The elites are laughing in our faces.

So, it does not take too long to find out and even to see pictures of white smokers and black smokers pouring out hot water to some 400º Celsius from the bottom of the ocean. How far these thermal vents warm the ocean I do not know – I am not an oceanographer.
In addition to these thermal vents, of which Iceland makes much use for heating, there are a whole series of volcanoes under the water also spewing out hot lava, at least some of them. How many volcanoes under the sea would you guess?

I would have thought a few hundred. I cannot check this but I understand that there are millions!

Millions of volcanoes under the sea! If that is correct and the center of our Earth is nearly as hot as the corona around the Sun, does not that very fact give you pause? It does me.

It is true that the madding crowd do follow the Pied Piper of Nashville, Tennessee, and hope to take extreme measures to ‘save the planet.’
But I believe that this is but a temporary aberration based upon a lack of scientific knowledge that we will all have to suffer for a while.

Now why didn't THEY think of that? (slaps forehead)
What exactly is Earth's ideal climate anyway?
Right now? Ice age? Tropical?
Or no deviations allowed?

Good luck with all that.
What hyperbolic fear mongering nonsense.
So walk the walk if it concerns you.
Quit posting immediately, sell your device, give up all comforts of modern living and find a nice tent to put under the bridge.
Reduce your footprint, set an example.
Every post you make kills another Polar Bear.

Pretty sure the Earth has at least 6 billion years until the sun becomes a red giant engulfing the inner worlds.

Tell us exactly what you base your opposition to it on.

Don't bother with another ignorant rant.
You must have stats to prove it.
See how good you are big mouth.
Tell us exactly what you base your opposition to it on.

Don't bother with another ignorant rant.
You must have stats to prove it.
See how good you are big mouth.
I asked a question.
Now tell us what exactly is Earth's ideal climate?
Are we at the pinnacle of perfection?

You are the one ranting about the end like some idiot on the street.
I asked a question.
Now tell us what exactly is Earth's ideal climate?
Are we at the pinnacle of perfection?

You are the one ranting about the end like some idiot on the street.

You have no facts to support anything. Just the herd mentality.
I don't have to rain anything as it's all there for anyone to read. But you guys don't believe anything the government say, even when they are spending your money to protect you.

Let's assume they are wrong, who will you be taking your advice from?
Donald trump?
You have no facts to support anything. Just the herd mentality.
I don't have to rain anything as it's all there for anyone to read. But you guys don't believe anything the government say, even when they are spending your money to protect you.

Let's assume they are wrong, who will you be taking your advice from?
Donald trump?
You cannot answer the question because...
Greta Cult.

What is Earth's ideal climate in this static universe you wish to live in?
You cannot answer the question because...
Greta Cult.

What is Earth's ideal climate in this static universe you wish to live in?

Go away. You're just an ignorant climate denier with a low education on the subject. It could only be Republican conspiracy theorhatheoribelieve the shit you belch.

Stick to your bible.
The Earth really doesnt give a shit if man is here or not.

Is that your defence for being a climate denier?
I can understand why a recalcitrant dumb arse like you would be wasted by mother earth. Christ your dumb.
Go away. You're just an ignorant climate denier with a low education on the subject. It could only be Republican conspiracy theorhatheoribelieve the shit you belch.

Stick to your bible.
Tell us all about the world being destroyed Captain Hyperbole.
I never denied the climate changes.
In fact I stated it has many times, and the Earth was just fine.
Not religious either.

Still care to make a fool of yourself?
Over at least the past million years, glacial and interglacial cycles have been triggered by variations in how much sunlight reaches the Northern Hemisphere in the summer, which are driven by small variations in the geometry of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. But these fluctuations in sunlight aren’t enough on their own to bring about full-blown ice ages and interglacials. They trigger several feedback loops that amplify the original warming or cooling. During an interglacial,
  • sea ice and snow retreat, reducing the amount of sunlight the Earth reflects;
  • warming increases atmospheric water vapor, which is a powerful greenhouse gas;
  • permafrost thaws and decomposes, releasing more methane and carbon dioxide; and
  • the ocean warms and releases dissolved carbon dioxide, which traps even more heat.
These feedbacks amplify the initial warming until the Earth’s orbit goes through a phase during which the amount of Northern Hemisphere summer sunlight is minimized. Then these feedbacks operate in reverse, reinforcing the cooling trend.

Tell us all about the world being destroyed Captain Hyperbole.
I never denied the climate changes.
In fact I stated it has many times, and the Earth was just fine.
Not religious either.

Still care to make a fool of yourself?

Never denied it? Don't make yourself look any more stupid by saying that.
The world is watching.

Do you believe any of the science about the overall temperature of the earth is warming?
To say no would deny the whole thing. See how you go with that simple exercise.
LOL......even Biden doesnt care about climate change!

And what did the elections last night tell us? What Ive been saying for 10 years.......nobody is caring about the science of climate change.

All the polling in Virginia early yesterday found "Climate Change" waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down on the bottom of the list of concerns. Same exact thing weve seen on every PEW poll since 2010 on list of voter concerns.

Ask me if Im laughing this morning?
Never denied it? Don't make yourself look any more stupid by saying that.
The world is watching.

Do you believe any of the science about the overall temperature of the earth is warming?
To say no would deny the whole thing. See how you go with that simple exercise.
Do you ever back up the dumb shit you post?
I do not accept Greta Thunberg. I deny her. Everything that she is, everything she stands for, I reject. Her whispered exasperation, her barely concealed fury, her weird swivel-eyes and her demented message; the whole pathetic performance is almost too cringey to watch and I will never, ever be lectured to by a silly little troll-child who is obviously the tool of demonic globalist psychopaths bent on enslaving the world under a type of eco-fascism. That I cannot abide.

It’s actually difficult to be as obnoxious as Greta. You’ve really got to strive for it, you’ve really got to want it, to hone the skills of being unlikeable and fold in more and more layers of unpalatableness. Her signature move of pouring scorn over her listeners, the whole “how dare you” routine, and, more recently, the whole “blah blah blah” angle; who exactly is that supposed to appeal to? Who do her handlers think they are talking to? Did they have a strategy meeting at some early point and actively decide that their mouthpiece’s tone should be one of withering disdain? Was it actively decided that Greta should address the world with a sneer of derision and a tenor of finger-wagging hostility? I guess so, because everything about her is contrived. She’s more of a character than a genuine personality, an agent provocateur, a useful moron who will spew out, on cue, the rivulets of bile that she has been taught to parrot.

In real life I simply do not permit anyone to scold me like that. In real life I would walk away from such an encounter, and, if prevented from leaving, things would get pretty nasty pretty quickly. No, I simply will not be spoken down to as though I am a naughty schoolboy who has been caught red-handed doing something prohibited. I am a free-born man with a sense of intellectual dignity and a healthy swipe of self-respect, so no, I will not accept Greta’s rebuke. Her clear contempt for everyone and everything that doesn’t see the world as she does is a type of childlike insanity that can burn in hell as far as I’m concerned. It’s gross, despicable, and ugly to behold; its only function is to divide people. Greta’s only function is to divide people.


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