The FAKE FTX Scandal

You challenge nothing, you simply deny any wrong doing based on your own admitted ignorance. There is no reason to take you seriously.

Perhaps you should look back nine months, to the beginning of the Russian special operation. Ukraine, crypto, and foreign funding all got in bed, now we see their special love child. It's not for me to educate you simply because you have the attention span of a gnat.
I can't help but notice you STILL have shown no proof that Ukraine sent money to FTX.

All you have is smoke.

And yes you must educate me since you are making the claim.

Prove your claim.

You know why you can't?

Because it is a lie.

You want to shut me up?

Show me the proof.

Easy peasey!
Of the top ten political donors, the Republicans received $175,710,200 more than the Democrats.
You don't get it. Both Democrats and Republicans are representatives of the bourgeoisie, so taking money for them is their natural state. Just Democrats in addition are disgusting perverts.
So out of the poor choice, that the electoral system provides, any normal person willy-nilly, if they vote, then they vote for Republicans
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I can't help but notice you STILL have shown no proof that Ukraine sent money to FTX.

All you have is smoke.

And yes you must educate me since you are making the claim.

Prove your claim.

You know why you can't?

Because it is a lie.

You want to shut me up?

Show me the proof.

Easy peasey!
I can't help but notice you ignore everything you don't like. Keep marching towards the cliff lemming. Had you been paying attention you would see the problems.

As the Ukrainian financial institutions were allegedly under attack they moved towards more crypto. At the same time the West was looking into ways to limit thr Russians using crypto to avoid sanctions. FTX is only one of presumably many players in the game. Your demands are both childish and irrelevant, the House of cards is coming down.
I can't help but notice you ignore everything you don't like. Keep marching towards the cliff lemming. Had you been paying attention you would see the problems.

As the Ukrainian financial institutions were allegedly under attack they moved towards more crypto. At the same time the West was looking into ways to limit thr Russians using crypto to avoid sanctions. FTX is only one of presumably many players in the game. Your demands are both childish and irrelevant, the House of cards is coming down.

So, to summarize your post....all you have are empty words and not one iota of evidence.

Thanks for playing!
So, to summarize your post....all you have are empty words and not one iota of evidence.

Thanks for playing!
Yet your contribution is even less, no surprise, just another ignorant liberal protecting Boss Biden. You're just another liberal shill with the attention span of a gnat.

Seeing as there is absolutely no oversight for the billions of dollars we have sent to that corrupt shithole known as the Ukraine, demanding anything from me is only a deflection because you were too stupid to demand accountability from the ones who are responsible. Typical .
Yet your contribution is even less, no surprise, just another ignorant liberal protecting Boss Biden. You're just another liberal shill with the attention span of a gnat.

Seeing as there is absolutely no oversight for the billions of dollars we have sent to that corrupt shithole known as the Ukraine, demanding anything from me is only a deflection because you were too stupid to demand accountability from the ones who are responsible. Typical .
No one here is protecting Biden. We are protecting the TRUTH, dipshit.

You claim Ukrianians sent money to FTX for the Democrats.

Nothing you have said has backed up that claim. At all.

All you have are red herrings, which is an admission of failure.

You know in your soul you have been hoaxed.
Yet your contribution is even less, no surprise, just another ignorant liberal protecting Boss Biden. You're just another liberal shill with the attention span of a gnat.

Seeing as there is absolutely no oversight for the billions of dollars we have sent to that corrupt shithole known as the Ukraine, demanding anything from me is only a deflection because you were too stupid to demand accountability from the ones who are responsible. Typical .

You are the one making the claim, so yes I do expect you to offer something to support it.

My mistake, not sure why I would have thought you were capable of doing such a thing.
Yet your contribution is even less, no surprise, just another ignorant liberal protecting Boss Biden. You're just another liberal shill with the attention span of a gnat.

Seeing as there is absolutely no oversight for the billions of dollars we have sent to that corrupt shithole known as the Ukraine, demanding anything from me is only a deflection because you were too stupid to demand accountability from the ones who are responsible. Typical .

A quote for you...

“A conspiracy theorist is a person who tacitly admits that they have insufficient data to prove their points.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson
A quote for you...

“A conspiracy theorist is a person who tacitly admits that they have insufficient data to prove their points.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson
A quote is all you can offer because you are too lazy to look at the larger issue at hand. Like a typical liberal you expect everyone else to provide everything for you. Sad.
Those facts aren't really even in dispute
The only question is is it normal procedure for Democrats ?
That's clearly a yes.
We all know that. The stupid Moon Bats are in denial but they always deny Democrat corruption.

Even when the Democrats netted a half billions dollars with the scam.
No one here is protecting Biden. We are protecting the TRUTH, dipshit.

You claim Ukrianians sent money to FTX for the Democrats.

Nothing you have said has backed up that claim. At all.

All you have are red herrings, which is an admission of failure.

You know in your soul you have been hoaxed.
I never claimed any such thing. You, being an ignorant lemming attached me to those who did. To be fair, some of the dots could easily connect to that conclusion. My concerns are far broader, but seeing as you only have an interest in lumping everyone that doesn't agree with you into a single group you are incapable of any real discussion.
I never claimed any such thing. You, being an ignorant lemming attached me to those who did. To be fair, some of the dots could easily connect to that conclusion. My concerns are far broader, but seeing as you only have an interest in lumping everyone that doesn't agree with you into a single group you are incapable of any real discussion.
You have been posting for hours now in a topic about the FAKE FTX scandal.

Where do you think you are?

So now you're denying you have been defending the hoax all this time!?!?

That's new.

A quote is all you can offer because you are too lazy to look at the larger issue at hand. Like a typical liberal you expect everyone else to provide everything for you. Sad.

I will look at whatever data you can give me. It is your claim and yet you expect me to support it for you.

Why make the claim if you cannot back it up?
For those who are too drunk or stoned or stupid to know where they are right now, this is a topic about the following hoax:

1. Democrats provided aid to Ukraine to fight off the Russian invasion. (Never mind Republicans did, too.)

2. Ukrainian officials gave money to FTX in return.

3. FTX laundered the money and gave it to Democrats.

All I've been asking for is evidence of #2.

The tard herd has come up with nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

They brought a basket of red herrings to a gunfight.

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