racial, religious and sexual fears of stupid white people.
The Shamdemic, Plandemic, Scamdemic will continue to be pushed until The November Election is over, and Emperor China Puppet, and Putin's lil sparkle in his eye, Biden is eating Bat Soup in The White House and asking his wife if he was finally elected as The Mayor.

"Am I the Mayor yet Mommy?"

/——/ The very same libtards who complained the government dropped the ball on PPE distribution want Gubmint run Healthcare.

Well, we don't want Republicans running it, obviously, they fuck up everything.

Democrats have never done a great job running the VA which is what your Universal Healthcare will be if it is ever created in this country.

Also you can not stop the switching of power in a Republic like ours and sooner or later the opposition will gain control, so only a fool believe their political party will stay in power forever...
It amazes me how libs can get away with racial hate speech after all this time of swooning whenever minorities are criticized

I'm white... I can criticize my own.

Especially when we kind of deserve it. The GOP has managed to dismantle the middle class in the last 50 years by playing on the racial, religious and sexual fears of stupid white people.
I'm white... I can criticize my own.

Sez you

this is the internent where hate filled libs can claim to be anything they want

At best you are a pandering guilt-ridden white lib who uses racial slurs
It amazes me how libs can get away with racial hate speech after all this time of swooning whenever minorities are criticized

I'm white... I can criticize my own.

Especially when we kind of deserve it. The GOP has managed to dismantle the middle class in the last 50 years by playing on the racial, religious and sexual fears of stupid white people.
/——-/ Ahhh, got White Guilt? BTW, the democRATs ran the country for most of the last 50 years.
Democrats have never done a great job running the VA which is what your Universal Healthcare will be if it is ever created in this country.

It's Republicans who have spent the last 20 years slashing the VA's funding, while supporting perpetual war.

Also you can not stop the switching of power in a Republic like ours and sooner or later the opposition will gain control, so only a fool believe their political party will stay in power forever...

Quite the contrary, the Republicans are pretty much going to get sent into the political wilderness because they've alienated women and minorities, and there aren't enough angry old white men to sustain it. Heck, they can't even win elections without cheating. Get rid of the Electoral College, stop gerrymandering and voter suppression, the GOP is gone and we'll all be better off for it.

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