The Evidence Supporting Prop 8 As Law In California Becomes Overwhelming

You’ve succeeded in exhibiting the ignorance of libertarians.


You also exhibit your ignorance as to liberals, as they do not seek ‘validation’ from government, or any other entity for that matter

I don't respond to most of your posts because all you do is pontificate about how liberal farts don't stick and Republicans are the devil. But the fact on this one Homey is that it's an endless game that gays and liberals both play.

When I say it's for the money, they say no, it's for the validation.

When I ask why they need government validation, they say it's not that, it's the money.

When I ask why they should get money for being gay, they say it's not the money, it's the validation....
If you set a precedent for behaviors becoming akin to race, then you set precedents that are poised to unravel each state's penal and civil codes where anyone can claim a behavior "feels inborn or innate" and thereby justify just about any behavior under the sun getting to do "anything that feels natural to its expression".

The Evidence Supporting Prop 8 As Law In California Becomes Overwhelming

What’s overwhelming is the ignorance of the OP and others on the right.

The Constitution and its case law are the supreme law of the land, the states are subject to that law and rulings by Federal courts.

Proposition 8 is un-Constitutional; no officer of a state may enforce a law determined to be un-Constitutional, to do so is to be at war with the Constitution itself.
Fine, I'll answer one more time.


The socons opposition to gay marriage is also based on bigotry, they don't care about small government, they want government based on their morality. So they only oppose it because they condemn gays.

Libertarians oppose gay marriage because it expands marriage and there is no persuasive need for it. As a liberal, you need government validation. You don't grasp that we don't, which is why you never understand the answer to your question.

No. We just debated this point ad nauseam. Re-read the last several pages. I'm not repeating it for you.

Is this the same question or a different one?

You make no sense. It was bigotry when they say bans on interracial marriage weren't discriminatory, but it's not bigotry when you use the same argument to say its not discrimination to prevent gays from marrying?

How did you get in the military with no reading comprehension? I'm not arguing what I didn't say with you or World anymore. If you can't read, grasp and respond lucidly to what I'm saying, then there's no point.

I can read just fine. You don't believe that gays are discriminated against by not being allowed to marry the consenting adult of their choice because you can't marry a man either....the same argument that was used in Loving that you agree was bigotry.
You’ve succeeded in exhibiting the ignorance of libertarians.


You also exhibit your ignorance as to liberals, as they do not seek ‘validation’ from government, or any other entity for that matter

I don't respond to most of your posts because all you do is pontificate about how liberal farts don't stick and Republicans are the devil. But the fact on this one Homey is that it's an endless game that gays and liberals both play.

When I say it's for the money, they say no, it's for the validation.

When I ask why they need government validation, they say it's not that, it's the money.

When I ask why they should get money for being gay, they say it's not the money, it's the validation....

So which one do you fall under Mr. Married Man? Did you get married for the validation or the cash and prizes? Do you hold your married self in as much contempt as those that just want to be able to be married?
You’ve succeeded in exhibiting the ignorance of libertarians.


You also exhibit your ignorance as to liberals, as they do not seek ‘validation’ from government, or any other entity for that matter

I don't respond to most of your posts because all you do is pontificate about how liberal farts don't stick and Republicans are the devil. But the fact on this one Homey is that it's an endless game that gays and liberals both play.

When I say it's for the money, they say no, it's for the validation.

When I ask why they need government validation, they say it's not that, it's the money.

When I ask why they should get money for being gay, they say it's not the money, it's the validation....

So which one do you fall under Mr. Married Man? Did you get married for the validation or the cash and prizes? Do you hold your married self in as much contempt as those that just want to be able to be married?

Typical liberal flaming hypocrite. You want the death tax and progressive taxes, then you don't want to pay them. Just like the ass Obama who says he should pay more taxes, and doesn't. And Buffet who says he should pay more taxes, and actually evades them.

Gay is just another scam to get money to you.

Liberalism, stupidity inside inanity all wrapped up in greed.
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You make no sense. It was bigotry when they say bans on interracial marriage weren't discriminatory, but it's not bigotry when you use the same argument to say its not discrimination to prevent gays from marrying?

How did you get in the military with no reading comprehension? I'm not arguing what I didn't say with you or World anymore. If you can't read, grasp and respond lucidly to what I'm saying, then there's no point.

I can read just fine. You don't believe that gays are discriminated against by not being allowed to marry the consenting adult of their choice because you can't marry a man either....the same argument that was used in Loving that you agree was bigotry.

Wow, a welfare queen who can't read thinks I'm a bigot. I won't be back for a few hours, I'm going to cry my eyes out.
How did you get in the military with no reading comprehension? I'm not arguing what I didn't say with you or World anymore. If you can't read, grasp and respond lucidly to what I'm saying, then there's no point.

I can read just fine. You don't believe that gays are discriminated against by not being allowed to marry the consenting adult of their choice because you can't marry a man either....the same argument that was used in Loving that you agree was bigotry.

Wow, a welfare queen who can't read thinks I'm a bigot. I won't be back for a few hours, I'm going to cry my eyes out.

Awful lot of deflection on your part. Does it make you uncomfortable to face your bigotry and this is how you act out?

How am I a welfare queen for wanting equal access to the same marriage laws you enjoy? Are you saying you're a welfare queen?
I don't respond to most of your posts because all you do is pontificate about how liberal farts don't stick and Republicans are the devil. But the fact on this one Homey is that it's an endless game that gays and liberals both play.

When I say it's for the money, they say no, it's for the validation.

When I ask why they need government validation, they say it's not that, it's the money.

When I ask why they should get money for being gay, they say it's not the money, it's the validation....

So which one do you fall under Mr. Married Man? Did you get married for the validation or the cash and prizes? Do you hold your married self in as much contempt as those that just want to be able to be married?

Typical liberal flaming hypocrite. You want the death tax and progressive taxes, then you don't want to pay them. Just like the ass Obama who says he should pay more taxes, and doesn't. And Buffet who says he should pay more taxes, and actually evades them.

Gay is just another scam to get money to you.

Liberalism, stupidity inside inanity all wrapped up in greed.

I've been legally married for over four years now and never saw a dime for it. In fact, I paid EXTRA taxes for those years since my partners health care isn't taken from pre tax dollars. It will be now that DOMA was struck down.

Funny, I keep saying this and you keep ignoring it. Go ahead and take away the cash and prizes. We're still going to want equal access to legal, civil marriage tax breaks or no tax breaks.
I can read just fine. You don't believe that gays are discriminated against by not being allowed to marry the consenting adult of their choice because you can't marry a man either....the same argument that was used in Loving that you agree was bigotry.

Wow, a welfare queen who can't read thinks I'm a bigot. I won't be back for a few hours, I'm going to cry my eyes out.

Awful lot of deflection on your part. Does it make you uncomfortable to face your bigotry and this is how you act out?

How am I a welfare queen for wanting equal access to the same marriage laws you enjoy? Are you saying you're a welfare queen?

You hate DOMA because it kept you in your own trap. YOU want progressive taxes and the death tax. Well, not for you, you're gay. Being gay exempts you from the integrity and of being subject to your own rules. Gay is just a reason for you to stick your hand in someone else's pocket. You want high taxes? Pay them yourself first. Welfare Queen.
Funny, I keep saying this and you keep ignoring it

I stopped responding to your points ... as I told you ... because you either can't or won't grasp or lucidly respond to mine. Yet you want me to keep addressing yours? I've responded over and over to yours. You ignore mine and ask your same inane questions over and over. Now I'm just bantering with you for fun.

DOMA itself is pretty irrelevant to me. It's the reaction of liberals to it that amuses me. Once again you're not subject to your own rules. Like advocating taxes and not paying them. Playing the gay card again to get out this too? Damn it, stop ignoring my points while I ignore yours! I'm gay you stupid mother f'er, I don't have to play by my rules!
So which one do you fall under Mr. Married Man? Did you get married for the validation or the cash and prizes? Do you hold your married self in as much contempt as those that just want to be able to be married?

Typical liberal flaming hypocrite. You want the death tax and progressive taxes, then you don't want to pay them. Just like the ass Obama who says he should pay more taxes, and doesn't. And Buffet who says he should pay more taxes, and actually evades them.

Gay is just another scam to get money to you.

Liberalism, stupidity inside inanity all wrapped up in greed.

I've been legally married for over four years now and never saw a dime for it. In fact, I paid EXTRA taxes for those years since my partners health care isn't taken from pre tax dollars. It will be now that DOMA was struck down.

Funny, I keep saying this and you keep ignoring it. Go ahead and take away the cash and prizes. We're still going to want equal access to legal, civil marriage tax breaks or no tax breaks.

If you can't have what you want, get gay and make your government give it to you. That has to be it.
Wow, a welfare queen who can't read thinks I'm a bigot. I won't be back for a few hours, I'm going to cry my eyes out.

Awful lot of deflection on your part. Does it make you uncomfortable to face your bigotry and this is how you act out?

How am I a welfare queen for wanting equal access to the same marriage laws you enjoy? Are you saying you're a welfare queen?

You hate DOMA because it kept you in your own trap. YOU want progressive taxes and the death tax. Well, not for you, you're gay. Being gay exempts you from the integrity and of being subject to your own rules. Gay is just a reason for you to stick your hand in someone else's pocket. You want high taxes? Pay them yourself first. Welfare Queen.

This is so funny coming from the legally married guy.

Go ahead and change the tax code. I'll still want equal access to the legal civil marriage protections you enjoy. I hate DOMA because it treats a class of people differently based on their innate nature. (Portions of DOMA are still treating my legal marriage differently than yours is treated) YOU don't think that's discriminatory...just as those opposed to interracial marriage didn't think their position was discriminatory.

I've never taken welfare, unemployment or even the Federal tax breaks I should get for being legally married (have you?)...but your position that DOMA doesn't discriminate smells kinda bigotty.
Awful lot of deflection on your part. Does it make you uncomfortable to face your bigotry and this is how you act out?

How am I a welfare queen for wanting equal access to the same marriage laws you enjoy? Are you saying you're a welfare queen?

You hate DOMA because it kept you in your own trap. YOU want progressive taxes and the death tax. Well, not for you, you're gay. Being gay exempts you from the integrity and of being subject to your own rules. Gay is just a reason for you to stick your hand in someone else's pocket. You want high taxes? Pay them yourself first. Welfare Queen.

This is so funny coming from the legally married guy.

I oppose everything that I'm getting out of. You support everything you're trying to get out of. There's nothing "fishy," you're a flat out hypocrite, I'm not. You support high taxes? Pay them yourself, then lecture other people.

Bill Gates - advocates the death tax then sets up trusts of billions to evade them.

Warren Buffett - advocates minimum tax rates, then hires an army of accountants and implements a gimick of getting paid in capital gains to pay a lower rate.

Bill Clinton - deducts $50 per pair of used underwear

Hillary Clinton - turns an investment of a couple K into six figures without paying taxes

Tom Daschle - Doesn't pay taxes on services given to him

Charlie Rangle - The head of the tax writing committee didn't know what every business man and investor in America does, you have to pay taxes on foreign income.

Al Gore - illegally raising funds by not following rules to make them tax free and not paying taxes on them.

DOMA is inconvenient only to your hypocrisy. Not being subject to your own rules. Government not taking taxes from you that you advocate being taken from others is no different than any other sort of welfare, welfare queen.
You hate DOMA because it kept you in your own trap. YOU want progressive taxes and the death tax. Well, not for you, you're gay. Being gay exempts you from the integrity and of being subject to your own rules. Gay is just a reason for you to stick your hand in someone else's pocket. You want high taxes? Pay them yourself first. Welfare Queen.

I thought what the conservatives did with DOMA and Prop 8 was very clever actually. They sensed that gays wanted DOMA erased. So they erased the part that made that lady win from NY. And that part would be that the fed now cannot dictate in any way shape or form on gay marriage: including protecting it and forcing it on states as "an inaliable right" for gay Those cheeky monkeys.

So while gays were celebrating in the streets, what they were really celebrating was that the legal consensus of Prop 8 in California was declared retroactive to the start of the country as the law.

Their attorneys general past and present, Brown and Harris, purposefully misinterpreted the Ruling and began ordering clerks to issue make believe marriage licenses. Marriage licenses that violated the law that says "marriage is between a man and a woman".

It's going to be a sad sad day for gays who thought they were married in CA when a GOP whitehouse and AG pulls the rug out from underneath those who refuse to employ reading comprehension when it comes to the DOMA Ruling and Prop 8 being heard at the same time...

That's why I keep telling gays in CA to run the DOMA Ruling by an attorney first before they decide to make believe getting married in CA. It will be found that Gov. Brown and AG Harris are not superior in authority to the US Supreme Court.
You hate DOMA because it kept you in your own trap. YOU want progressive taxes and the death tax. Well, not for you, you're gay. Being gay exempts you from the integrity and of being subject to your own rules. Gay is just a reason for you to stick your hand in someone else's pocket. You want high taxes? Pay them yourself first. Welfare Queen.

This is so funny coming from the legally married guy.

I oppose everything that I'm getting out of. You support everything you're trying to get out of. There's nothing "fishy," you're a flat out hypocrite, I'm not. You support high taxes? Pay them yourself, then lecture other people.

Getting out of? You've lost me. What are you talking about?

Bill Gates - advocates the death tax then sets up trusts of billions to evade them.

Warren Buffett - advocates minimum tax rates, then hires an army of accountants and implements a gimick of getting paid in capital gains to pay a lower rate.

Bill Clinton - deducts $50 per pair of used underwear

Hillary Clinton - turns an investment of a couple K into six figures without paying taxes

Tom Daschle - Doesn't pay taxes on services given to him

Charlie Rangle - The head of the tax writing committee didn't know what every business man and investor in America does, you have to pay taxes on foreign income.

Al Gore - illegally raising funds by not following rules to make them tax free and not paying taxes on them.

DOMA is inconvenient only to your hypocrisy. Not being subject to your own rules. Government not taking taxes from you that you advocate being taken from others is no different than any other sort of welfare, welfare queen.

Seriously, what does your little tax rant have to do with civil marriage?

Take away the tax breaks and DOMA is still discrimination and still unconstitutional (just like Prop 8)...and you still don't think it is discrimination. That makes you a bigot.
Take away the tax breaks and DOMA is still discrimination and still unconstitutional (just like Prop 8)...and you still don't think it is discrimination. That makes you a bigot.

Suppose you read the things I actually said about DOMA and gay marriage and and address that instead of what you want me to have said?

BTW, your constar is a hoot. They are mocking a guy who is arguing against neocon policies and then they call him a neocon.

Liberals, ignorant, clueless and damned proud of it. Welfare whore.
Bill Gates - advocates the death tax then sets up trusts of billions to evade them.

Warren Buffett - advocates minimum tax rates, then hires an army of accountants and implements a gimick of getting paid in capital gains to pay a lower rate.

Bill Clinton - deducts $50 per pair of used underwear

Hillary Clinton - turns an investment of a couple K into six figures without paying taxes

Tom Daschle - Doesn't pay taxes on services given to him

Charlie Rangle - The head of the tax writing committee didn't know what every business man and investor in America does, you have to pay taxes on foreign income.

Al Gore - illegally raising funds by not following rules to make them tax free and not paying taxes on them.

You left out John Kerry and his yacht.
Take away the tax breaks and DOMA is still discrimination and still unconstitutional (just like Prop 8)...and you still don't think it is discrimination. That makes you a bigot.
No. When you accept that homosexuality is about behavior and not a person's identity, you learn that it isn't being a "bigot" to disagree with it. We discriminate against all manner of behaviors that society finds objectionable. Is someone a "bigot" for finding polygamy objectionable? No. It's another sexual behavior that society has found repugnant to promote as "normal". We can do that. It's called "democracy", not "bigotry".

Y'all aren't a race. You're not a religion [but that's as close as you'll come]. You're not a gender. And your not from a country of origin. You don't qualify. So when someone disagrees with your behaviors, that's not bigotry. Being disagreed with is something you're going to have to get used to. the fact that gay marriage has never been legal in California. It's also called "a democracy".

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