The Fall of the American Empire - Brought to you by Carl's Jr., and Paul Haacker (i.e. HACK)


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
Progressive doctrine are accusations that cannot be objectively supported. They're emotional statements that puts one into an easily accepted category. Those who don't support the doctrine are out-casts, Trump supporters, dangerous, racist, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

If you have Facebook you might have seen this. Couple of my progressive "Facebook friends" posted it and gave each other a bunch of high fives. A hush came over them when a pinch of reality was triggered. That won't change any minds, because history and horse-sense has no purpose. It's the narrative that's important and you can always turn away.

Would a civilized nation limit healthcare and food assistance to the poor: Fucking A right they would. All countries do and we always have. We're one of the few countries where nobody starves. What a HACK.

Leave crops rotting in fields: Fucking A right they would. All countries do and we always have. It's called capital, inventory, labor, economics and climate. I'll bet this HACK character is "well" educated.

Destroy the Educational system: Huh? I recognize progressives indoctrinate children. They pamper and fail to discipline children. They employ dishonest achievement scores from the student to administration. They call for open-borders so non-English people compromise the education and business of natural citizens. I recognize there are liberal budgets, safe spaces, and teachers aren't held accountable. But what I would like to know is, how have Republicans destroyed education?

Target women: Code for Ford must be believed. That and Kavanaugh is guilty of an idea until proved innocent. It's code for white male Republicans rape and pillage, and progressive Democrats don't. It's code for supporting Kavanaugh implies you abuse women. Democrats suffered the same consequence when Hillary lost. She lost because she's a woman.

Attempt to eliminate reproduction rights: Code for eliminate a woman's NON-reproductive rights. This has gone on for many many decades, and was once a much stronger debate. Nothing has occurred to trigger this alarm, but you know, emotionally responses TRUMP common sense and a dope's education in history.

Refusing to help babies: Wow, that's deep. Course it cannot be supported, only the indoctrinated HACKS believe this BS. They believe it because it pleases them.

Abuse DESPERATE immigrants: Code for turning away illegals, and the desire for open borders. That and all immigrants are seeking asylum. We'll disregard our borders have been protected to some level since?

Pretend to believe in Christianity while perverting yack yack yack: Code for everyone is a hypocrite/sinner etc., but it's Christians who must be held accountable, because it's Christianity that's a white man's evil. Doesn't matter that Christianity doesn't discriminate a person's color.

Refuse to protect Earth: Code for left the Paris Accord, global warming must be man-caused, etc. etc.: This HACK should look up the simple terms he's using, but you know, he's intellectually dishonest. Conservative strikes me as CONSERVATIVE. Not Prius conservative, but resource conservative. Dollars to donuts the average conservative pollutes less than the average liberal. And I recognize progressive often means wasteful and inefficient.


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Progressive doctrine are accusations that cannot be objectively supported. They're emotional statements that puts one into an easily accepted category. Those who don't support the doctrine are out-casts, Trump supporters, dangerous, racist, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

If you have Facebook you might have seen this. Couple of my progressive "Facebook friends" posted it and gave each other a bunch of high fives. A hush came over when a pinch reality was triggered. That won't change any minds, because history and horse-sense has no purpose. It's the narrative that's important and you can always turn away.

Would a civilized nation limit healthcare and food assistance to the poor: Fucking A right they would. All countries do and we always have. We're one of the few countries where nobody starves. What a HACK.

Leave crops rotting in fields: Fucking A right they would. All countries do and we always have. It's called capital, inventory, labor, economics and climate. I'll bet this HACK character is "well" educated.

Destroy the Educational system: Huh? I recognize progressives indoctrinate children. They pamper and fail to discipline children. They employ dishonest achievement scores from the student to administration. They call for open-borders so non-English people compromise the education and business of natural citizens. I recognize there are liberal budgets, safe spaces, and teachers aren't held accountable. But what I would like to know is, how have Republicans destroyed education?

Target women: Code for Ford must be believed. That and Kavanaugh is guilty of an idea until proved innocent. It's code for white male Republicans rape and pillage, and progressive Democrats don't. It's code for supporting Kavanaugh implies you abuse women. Democrats suffered the same consequence when Hillary lost. She lost because she's a woman.

Attempt to eliminate reproduction rights: Code for eliminate a woman's NON-reproductive rights. This has gone on for many many decades, and was once a much stronger debate. Nothing has occurred to trigger this alarm, but you know, emotionally responses TRUMP common sense and a dope's education in history.

Refusing to help babies: Wow, that's deep. Course it cannot be supported, only the indoctrinated HACKS believe this BS. They believe it because it pleases them.

Abuse DESPERATE immigrants: Code for turning away illegals, and the desire for open borders. That and all immigrants are seeking asylum. We'll disregard our borders have been protected to some level since?

Pretend to believe in Christianity while perverting yack yack yack: Code for everyone is a hypocrite/sinner etc., but it's Christians who must be held accountable, because it's Christianity that's a white man's evil. Doesn't matter that Christianity doesn't discriminate a person's color.

Refuse to protect Earth: Code for left the Paris Accord, global warming must be man-caused, etc. etc.: This HACK should look up the simple terms he's using, but you know, he's intellectually dishonest. Conservative strikes me as CONSERVATIVE. Not Prius conservative, but resource conservative. Dollars to donuts the average conservative pollutes less than the average liberal. And I recognize progressive often means wasteful and inefficient.


Canada better hope not. U.S. and Canadian interest are alligned more often than not. W/O the U.S. Canada is going to have to really pony up some NATO money to combat Chinese or Russian military influence and just hope the Middle East sorts itself.

FWIW, I think the U.S. jas a depopulation problem. High population in related to non farm or industrial land equals high demand for property and higher property values. We saw what happened a decade agowhen the market tanks. There goes the GDP which pays for the submarines.

How do u all see it?
Progressive doctrine are accusations that cannot be objectively supported. They're emotional statements that puts one into an easily accepted category. Those who don't support the doctrine are out-casts, Trump supporters, dangerous, racist, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

If you have Facebook you might have seen this. Couple of my progressive "Facebook friends" posted it and gave each other a bunch of high fives. A hush came over when a pinch reality was triggered. That won't change any minds, because history and horse-sense has no purpose. It's the narrative that's important and you can always turn away.

Would a civilized nation limit healthcare and food assistance to the poor: Fucking A right they would. All countries do and we always have. We're one of the few countries where nobody starves. What a HACK.

Leave crops rotting in fields: Fucking A right they would. All countries do and we always have. It's called capital, inventory, labor, economics and climate. I'll bet this HACK character is "well" educated.

Destroy the Educational system: Huh? I recognize progressives indoctrinate children. They pamper and fail to discipline children. They employ dishonest achievement scores from the student to administration. They call for open-borders so non-English people compromise the education and business of natural citizens. I recognize there are liberal budgets, safe spaces, and teachers aren't held accountable. But what I would like to know is, how have Republicans destroyed education?

Target women: Code for Ford must be believed. That and Kavanaugh is guilty of an idea until proved innocent. It's code for white male Republicans rape and pillage, and progressive Democrats don't. It's code for supporting Kavanaugh implies you abuse women. Democrats suffered the same consequence when Hillary lost. She lost because she's a woman.

Attempt to eliminate reproduction rights: Code for eliminate a woman's NON-reproductive rights. This has gone on for many many decades, and was once a much stronger debate. Nothing has occurred to trigger this alarm, but you know, emotionally responses TRUMP common sense and a dope's education in history.

Refusing to help babies: Wow, that's deep. Course it cannot be supported, only the indoctrinated HACKS believe this BS. They believe it because it pleases them.

Abuse DESPERATE immigrants: Code for turning away illegals, and the desire for open borders. That and all immigrants are seeking asylum. We'll disregard our borders have been protected to some level since?

Pretend to believe in Christianity while perverting yack yack yack: Code for everyone is a hypocrite/sinner etc., but it's Christians who must be held accountable, because it's Christianity that's a white man's evil. Doesn't matter that Christianity doesn't discriminate a person's color.

Refuse to protect Earth: Code for left the Paris Accord, global warming must be man-caused, etc. etc.: This HACK should look up the simple terms he's using, but you know, he's intellectually dishonest. Conservative strikes me as CONSERVATIVE. Not Prius conservative, but resource conservative. Dollars to donuts the average conservative pollutes less than the average liberal. And I recognize progressive often means wasteful and inefficient.


Canada better hope not. U.S. and Canadian interest are alligned more often than not. W/O the U.S. Canada is going to have to really pony up some NATO money to combat Chinese or Russian military influence and just hope the Middle East sorts itself.

FWIW, I think the U.S. jas a depopulation problem. High population in related to non farm or industrial land equals high demand for property and higher property values. We saw what happened a decade agowhen the market tanks. There goes the GDP which pays for the submarines.

How do u all see it?

Not sure what you mean by depopulation problem. Do you mean urban over-population problem? If so I agree, too many people, especially in urban areas.

Sure population increases property values. We're also impacted by low interest rates pushing values up. Both can perhaps trigger another crash, but I doubt we'll see such a crash under its own weight like before. Govt. and banks are more behaved (we hope) and I'm sure qualifications are more stringent. That and let's hope the consumer can do simple math, and have to EARN their house this time around.

Yeah housing appears expensive, but in my area market values are consistent with historic average, and we're a rapidly growing state. They'd be worth less, but we remain under a trend of historically low interest rates.
Progressive doctrine are accusations that cannot be objectively supported. They're emotional statements that puts one into an easily accepted category. Those who don't support the doctrine are out-casts, Trump supporters, dangerous, racist, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

If you have Facebook you might have seen this. Couple of my progressive "Facebook friends" posted it and gave each other a bunch of high fives. A hush came over when a pinch reality was triggered. That won't change any minds, because history and horse-sense has no purpose. It's the narrative that's important and you can always turn away.

Would a civilized nation limit healthcare and food assistance to the poor: Fucking A right they would. All countries do and we always have. We're one of the few countries where nobody starves. What a HACK.

Leave crops rotting in fields: Fucking A right they would. All countries do and we always have. It's called capital, inventory, labor, economics and climate. I'll bet this HACK character is "well" educated.

Destroy the Educational system: Huh? I recognize progressives indoctrinate children. They pamper and fail to discipline children. They employ dishonest achievement scores from the student to administration. They call for open-borders so non-English people compromise the education and business of natural citizens. I recognize there are liberal budgets, safe spaces, and teachers aren't held accountable. But what I would like to know is, how have Republicans destroyed education?

Target women: Code for Ford must be believed. That and Kavanaugh is guilty of an idea until proved innocent. It's code for white male Republicans rape and pillage, and progressive Democrats don't. It's code for supporting Kavanaugh implies you abuse women. Democrats suffered the same consequence when Hillary lost. She lost because she's a woman.

Attempt to eliminate reproduction rights: Code for eliminate a woman's NON-reproductive rights. This has gone on for many many decades, and was once a much stronger debate. Nothing has occurred to trigger this alarm, but you know, emotionally responses TRUMP common sense and a dope's education in history.

Refusing to help babies: Wow, that's deep. Course it cannot be supported, only the indoctrinated HACKS believe this BS. They believe it because it pleases them.

Abuse DESPERATE immigrants: Code for turning away illegals, and the desire for open borders. That and all immigrants are seeking asylum. We'll disregard our borders have been protected to some level since?

Pretend to believe in Christianity while perverting yack yack yack: Code for everyone is a hypocrite/sinner etc., but it's Christians who must be held accountable, because it's Christianity that's a white man's evil. Doesn't matter that Christianity doesn't discriminate a person's color.

Refuse to protect Earth: Code for left the Paris Accord, global warming must be man-caused, etc. etc.: This HACK should look up the simple terms he's using, but you know, he's intellectually dishonest. Conservative strikes me as CONSERVATIVE. Not Prius conservative, but resource conservative. Dollars to donuts the average conservative pollutes less than the average liberal. And I recognize progressive often means wasteful and inefficient.


Canada better hope not. U.S. and Canadian interest are alligned more often than not. W/O the U.S. Canada is going to have to really pony up some NATO money to combat Chinese or Russian military influence and just hope the Middle East sorts itself.

FWIW, I think the U.S. jas a depopulation problem. High population in related to non farm or industrial land equals high demand for property and higher property values. We saw what happened a decade agowhen the market tanks. There goes the GDP which pays for the submarines.

How do u all see it?

Not sure what you mean by depopulation problem. Do you mean urban over-population problem? If so I agree, too many people, especially in urban areas.

Sure population increases property values. We're also impacted by low interest rates pushing values up. Both can perhaps trigger another crash, but I doubt we'll see such a crash under its own weight like before. Govt. and banks are more behaved (we hope) and I'm sure qualifications are more stringent. That and let's hope the consumer can do simple math, and have to EARN their house this time around.

Yeah housing appears expensive, but in my area market values are consistent with historic average, and we're a rapidly growing state. They'd be worth less, but we remain under a trend of historically low interest rates.

De-Population like not enough people.

The U.S. has to maintain financial superiority over China and Russia if we are going to build a better space force to protect the free world. China passed us in overall GDP a few years back. Sorta mercifully they have more mouths to service so that eats some of their superiority. If trends continue they'll get on top.

Our rust belt cities have hollow decrepit cores. St Louis proper had 800,000 ppl around WWII. Now, 300,000. Gimme some immigrants so the city doesn't have to maintain those properties we do such a poor job of tearing down.

We also build houses out in the farm fields and even floodplains amazingly fast and that lowers demand for anything not new or in a trendy location.

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