The Evidence Is Clear:Polls are not To Be Trusted

I completely agree for once. Polls are almost meaningless.

I also don't get the idea of, "Well, I was going to vote for __________. But since I saw a poll saying that ___________ is not going to win; I'll change my mind now." Make your voice heard by voting and let the chips fall where they may.
Poll in 2016 WAS correct!
Polls said Hillary would win by 3 million votes, which she did.
Interpretation: That Hillary would become President was wrong.

If you give enough polls, over time and aggregate the scores, you WILL get a good picture of what the people are thinking.

And the aggregate says Trump is losing, and losing badly.

If you just look at the current polls: Trump will lose the Electoral College Vote VERY BIGLY!

I would trust this guys reading of scattered bones over any poll...

Typical Trump psychobabble article. There are more registered Democrats than there are Republicans. A +6 Democrat advantage is reasonable. Also Trump's coronavirus has been nothing short of disasterous. Only a fool believes that Trump is not down big-time to Biden. The article refuses to ralk about 2018 when the pollsters caught the Democrat wave except for Rasmussen. This is what every losing candidate and their supporters argue. Don't believe the polls. I hope you people continue to believe that.

When it comes to President Trump, the mainstream media and academics have led us to believe that it is not socially desirable (or politically correct) to support him. When up against such sizable odds, most conservatives will do one of three things: 1) Say we support someone else when we really support the president (lie); 2) tell the truth despite the social undesirability of that response; 3) Not participate in the poll (nonresponse bias).
This situation has several real consequences for Trump polling. First, for those in the initial voter sample unwilling to participate, the pollster must replace them with people willing to take the poll. Assuming this segment is made up largely of pro-Trump supporters, finding representative replacements can be expensive, time-consuming and doing so increases the sampling error rate (SER) while decreasing the validity of the poll. Sampling error rate is the gold standard statistic in polling. It means that the results of a particular poll will vary by no more than +x% than if the entire voter population was surveyed. All else being equal, a poll with a sampling error rate of +2% is more believable than one of +4% because it has a larger sample. Immediate polling on issues like President Trump’s impeachment may provide support to journalists with a point of view to broadcast, but with a small sample and high sampling error rates, the results aren’t worthy of one’s time and consideration.
Only trust polls taken by FOX Noise.


Poor dear. You just miss the days where you didn't have to hear multiple points of view in the media, huh? Just leftist fake news for you!

You realize you can just watch CNN and not be so distressed hearing things you disagree with, right?

And yes, of course, Fox presents multiple points of view ... on their own channel. Not like the fake news you worship. It's just a bunch of noise
Poll in 2016 WAS correct!
Polls said Hillary would win by 3 million votes, which she did.
Interpretation: That Hillary would become President was wrong.

If you give enough polls, over time and aggregate the scores, you WILL get a good picture of what the people are thinking.

And the aggregate says Trump is losing, and losing badly.

If you just look at the current polls: Trump will lose the Electoral College Vote VERY BIGLY!

There is no such word as "BIGLY."

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