The epitome of liberal stupidity


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Just when I though Barack Obama and the Democrats couldn't possibly get any dumber...

PRESIDENT OBAMA: And so the question in this election is which way do we go? Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared, or do we go backward to the same policies that got us into this mess in the first place.

I believe we have to go forward. I believe we’ve got to keep working to create an America where no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what your last name is, no matter who you love you can make it here if you try.

Um, we need to "keep working to create" that America? We don't have that now? Really?

Lets see if we can do something liberals NEVER do and break this down with logic and reason:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I believe we have to go forward. I believe we’ve got to keep working to create an America where no matter who you are (like the son of an interracial, unmarried couple?), no matter what you look like (like a black man with huge ears and a bad hair cut?), no matter where you come from (like Kenya and Indonesia?), no matter what your last name is (like Hussein Obama?), no matter who you love (like Communist Frank Marshall Davis and radical terrorist Bill Ayers?) you can make it here if you try (like becoming President of the United States?).

Gee...damn....if we could only "create" that America! Seriously folks, you can't make this shit up. How do you even begin to respond to people who are so stupid, they will actually state that something they just did, cannot be done? It's like when radical idiot Michael Moore runs around the nation saying the American Dream has died and poor people can't make it big in America, despite the fact that he was a dirt poor fat ass from Flint, Michigan who is now a filthy-rich multi-millionaire fat ass... :lol:
this is like saying taking your secured retirement and coming up with a new economic plan of gambling it at a casino in the hopes of making more IGNORING all the factors that are in casino winning. Wheres the commericial with the two guys from Guinsess saying :BRILLIANT"

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