The facts on Windpower


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Heres stuff the proponents of wind energy dont want the public to know..........if they all did, the industry would die in a week. As it is in its twilight. The reason, quite simply, is economics.

But for the bigger picture that is the fraud of this energy, read on.............:eusa_dance:

DRIESSEN: Wind down wind subsidies

Facts should cause fad to blow over
By Paul Driessen
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A growing national coalition opposed to perpetuating industrial wind giveaways and mythical wind-power benefits has inspired thousands of Americans to call their senators and representatives - and defeat four different subsidy bills. A shocked American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) began aggressively recruiting well-connected political operatives and co-sponsors, Republican and Democrat alike, who introduced more proposals to extend the production tax credit (PTC). It also launched parallel efforts in many state legislatures.

To confront AWEA claims, taxpayers and ratepayers should seek an education in wind energy.

Energy 101: It is impossible to have wind turbines without fossil fuels, especially natural gas. Turbines average only 30 percent of their “rated capacity,” and less than 5 percent on the hottest and coldest days, when electricity is needed most. Hydrocarbon-fired backup generators must run constantly, to avoid brownouts, blackouts and grid destabilization owing to constant surges and fall-offs in electricity to the grid.

Energy 201:Despite tens of billions in subsidies, wind turbines still generate less than 3 percent of U.S. electricity. Thankfully, conventional sources keep our country running - and America still has centuries of hydrocarbon resources, if only our government would make them available.

Economics 101:It is impossible to have wind turbines without perpetual subsidies - mostly borrowed from Chinese banks and future generations. There is no credible evidence that wind will be able to compete economically with traditional energy in the foreseeable future, especially with abundant natural gas costing one-fourth what it did just a few years ago. It makes more sense to rely on the plentiful, reliable, affordable electricity sources that have powered our economy for decades, build more coal and gas-fired generators - and recycle wind turbines into useful products (while preserving a few as museum exhibits).

Economics 201:As Spain, Germany, Britain and other countries have learned, wind-energy mandates and subsidies drive up the price of electricity - for families, factories, hospitals, schools, offices, churches and shops. That means two to four traditional jobs are lost for every wind or other “green” job created. It means the 37,000 jobs that the AWEA claims the U.S. wind industry creates (via $5 billion to $10 billion in combined annual subsidies, or $135,000 to $270,000 per wind job) are likely costing the United States 74,000 to 148,000 traditional jobs every year.

Environment 101:Industrial wind-turbine projects require enormous quantities of rare-earth metals, concrete, steel, copper, fiberglass and other raw materials; for highly inefficient turbines, multiple backup generators and thousands of miles of high-voltage transmission lines. Extracting and processing these materials, turning them into finished components, and shipping and installing the turbines and power lines involve enormous amounts of fossil fuel and extensive environmental damage.

Environment 201:Wind turbines, transmission lines and backup generators also require vast amounts of crop, scenic and wildlife habitat land. A typical 600-megawatt coal or gas-fired power plant requires 250 to 750 acres, to generate power 90 percent to 95 percent of the year; a 600-megawatt wind installation needs 40,000 to 50,000 acres (or more), to deliver 30 percent performance. Because wind installations must go where the wind blows, hundreds of miles from our cities - transmission lines add thousands more acres to every project.

Environment 301:U.S. wind turbines slaughter nearly half a million eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, ducks, geese, bats and other rare, threatened, endangered and otherwise protected flying creatures every year. But while oil companies are prosecuted for the deaths of even a dozen common ducks, turbine operators have effectively been granted a “007 license to kill” exemption from endangered- and migratory-species laws and penalties.

Environment 401:Even if carbon dioxide does contribute to climate change, there is no evidence that even thousands of U.S. wind turbines will affect future global temperatures by more than a few hundredths of a degree. Carbon-dioxide emissions from backup generators (and wind-turbine manufacturing) offset any reductions from wind installations, and rapidly increasing emissions from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and other developing countries dwarf any possible U.S. wind-related CO2 reductions.

Human Health and Welfare 101: Skyrocketing electricity prices owing to “renewable portfolio standards” raise heating and air-conditioning costs; drive families into fuel poverty; increase food, medical, school and other costs; and force companies to lay off workers, further impairing their families’ health and welfare. Audible and inaudible turbine noise causes fatigue, headaches, dizziness, irritability, sleep problems and vibro-acoustic effects on people’s hearts and lungs. Landowners receive royalties for having turbines on their property, but neighbors receive no income and face adverse health effects, decreased property values and difficulty selling their homes.

Real World Civics 101: Politicians take billions from taxpayers, ratepayers and profitable businesses to provide subsidies to Big Wind companies, who buy turbines mostly made overseas - and contribute millions to the politicians’ re-election campaigns, to keep the cycle going.

It is truly government gone wild and is unsustainable. Americans can contact their elected representatives to demand science-based energy policies. These reasons could be a good way to start the conversation.

Paul Driessen is senior policy adviser for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow and author of “Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death” (Merril Press, 2010).
DRIESSEN: Wind down wind subsidies - Washington Times

In other words........its a scam.

Lets face it.........if you even have half a brain, you realize wind power makes zero sense.:coffee:

Footnote:The Obama administration has spent 90 billion dollars since 2009 on green energy. It has netted a grand total of 16,100 jobs. Even I couldnt believe this wasnt some kind of a joke.:up:
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Heres stuff the proponents of wind energy dont want the public to know..........if they all did, the industry would die in a week. As it is in its twilight. The reason, quite simply, is economics.

But for the bigger picture that is the fraud of this energy, read on.............:eusa_dance:

DRIESSEN: Wind down wind subsidies

Facts should cause fad to blow over
By Paul Driessen
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A growing national coalition opposed to perpetuating industrial wind giveaways and mythical wind-power benefits has inspired thousands of Americans to call their senators and representatives - and defeat four different subsidy bills. A shocked American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) began aggressively recruiting well-connected political operatives and co-sponsors, Republican and Democrat alike, who introduced more proposals to extend the production tax credit (PTC). It also launched parallel efforts in many state legislatures.

To confront AWEA claims, taxpayers and ratepayers should seek an education in wind energy.

Energy 101: It is impossible to have wind turbines without fossil fuels, especially natural gas. Turbines average only 30 percent of their “rated capacity,” and less than 5 percent on the hottest and coldest days, when electricity is needed most. Hydrocarbon-fired backup generators must run constantly, to avoid brownouts, blackouts and grid destabilization owing to constant surges and fall-offs in electricity to the grid.

Energy 201:Despite tens of billions in subsidies, wind turbines still generate less than 3 percent of U.S. electricity. Thankfully, conventional sources keep our country running - and America still has centuries of hydrocarbon resources, if only our government would make them available.

Economics 101:It is impossible to have wind turbines without perpetual subsidies - mostly borrowed from Chinese banks and future generations. There is no credible evidence that wind will be able to compete economically with traditional energy in the foreseeable future, especially with abundant natural gas costing one-fourth what it did just a few years ago. It makes more sense to rely on the plentiful, reliable, affordable electricity sources that have powered our economy for decades, build more coal and gas-fired generators - and recycle wind turbines into useful products (while preserving a few as museum exhibits).

Economics 201:As Spain, Germany, Britain and other countries have learned, wind-energy mandates and subsidies drive up the price of electricity - for families, factories, hospitals, schools, offices, churches and shops. That means two to four traditional jobs are lost for every wind or other “green” job created. It means the 37,000 jobs that the AWEA claims the U.S. wind industry creates (via $5 billion to $10 billion in combined annual subsidies, or $135,000 to $270,000 per wind job) are likely costing the United States 74,000 to 148,000 traditional jobs every year.

Environment 101:Industrial wind-turbine projects require enormous quantities of rare-earth metals, concrete, steel, copper, fiberglass and other raw materials; for highly inefficient turbines, multiple backup generators and thousands of miles of high-voltage transmission lines. Extracting and processing these materials, turning them into finished components, and shipping and installing the turbines and power lines involve enormous amounts of fossil fuel and extensive environmental damage.

Environment 201:Wind turbines, transmission lines and backup generators also require vast amounts of crop, scenic and wildlife habitat land. A typical 600-megawatt coal or gas-fired power plant requires 250 to 750 acres, to generate power 90 percent to 95 percent of the year; a 600-megawatt wind installation needs 40,000 to 50,000 acres (or more), to deliver 30 percent performance. Because wind installations must go where the wind blows, hundreds of miles from our cities - transmission lines add thousands more acres to every project.

Environment 301:U.S. wind turbines slaughter nearly half a million eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, ducks, geese, bats and other rare, threatened, endangered and otherwise protected flying creatures every year. But while oil companies are prosecuted for the deaths of even a dozen common ducks, turbine operators have effectively been granted a “007 license to kill” exemption from endangered- and migratory-species laws and penalties.

Environment 401:Even if carbon dioxide does contribute to climate change, there is no evidence that even thousands of U.S. wind turbines will affect future global temperatures by more than a few hundredths of a degree. Carbon-dioxide emissions from backup generators (and wind-turbine manufacturing) offset any reductions from wind installations, and rapidly increasing emissions from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and other developing countries dwarf any possible U.S. wind-related CO2 reductions.

Human Health and Welfare 101: Skyrocketing electricity prices owing to “renewable portfolio standards” raise heating and air-conditioning costs; drive families into fuel poverty; increase food, medical, school and other costs; and force companies to lay off workers, further impairing their families’ health and welfare. Audible and inaudible turbine noise causes fatigue, headaches, dizziness, irritability, sleep problems and vibro-acoustic effects on people’s hearts and lungs. Landowners receive royalties for having turbines on their property, but neighbors receive no income and face adverse health effects, decreased property values and difficulty selling their homes.

Real World Civics 101: Politicians take billions from taxpayers, ratepayers and profitable businesses to provide subsidies to Big Wind companies, who buy turbines mostly made overseas - and contribute millions to the politicians’ re-election campaigns, to keep the cycle going.

It is truly government gone wild and is unsustainable. Americans can contact their elected representatives to demand science-based energy policies. These reasons could be a good way to start the conversation.

Paul Driessen is senior policy adviser for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow and author of “Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death” (Merril Press, 2010).
DRIESSEN: Wind down wind subsidies - Washington Times

In other words........its a scam.

Lets face it.........if you even have half a brain, you realize wind power makes zero sense.:coffee:

Footnote:The Obama administration has spent 90 billion dollars since 2009 on green energy. It has netted a grand total of 16,100 jobs. Even I couldnt believe this wasnt some kind of a joke.:up:
Paul Driessen - right wing columnist and lobbyist for big oil, a global warming denier, anti-EPA, wind power, solar power, and any form of energy that can't be pumped out of the ground.
Texas Hits New Record For Wind Power Generation | StateImpact Texas

Did it seem windy to you last night? Because at 8:41 p.m. Wednesday, the Texas grid set a new record for wind power generation, reaching 7,599 megawatts.

The previous record was set the day before, with 7,403 megawatts. Before that, the biggest day of wind power generation in Texas was Oct. 7, 2011, with 7,400 megawatts of power.

When the record was reached, wind was supplying 22 percent of the grid’s power. That’s not actually a record, it got up to 26 percent last December.

And we have not even began to tap the potential in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Colorado.
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Heres stuff the proponents of wind energy dont want the public to know..........if they all did, the industry would die in a week. As it is in its twilight. The reason, quite simply, is economics.

But for the bigger picture that is the fraud of this energy, read on.............:eusa_dance:

DRIESSEN: Wind down wind subsidies

Facts should cause fad to blow over
By Paul Driessen
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A growing national coalition opposed to perpetuating industrial wind giveaways and mythical wind-power benefits has inspired thousands of Americans to call their senators and representatives - and defeat four different subsidy bills. A shocked American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) began aggressively recruiting well-connected political operatives and co-sponsors, Republican and Democrat alike, who introduced more proposals to extend the production tax credit (PTC). It also launched parallel efforts in many state legislatures.

To confront AWEA claims, taxpayers and ratepayers should seek an education in wind energy.

Energy 101: It is impossible to have wind turbines without fossil fuels, especially natural gas. Turbines average only 30 percent of their “rated capacity,” and less than 5 percent on the hottest and coldest days, when electricity is needed most. Hydrocarbon-fired backup generators must run constantly, to avoid brownouts, blackouts and grid destabilization owing to constant surges and fall-offs in electricity to the grid.

Energy 201:Despite tens of billions in subsidies, wind turbines still generate less than 3 percent of U.S. electricity. Thankfully, conventional sources keep our country running - and America still has centuries of hydrocarbon resources, if only our government would make them available.

Economics 101:It is impossible to have wind turbines without perpetual subsidies - mostly borrowed from Chinese banks and future generations. There is no credible evidence that wind will be able to compete economically with traditional energy in the foreseeable future, especially with abundant natural gas costing one-fourth what it did just a few years ago. It makes more sense to rely on the plentiful, reliable, affordable electricity sources that have powered our economy for decades, build more coal and gas-fired generators - and recycle wind turbines into useful products (while preserving a few as museum exhibits).

Economics 201:As Spain, Germany, Britain and other countries have learned, wind-energy mandates and subsidies drive up the price of electricity - for families, factories, hospitals, schools, offices, churches and shops. That means two to four traditional jobs are lost for every wind or other “green” job created. It means the 37,000 jobs that the AWEA claims the U.S. wind industry creates (via $5 billion to $10 billion in combined annual subsidies, or $135,000 to $270,000 per wind job) are likely costing the United States 74,000 to 148,000 traditional jobs every year.

Environment 101:Industrial wind-turbine projects require enormous quantities of rare-earth metals, concrete, steel, copper, fiberglass and other raw materials; for highly inefficient turbines, multiple backup generators and thousands of miles of high-voltage transmission lines. Extracting and processing these materials, turning them into finished components, and shipping and installing the turbines and power lines involve enormous amounts of fossil fuel and extensive environmental damage.

Environment 201:Wind turbines, transmission lines and backup generators also require vast amounts of crop, scenic and wildlife habitat land. A typical 600-megawatt coal or gas-fired power plant requires 250 to 750 acres, to generate power 90 percent to 95 percent of the year; a 600-megawatt wind installation needs 40,000 to 50,000 acres (or more), to deliver 30 percent performance. Because wind installations must go where the wind blows, hundreds of miles from our cities - transmission lines add thousands more acres to every project.

Environment 301:U.S. wind turbines slaughter nearly half a million eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, ducks, geese, bats and other rare, threatened, endangered and otherwise protected flying creatures every year. But while oil companies are prosecuted for the deaths of even a dozen common ducks, turbine operators have effectively been granted a “007 license to kill” exemption from endangered- and migratory-species laws and penalties.

Environment 401:Even if carbon dioxide does contribute to climate change, there is no evidence that even thousands of U.S. wind turbines will affect future global temperatures by more than a few hundredths of a degree. Carbon-dioxide emissions from backup generators (and wind-turbine manufacturing) offset any reductions from wind installations, and rapidly increasing emissions from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and other developing countries dwarf any possible U.S. wind-related CO2 reductions.

Human Health and Welfare 101: Skyrocketing electricity prices owing to “renewable portfolio standards” raise heating and air-conditioning costs; drive families into fuel poverty; increase food, medical, school and other costs; and force companies to lay off workers, further impairing their families’ health and welfare. Audible and inaudible turbine noise causes fatigue, headaches, dizziness, irritability, sleep problems and vibro-acoustic effects on people’s hearts and lungs. Landowners receive royalties for having turbines on their property, but neighbors receive no income and face adverse health effects, decreased property values and difficulty selling their homes.

Real World Civics 101: Politicians take billions from taxpayers, ratepayers and profitable businesses to provide subsidies to Big Wind companies, who buy turbines mostly made overseas - and contribute millions to the politicians’ re-election campaigns, to keep the cycle going.

It is truly government gone wild and is unsustainable. Americans can contact their elected representatives to demand science-based energy policies. These reasons could be a good way to start the conversation.

Paul Driessen is senior policy adviser for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow and author of “Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death” (Merril Press, 2010).
DRIESSEN: Wind down wind subsidies - Washington Times

In other words........its a scam.

Lets face it.........if you even have half a brain, you realize wind power makes zero sense.:coffee:

Footnote:The Obama administration has spent 90 billion dollars since 2009 on green energy. It has netted a grand total of 16,100 jobs. Even I couldnt believe this wasnt some kind of a joke.:up:
Paul Driessen - right wing columnist and lobbyist for big oil, a global warming denier, anti-EPA, wind power, solar power, and any form of energy that can't be pumped out of the ground.

but facts suck, dont they s0n???:2up:
Texas Hits New Record For Wind Power Generation | StateImpact Texas

Did it seem windy to you last night? Because at 8:41 p.m. Wednesday, the Texas grid set a new record for wind power generation, reaching 7,599 megawatts.

The previous record was set the day before, with 7,403 megawatts. Before that, the biggest day of wind power generation in Texas was Oct. 7, 2011, with 7,400 megawatts of power.

When the record was reached, wind was supplying 22 percent of the grid’s power. That’s not actually a record, it got up to 26 percent last December.

And we have not even began to tap the potential in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Colorado.

but not going to come close to cutting it Ray...................

We can’t build a grid only on wind and solar in Texas - Politics - Renewable energy news - Recharge - wind, solar, biomass, wave/tidal/hydro and geothermal

And as Ive pointed out, as the taxpaying public becomes more and more aware of the costs, the subsidies will end. That will only happen as these state budget crunches become more and more apparent, as we saw in Wisconsin this week. Until then, most will be in the dark........but eventually, the idealism will be replaced by economic realism. Not a matter of if, but when.

My support for George Bush ended when I found out how up to his eyeballs he was in for this green crap. probably have no idea how much George Bush supported the green industry..............the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007........lined the pockets of his pals in Texas. I'll never forgive him for it.......he knew eventually, it'd die on the vine, but long after he was gone.
Paul Driessen - right wing columnist and lobbyist for big oil, a global warming denier, anti-EPA, wind power, solar power, and any form of energy that can't be pumped out of the ground.

Cant deny what skookerasbil posted so you attack the author... dispute the facts if ya can.

Oh yeah, you cant :eusa_hand:

Heres stuff the proponents of wind energy dont want the public to know..........if they all did, the industry would die in a week. As it is in its twilight. The reason, quite simply, is economics.

But for the bigger picture that is the fraud of this energy, read on.............:eusa_dance:

DRIESSEN: Wind down wind subsidies

Facts should cause fad to blow over
By Paul Driessen
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A growing national coalition opposed to perpetuating industrial wind giveaways and mythical wind-power benefits has inspired thousands of Americans to call their senators and representatives - and defeat four different subsidy bills. A shocked American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) began aggressively recruiting well-connected political operatives and co-sponsors, Republican and Democrat alike, who introduced more proposals to extend the production tax credit (PTC). It also launched parallel efforts in many state legislatures.

To confront AWEA claims, taxpayers and ratepayers should seek an education in wind energy.

Energy 101: It is impossible to have wind turbines without fossil fuels, especially natural gas. Turbines average only 30 percent of their “rated capacity,” and less than 5 percent on the hottest and coldest days, when electricity is needed most. Hydrocarbon-fired backup generators must run constantly, to avoid brownouts, blackouts and grid destabilization owing to constant surges and fall-offs in electricity to the grid.

Energy 201:Despite tens of billions in subsidies, wind turbines still generate less than 3 percent of U.S. electricity. Thankfully, conventional sources keep our country running - and America still has centuries of hydrocarbon resources, if only our government would make them available.

Economics 101:It is impossible to have wind turbines without perpetual subsidies - mostly borrowed from Chinese banks and future generations. There is no credible evidence that wind will be able to compete economically with traditional energy in the foreseeable future, especially with abundant natural gas costing one-fourth what it did just a few years ago. It makes more sense to rely on the plentiful, reliable, affordable electricity sources that have powered our economy for decades, build more coal and gas-fired generators - and recycle wind turbines into useful products (while preserving a few as museum exhibits).

Economics 201:As Spain, Germany, Britain and other countries have learned, wind-energy mandates and subsidies drive up the price of electricity - for families, factories, hospitals, schools, offices, churches and shops. That means two to four traditional jobs are lost for every wind or other “green” job created. It means the 37,000 jobs that the AWEA claims the U.S. wind industry creates (via $5 billion to $10 billion in combined annual subsidies, or $135,000 to $270,000 per wind job) are likely costing the United States 74,000 to 148,000 traditional jobs every year.

Environment 101:Industrial wind-turbine projects require enormous quantities of rare-earth metals, concrete, steel, copper, fiberglass and other raw materials; for highly inefficient turbines, multiple backup generators and thousands of miles of high-voltage transmission lines. Extracting and processing these materials, turning them into finished components, and shipping and installing the turbines and power lines involve enormous amounts of fossil fuel and extensive environmental damage.

Environment 201:Wind turbines, transmission lines and backup generators also require vast amounts of crop, scenic and wildlife habitat land. A typical 600-megawatt coal or gas-fired power plant requires 250 to 750 acres, to generate power 90 percent to 95 percent of the year; a 600-megawatt wind installation needs 40,000 to 50,000 acres (or more), to deliver 30 percent performance. Because wind installations must go where the wind blows, hundreds of miles from our cities - transmission lines add thousands more acres to every project.

Environment 301:U.S. wind turbines slaughter nearly half a million eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, ducks, geese, bats and other rare, threatened, endangered and otherwise protected flying creatures every year. But while oil companies are prosecuted for the deaths of even a dozen common ducks, turbine operators have effectively been granted a “007 license to kill” exemption from endangered- and migratory-species laws and penalties.

Environment 401:Even if carbon dioxide does contribute to climate change, there is no evidence that even thousands of U.S. wind turbines will affect future global temperatures by more than a few hundredths of a degree. Carbon-dioxide emissions from backup generators (and wind-turbine manufacturing) offset any reductions from wind installations, and rapidly increasing emissions from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and other developing countries dwarf any possible U.S. wind-related CO2 reductions.

Human Health and Welfare 101: Skyrocketing electricity prices owing to “renewable portfolio standards” raise heating and air-conditioning costs; drive families into fuel poverty; increase food, medical, school and other costs; and force companies to lay off workers, further impairing their families’ health and welfare. Audible and inaudible turbine noise causes fatigue, headaches, dizziness, irritability, sleep problems and vibro-acoustic effects on people’s hearts and lungs. Landowners receive royalties for having turbines on their property, but neighbors receive no income and face adverse health effects, decreased property values and difficulty selling their homes.

Real World Civics 101: Politicians take billions from taxpayers, ratepayers and profitable businesses to provide subsidies to Big Wind companies, who buy turbines mostly made overseas - and contribute millions to the politicians’ re-election campaigns, to keep the cycle going.

It is truly government gone wild and is unsustainable. Americans can contact their elected representatives to demand science-based energy policies. These reasons could be a good way to start the conversation.

Paul Driessen is senior policy adviser for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow and author of “Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death” (Merril Press, 2010).
DRIESSEN: Wind down wind subsidies - Washington Times

In other words........its a scam.

Lets face it.........if you even have half a brain, you realize wind power makes zero sense.:coffee:

Footnote:The Obama administration has spent 90 billion dollars since 2009 on green energy. It has netted a grand total of 16,100 jobs. Even I couldnt believe this wasnt some kind of a joke.:up:
Paul Driessen - right wing columnist and lobbyist for big oil, a global warming denier, anti-EPA, wind power, solar power, and any form of energy that can't be pumped out of the ground.

but facts suck, dont they s0n???:2up:
You can these facts?
"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please."
Mark Twain
Paul Driessen - right wing columnist and lobbyist for big oil, a global warming denier, anti-EPA, wind power, solar power, and any form of energy that can't be pumped out of the ground.

Cant deny what skookerasbil posted so you attack the author... dispute the facts if ya can.

Oh yeah, you cant :eusa_hand:


Infidel bro......its all he brings to the table on any forum. I expect as much from the lefty k00ks. Information is the enemy of lefties. Always has been..........always will be.
Texas Hits New Record For Wind Power Generation | StateImpact Texas

Did it seem windy to you last night? Because at 8:41 p.m. Wednesday, the Texas grid set a new record for wind power generation, reaching 7,599 megawatts.

The previous record was set the day before, with 7,403 megawatts. Before that, the biggest day of wind power generation in Texas was Oct. 7, 2011, with 7,400 megawatts of power.

When the record was reached, wind was supplying 22 percent of the grid’s power. That’s not actually a record, it got up to 26 percent last December.

And we have not even began to tap the potential in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Colorado.

Wowie --- NPR sure makes you feel good.. I followed the link back to the generator site where all the productions numbers are there for the public to see. RARELY is there a week where that farm averages 30% of it's peak. And at random -- a week looks exactly like this in Texas....


And to be fair to NPR and my bud OleRocks --- Here's the week of that record blow..


Gee.. Better get the clothes done on Monday because Tuesday we ain't gonna have lights, power or heat...
Anecdotal NPR stuff doesn't change the grown-up facts given in the OP. We only really need to SHOW these productions graphs on the Nightly News and even those dense Texans (LOL) will figure out what they really want and need..
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Sorry genius.
Posted by wind. Wouldn't have it any other way. Go turn on your B00B tube, boob.
for those of you in favor of the windmills, answer this;

if its such a wonderful source of energy why are the subsidies needed. If it was so great wouldn't the big power companies be rushing to cash in on it, even without subsidies?

just sayin'.......
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BTW: The Total load data in those graphs confirm what ole flacaltenn got from CALifornia-ISO years ago when I was just flacal --
That the summer load at 10PM is just about 80% of the daytime peak. So the limits for efficacy of a solar grid supplement are really limited to about 15 to 20% of the load at best. You cannot build out more solar than that without a totally redundant increase in a REAL RELIABLE power source for the late day and evening.


Having the wind farms post their production is WONDERFUL. You don't even need a calendar to see where Saturday and Sunday fall.

I'll bet as the wind industry gets pressed into submission, this type of public data WILL DISAPPEAR from the web. Archive it NOW folks......
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Texas Hits New Record For Wind Power Generation | StateImpact Texas

Did it seem windy to you last night? Because at 8:41 p.m. Wednesday, the Texas grid set a new record for wind power generation, reaching 7,599 megawatts.

The previous record was set the day before, with 7,403 megawatts. Before that, the biggest day of wind power generation in Texas was Oct. 7, 2011, with 7,400 megawatts of power.

When the record was reached, wind was supplying 22 percent of the grid’s power. That’s not actually a record, it got up to 26 percent last December.

And we have not even began to tap the potential in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Colorado.

Wowie --- NPR sure makes you feel good.. I followed the link back to the generator site where all the productions numbers are there for the public to see. RARELY is there a week where that farm averages 30% of it's peak. And at random -- a week looks exactly like this in Texas....


And to be fair to NPR and my bud OleRocks --- Here's the week of that record blow..


Gee.. Better get the clothes done on Monday because Tuesday we ain't gonna have lights, power or heat...
Anecdotal NPR stuff doesn't change the grown-up facts given in the OP. We only really need to SHOW these productions graphs on the Nightly News and even those dense Texans (LOL) will figure out what they really want and need..

Seems the Texans have already figured out what they need.

Wind Power Beats Nuclear Power in Texas - CleanTechnica

Renewable Energy Beating Nuclear

On a global scale, energy capacity from renewable sources passed up nuclear for the first time last year, which was long before the tsunami damaged Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant. The problem, of course, is to get energy from renewable-rich areas to those without. That’s a problem that certainly hasn’t stopped the fossil fuel industry, given the shipment of coal and petroleum around the world. For renewable energy, massive transmission projects like DESERTEC are at hand. The future could also bring advanced energy storage technologies that would enable renewable energy to be shipped in battery-type devices (reusable or recyclable ones, of course).

Wind Surplus in Texas

The wind surplus in Texas could have a ripple effect on energy investments in other states in the U.S., even without the development of new smart grid technology. One example is Pattern Energy, which has proposed building a 400-mile line connecting wind power from Texas to existing transmission lines that serve Alabama and several other southern states. Unlike the decades-long process involved in siting and building new nuclear facilities, the company anticipates a permitting and construction process of about five years. Also slated for Texas is a gigantic new wind power storage facility, which other states are already eyeballing for the Pacific Northwest renewable energy infrastructure
Source: Clean Technica (Wind Power Beats Nuclear Power in Texas - CleanTechnica)
for those of you in favor of the windmills, answer this;

if its such a wonderful source of energy why are the subsidies needed. If it was so great wouldn't the big power companies be rushing to cash in on it, even without subsidies?

just sayin'.......

And why are we subsidizing oil and coal? Just sayin'.
for those of you in favor of the windmills, answer this;

if its such a wonderful source of energy why are the subsidies needed. If it was so great wouldn't the big power companies be rushing to cash in on it, even without subsidies?

just sayin'.......

And why are we subsidizing oil and coal? Just sayin'.

4 billion only Ray for oil..........6 billion for coal...........c'mon.............compared to how much in green subsidies?

Close to 15 billlion

Here are the facts on energy subsidies just so people know the poop and not the myths.............

Where Federal Energy Subsidies Really Go - Forbes

and ps.........for the interested, the cost of wind power is far higher than advertised estimates. This paper on research conducted by the Cato Institute provides the sobering realities. Its a long, long read, but highlights for us the ridiculously high costs of renewables and what we get back.............and some shocking environmental impacts I didnt even know about and facts that almost none of the environmentalists know about. ( although many dont care because its not about science as much as wealth redistribution). Also interesting..........the litany of predictions by teh DOE over the years on how much of an impact wind would be on US energy.............way..............waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overhyped over the years dating back to the 70's.

Renewable Energy: Not Cheap, Not "Green"

Renewables could only be embraced by those who dont give a crap about budgets or economics..........and you probably dont want them anywhere near trying to balance your checkbook:eusa_dance:
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Texas Hits New Record For Wind Power Generation | StateImpact Texas

Did it seem windy to you last night? Because at 8:41 p.m. Wednesday, the Texas grid set a new record for wind power generation, reaching 7,599 megawatts.

The previous record was set the day before, with 7,403 megawatts. Before that, the biggest day of wind power generation in Texas was Oct. 7, 2011, with 7,400 megawatts of power.

When the record was reached, wind was supplying 22 percent of the grid’s power. That’s not actually a record, it got up to 26 percent last December.

And we have not even began to tap the potential in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Colorado.

Wowie --- NPR sure makes you feel good.. I followed the link back to the generator site where all the productions numbers are there for the public to see. RARELY is there a week where that farm averages 30% of it's peak. And at random -- a week looks exactly like this in Texas....


And to be fair to NPR and my bud OleRocks --- Here's the week of that record blow..


Gee.. Better get the clothes done on Monday because Tuesday we ain't gonna have lights, power or heat...
Anecdotal NPR stuff doesn't change the grown-up facts given in the OP. We only really need to SHOW these productions graphs on the Nightly News and even those dense Texans (LOL) will figure out what they really want and need..

Seems the Texans have already figured out what they need.

Wind Power Beats Nuclear Power in Texas - CleanTechnica

Renewable Energy Beating Nuclear

On a global scale, energy capacity from renewable sources passed up nuclear for the first time last year, which was long before the tsunami damaged Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant. The problem, of course, is to get energy from renewable-rich areas to those without. That’s a problem that certainly hasn’t stopped the fossil fuel industry, given the shipment of coal and petroleum around the world. For renewable energy, massive transmission projects like DESERTEC are at hand. The future could also bring advanced energy storage technologies that would enable renewable energy to be shipped in battery-type devices (reusable or recyclable ones, of course).

Wind Surplus in Texas

The wind surplus in Texas could have a ripple effect on energy investments in other states in the U.S., even without the development of new smart grid technology. One example is Pattern Energy, which has proposed building a 400-mile line connecting wind power from Texas to existing transmission lines that serve Alabama and several other southern states. Unlike the decades-long process involved in siting and building new nuclear facilities, the company anticipates a permitting and construction process of about five years. Also slated for Texas is a gigantic new wind power storage facility, which other states are already eyeballing for the Pacific Northwest renewable energy infrastructure
Source: Clean Technica (Wind Power Beats Nuclear Power in Texas - CleanTechnica)

How do you have a "wind surplus" on something that doesn't produce SQUAT on thursdays and half of Sunday? You can't build out wind to a "surplus" unless you HAVE a spare nuke plant to back it up... It's all hype and fantasy.. :eusa_liar:

Yeah.. Building more of it will fix those gaps in energy production. NO! -- building MORE will make those gaps WORSE and more expensive to fill.
Wowie --- NPR sure makes you feel good.. I followed the link back to the generator site where all the productions numbers are there for the public to see. RARELY is there a week where that farm averages 30% of it's peak. And at random -- a week looks exactly like this in Texas....


And to be fair to NPR and my bud OleRocks --- Here's the week of that record blow..


Gee.. Better get the clothes done on Monday because Tuesday we ain't gonna have lights, power or heat...
Anecdotal NPR stuff doesn't change the grown-up facts given in the OP. We only really need to SHOW these productions graphs on the Nightly News and even those dense Texans (LOL) will figure out what they really want and need..

Seems the Texans have already figured out what they need.

Wind Power Beats Nuclear Power in Texas - CleanTechnica

Renewable Energy Beating Nuclear

On a global scale, energy capacity from renewable sources passed up nuclear for the first time last year, which was long before the tsunami damaged Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant. The problem, of course, is to get energy from renewable-rich areas to those without. That’s a problem that certainly hasn’t stopped the fossil fuel industry, given the shipment of coal and petroleum around the world. For renewable energy, massive transmission projects like DESERTEC are at hand. The future could also bring advanced energy storage technologies that would enable renewable energy to be shipped in battery-type devices (reusable or recyclable ones, of course).

Wind Surplus in Texas

The wind surplus in Texas could have a ripple effect on energy investments in other states in the U.S., even without the development of new smart grid technology. One example is Pattern Energy, which has proposed building a 400-mile line connecting wind power from Texas to existing transmission lines that serve Alabama and several other southern states. Unlike the decades-long process involved in siting and building new nuclear facilities, the company anticipates a permitting and construction process of about five years. Also slated for Texas is a gigantic new wind power storage facility, which other states are already eyeballing for the Pacific Northwest renewable energy infrastructure
Source: Clean Technica (Wind Power Beats Nuclear Power in Texas - CleanTechnica)

How do you have a "wind surplus" on something that doesn't produce SQUAT on thursdays and half of Sunday? You can't build out wind to a "surplus" unless you HAVE a spare nuke plant to back it up... It's all hype and fantasy.. :eusa_liar:

Yeah.. Building more of it will fix those gaps in energy production. NO! -- building MORE will make those gaps WORSE and more expensive to fill.
Do understand the power grid?

Electric power can be added to or taken from the grid to balance out surpluses and shortages. Thus, periods of low generation in one area can be supplemented by high generation in another. Power grids can accommodate all types of generation, oil, gas, coal, solar, nuclear, wind power, and solar power. Wind provides about 2% of our electric power, solar 6%, and all forms of alternative energy about 10%.

Alternative forms of energy are only supplements to prime energy sources. Whether they become a prime source of energy depends on two main factors, increasing cost of fossil fuels and global warming.

Where Does U.S. Electricity Come From? | mapawatt
Seems the Texans have already figured out what they need.

Wind Power Beats Nuclear Power in Texas - CleanTechnica

Renewable Energy Beating Nuclear

On a global scale, energy capacity from renewable sources passed up nuclear for the first time last year, which was long before the tsunami damaged Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant. The problem, of course, is to get energy from renewable-rich areas to those without. That’s a problem that certainly hasn’t stopped the fossil fuel industry, given the shipment of coal and petroleum around the world. For renewable energy, massive transmission projects like DESERTEC are at hand. The future could also bring advanced energy storage technologies that would enable renewable energy to be shipped in battery-type devices (reusable or recyclable ones, of course).

Wind Surplus in Texas

The wind surplus in Texas could have a ripple effect on energy investments in other states in the U.S., even without the development of new smart grid technology. One example is Pattern Energy, which has proposed building a 400-mile line connecting wind power from Texas to existing transmission lines that serve Alabama and several other southern states. Unlike the decades-long process involved in siting and building new nuclear facilities, the company anticipates a permitting and construction process of about five years. Also slated for Texas is a gigantic new wind power storage facility, which other states are already eyeballing for the Pacific Northwest renewable energy infrastructure
Source: Clean Technica (Wind Power Beats Nuclear Power in Texas - CleanTechnica)

How do you have a "wind surplus" on something that doesn't produce SQUAT on thursdays and half of Sunday? You can't build out wind to a "surplus" unless you HAVE a spare nuke plant to back it up... It's all hype and fantasy.. :eusa_liar:

Yeah.. Building more of it will fix those gaps in energy production. NO! -- building MORE will make those gaps WORSE and more expensive to fill.
Do understand the power grid?

Electric power can be added to or taken from the grid to balance out surpluses and shortages. Thus, periods of low generation in one area can be supplemented by high generation in another. Power grids can accommodate all types of generation, oil, gas, coal, solar, nuclear, wind power, and solar power. Wind provides about 2% of our electric power, solar 6%, and all forms of alternative energy about 10%.

Alternative forms of energy are only supplements to prime energy sources. Whether they become a prime source of energy depends on two main factors, increasing cost of fossil fuels and global warming.

Where Does U.S. Electricity Come From? | mapawatt

Uhhhh. I'm a senior member of IEEE with 25+ years in electronics design and Research and Development. That OK with you?

Can you accomodate a 20% change in grid supply in a manner of minutes? Do you understand that California outlawed long term contracts for power and wakes up every morning and buys whatever's left on the market? DO you have a back-up coal or nuke plant sitting idle waiting for the wind farm to brown out? What is the thermal time constant of a coal plant? What happens if you overload the grid with a wind spike?

So many questions, so little comprehension.. You (the general public) have been fed so much garbage on this fantasy that you can't even FIND reality.. Reality is --- integrating the already inefficient and unreliable wind turbines into a grid leads to MASSIVE inefficientcies in swapping sources and idling plants and paying for staff, facilities and maintenance on OTHER plants to back them up.

<edited to compliment you>

Congrats on getting to the realization that wind and solar are SUPPLEMENTS. I'm heartened by that understanding.
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Flacaltenn......the libs dont understand how the market works. Never will...........because they loath it. They really do believe that renewables of the kind we have now can power America. Ever try speaking to somebody who thinks they are Jesus? I did one time.........its like that.

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