The electoral college, the founders had it right

Blah, blah, blah.

If the 2016 election had gone the reverse (Trump wins popular vote, loses the EC), you Trumpbots would be freaking out about how unfair the EC is. 100% for certain.

I have never, ever thought the EC is a good idea.

If you don't get the most votes, you didn't win the election.

Trump is POTUS in name only as far as I am concerned.

Which is just one of may reasons you or your party should never be in charge of the United States of America.
Again this debate is pointless the rules are in place and both candidates knew what they were. HRC spent double of what DJT did and lost. We can debate changing rules for future elections but this one needs to be put to bed.

Nobody is talking about changing the rules, you just made that up.

Then what are you insinuating? Either you’re whining or you want the rules changed. Which is it?

Neither. I think it is the best system for this country, but I also do pretend that it is a fair system, just that there is no a better one.

That sort of thinking is a bit beyond partisan sheep, they think in black and white for everything. Everything is either good or bad, either for us or against us, there is no middle ground anymore for too many people

Fair is subjective but you will agree that all parties knew the rules and the rules did not change during the election.

I have not been talking about the last election, the EC goes back a bit further than that
I brought them up because people like to talk about how many counties voted each way. It is a stupid thing to talk about as you cannot compare a county of less than 300 to a county of more than a million. They are not equal

But in the example Trump crushed HRC in counties both big and small did he not. Now not in all but in many.

Once again, debating the number of counties that Trump won makes about as much sense as talking about many hot dogs were sold at a football game when discussing who won the game. Counties do not vote, people vote. Why talk about counties?

It’s because people want to discuss diversity of
Voter which is what this country is all about. The equivalency would be the different ways the team was able to score TDs.

Talking about total counties does not come close to addressing diversity, how much do you know about Kent county Texas or Rich county Utah or Hamilton county Florida?

I know That they have different types of people unlike the homogeneous areas of NYC and Boston for instance.

You do not seem to know much of anything

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