the evil of Iran why we must attack

Come on now, no more propaganda!
Iran will not be able to hit our naval targets. They might boast they have capabilities, but they have very little they could do.

Iran won't attack the Saudis or UAE. They might hit targets in Israel or Iraq, but the Saudis and UAE and Kuwaitis are safe.

Oil prices will take a hit you are correct on that.

China has stronger economic ties with American, they will sit still and criticize from their high horse.

Russia will do the same!

Paulitics pointed out the serious Irony here...on one hand you seem to think of them as quite powerless but then justify an invasion on the notion that they are so dangerous? I think you are the one full of propaganda.

I like how you just "know" what Iran will are you so "in the know" aobut Iran heh? Lets remember we already backed a war against Iran via Iraqs invasion and Iran took a surprise attack and STILL COULD NOT BE BEATEN.

Iran is more capable than Iraq and Afghanistan put together yet we cant take either nation.

China dosent have more ties with us really, China thinks more long-term than we do. We dont supply them oil. China is now starting to COMPETE with the US for oil supplies and isnt about to allow the US to control its supply via controlling the resources and nations that it gets oil from.

China also is looking at other nations who are developing and becoming major markets for them and can replace the US markets and have higher populations. In the end, its not worth it for China to stick with the US and our dismal policies that just cant sustain over any long term.

China has already gotten rid of more of its US dollars and coverted them to Euros and the fact that they are doing it slowly should scare the US. It means they are making sure to get their value for them and insulating themselves for some sort of future crash....and since they now have the power to make it crash, well, it dosent take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Money News readers will recall that China on Tuesday reported that they have accumulated a record sum of $1 trillion in foreign reserves and reported a record-high trade surplus for October. The country said today that it expects its trade surplus for 2006 to total $150 billion.

Of China's cash coffers, Money News wrote, "That's significant because it means that if China decided to sell off any of its reserves by dumping say U.S. dollars on the market and buying gold instead, the dollar's value would likely tumble."

And that's exactly what's happening: China is preparing to sell off some of its dollar reserves so that it can diversify into other currencies and investments.

"[Diversification] includes currencies, investment instruments, including emerging markets," he told Reuters.

The dollar tumbled to a two-month low on the remarks. Gold and other precious metals rallied. However, when Reuters asked if the diversification plan included gold, Zhou said, "That's a separate thing."

Zhou said that key factors in China's diversification plan were liquidity, safety, and efficiency.

They are already preparing to insulate themselves to weather a collapse of the US. They will feel an impact to be sure (as the rest of the world will as well) but its an impact they CAN survive ok AND its a better bet than allowing the US to control the globes resources and keeping everyone else on their knees. NO nation forsees being at the mercy of the US as a GOOD PROSPECT for their economy.

We dont provide Russia ANY incentive to be on our side or to stay out of it, in fact we provide incentive for them to oppose us really.
is it not possible to be anti Israeli and not be anti Semitic if you don't approve of the fact that a bunch of foreign nations decided after ww2 to steal a bunch of land call it Israel then your a Jew hater? is that really how it works?

ever consider studying history? The Balfour Agreement signed after WW I partitioned Palestine and guaranteed the Jews a homeland. Palestine was a state within Transjordan; which was part of the Ottoman Empire. They lost.

Back when losers forfeit their rights to claim anything, they lost some land as a result of losing a war. So, nothing was as you say "stolen."
The real anti-Semitism is supporting the Khazar cuckoo's crime of invading another's nest and ethnically cleansing the true Semites from their historical homeland.

Jewsarse Crust looked more like Chemical Ali than the Sandy MacTavish-like Souper that Seppos portray him as.

I see you don't restrict your Anti" swill to just the US ... but anything the US supports.

Guess you wouldn't be a fucked-in-the-head Aussie if Great Britain hadn't claimed Australia and used it for a prison, would you?
is it not possible to be anti Israeli and not be anti Semitic if you don't approve of the fact that a bunch of foreign nations decided after ww2 to steal a bunch of land call it Israel then your a Jew hater? is that really how it works?
someone who hates Jews...lets see...
yeah thats the proper term. Don't hide behind politics.
Paulitics pointed out the serious Irony here...on one hand you seem to think of them as quite powerless but then justify an invasion on the notion that they are so dangerous? I think you are the one full of propaganda.

I like how you just "know" what Iran will are you so "in the know" aobut Iran heh? Lets remember we already backed a war against Iran via Iraqs invasion and Iran took a surprise attack and STILL COULD NOT BE BEATEN.

Iran is more capable than Iraq and Afghanistan put together yet we cant take either nation.

China dosent have more ties with us really, China thinks more long-term than we do. We dont supply them oil. China is now starting to COMPETE with the US for oil supplies and isnt about to allow the US to control its supply via controlling the resources and nations that it gets oil from.

China also is looking at other nations who are developing and becoming major markets for them and can replace the US markets and have higher populations. In the end, its not worth it for China to stick with the US and our dismal policies that just cant sustain over any long term.

China has already gotten rid of more of its US dollars and coverted them to Euros and the fact that they are doing it slowly should scare the US. It means they are making sure to get their value for them and insulating themselves for some sort of future crash....and since they now have the power to make it crash, well, it dosent take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

They are already preparing to insulate themselves to weather a collapse of the US. They will feel an impact to be sure (as the rest of the world will as well) but its an impact they CAN survive ok AND its a better bet than allowing the US to control the globes resources and keeping everyone else on their knees. NO nation forsees being at the mercy of the US as a GOOD PROSPECT for their economy.

We dont provide Russia ANY incentive to be on our side or to stay out of it, in fact we provide incentive for them to oppose us really.

If you didn't just show yourself for the US-hating, moonbat you are. Pure, unadulterated garbage. Wish I could be around see your disappointment on your deathbed when we're still here, but you ain't gonna be.
Why? Because radical, militant Islamic fundamentalists control the government AND military of Iran? The government openly supports Hezbollah and Hamas.

But it's okay for extremist morons who are willing to kill themselves to take everyone else with them to have the power to destroy the Earth?


They wage defense against Genocide and suicide bombings are not the only form of resistance. They are also heavily supported by numerous peace initiatives who seek change but rely ON PEACEFUL resistance....oh but we NEVER talk about that do we?

I see plenty of extremism in Israelis genocide and theft of lands.
someone who hates Jews...lets see...
yeah thats the proper term. Don't hide behind politics.

I guess instead of actually dealing with the merits of the issue its easier to just yell "anti-semitism" which DOES make sense since the merits of the issues dont favor your stance at all!
ever consider studying history? The Balfour Agreement signed after WW I partitioned Palestine and guaranteed the Jews a homeland. Palestine was a state within Transjordan; which was part of the Ottoman Empire. They lost.

Back when losers forfeit their rights to claim anything, they lost some land as a result of losing a war. So, nothing was as you say "stolen."

The west dosent have a right to give away OTHER PEOPLES lands. Only the people who LIVE THERE can decide that as a community. The palestinian community have group rights as well as individual rights and both sets of rights have been violated.

Citing previous violations of their rights to justify futher violations of their rights is STUPID. According to your logic...a rape victim can be raped again by someone else and it wont be considered a crime because she was raped before.

We dont live by "might makes right"...thats a law of the jungle mentality and dosent serve us well which is why we have continued to develop a MORAL code. Just because someone has the MIGHT to rape someone dosent mean its RIGHT. Just because someone has the MIGHT to rob someone of their possessions dosent make it RIGHT.

Are such concepts too complicated for you? It appears they are...or do you just live without any sort of moral code at all and simply rely on a selfish sort of bigotry that thinks its ok to steal from certain people and ok to commit genocide against certain people but its wrong if done to "other kinds" of people.
I guess instead of actually dealing with the merits of the issue its easier to just yell "zionist genocide" which DOES make sense since the merits of the issues dont favor your stance at all!
If you didn't just show yourself for the US-hating, moonbat you are. Pure, unadulterated garbage. Wish I could be around see your disappointment on your deathbed when we're still here, but you ain't gonna be.

Really? Ok just keep rocking back and forth telling youself its all ok and nothing bad can ever happen to you....of course it wont HELP anything.

Gardiner, a simulations expert at the U.S. Army’s National War College, after leading a “war game” on Iran: “After all this effort, I am left with two simple sentences for policymakers. You have no military solution for the issues of Iran. And you have to make diplomacy work.” [12/04]

Please let Lt Col. Sam Gardiner know that he is an american hating moonbat who dosent have a CLUE what he talking about!
I guess instead of actually dealing with the merits of the issue its easier to just yell "zionist genocide" which DOES make sense since the merits of the issues dont favor your stance at all!

Nope dosent work, I back up my point of view with evidence and facts...try it sometime.

Israel routinely denies shelter, food and water to Palestinians AS WELL as directly bombing, shooting, rounding up and arresting them. They wont allow re-entry for numerous palestinians who leave the area for any period of time (another way to try and lower their numbers) while also taking more and more of their land each and every year, as well as creating situations that greatly increase the suffering of palestinians living in the occupied lands etc etc.

Israeli actions line up with the definition of Genocide PERFECTLY...and when actions meet the criteria laid out in the definitions then what you have is an on-going genocide.
Really? Ok just keep rocking back and forth telling youself its all ok and nothing bad can ever happen to you....of course it wont HELP anything.

Please let Lt Col. Sam Gardiner know that he is an american hating moonbat who dosent have a CLUE what he talking about!

Didn't YOU just say a mouthful. When we choose to face our enemies then we're attacking people unprovoked, murderers, etc .... but suddenly you now think something "bad can happen to me."

Which is it, hypocrite?

I've got no problem telling a LtCol who is a US-hating moonbat that he is one. Not like I haven't met nor seen dumber-n-sticks officers before.
Didn't YOU just say a mouthful. When we choose to face our enemies then we're attacking people unprovoked, murderers, etc .... but suddenly you now think something "bad can happen to me."

Which is it, hypocrite?

I've got no problem telling a LtCol who is a US-hating moonbat that he is one. Not like I haven't met nor seen dumber-n-sticks officers before.

LMAO!! You just cant deal with the fact that you are wrong...but it looks to me that you will find out since it seems to me that the US is intent on invading Iran. It will most certainly fail within your lifetime. Its really sad we are going to destroy so much life and historic and beautiful lands to learn such a lesson.

Its good you can admit that just serving in the military dosent mean you should get any sort of automatic respect or have any particular credibility!

Of course at least the LtCol has some verifiable credentials and experience so his word at least carries "some" crediblity, unless you can show he is corrupted by somthing that would lead him to make such anything like that? I would definitely be interested in it!
LMAO!! You just cant deal with the fact that you are wrong...but it looks to me that you will find out since it seems to me that the US is intent on invading Iran. It will most certainly fail within your lifetime. Its really sad we are going to destroy so much life and historic and beautiful lands to learn such a lesson.

Its good you can admit that just serving in the military dosent mean you should get any sort of automatic respect or have any particular credibility!

Of course at least the LtCol has some verifiable credentials and experience so his word at least carries "some" crediblity, unless you can show he is corrupted by somthing that would lead him to make such anything like that? I would definitely be interested in it!

I'm wrong simply because YOU have decided so? Right.

I got news for you ... I don't know where you get your info from, but you really need to learn to find a more educated source. The US is about as likely to invade Iran as it is Sweden. The fact the we will wait until the monster exists in full power before we will even lift a finger is proven throughout our history, so try again.

I have never said service equals instant credibility. It does lend some though. Until said servicemember, such as the one you quote, starts talking out his ass and proves he has none.
I'm wrong simply because YOU have decided so? Right.

I got news for you ... I don't know where you get your info from, but you really need to learn to find a more educated source. The US is about as likely to invade Iran as it is Sweden. The fact the we will wait until the monster exists in full power before we will even lift a finger is proven throughout our history, so try again.

I have never said service equals instant credibility. It does lend some though. Until said servicemember, such as the one you quote, starts talking out his ass and proves he has none.

Oh well you always talk out of your ass...guess that destroys your crediblity.

The US is doing the same lead up they did before invading Iraq and even using the same bit..."WMD accusations".

This history you talk does that fit in with Korea or Vietnam? Or how about Afghanistan or Iraq? Oh wait, it dosent.
Oh well you always talk out of your ass...guess that destroys your crediblity.

The US is doing the same lead up they did before invading Iraq and even using the same bit..."WMD accusations".

This history you talk does that fit in with Korea or Vietnam? Or how about Afghanistan or Iraq? Oh wait, it dosent.

Right. I talk out my ass cuz you're a 'tard and basically believe in just about everything I've spent my entire life being against? Your opinion of my credibility and a $1.49 will get you some crappy coffee at the corner store.

The US is doing nothing but talking, period. No one's going to support a preemptive invasion of Iran. We'll have to wait for them to drop a nuke or at least threaten to nuke someone first.

Seems like you'd be happy about that but you have to go about making up unsupported accusations to support your biases.

As far as your last ignorant little blurb goes, if you don't know what the Hell is going on, sit in the corner and shut up. Or isn't "Smarmy, pseudo-intellectual little you" smart enough to figure out two threads of the same topic were combined?

Seems you can dress 'em up, move 'em to Europe, teach to say "I hate the USA," and they're STILL just goobers.:badgrin:
Right. I talk out my ass cuz you're a 'tard and basically believe in just about everything I've spent my entire life being against? Your opinion of my credibility and a $1.49 will get you some crappy coffee at the corner store.

The US is doing nothing but talking, period. No one's going to support a preemptive invasion of Iran. We'll have to wait for them to drop a nuke or at least threaten to nuke someone first.

Seems like you'd be happy about that but you have to go about making up unsupported accusations to support your biases.

As far as your last ignorant little blurb goes, if you don't know what the Hell is going on, sit in the corner and shut up. Or isn't "Smarmy, pseudo-intellectual little you" smart enough to figure out two threads of the same topic were combined?

Seems you can dress 'em up, move 'em to Europe, teach to say "I hate the USA," and they're STILL just goobers.:badgrin:

Yet you never add anything of substance, you just always claim you KNOW whats right or correct without EVER BACKING IT UP with somthing credible.

At least I am not afraid of a fact or giving the evidence and basis for my views. But we both know how full of fear you really are.

I guess the US was just talking before it invaded Iraq too huh? I also remember that the US dosent CARE if anyone supports the invasion or not...remember that the US reserves the right to unilaterally invade and seeks NO ONES approval.

Oh and btw, you talk out of your ass cause you can never come up with anything at all to support your assertions. You think the bluster and "tough talk" are enough to bluff your way through, but it dosent work that well on me. Of course you can always go use it on shattered, I bet she goes for it hook, line and sinker. She has been a bit slow with neg repping me for daring to not be so impressed with your swagger....maybe you should swagger on over to her and make sure she does her duty.:rofl:
Yet you never add anything of substance, you just always claim you KNOW whats right or correct without EVER BACKING IT UP with somthing credible.

At least I am not afraid of a fact or giving the evidence and basis for my views. But we both know how full of fear you really are.

I guess the US was just talking before it invaded Iraq too huh? I also remember that the US dosent CARE if anyone supports the invasion or not...remember that the US reserves the right to unilaterally invade and seeks NO ONES approval.

Oh and btw, you talk out of your ass cause you can never come up with anything at all to support your assertions. You think the bluster and "tough talk" are enough to bluff your way through, but it dosent work that well on me. Of course you can always go use it on shattered, I bet she goes for it hook, line and sinker. She has been a bit slow with neg repping me for daring to not be so impressed with your swagger....maybe you should swagger on over to her and make sure she does her duty.:rofl:

And you back yours up with something credible? No, you don't. You spew propaganda and use it as your source.

I don't feel the need to support assertions that are based on common sense, logic and or common knowledge. Is it that you wish to engage in a game of battling links ... is that it? Hardly requires any intelligence and minimal effort.

I find it laughable that you accuse me of "bluster and tough talk" on a message board. What am I going to do? Poke my screen and you feel it? Absurd.

If I feel the need to hand out some negative rep, I'll do it for myself, and I can do far more damage than anyone else here. I rarely hand it out, and have NEVER asked anyone to do it for me.

If you have a problem with another member of this board neg-repping you, tell them, not me. If you believe the rep system is being abused, then feel free to PM me with your complaint. It won't be addressed in a public forum.
And you back yours up with something credible? No, you don't. You spew propaganda and use it as your source.

I don't feel the need to support assertions that are based on common sense, logic and or common knowledge. Is it that you wish to engage in a game of battling links ... is that it? Hardly requires any intelligence and minimal effort.

I find it laughable that you accuse me of "bluster and tough talk" on a message board. What am I going to do? Poke my screen and you feel it? Absurd.

If I feel the need to hand out some negative rep, I'll do it for myself, and I can do far more damage than anyone else here. I rarely hand it out, and have NEVER asked anyone to do it for me.

If you have a problem with another member of this board neg-repping you, tell them, not me. If you believe the rep system is being abused, then feel free to PM me with your complaint. It won't be addressed in a public forum.

Its not battling links, its actually bringing UP FACTS and EVIDENCE to support a point of view...somthing you really should try, it could be quite enlightening for ya.

I dont have a problem with Shattereds neg repping me for you...I find it humorous and a bit pathetic, which of course, I must admit...I DO get a bit of a kick out of. Its not somthing I am proud of because it really is petty to get such a kick from it...but I just chalk it up to a guilty pleasure and have my chuckle!

I love how your swaggering comes through in your posts....its all your posts really have! They are certainly devoid of facts or thoughtful support of your point of view. You just like the game of "no its not, you are a tard, I have been brave my whole life,"....not exactly filled with intelligence or support for a point of view. But you are right about one thing, it dosent impress me or intimidate me.
The west dosent have a right to give away OTHER PEOPLES lands. Only the people who LIVE THERE can decide that as a community. The palestinian community have group rights as well as individual rights and both sets of rights have been violated.

Judea was homeland of the Jews in ancient times. It was not until the Romans conquered Judea and renamed the lands Palestine that Palestine came about. Then later Arabs conquered the lands and so on and so forth.

So if you believe in original rights, I'd say the Jews have the right.

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