The electoral college is a disaster for democracy

Do the RWnuts in this thread who are defending the electoral college realize that the thread title is a Trump quote?

Do they realize they're saying that the guy they just voted for is a fucking idiot?

He is a business man...not a democrat career politician who sells their office for their own power......he isn't a constitutional scholar moron....

He said the electoral college is a disaster. You either think he's full of shit or not. which is it?
You dembots miss the point that the EC protects states and geographical interests as well as people.

And once again yet another example --- every New Yorker who voted for their state's candidate had their vote thrown out. Because Electoral College.


and you guys didn't complain when bill the rapist won and barak the incompetent won.........only when a Republican wins by the rules we have had since the creation of our country do you guys bitch.....

No you Birthers never complained about Obama getting elected.

no...hilary was the birther....she had her minions sydney blumenthal and her campaign boss peddle that to the press.....get your lies straight........

And we complained about obama...we just don't complain about the rules when we lose.......since the democrats continue to cheat over and over we saw on video with bob craemer and scott foval admitting it....

You're denying that Trump was a birther?

You're dumber than a retard. won't admit the movement was started by hilary and perpetuated by obama who refused to put out his birth certificate.........Trump got him to put it out.....moron.

Actually he put it out in June of 2008 while the primaries were going on. You could look it up.
And you're still off topic.
You dembots miss the point that the EC protects states and geographical interests as well as people.


Often parroted, never demonstrated.

Meanwhile the arguments against have been thoroughly cultivated and articulated repeatedly.
I've been on it here for months. And the arguments are still the same.
And our candidate won without cheating...and in spite of the election fraud that the left was engaging in.

Exactly.......and their morons confessed to the cheating on video...they couldn't even steal the election this time....
That's because Americans, as a nation, reject their nonsense. The media has sold the US the lie that the left is the overwhelming majority..they aren't. They never have been. It's been a sham all along. The left rigs the elections, and the media lies for them.


Actually what the Media sold us was the idea of a Cheetos-orange-colored freak as Complainer in Chief --- without which Media he wouldn't even exist.

But that's not the topic here --- the topic is the Electoral College system. The Cheeto Complainer hisself brought it up, which just goes to show just because he's a whiner he can't be wrong all the time.

Got anything to say on the actual topic yet? Or are you just here to move goalposts?
You dembots miss the point that the EC protects states and geographical interests as well as people.


Often parroted, never demonstrated.

Meanwhile the arguments against have been thoroughly cultivated and articulated repeatedly.
I've been on it here for months. And the arguments are still the same.
The last election is clear demonstration of that point.

Your point is that you are hissy about it.

The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.
You dembots miss the point that the EC protects states and geographical interests as well as people.


Often parroted, never demonstrated.

Meanwhile the arguments against have been thoroughly cultivated and articulated repeatedly.
I've been on it here for months. And the arguments are still the same.
The last election is clear demonstration of that point.

Your point is that you are hissy about it.


EVERY election demonstrates the point.

For the 826th time --- the EC effectively disenfranchises every voter in a locked state. And that means Utah too. No different than if a team of Enforcers came around to survey everybody in California and said "who do you intend to vote for?" and if the answer was not "Clinton" you'd be told "stay home, your vote doesn't count".

There is STILL no defending that. Can't be done.

I'm in Carolina, you're in Utah. That means I had a vote in the last election, and you didn't.

That fair?
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

A huge, important point that points out that this talk of the electoral college is stupid......

The Republican party now controls 33 governorships out of 50...that means at the state level.......where the people are most directly effected by the government....they voted the electoral college whining by these guys is a joke...
You dembots miss the point that the EC protects states and geographical interests as well as people.


Often parroted, never demonstrated.

Meanwhile the arguments against have been thoroughly cultivated and articulated repeatedly.
I've been on it here for months. And the arguments are still the same.
The last election is clear demonstration of that point.

Your point is that you are hissy about it.


EVERY election demonstrates the point.

For the 826th time --- the EC effectively disenfranchises every voter in a locked state. And that means Utah too. No different than if a team of Enforcers came around to survey everybody in California and said "who do you intend to vote for?" and if the answer was not "Clinton" you'd be told "stay home, your vote doesn't count".

There is STILL no defending that. Can't be done.

I'm in Carolina, you're in Utah. That means I had a vote in the last election, and you didn't.

That fair?
Nonsense. Nonsense. And nonsense.

Now shake your tiny claws toward the moon and howl.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio?

Same parroted mantra that keeps getting repeated, yet can never be demonstrated.

Note even in the preceding post, Jake parroted the same thing and then withdrew when challenged to back it up.

That's because it has no logic.

You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

I've already done that actually ---- over and over and over since the beginning of this thread, including the Three-Fifths Compromise and its resulting in six of the first seven POTUSes being slaveholders from the South, including how it later discouraged the idea of women voting, including how it creates artificial divisions of "red" and "blue" states today. The EC-bots just go "but we won" as if they don't know what the topic is.
You dembots miss the point that the EC protects states and geographical interests as well as people.


Often parroted, never demonstrated.

Meanwhile the arguments against have been thoroughly cultivated and articulated repeatedly.
I've been on it here for months. And the arguments are still the same.
The last election is clear demonstration of that point.

Your point is that you are hissy about it.


EVERY election demonstrates the point.

For the 826th time --- the EC effectively disenfranchises every voter in a locked state. And that means Utah too. No different than if a team of Enforcers came around to survey everybody in California and said "who do you intend to vote for?" and if the answer was not "Clinton" you'd be told "stay home, your vote doesn't count".

There is STILL no defending that. Can't be done.

I'm in Carolina, you're in Utah. That means I had a vote in the last election, and you didn't.

That fair?
Nonsense. Nonsense. And nonsense.

Now shake your tiny claws toward the moon and howl.

The moon is on the other side of the planet right now. Apparently I'm more aware even of that.
You dembots miss the point that the EC protects states and geographical interests as well as people.


Often parroted, never demonstrated.

Meanwhile the arguments against have been thoroughly cultivated and articulated repeatedly.
I've been on it here for months. And the arguments are still the same.
The last election is clear demonstration of that point.

Your point is that you are hissy about it.


EVERY election demonstrates the point.

For the 826th time --- the EC effectively disenfranchises every voter in a locked state. And that means Utah too. No different than if a team of Enforcers came around to survey everybody in California and said "who do you intend to vote for?" and if the answer was not "Clinton" you'd be told "stay home, your vote doesn't count".

There is STILL no defending that. Can't be done.

I'm in Carolina, you're in Utah. That means I had a vote in the last election, and you didn't.

That fair?
Nonsense. Nonsense. And nonsense.

Now shake your tiny claws toward the moon and howl.

The moon is on the other side of the planet right now. Apparently I'm more aware even of that.
You dembots miss the point that the EC protects states and geographical interests as well as people.


Often parroted, never demonstrated.

Meanwhile the arguments against have been thoroughly cultivated and articulated repeatedly.
I've been on it here for months. And the arguments are still the same.
The last election is clear demonstration of that point.

Your point is that you are hissy about it.


My point is it's a stupid system that discourages voting, disenfranchises huge populations, creates division, perpetuates the Duopoly, and enslaves us to polls. And I've made this point literally for years.

And I have yet to see it deconstructed, and it ain't looking like today's gonna be the day.

This is the pitfall some fall into --- when they've been proven wrong and can't defend their position.... instead of accepting the results they just double down.

"When the known facts change --- I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"
Pogo keeps parroting his nonsense, which only reveals he is nonsensical.

This last election demonstrates the silliness of the "all democracy" gang.
Pogo keeps parroting his nonsense, which only reveals he is nonsensical.

This last election demonstrates the silliness of the "all democracy" gang.

I'm still not seeing any deconstruction of my position there.

Nor do I expect to.

See, I have what seems to be, but shouldn't be, a unique approach --- I work these things out in my head BEFORE I take a position, to decide what makes sense. I don't just parrot what I hear without doing the equation.

Sometimes in that process, some idea does NOT make sense. At that point I drop it before I ever try to ride that horse. Because I don't do dead ends. Those ideas you never see me post, because I dropped them before they could grab on like a barnacle.

You oughta try it.
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We are a constitutional republic that elects representatives. An extent of that republicanism is that our EC elects the presidents. An amendment would have to change the process, and neither party wants such, despite what certain members of those parties may say.

I think the Democrats as currently comprised want it. I think they realize they couldn't get a constitutional amendment through the rigorous process though. I think many of their own constituents would not want it even, though.

In short, the American people don't want it because that would make money for votes a big boon (way more than it is now). The most corrupt party would win elections with systematic precision.
Pogo keeps parroting his nonsense, which only reveals he is nonsensical.

This last election demonstrates the silliness of the "all democracy" gang.
If you want third party candidates, start in congressional races and get a voice there. Why not try that? Instead of pissing on what exists.

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