The Ethical Boundaries of the Gay Agenda: A New Millenium of Free Speech

Sex out of wedlock is a sin, and sinner go to hell.

This is why I won't subject myself to believing in an organized religion. Look at what it can (but not always) do to some people: make them ignorant, bigotted, bitter, self-righteous, sex-inhibited, narrow-minded, black-and-white perception-ed, accusatory, judgemental, and all around unpleasant with which to interact.

See, that's where your problem lies. People, in general, are "ignorant, bigotted, bitter, self-righteous, sex-inhibited, narrow-minded, black-and-white perception-ed, accusatory, judgemental, and all around unpleasant with which to interact." You yourself represent several of those adjectives, along with several other supposedly 'non-religious' people that I know. For some reason, you just insist on blaming all of that on religion. Do you really believe that if religion went away then all of those characteristics would as well? You really need to re-examine your whole view of society and man as a whole, it seems totally warped and it doesn't seem to hold up very well when common sense is applied.
See, that's where your problem lies. People, in general, are "ignorant, bigotted, bitter, self-righteous, sex-inhibited, narrow-minded, black-and-white perception-ed, accusatory, judgemental, and all around unpleasant with which to interact." You yourself represent several of those adjectives, along with several other supposedly 'non-religious' people that I know. For some reason, you just insist on blaming all of that on religion. Do you really believe that if religion went away then all of those characteristics would as well? You really need to re-examine your whole view of society and man as a whole, it seems totally warped and it doesn't seem to hold up very well when common sense is applied.

Yeah, I guess you're right. It just seems like religion perpetuates this type of thing more often than not.

Okay, so I'm bitter. I can be unpleasant to be around. But at least I'm hot and have tight abs.
Sex out of wedlock is a sin, and sinner go to hell.

This is why I won't subject myself to believing in an organized religion. Look at what it can (but not always) do to some people: make them ignorant, bigotted, bitter, self-righteous, sex-inhibited, narrow-minded, black-and-white perception-ed, accusatory, judgemental, and all around unpleasant with which to interact.

Seems to me that you're putting the blame in the wrong place. It's not organized religion that makes people that way. It's the choice of the people to be that way, whatever the excuse they use to justify it. You don't REALLY think that there aren't ignorant, bigoted, bitter, self-righteous, etc. people outside of organized religion, do you? Hell, just look at the leftists on this board.
See, that's where your problem lies. People, in general, are "ignorant, bigotted, bitter, self-righteous, sex-inhibited, narrow-minded, black-and-white perception-ed, accusatory, judgemental, and all around unpleasant with which to interact." You yourself represent several of those adjectives, along with several other supposedly 'non-religious' people that I know. For some reason, you just insist on blaming all of that on religion. Do you really believe that if religion went away then all of those characteristics would as well? You really need to re-examine your whole view of society and man as a whole, it seems totally warped and it doesn't seem to hold up very well when common sense is applied.

Yeah, I guess you're right. It just seems like religion perpetuates this type of thing more often than not.

Okay, so I'm bitter. I can be unpleasant to be around. But at least I'm hot and have tight abs.

If it seems that way to you, then that just means YOU are a bigot against religion. An unbiased look at humanity for all of two seconds would have told you otherwise.
See, that's where your problem lies. People, in general, are "ignorant, bigotted, bitter, self-righteous, sex-inhibited, narrow-minded, black-and-white perception-ed, accusatory, judgemental, and all around unpleasant with which to interact." You yourself represent several of those adjectives, along with several other supposedly 'non-religious' people that I know. For some reason, you just insist on blaming all of that on religion. Do you really believe that if religion went away then all of those characteristics would as well? You really need to re-examine your whole view of society and man as a whole, it seems totally warped and it doesn't seem to hold up very well when common sense is applied.

Yeah, I guess you're right. It just seems like religion perpetuates this type of thing more often than not.

Okay, so I'm bitter. I can be unpleasant to be around. But at least I'm hot and have tight abs.

Sure, I suppose you would think so if you were taught to blame all of the world's problems on religion, which has obviously been the case with you. Like someone else said, if you look at the world w/o the 'hate religion' glasses that you constantly wear, you would realize that religion isn't the problem, people are.

You're hot? I'd say that's a totally subjective opinion, now isn't it? :lol:
Sure, I suppose you would think so if you were taught to blame all of the world's problems on religion, which has obviously been the case with you. Like someone else said, if you look at the world w/o the 'hate religion' glasses that you constantly wear, you would realize that religion isn't the problem, people are.

I understand that people are the problem. Its people that are stupid and ignorant enough to believe in religion in the first place!

You're hot? I'd say that's a totally subjective opinion, now isn't it? :lol:

It was also a joke, Newby. I know you don't have much of a sense of humor, but I didn't think I'd have to state the obvious about it.

p.s. I'm a white guy with a black man's ass. Tell me you don't like jungle booty...
Sure, I suppose you would think so if you were taught to blame all of the world's problems on religion, which has obviously been the case with you. Like someone else said, if you look at the world w/o the 'hate religion' glasses that you constantly wear, you would realize that religion isn't the problem, people are.

I understand that people are the problem. Its people that are stupid and ignorant enough to believe in religion in the first place!

You're hot? I'd say that's a totally subjective opinion, now isn't it? :lol:

It was also a joke, Newby. I know you don't have much of a sense of humor, but I didn't think I'd have to state the obvious about it.

p.s. I'm a white guy with a black man's ass. Tell me you don't like jungle booty...

Well, even tho we disagree on just about every social/political subject there is, I have still respected that you have a certain level of intelligence. But, to make a blanket statement about a certain group of people, like you have with religion, just shows that there is a strong bias in effect and that you're not using the intelligence that God has graced you with. If you can't understand that people would still do all of the the things that you listed w/o religion, then you are very gullible and more naive than even I first thought, or you're lacking the ability to see the obvious b/c of your indoctrinated bias.

I know it was a joke CMM, my sarcastic comment back was also a joke. :eusa_eh: I actually have a very good/sarcastic/witty sense of humor as well. And I also appreciate many forms of finely honed male booty. Despite your insistance of stereotyping 'religious' people, we love sex just as much as anyone else. :eusa_shhh:
Well, even tho we disagree on just about every social/political subject there is, I have still respected that you have a certain level of intelligence. But, to make a blanket statement about a certain group of people, like you have with religion, just shows that there is a strong bias in effect and that you're not using the intelligence that God has graced you with. If you can't understand that people would still do all of the the things that you listed w/o religion, then you are very gullible and more naive than even I first thought, or you're lacking the ability to see the obvious b/c of your indoctrinated bias.

No, I understand that people, in general, are ignorant, stupid, superstitious, etc. I was just half-kidding around about them believing in religion. Half.

I know it was a joke CMM, my sarcastic comment back was also a joke. :eusa_eh: I actually have a very good/sarcastic/witty sense of humor as well. And I also appreciate many forms of finely honed male booty. Despite your insistance of stereotyping 'religious' people, we love sex just as much as anyone else. :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, right! I dont' believe that for a second. Otherwise, why have all the rules about it?

Unless its so you can break the rules! Aha...I see now. Why you dirty little trollop!
No, I understand that people, in general, are ignorant, stupid, superstitious, etc. I was just half-kidding around about them believing in religion. Half.

There's hope for you yet then. :lol:

I know it was a joke CMM, my sarcastic comment back was also a joke. :eusa_eh: I actually have a very good/sarcastic/witty sense of humor as well. And I also appreciate many forms of finely honed male booty. Despite your insistance of stereotyping 'religious' people, we love sex just as much as anyone else. :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, right! I dont' believe that for a second. Otherwise, why have all the rules about it?

Unless its so you can break the rules! Aha...I see now. Why you dirty little trollop!

What rules would those be?
What rules would those be?

Oh, you know! No sex before marriage. No sodomy. No three-somes. Sexual privacy and appropriateness (like no sex in high-rise elevators - a dream of mine). Monogamy. You probably can't role play certain situations i.e. You're Mary and your partner is God, or you're Mary Magdalene and your partner is Jesus. You know, naughty things like that.
What rules would those be?

Oh, you know! No sex before marriage. No sodomy. No three-somes. Sexual privacy and appropriateness (like no sex in high-rise elevators - a dream of mine). Monogamy. You probably can't role play certain situations i.e. You're Mary and your partner is God, or you're Mary Magdalene and your partner is Jesus. You know, naughty things like that.

Well, in my opinion, none of those have anything to do with religion, but more personal choices. I really don't know of anyone these days, religious or not, that waits until marriage to have sex. Privacy and appropriateness? :lol: I've done it in broad daylight in the middle of a hike on top of a mountain, and various other places. :lol: Not sure where in the Bible it tells you where and when you should have sex, but I haven't read the entire OT either, nor would I follow everything in there. Monogamy is a choice and if you are in a committed relationship and that other person expects it, then you do so out of respect for your partner. Again, not really a religious thing, but I think whether you believe that adultery is a sin or not, it's still unethical no matter how you look at it. I also don't see anything wrong with role playing if that's what you're into.

Seems like you have a lot of broad generalizations and misconceptions that you assign to a given group, i.e. stereotyping. You should know better than that. :lol:
You have no point, and I refuted your bullshit some time ago, if you scroll up to post 248

You're too stupid to be involved in this discussion

Obviously you refuse to do your homework: Here, I'll help you out a bit then you can go to your room and stand in the corner.

This table lists some major demographic groupings in the United States.

A meaningless graph accompanied by no argument that does nothing to strengthen your case. Why do they keep letting stupid people like you reproduce?
Sure, I suppose you would think so if you were taught to blame all of the world's problems on religion, which has obviously been the case with you. Like someone else said, if you look at the world w/o the 'hate religion' glasses that you constantly wear, you would realize that religion isn't the problem, people are.

I understand that people are the problem. Its people that are stupid and ignorant enough to believe in religion in the first place!

I can't decide if I find the spectacle of a bigot calling someone ELSE stupid and ignorant amusing or pathetic. Probably both.
Well, even tho we disagree on just about every social/political subject there is, I have still respected that you have a certain level of intelligence. But, to make a blanket statement about a certain group of people, like you have with religion, just shows that there is a strong bias in effect and that you're not using the intelligence that God has graced you with. If you can't understand that people would still do all of the the things that you listed w/o religion, then you are very gullible and more naive than even I first thought, or you're lacking the ability to see the obvious b/c of your indoctrinated bias.

No, I understand that people, in general, are ignorant, stupid, superstitious, etc. I was just half-kidding around about them believing in religion. Half.

I know it was a joke CMM, my sarcastic comment back was also a joke. :eusa_eh: I actually have a very good/sarcastic/witty sense of humor as well. And I also appreciate many forms of finely honed male booty. Despite your insistance of stereotyping 'religious' people, we love sex just as much as anyone else. :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, right! I dont' believe that for a second. Otherwise, why have all the rules about it?

Unless its so you can break the rules! Aha...I see now. Why you dirty little trollop!

Why have all the rules about it? Duhh, because going outside those rules puts you at risk, obviously. That's like saying that since you really enjoy eating, you shouldn't put any restrictions on what and how much you eat, but just indulge your gluttony to the fullest.
I proclaim, here and now, from this time and place, that I will make love to any lesbian if they respect free speech I will make them screetch in pleasure.
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Well, even tho we disagree on just about every social/political subject there is, I have still respected that you have a certain level of intelligence. But, to make a blanket statement about a certain group of people, like you have with religion, just shows that there is a strong bias in effect and that you're not using the intelligence that God has graced you with. If you can't understand that people would still do all of the the things that you listed w/o religion, then you are very gullible and more naive than even I first thought, or you're lacking the ability to see the obvious b/c of your indoctrinated bias.

No, I understand that people, in general, are ignorant, stupid, superstitious, etc. I was just half-kidding around about them believing in religion. Half.

I know it was a joke CMM, my sarcastic comment back was also a joke. :eusa_eh: I actually have a very good/sarcastic/witty sense of humor as well. And I also appreciate many forms of finely honed male booty. Despite your insistance of stereotyping 'religious' people, we love sex just as much as anyone else. :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, right! I dont' believe that for a second. Otherwise, why have all the rules about it?

Unless its so you can break the rules! Aha...I see now. Why you dirty little trollop!

Why have all the rules about it? Duhh, because going outside those rules puts you at risk, obviously. That's like saying that since you really enjoy eating, you shouldn't put any restrictions on what and how much you eat, but just indulge your gluttony to the fullest.

Actually, the only reason our species has survived is our ability to eat what we want/can when we want/can. ;)
You have no point, and I refuted your bullshit some time ago, if you scroll up to post 248

You're too stupid to be involved in this discussion

Obviously you refuse to do your homework: Here, I'll help you out a bit then you can go to your room and stand in the corner.

This table lists some major demographic groupings in the United States.

A meaningless graph accompanied by no argument that does nothing to strengthen your case. Why do they keep letting stupid people like you reproduce?

You seem to have a great deal of problems dealing with fully substantiated information. Calling anyone stupid is not a way out of not having the ability to respond. The ball is in your court. Try shooting a couple of hoops, or just go sit in the corner.

Anne Marie

You still have no rebuttal for my earlier refutation? :lol:

GTFO; you're not smart enough to be involved in this discussion

You still have no rebuttal for my earlier refutation? :lol:

GTFO; you're not smart enough to be involved in this discussion

Find a lemonaide stand, JB. Looks like you could use some relief!

Have a nice day.

Anne Marie
There is a quick way to settle the argument on gay marriage and religion.

Force homosexuals to marry in churches that allow homosexual marriages. If there are none, then they can not get married!!

If they are some, then they can get married.

End of discussion!! Strange social problem resolved. Now we can talk about more serious things like "Is the moon made of Swiss or Parmesan??".

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