The End of Spanish?

..... we had similar cultures come to a country, and assimilated........

That's not what chickenshit Know Nothings like you said in 1850, dumbass. They were wrong just as you are.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Household Poverty and Nonfatal Violent Victimization, 2008-2012

"For the period 2008-12-
Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000).
Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8-2.5 per 1,000).
The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels.
Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000).
Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000).
Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000)."
I get it, you want a personal and emotional fight. But the broad principles you are tripping over are flat out wrong. Balkanizing a nation is the path to destruction.

What principles are you imagining?

A common culture with a common language.

The foundation of every civilization in history.

The greatest civilization in the history of the world has always been made of many peoples, cultures, and languages.
As some one [sic] with deeps roots in a [sic] urban city you are wrong......

You don't have "deep roots" anywhere, kid. You are about two and a half minutes old. Stop getting ahead of yourself. You understand nothing. Wait until you've got some mileage before making proclamations. It just makes you sound like even more of an ignorant kid.

The greatest civilization in the history of the world has always been made of many peoples, cultures, and languages
Yes similar cultures, not Latino or Afro.. all those neighborhoods struggle..

And facts are facts.. you are a yuppie .. I’ve backed up on here where im from, how I grew up you know you have absolutely no culture in your life..
..... and take and try to steal a country by not assimilating.. .....

Wrong, dumbass. Stop filtering everything through the lens of your own fear and ignorance.
It’s what I see.. I have had Afros and Latinos tell me all the time this country sucks, we are taking over , it’s our language, I’m only using the USA, even the Irish are saying the same shit.. they all need to be checked
This is why you shouldn’t butt in. I was speaking to dumbass, and referring to his personal weakness. If you want to be his hero, you’re going to have to follow along more carefully.

I get it, you want a personal and emotional fight. But the broad principles you are tripping over are flat out wrong. Balkanizing a nation is the path to destruction.

What principles are you imagining?

A common culture with a common language.

The foundation of every civilization in history.

The greatest civilization in the history of the world has always been made of many peoples, cultures, and languages.

Multiculturalism is the fall of every civilization in history, from the Greeks to the Mayans, to the Romans. Successful civilizations incorporate many people into a single culture melded by a common language.

Those civilizations you mentioned (and many more) were very successful, and were comprised of many peoples, cultures, and languages. The most successful and powerful civilizations always have been.
What principles are you imagining?

A common culture with a common language.

The foundation of every civilization in history.

The greatest civilization in the history of the world has always been made of many peoples, cultures, and languages.
As some one [sic] with deeps roots in a [sic] urban city you are wrong......

You don't have "deep roots" anywhere, kid. You are about two and a half minutes old. Stop getting ahead of yourself. You understand nothing. Wait until you've got some mileage before making proclamations. It just makes you sound like even more of an ignorant kid.

The greatest civilization in the history of the world has always been made of many peoples, cultures, and languages
Yes similar cultures......

Nope. Go study American History, ignorant punk.
...... I’ve backed up on here where im from, ........

No, you haven't. You've just told little stories based on your own racist fantasies, like the refugee from stormfront that you so obviously are.
A common culture with a common language.

The foundation of every civilization in history.

The greatest civilization in the history of the world has always been made of many peoples, cultures, and languages.
As some one [sic] with deeps roots in a [sic] urban city you are wrong......

You don't have "deep roots" anywhere, kid. You are about two and a half minutes old. Stop getting ahead of yourself. You understand nothing. Wait until you've got some mileage before making proclamations. It just makes you sound like even more of an ignorant kid.

The greatest civilization in the history of the world has always been made of many peoples, cultures, and languages
Yes similar cultures......

Nope. Go study American History, ignorant punk.
I am the history... mic drop

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