The End of Affirmative Action?

Mom and Pop shops can stay 100% white for all I care. It's a free country. I just can't accept that of all the jobs at the top, 95% of them are given to straight white men.

NPR added Christian to that. This is a christian straight white male movement we got going on here.

Corporations in America was a diverse customer base so they have to have a diverse employee base too. Otherwise they'll get negative attention for being racially bias. And sexually. And religously. Or is it all explained away?
As you said, diversity is good. Are you have something against Mom and Pop shops' social upward mobility?
How diverse are NHL / NBA / MLB players? I don't believe their fanbases are not diverse.
Well poor people shouldn’tget special favors just because they’re poor. Is that what you mean? They need to qualify for jobs just like everyone else.
A bigger disadvantage than money is culture. This applys to children. These children have parents who do not help them on the importance of getting an education and/or a skill that will provide you a job.
These poor kids hear about false conspiracy theories, the government is out to get them, people who are not like them are out to get them. No encouragement to get the skills needed for a good job.
These kids need help. They need to hear a different viewpoint. They probably need financial help or they will grow up to be unemployed seditionists.
A bigger disadvantage than money is culture. This applys to children. These children have parents who do not help them on the importance of getting an education and/or a skill that will provide you a job.
These poor kids hear about false conspiracy theories, the government is out to get them, people who are not like them are out to get them. No encouragement to get the skills needed for a good job.
These kids need help. They need to hear a different viewpoint. They probably need financial help or they will grow up to be unemployed seditionists.
You make it sound like it’s only what you term MAGAS. What about all the inner-city poor Democrat voters who were born to single mothers when the mother was 15, and then they themselves get pregnant at the same age, and so does the sister, and the whole family is on welfare? And nary a father is sight. Then the grandchildren grow up to be welfare queens too.

And we have no seditionists.
The Court would not dare overturn AA in college.

If one thinks the Roe decision caused a commotion, that would be child's play compared with the protests that would occur if students were admitted solely on their qualifications.

Let's tell it as it is: In 2022 America, certain groups are being given special consideration in order to make up for the past.

Just heard an Air Force official who lamented the fact that about 80% of Air Force pilots are Caucasian. He said that this must change. And so it WILL change (even if it means accepting less qualified recruits).
So earning on merit is not fair? Why do you need an advantage in 2022 America? Why is everything race with your ilk?
As you said, diversity is good. Are you have something against Mom and Pop shops' social upward mobility?
How diverse are NHL / NBA / MLB players? I don't believe their fanbases are not diverse.
The NBA argument is bad. Let's not go off and argue bad arguments. What you are suggesting is that the best of the best in corporate America, 95% of the time is christian white males. Stop it. Bias exists.

I'll meet you half way. Yes, if white kids put as much time and energy into basketball, the NBA would be whiter. But no one is not picking white kids to play and get the chance. And you know what? I'm sure that happens too. In sports, I'm sure white kids sit the bench while black kids play because of bias and black coaches. It's not right! LOL.
The NBA argument is bad. Let's not go off and argue bad arguments. What you are suggesting is that the best of the best in corporate America, 95% of the time is christian white males. Stop it. Bias exists.

I'll meet you half way. Yes, if white kids put as much time and energy into basketball, the NBA would be whiter. But no one is not picking white kids to play and get the chance. And you know what? I'm sure that happens too. In sports, I'm sure white kids sit the bench while black kids play because of bias and black coaches. It's not right! LOL.
I am not saying what you are saying, No doubt, Bias exists. just my opinion is not the same as your "AA-supportive" opinion :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
As you said, diversity is good. Are you have something against Mom and Pop shops' social upward mobility?
How diverse are NHL / NBA / MLB players? I don't believe their fanbases are not diverse.
I went to an all white school. We had a basketball team and so did every other all white school in the state of Michigan. We had every opportunity to show that we are better. I mean, black people only make up 12% of the population in America. Maybe in Michigan that number is a little higher but ultimately in the end, this is who wins the state championship my friend.


Black people and women don't get the same opportunity white basketball players get. Oh if they only did.
I am not saying what you are saying, No doubt, Bias exists. just my opinion is not the same as your "AA-supportive" opinion :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
And I agree a lot more with you than you know. Just we are debating/arguing something so I'm taking the other side. I feel you brother. I see both sides. Very clearly.

I have to be the most fair and balanced person on this. I'm a straight white educated male. The only thing I am not is a conservative or Christian. That's the difference. I am open minded about this.

Same as BLM. I see the reason for the movement is justified. And I see how conservatives were quick to attack the movement. I mean, we all know Wallstreet is corrupt and they screwed us. Yet the corporate media was able to vilify the movement.
And I agree a lot more with you than you know. Just we are debating/arguing something so I'm taking the other side. I feel you brother. I see both sides. Very clearly.

I have to be the most fair and balanced person on this. I'm a straight white educated male. The only thing I am not is a conservative or Christian. That's the difference. I am open minded about this.

Same as BLM. I see the reason for the movement is justified. And I see how conservatives were quick to attack the movement. I mean, we all know Wallstreet is corrupt and they screwed us. Yet the corporate media was able to vilify the movement.
Clearly, BLM is a "white guilt indulgence," but close to 10 Billion dollars in value and nothing to show for it. I am a straight educated Chinese. From my POV, AA is only skill-deep thinking.
I went to an all white school. We had a basketball team and so did every other all white school in the state of Michigan. We had every opportunity to show that we are better. I mean, black people only make up 12% of the population in America. Maybe in Michigan that number is a little higher but ultimately in the end, this is who wins the state championship my friend.

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Black people and women don't get the same opportunity white basketball players get. Oh if they only did.
no idea what is your point:4_13_65::4_13_65::4_13_65::4_13_65:
Clearly, BLM is a "white guilt indulgence," but close to 10 Billion dollars in value and nothing to show for it. I am a straight educated Chinese. From my POV, AA is only skill-deep thinking.

Interesting. As smart, hard working as Asian people are, how come so few Asian CEO's and VP's in corporate America?

Is it going to be the same reasons so few blacks and women are?
no idea what is your point:4_13_65::4_13_65::4_13_65::4_13_65:
The point is, white men in America have every opportunity to show they are better than black men at basketball. We see them play against each other so we know for certain, the blacks are better.

We don't believe this is why so many white males are in positions of power. So it's not the same thing. Not a good comparison.
The point is, white men in America have every opportunity to show they are better than black men at basketball. We see them play against each other so we know for certain, the blacks are better.

We don't believe this is why so many white males are in positions of power. So it's not the same thing. Not a good comparison.

No, thats not true. There are great french, argentinian, white, black, spanish etc, players. Your racism is oozing out again, bobo. So disappointing.
Interesting. As smart, hard working as Asian people are, how come so few Asian CEO's and VP's in corporate America?

Is it going to be the same reasons so few blacks and women are?
I am more concerned about the Asian CEOS and VP's in corporate Asia. And Asians here are not at the top of the privileged list with equity. Lowering IQ's to get it also.
No, thats not true. There are great french, argentinian, white, black, spanish etc, players. Your racism is oozing out again, bobo. So disappointing.
How many Argentina player is there in the NBA? The way I worded my question should give you a hint.

8 from France. Wow!
I am more concerned about the Asian CEOS and VP's in corporate Asia. And Asians here are not at the top of the privileged list with equity. Lowering IQ's to get it also.

Can you explain what you mean by this?

Asians here are not at the top of the privileged list with equity.

And this too. Huh? Lowering IQ's to get it also?? Get what?
Interesting. As smart, hard working as Asian people are, how come so few Asian CEO's and VP's in corporate America?

Is it going to be the same reasons so few blacks and women are?
The point is, white men in America have every opportunity to show they are better than black men at basketball. We see them play against each other so we know for certain, the blacks are better.

We don't believe this is why so many white males are in positions of power. So it's not the same thing. Not a good comparison.
You assume that all people equally want to be companies' CEO or VP. I remember I give out the following points when I counter a similar point (don't remember it is about not many black head coaches in NFL or CFL or NHL)
(1) you assume all black who are good at football want to be the head coach (more people want to be 42, not token)
(2) Track record (1OA vs 5th rounders, OBC .....)
(3) opportunity at the right time (opening, people at your corner, owner willing to be the first who eats the carb)

In the end, that is the real world, not your white house's token positions.
You assume that all people equally want to be companies' CEO or VP. I remember I give out the following points when I counter a similar point (don't remember it is about not many black head coaches in NFL or CFL or NHL)
(1) you assume all black who are good at football want to be the head coach (more people want to be 42, not token)
(2) Track record (1OA vs 5th rounders, OBC .....)
(3) opportunity at the right time (opening, people at your corner, owner willing to be the first who eats the carb)

In the end, that is the real world, not your white house's token positions.

Well there is some truth to what you are saying. Not a lot of diversity candidates are qualified to be VP or CEO right now. But neither are all the white men who first got their shot. You are suggesting that diversity candidates won't do as well or better. I say they will. THEY say they do.

I'd say what you are saying is true and makes up for about half of the positions that are held by white males. Hell maybe I'll even give you 75%. 75% of the time, you're right. The white guy is more qualified. And there are a lot of white guys to choose from and not a lot of diversity candidates so of course more times than not they will and should get the job.

Diversity, teaching bias, affirmative action, still have a place. It's why so many fortune 500 companies have signed the diversity pledge and are actively seeking to fill those positions with diversity candidates.

But right now it's in accounting, HR, fluff departments. Not sales, engineering, finance, etc. The real positions of power within the company. Not yet.

Becoming CEO of a fortune 500, I'll give it to you. Not a lot of ANY COLOR people who are qualified to have a job like that. My brother is a VP of HR. He says no way he could be a CEO. Doesn't know enough. He's just HR. Most CEO's come from sales, engineering and finance right? But VP's. VP's don't all come from ivy league schools. My brother went to MSU. Great school but not Ivy league. It was a shock when he was named VP back then. Says he wouldn't advise his white boys to go into HR today. It's a department that is being taken over by women.

Come on man! Us white guys have to give them something.
Well there is some truth to what you are saying. Not a lot of diversity candidates are qualified to be VP or CEO right now. But neither are all the white men who first got their shot. You are suggesting that diversity candidates won't do as well or better.¹ I say they will. THEY say they do.

I'd say what you are saying is true and makes up for about half of the positions that are held by white males. Hell maybe I'll even give you 75%. 75% of the time, you're right. The white guy is more qualified. And there are a lot of white guys to choose from and not a lot of diversity candidates so of course more times than not they will and should get the job.

Diversity, teaching bias, affirmative action, still have a place. It's why so many fortune 500 companies have signed the diversity pledge and are actively seeking to fill those positions with diversity candidates.

But right now it's in accounting, HR, fluff departments. Not sales, engineering, finance, etc. The real positions of power within the company. Not yet.

Becoming CEO of a fortune 500, I'll give it to you. Not a lot of ANY COLOR people who are qualified to have a job like that. My brother is a VP of HR. He says no way he could be a CEO. Doesn't know enough. He's just HR. Most CEO's come from sales, engineering and finance right? But VP's. VP's don't all come from ivy league schools. My brother went to MSU. Great school but not Ivy league. It was a shock when he was named VP back then. Says he wouldn't advise his white boys to go into HR today. It's a department that is being taken over by women.

Come on man! Us white guys have to give them something. ²
¹ I did not say that :rolleyes:

² Like the current WH spokesperson :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:; As I said, it is not healthy to be a token.

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