The End Is Near....The Final Curtain

Claim down now. Try to control yourself.

:rolleyes: You fellas totally are out of your minds, the more you post the more I'm convinced of that.
and yet you can't accept an opposing view point and debate. Nope, Trump is a racist, a commie, a nazi and we're all deplorable and yadda, yadda, talking points from the left. It is you sir that fking nuts.

Why don't you go ahead show me calling Trump a racist, a commie or a nazi, or call all of you deplorable.

When you can't, do the right thing, retract and STFU.
why don't you do the right thing and accept the results of the election and condemn the hate from your party and their supporters?

I accept the result of the election and condemn the ridiculous hyper-partisanship and hate among both left and right wingers.

In fact right here on this board I've posted disagreement with lefty that was driving Trump-is-a-Nazi hyperbole.

Now that your silly dodge is put away, it is time to retract the false bullshit you are spreading about what I've said.
No, the brown buffoon before trump is the abominable stain. It will take years to undue the carnage that his admin brought upon the country.

See, unlike the orange buffoon Obama was born with his skin color so when you fault him for it you sound like a racist.

The carnage? You mean economic recovery, growth, now popular healthcare reform and high end-of-presidency approval with a solid place in history for his Presidency?
Shame on your partisan unamerican behavior
On the positive side, we dodged a bullet by NOT electing the crazy woman. After 8 years of the skinny socialist, 8 years of the crazy woman would have finished the job.

Funny how things work out. Republicans promised more endless hours of investigation if Sec Clinton was elected. Now we have the most corrupt administration being investigated since RayGun, looking to not only destroy the legacy of the previous president but also to destroying the precedent the greatest generation set in motion after WWII. The world use to see us as a shinning light on the hill but now see us as a bottomless pit of despair displayed by seething hatred for one another.
only in fairyland dude, only in your fairyland. I see you can't accept the results either. it's why you are a blind.

The world is laughing at us for electing a self admitted Pussy Grabber who feels because he is an entitled star, they let him molest them (in reality it is fear that stops them from pursuing charges against the prick).

He is getting what he deserves. Will find out in 2018 how Americans feel about his duplicitous agenda.

He is a typical Republican con man who proclaims falsely that he won in a historic landslide and declares by that landslide he has a mandate to shove his elitist, unconstitutional agenda down the countries throats without regards to public opinion on the matters.
and so fking what, you wish to control the outcome right, or better yet, pissed because you couldn't. You can't see that the majority of americans didn't want what your side offered. dude, you can't accept it. and it is the point of this thread. you keep validating that.

He may have won the election but not with a majority of votes from the American people. I have no choice but to accept the EC outcome and look towards 2018 to take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition.

I don't know anyone on this board who would say that the result of the election WASN'T that Trump won or that we we need to somehow nullify this result.
Shame on your partisan unamerican behavior
On the positive side, we dodged a bullet by NOT electing the crazy woman. After 8 years of the skinny socialist, 8 years of the crazy woman would have finished the job.

Funny how things work out. Republicans promised more endless hours of investigation if Sec Clinton was elected. Now we have the most corrupt administration being investigated since RayGun, looking to not only destroy the legacy of the previous president but also to destroying the precedent the greatest generation set in motion after WWII. The world use to see us as a shinning light on the hill but now see us as a bottomless pit of despair displayed by seething hatred for one another.
only in fairyland dude, only in your fairyland. I see you can't accept the results either. it's why you are a blind.

The world is laughing at us for electing a self admitted Pussy Grabber who feels because he is an entitled star, they let him molest them (in reality it is fear that stops them from pursuing charges against the prick).

He is getting what he deserves. Will find out in 2018 how Americans feel about his duplicitous agenda.

He is a typical Republican con man who proclaims falsely that he won in a historic landslide and declares by that landslide he has a mandate to shove his elitist, unconstitutional agenda down the countries throats without regards to public opinion on the matters.
and so fking what, you wish to control the outcome right, or better yet, pissed because you couldn't. You can't see that the majority of americans didn't want what your side offered. dude, you can't accept it. and it is the point of this thread. you keep validating that.

He may have won the election but not with a majority of votes from the American people. I have no choice but to accept the EC outcome and look towards 2018 to take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition.
We accept it but don't have to like it or him
Is this liberal nation, founding using liberalism, annoying you again, Korean girl?
Of course, the regressives would be screaming RACIST if a right winger had said something like that.

Most progressives, like SockBoy Righty, are despicable scumbags

Scumbags don't defend your rights but liberals like me do. Suck it, fool.

Good to know, we may need an assist on defending our gun rights.

Within reason, no problem.
Shame on your partisan unamerican behavior
On the positive side, we dodged a bullet by NOT electing the crazy woman. After 8 years of the skinny socialist, 8 years of the crazy woman would have finished the job.

Funny how things work out. Republicans promised more endless hours of investigation if Sec Clinton was elected. Now we have the most corrupt administration being investigated since RayGun, looking to not only destroy the legacy of the previous president but also to destroying the precedent the greatest generation set in motion after WWII. The world use to see us as a shinning light on the hill but now see us as a bottomless pit of despair displayed by seething hatred for one another.
only in fairyland dude, only in your fairyland. I see you can't accept the results either. it's why you are a blind.

The world is laughing at us for electing a self admitted Pussy Grabber who feels because he is an entitled star, they let him molest them (in reality it is fear that stops them from pursuing charges against the prick).

He is getting what he deserves. Will find out in 2018 how Americans feel about his duplicitous agenda.

He is a typical Republican con man who proclaims falsely that he won in a historic landslide and declares by that landslide he has a mandate to shove his elitist, unconstitutional agenda down the countries throats without regards to public opinion on the matters.
and so fking what, you wish to control the outcome right, or better yet, pissed because you couldn't. You can't see that the majority of americans didn't want what your side offered. dude, you can't accept it. and it is the point of this thread. you keep validating that.

He may have won the election but not with a majority of votes from the American people. I have no choice but to accept the EC outcome and look towards 2018 to take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition.
well he did when the majority of electoral votes. sorry. see proves my point.
Shame on your partisan unamerican behavior
Funny how things work out. Republicans promised more endless hours of investigation if Sec Clinton was elected. Now we have the most corrupt administration being investigated since RayGun, looking to not only destroy the legacy of the previous president but also to destroying the precedent the greatest generation set in motion after WWII. The world use to see us as a shinning light on the hill but now see us as a bottomless pit of despair displayed by seething hatred for one another.
only in fairyland dude, only in your fairyland. I see you can't accept the results either. it's why you are a blind.

The world is laughing at us for electing a self admitted Pussy Grabber who feels because he is an entitled star, they let him molest them (in reality it is fear that stops them from pursuing charges against the prick).

He is getting what he deserves. Will find out in 2018 how Americans feel about his duplicitous agenda.

He is a typical Republican con man who proclaims falsely that he won in a historic landslide and declares by that landslide he has a mandate to shove his elitist, unconstitutional agenda down the countries throats without regards to public opinion on the matters.
and so fking what, you wish to control the outcome right, or better yet, pissed because you couldn't. You can't see that the majority of americans didn't want what your side offered. dude, you can't accept it. and it is the point of this thread. you keep validating that.

He may have won the election but not with a majority of votes from the American people. I have no choice but to accept the EC outcome and look towards 2018 to take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition.
We accept it but don't have to like it or him
no one said you did. the left and some if not most lefts in here have tried to delegitimize his win.

popular vote throw up you all keep discharging is pathetic. so actually, I don't believe you've accepted the results.
:rolleyes: You fellas totally are out of your minds, the more you post the more I'm convinced of that.
and yet you can't accept an opposing view point and debate. Nope, Trump is a racist, a commie, a nazi and we're all deplorable and yadda, yadda, talking points from the left. It is you sir that fking nuts.

Why don't you go ahead show me calling Trump a racist, a commie or a nazi, or call all of you deplorable.

When you can't, do the right thing, retract and STFU.
why don't you do the right thing and accept the results of the election and condemn the hate from your party and their supporters?

I accept the result of the election and condemn the ridiculous hyper-partisanship and hate among both left and right wingers.

In fact right here on this board I've posted disagreement with lefty that was driving Trump-is-a-Nazi hyperbole.

Now that your silly dodge is put away, it is time to retract the false bullshit you are spreading about what I've said.
No, the brown buffoon before trump is the abominable stain. It will take years to undue the carnage that his admin brought upon the country.

See, unlike the orange buffoon Obama was born with his skin color so when you fault him for it you sound like a racist.

The carnage? You mean economic recovery, growth, now popular healthcare reform and high end-of-presidency approval with a solid place in history for his Presidency?

What the hell is your point? How does me calling Trump orange buffoon (which he is) prove what you said about me?
Ah yes, your mission... Pure charity I suppose from the trust fund that your parents established? Or is it an example of biting the hand that feeds?

Why are you so concerned about the sources of my immense wealth?

If it makes you feel better,....

Thankfully, I'm independently wealthy, not obligated to actually work, as you peasants are.

You see, I'm heir to a family fortune.
My family has a petting zoo for folks who like animals, and a heavy petting zoo for folks like you who realllllly like animals.
Thanks for at least admitting that you've never had to work or compete in society in any way. It seems a little douchy though, criticizing those of us who work our asses off while not complaining about providing for the unfortunate.

I never 'admitted' any such thing....

So, you've been revealed as both a fool and a liar.
Of course you have. You never speak about what you do for a living, you claim to be independently wealthy and you're obviously here all the time. lied here:
"Thanks for at least admitting that you've never had to work or compete in society in any way."

They you admitted you lied, here:
'You never speak about what you do for a living,'

How often to do ask yourself why you are such an imbecile????
So I'll ask again, what have you ever done to generate a paycheck? If it's nothing, then what do you think gives you the right (or credibility) to bash the social contract?
and yet you can't accept an opposing view point and debate. Nope, Trump is a racist, a commie, a nazi and we're all deplorable and yadda, yadda, talking points from the left. It is you sir that fking nuts.

Why don't you go ahead show me calling Trump a racist, a commie or a nazi, or call all of you deplorable.

When you can't, do the right thing, retract and STFU.
why don't you do the right thing and accept the results of the election and condemn the hate from your party and their supporters?

I accept the result of the election and condemn the ridiculous hyper-partisanship and hate among both left and right wingers.

In fact right here on this board I've posted disagreement with lefty that was driving Trump-is-a-Nazi hyperbole.

Now that your silly dodge is put away, it is time to retract the false bullshit you are spreading about what I've said.
No, the brown buffoon before trump is the abominable stain. It will take years to undue the carnage that his admin brought upon the country.

See, unlike the orange buffoon Obama was born with his skin color so when you fault him for it you sound like a racist.

The carnage? You mean economic recovery, growth, now popular healthcare reform and high end-of-presidency approval with a solid place in history for his Presidency?

What the hell is your point? How does me calling Trump orange buffoon (which he is) prove what you said about me?
If ever there was a buffoon in our gov't trump gotta be in the top 3 He's a gd mad man
Is this liberal nation, founding using liberalism, annoying you again, Korean girl?
This nation was not founded by liberals. It was founded by businessmen who were tired of interference in their activities from a crown located abroad.

Founded by liberals based on - liberalism. You can't change the history.

Stop lying the memorializing of America's founding was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional governance.

You and every totalitarian demand the bending of the knee and the neck to big government....this:
. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

But....I certainly hope you continue to make your lies this easy to obliterate.

Communism, National Socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....all have a the central doctrine:
" all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature...."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism
Why are you so concerned about the sources of my immense wealth?

If it makes you feel better,....

Thankfully, I'm independently wealthy, not obligated to actually work, as you peasants are.

You see, I'm heir to a family fortune.
My family has a petting zoo for folks who like animals, and a heavy petting zoo for folks like you who realllllly like animals.
Thanks for at least admitting that you've never had to work or compete in society in any way. It seems a little douchy though, criticizing those of us who work our asses off while not complaining about providing for the unfortunate.

I never 'admitted' any such thing....

So, you've been revealed as both a fool and a liar.
Of course you have. You never speak about what you do for a living, you claim to be independently wealthy and you're obviously here all the time. lied here:
"Thanks for at least admitting that you've never had to work or compete in society in any way."

They you admitted you lied, here:
'You never speak about what you do for a living,'

How often to do ask yourself why you are such an imbecile????
So I'll ask again, what have you ever done to generate a paycheck? If it's nothing, then what do you think gives you the right (or credibility) to bash the social contract?

Find anything in the thread that you'd like to try to dispute.
"Did you have to take a self esteem class to come to that conclusion?"

That I'm awesome????

No, you's an IQ test: you either recognize that...or, you're you.

My job?
My career?
My mission: I provide the knowledge, truth and insight that is purposely removed from government schooling.

Dunces like you provide the counter, and my slicing and dicing of your and your ilk is part of the education for those who cannot find it in the media or academia.

Here's the salient point: about ten times as many read a thread as post in same.....and that is the audience I address.

In short...I'm a princess, you're a loser.
Any questions?
Ah yes, your mission... Pure charity I suppose from the trust fund that your parents established? Or is it an example of biting the hand that feeds?

Why are you so concerned about the sources of my immense wealth?

If it makes you feel better,....

Thankfully, I'm independently wealthy, not obligated to actually work, as you peasants are.

You see, I'm heir to a family fortune.
My family has a petting zoo for folks who like animals, and a heavy petting zoo for folks like you who realllllly like animals.
SO when they come to take you away are you leaving this wealth to anyone?

"SO when they come to take you away...."


An admission of the totalitarian aspirations of Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, Socialists.....

I knew I could drag it out of you, eddie!!!

Now....I see that you'd like me to make you a beneficiary of more than just the knowledge I provide......but, the best I can do is allow you to be one of the six carrying my palanquin....


Should I sign you up???
Do they allow sharp stuff like pens where you'll be going? The funny farm You might meet Bri pat there

Find anything in my posts that you believe you can dispute or refute.
Why don't you go ahead show me calling Trump a racist, a commie or a nazi, or call all of you deplorable.

When you can't, do the right thing, retract and STFU.
why don't you do the right thing and accept the results of the election and condemn the hate from your party and their supporters?

I accept the result of the election and condemn the ridiculous hyper-partisanship and hate among both left and right wingers.

In fact right here on this board I've posted disagreement with lefty that was driving Trump-is-a-Nazi hyperbole.

Now that your silly dodge is put away, it is time to retract the false bullshit you are spreading about what I've said.
No, the brown buffoon before trump is the abominable stain. It will take years to undue the carnage that his admin brought upon the country.

See, unlike the orange buffoon Obama was born with his skin color so when you fault him for it you sound like a racist.

The carnage? You mean economic recovery, growth, now popular healthcare reform and high end-of-presidency approval with a solid place in history for his Presidency?

What the hell is your point? How does me calling Trump orange buffoon (which he is) prove what you said about me?
If ever there was a buffoon in our gov't trump gotta be in the top 3 He's a gd mad man
the real buffoon was the previous president when he put a red line in the sand and walked backward until he left. not one qtr GDP over 3%. And we were concerned at the presidency of LGBT rights. Yeah, how fkd up is that.

U.S. Has Record 10th Straight Year Without 3% Growth in GDP

"( - The United States has now gone a record 10 straight years without 3 percent growth in real Gross Domestic Product, according to data released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis."
Is this liberal nation, founding using liberalism, annoying you again, Korean girl?
This nation was not founded by liberals. It was founded by businessmen who were tired of interference in their activities from a crown located abroad.

Founded by liberals based on - liberalism. You can't change the history.

Stop lying the memorializing of America's founding was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional governance.

You and every totalitarian demand the bending of the knee and the neck to big government....this:
. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

But....I certainly hope you continue to make your lies this easy to obliterate.

Communism, National Socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....all have a the central doctrine:
" all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature...."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

Individualism and limited government are liberalism, little dummy.
Shame on your partisan unamerican behavior
On the positive side, we dodged a bullet by NOT electing the crazy woman. After 8 years of the skinny socialist, 8 years of the crazy woman would have finished the job.

Funny how things work out. Republicans promised more endless hours of investigation if Sec Clinton was elected. Now we have the most corrupt administration being investigated since RayGun, looking to not only destroy the legacy of the previous president but also to destroying the precedent the greatest generation set in motion after WWII. The world use to see us as a shinning light on the hill but now see us as a bottomless pit of despair displayed by seething hatred for one another.
only in fairyland dude, only in your fairyland. I see you can't accept the results either. it's why you are a blind.

The world is laughing at us for electing a self admitted Pussy Grabber who feels because he is an entitled star, they let him molest them (in reality it is fear that stops them from pursuing charges against the prick).

He is getting what he deserves. Will find out in 2018 how Americans feel about his duplicitous agenda.

He is a typical Republican con man who proclaims falsely that he won in a historic landslide and declares by that landslide he has a mandate to shove his elitist, unconstitutional agenda down the countries throats without regards to public opinion on the matters.
and so fking what, you wish to control the outcome right, or better yet, pissed because you couldn't. You can't see that the majority of americans didn't want what your side offered. dude, you can't accept it. and it is the point of this thread. you keep validating that.

He may have won the election but not with a majority of votes from the American people. I have no choice but to accept the EC outcome and look towards 2018 to take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition.

" but not with a majority of votes from the American people"

Of course he did.

Contrary to what the snake, Obama, claimed, illegal aliens are not the American people.

Didn't you know that?
Shame on your partisan unamerican behavior
On the positive side, we dodged a bullet by NOT electing the crazy woman. After 8 years of the skinny socialist, 8 years of the crazy woman would have finished the job.

Funny how things work out. Republicans promised more endless hours of investigation if Sec Clinton was elected. Now we have the most corrupt administration being investigated since RayGun, looking to not only destroy the legacy of the previous president but also to destroying the precedent the greatest generation set in motion after WWII. The world use to see us as a shinning light on the hill but now see us as a bottomless pit of despair displayed by seething hatred for one another.
only in fairyland dude, only in your fairyland. I see you can't accept the results either. it's why you are a blind.

The world is laughing at us for electing a self admitted Pussy Grabber who feels because he is an entitled star, they let him molest them (in reality it is fear that stops them from pursuing charges against the prick).

He is getting what he deserves. Will find out in 2018 how Americans feel about his duplicitous agenda.

He is a typical Republican con man who proclaims falsely that he won in a historic landslide and declares by that landslide he has a mandate to shove his elitist, unconstitutional agenda down the countries throats without regards to public opinion on the matters.
and so fking what, you wish to control the outcome right, or better yet, pissed because you couldn't. You can't see that the majority of americans didn't want what your side offered. dude, you can't accept it. and it is the point of this thread. you keep validating that.

He may have won the election but not with a majority of votes from the American people. I have no choice but to accept the EC outcome and look towards 2018 to take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition.

"take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition."

Hillary Clinton was Putin's choice for President.
He knew he could easily work with the folks known to take bribes....
and yet you can't accept an opposing view point and debate. Nope, Trump is a racist, a commie, a nazi and we're all deplorable and yadda, yadda, talking points from the left. It is you sir that fking nuts.

Why don't you go ahead show me calling Trump a racist, a commie or a nazi, or call all of you deplorable.

When you can't, do the right thing, retract and STFU.
why don't you do the right thing and accept the results of the election and condemn the hate from your party and their supporters?

I accept the result of the election and condemn the ridiculous hyper-partisanship and hate among both left and right wingers.

In fact right here on this board I've posted disagreement with lefty that was driving Trump-is-a-Nazi hyperbole.

Now that your silly dodge is put away, it is time to retract the false bullshit you are spreading about what I've said.
No, the brown buffoon before trump is the abominable stain. It will take years to undue the carnage that his admin brought upon the country.

See, unlike the orange buffoon Obama was born with his skin color so when you fault him for it you sound like a racist.

The carnage? You mean economic recovery, growth, now popular healthcare reform and high end-of-presidency approval with a solid place in history for his Presidency?

What the hell is your point? How does me calling Trump orange buffoon (which he is) prove what you said about me?
you claimed you didn't call anyone racist with your arguments concerning trump. well here is your quote:

" skin color so when you fault him for it you sound like a racist."

using insults to respond rather than debating is what I'm discussing. and BTW, orange buffoon is still an insult.
Shame on your partisan unamerican behavior
Funny how things work out. Republicans promised more endless hours of investigation if Sec Clinton was elected. Now we have the most corrupt administration being investigated since RayGun, looking to not only destroy the legacy of the previous president but also to destroying the precedent the greatest generation set in motion after WWII. The world use to see us as a shinning light on the hill but now see us as a bottomless pit of despair displayed by seething hatred for one another.
only in fairyland dude, only in your fairyland. I see you can't accept the results either. it's why you are a blind.

The world is laughing at us for electing a self admitted Pussy Grabber who feels because he is an entitled star, they let him molest them (in reality it is fear that stops them from pursuing charges against the prick).

He is getting what he deserves. Will find out in 2018 how Americans feel about his duplicitous agenda.

He is a typical Republican con man who proclaims falsely that he won in a historic landslide and declares by that landslide he has a mandate to shove his elitist, unconstitutional agenda down the countries throats without regards to public opinion on the matters.
and so fking what, you wish to control the outcome right, or better yet, pissed because you couldn't. You can't see that the majority of americans didn't want what your side offered. dude, you can't accept it. and it is the point of this thread. you keep validating that.

He may have won the election but not with a majority of votes from the American people. I have no choice but to accept the EC outcome and look towards 2018 to take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition.
We accept it but don't have to like it or him

But you don't have to shoot Republican Congressmen....but that's what your side does.

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