The fallacy of black unwed births

CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
Your own numbers there say that over 80% of blacks were born out of wedlock.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.

The experts agree, IM2 posted bad numbers.
The CDC numbers are focusing on the national rate of births to all American unwed moms. You and the bald bigot gang are focusing on the stats showing the black rate of unwed births.

On a national level, it's clear that a trend over an 8 year period showing a 40% unwed birthrate affects us all in some way.

But RW conservatives don't see that 40% unwed birthrate as much an American problem as the purported 72/ 80+ black unwed birth rate.
Yet, as IM2 has pointed out, on a national level , the unwed black moms portion of that 40% of un wed births is 10.4%. That leaves the balance of the national figure at 29.6% for all other racial groups combined.
My question is that from a national perspective why focus on the black 10.4% when that 29.6% represents a larger numerically dominant issue.

Here is the scoop. That combined 40% of unwed births to all Americans is the real issue
and any cost to rectify it is going to be paid by all of us who work and pay taxes.
Frankly, though. I don't think the talking heads and so called social experts have done enough to make a good solid nexus between crime and unwed births. That's primarily because they have. assumed that unwed births automatically equates to single parenting and thus those fatherless kids tend to be come criminals. That isn't necessarily true. The present opiod abuse sweeping suburbia. is consuming white lives. Even with the apparent statistical advantage of two parent up bringing on their side, drug addiction is dragging .Hundreds of thousands of them down into criminality and suicide.
That’s a deflection of denial.
If blacks were truly integrated and assimilated, the broader numbers would apply. But we’re dealing with a self-segregating subculture that pumps out fatherless kids at a rate of 75%. That results in social demise in every predominantly black jurisdiction.
As the rate increases among whites, we’re seeing that manifest itself in other ways perhaps including school shootings. Until it reaches a majority among whites as it has with blacks, the problems won’t be as generally obvious.
Yup, please let us know when you understand what "rate" means.

I know what rate means but I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

So let me say this to you chicken wing, I asked your punk ass a question, a question you never answered. It was a question about whites and backs getting shot by police. A sissy like you are more than ready to tell us that blacks should not be complaining about this because more whites get shot by police. Your per capita and rate bullshit is never considered in situations like this. So what you are doing is weaseling out like the bitch you truly are.

Now go fetch me some grapes.

I know what rate means

You're lying.

I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

Racist belief?
White rates of unwed births are a big problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.

Higher black rates of unwed births are an even bigger problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.
Then why has the national crime rate been plummeting for decades.

Crime has been plummeting because criminals have been incarcerated.
Hard to commit crimes against the public when you're behind bars.

It would be interesting to see the data on criminal households.
How many were raised in 2 parent families versus single parent households.............
Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too. Due process is still applicable and adjudication is inevitable and reportable. See how ignorant you are?
Do you know how mantly black households there are? Keep in mind that 75% of blacks live above the poverty line while you are mulling over the data.
Where I live it’s mostly black and the median income is $73k yet we have high crime and failing schools. Mostly fatherless.
See, this is the sort of silly crap I don't usually bother responding to. Apefreaka? What's the point of trying to talk to someone who makes up that sort of term? Either the post is just trolling for a reaction, or the person really thinks that is a good term to use, and therefore appears incapable of having a rational discussion.
What does thinking it's a good term to use have to do with debating ability? The shitskin IM2 won't "debate" except to say he's right and we're wrong. That's the extend of his debating "abilities."

"Aprefreaka" and "shitskin" puts you on about the same level as "I'm right and you're wrong."
What choice do I have? He makes up his own statistics and refuses to back them up when asked to do so. At this point, I'm pointing and laughing at the monkey at the zoo behind the glass because there's nothing more I can do.

When someone uses statistics poorly, or does not provide evidence to back up a claim, you are forced to use idiotic racist terminology? Really?
After the hundredth time of asking for supporting evidence and reading utterly retarded crap from them (see my signature), yes!

If you are incapable of posting on a message board without using terms like "Apefreaka" or "shitskin," regardless of how many posts someone has made without supporting evidence, you have a problem. ;)
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
Your own numbers there say that over 80% of blacks were born out of wedlock.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.

The experts agree, IM2 posted bad numbers.
The CDC numbers are focusing on the national rate of births to all American unwed moms. You and the bald bigot gang are focusing on the stats showing the black rate of unwed births.

On a national level, it's clear that a trend over an 8 year period showing a 40% unwed birthrate affects us all in some way.

But RW conservatives don't see that 40% unwed birthrate as much an American problem as the purported 72/ 80+ black unwed birth rate.
Yet, as IM2 has pointed out, on a national level , the unwed black moms portion of that 40% of un wed births is 10.4%. That leaves the balance of the national figure at 29.6% for all other racial groups combined.
My question is that from a national perspective why focus on the black 10.4% when that 29.6% represents a larger numerically dominant issue.

Here is the scoop. That combined 40% of unwed births to all Americans is the real issue
and any cost to rectify it is going to be paid by all of us who work and pay taxes.
Frankly, though. I don't think the talking heads and so called social experts have done enough to make a good solid nexus between crime and unwed births. That's primarily because they have. assumed that unwed births automatically equates to single parenting and thus those fatherless kids tend to be come criminals. That isn't necessarily true. The present opiod abuse sweeping suburbia. is consuming white lives. Even with the apparent statistical advantage of two parent up bringing on their side, drug addiction is dragging .Hundreds of thousands of them down into criminality and suicide.
That’s a deflection of denial.
If blacks were truly integrated and assimilated, the broader numbers would apply. But we’re dealing with a self-segregating subculture that pumps out fatherless kids at a rate of 75%. That results in social demise in every predominantly black jurisdiction.
As the rate increases among whites, we’re seeing that manifest itself in other ways perhaps including school shootings. Until it reaches a majority among whites as it has with blacks, the problems won’t be as generally obvious.
Blacks are American citizens. They have tried to assimilate but the larger dominant white society has resisted those efforts. But that doesn't negate the concerns over a national unwed birth rate of 40%. Logically if we think that's a bad thing that leads to crime, those 29.6% of other than black unwed births, should be of more concern than the 10.4% blacks contribute to the 40% on the whole.
What does thinking it's a good term to use have to do with debating ability? The shitskin IM2 won't "debate" except to say he's right and we're wrong. That's the extend of his debating "abilities."

"Aprefreaka" and "shitskin" puts you on about the same level as "I'm right and you're wrong."
What choice do I have? He makes up his own statistics and refuses to back them up when asked to do so. At this point, I'm pointing and laughing at the monkey at the zoo behind the glass because there's nothing more I can do.

When someone uses statistics poorly, or does not provide evidence to back up a claim, you are forced to use idiotic racist terminology? Really?
After the hundredth time of asking for supporting evidence and reading utterly retarded crap from them (see my signature), yes!

If you are incapable of posting on a message board without using terms like "Apefreaka" or "shitskin," regardless of how many posts someone has made without supporting evidence, you have a problem. ;)
But it’s OK for blacks to incessantly say nigg&r.
"Aprefreaka" and "shitskin" puts you on about the same level as "I'm right and you're wrong."
What choice do I have? He makes up his own statistics and refuses to back them up when asked to do so. At this point, I'm pointing and laughing at the monkey at the zoo behind the glass because there's nothing more I can do.
Did he make up that national figure showing 40% of babies born to American mothers have been out of wedlock every year for the past 8 years? Or was it the CDC?
He made up the one about whites being retarded violent criminals at higher rates than blacks.
Not really! History trumps the FBI crime data.
Google your history and let the millions of murdered souls speak to you.
FBI crime data is a reflection of how whites and blacks behave in a similar environment. Like the average shitskin, you don't want a scientific, level playing field because it will show your race to be inferior.

That is a broad and inaccurate statement. FBI crime data is just that, data on crimes. It is not limited to blacks and whites. It does not necessarily say anything about whether the environment is similar for those involved in the data. If blacks commit or are convicted of more crimes than other races, or at a higher rate, it does not mean blacks are inferior. In this instance, you would at best be taking correlation and assuming causation.
"Aprefreaka" and "shitskin" puts you on about the same level as "I'm right and you're wrong."
What choice do I have? He makes up his own statistics and refuses to back them up when asked to do so. At this point, I'm pointing and laughing at the monkey at the zoo behind the glass because there's nothing more I can do.

When someone uses statistics poorly, or does not provide evidence to back up a claim, you are forced to use idiotic racist terminology? Really?
After the hundredth time of asking for supporting evidence and reading utterly retarded crap from them (see my signature), yes!

If you are incapable of posting on a message board without using terms like "Apefreaka" or "shitskin," regardless of how many posts someone has made without supporting evidence, you have a problem. ;)
But it’s OK for blacks to incessantly say nigg&r.

If you say so. I don't care for it, myself.
Your own numbers there say that over 80% of blacks were born out of wedlock.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.

The experts agree, IM2 posted bad numbers.
The CDC numbers are focusing on the national rate of births to all American unwed moms. You and the bald bigot gang are focusing on the stats showing the black rate of unwed births.

On a national level, it's clear that a trend over an 8 year period showing a 40% unwed birthrate affects us all in some way.

But RW conservatives don't see that 40% unwed birthrate as much an American problem as the purported 72/ 80+ black unwed birth rate.
Yet, as IM2 has pointed out, on a national level , the unwed black moms portion of that 40% of un wed births is 10.4%. That leaves the balance of the national figure at 29.6% for all other racial groups combined.
My question is that from a national perspective why focus on the black 10.4% when that 29.6% represents a larger numerically dominant issue.

Here is the scoop. That combined 40% of unwed births to all Americans is the real issue
and any cost to rectify it is going to be paid by all of us who work and pay taxes.
Frankly, though. I don't think the talking heads and so called social experts have done enough to make a good solid nexus between crime and unwed births. That's primarily because they have. assumed that unwed births automatically equates to single parenting and thus those fatherless kids tend to be come criminals. That isn't necessarily true. The present opiod abuse sweeping suburbia. is consuming white lives. Even with the apparent statistical advantage of two parent up bringing on their side, drug addiction is dragging .Hundreds of thousands of them down into criminality and suicide.
That’s a deflection of denial.
If blacks were truly integrated and assimilated, the broader numbers would apply. But we’re dealing with a self-segregating subculture that pumps out fatherless kids at a rate of 75%. That results in social demise in every predominantly black jurisdiction.
As the rate increases among whites, we’re seeing that manifest itself in other ways perhaps including school shootings. Until it reaches a majority among whites as it has with blacks, the problems won’t be as generally obvious.
Blacks are American citizens. They have tried to assimilate but the larger dominant white society has resisted those efforts. But that doesn't negate the concerns over a national unwed birth rate of 40%. Logically if we think that's a bad thing that leads to crime, those 29.6% of other than black unwed births, should be of more concern than the 10.4% blacks contribute to the 40% on the whole.
The Democrat party and the acquiescence of blacks has caused the post-civil rights segregation, not whites in the name of whiteness.
Just check the countless organizations and events and museums that exist in the name of blackness and not only blacks with an American heritage. Like Obama, the offspring of an African National absentee father raised by whites but still hailed as black by self-segregating blacks.
I know what rate means but I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

So let me say this to you chicken wing, I asked your punk ass a question, a question you never answered. It was a question about whites and backs getting shot by police. A sissy like you are more than ready to tell us that blacks should not be complaining about this because more whites get shot by police. Your per capita and rate bullshit is never considered in situations like this. So what you are doing is weaseling out like the bitch you truly are.

Now go fetch me some grapes.

I know what rate means

You're lying.

I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

Racist belief?
White rates of unwed births are a big problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.

Higher black rates of unwed births are an even bigger problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.
Then why has the national crime rate been plummeting for decades.

Crime has been plummeting because criminals have been incarcerated.
Hard to commit crimes against the public when you're behind bars.

It would be interesting to see the data on criminal households.
How many were raised in 2 parent families versus single parent households.............
Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too. Due process is still applicable and adjudication is inevitable and reportable. See how ignorant you are?
Do you know how mantly black households there are? Keep in mind that 75% of blacks live above the poverty line while you are mulling over the data.
Where I live it’s mostly black and the median income is $73k yet we have high crime and failing schools. Mostly fatherless.
Where do you live? I find it hard to believe that. high crime would thrive in a place with a high tax base. Surely the local politicians there would be wealithy enough to have clout don at city hall.
I know what rate means

You're lying.

I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

Racist belief?
White rates of unwed births are a big problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.

Higher black rates of unwed births are an even bigger problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.
Then why has the national crime rate been plummeting for decades.

Crime has been plummeting because criminals have been incarcerated.
Hard to commit crimes against the public when you're behind bars.

It would be interesting to see the data on criminal households.
How many were raised in 2 parent families versus single parent households.............
Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too. Due process is still applicable and adjudication is inevitable and reportable. See how ignorant you are?
Do you know how mantly black households there are? Keep in mind that 75% of blacks live above the poverty line while you are mulling over the data.
Where I live it’s mostly black and the median income is $73k yet we have high crime and failing schools. Mostly fatherless.
Where do you live? I find it hard to believe that. high crime would thrive in a place with a high tax base. Surely the local politicians there would be wealithy enough to have clout don at city hall.
PG County, MD. The issue isn’t addressed because it conflicts with Democrat agendas. They’ve been in denial and deflection here for over 30 years.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.

The experts agree, IM2 posted bad numbers.
The CDC numbers are focusing on the national rate of births to all American unwed moms. You and the bald bigot gang are focusing on the stats showing the black rate of unwed births.

On a national level, it's clear that a trend over an 8 year period showing a 40% unwed birthrate affects us all in some way.

But RW conservatives don't see that 40% unwed birthrate as much an American problem as the purported 72/ 80+ black unwed birth rate.
Yet, as IM2 has pointed out, on a national level , the unwed black moms portion of that 40% of un wed births is 10.4%. That leaves the balance of the national figure at 29.6% for all other racial groups combined.
My question is that from a national perspective why focus on the black 10.4% when that 29.6% represents a larger numerically dominant issue.

Here is the scoop. That combined 40% of unwed births to all Americans is the real issue
and any cost to rectify it is going to be paid by all of us who work and pay taxes.
Frankly, though. I don't think the talking heads and so called social experts have done enough to make a good solid nexus between crime and unwed births. That's primarily because they have. assumed that unwed births automatically equates to single parenting and thus those fatherless kids tend to be come criminals. That isn't necessarily true. The present opiod abuse sweeping suburbia. is consuming white lives. Even with the apparent statistical advantage of two parent up bringing on their side, drug addiction is dragging .Hundreds of thousands of them down into criminality and suicide.
That’s a deflection of denial.
If blacks were truly integrated and assimilated, the broader numbers would apply. But we’re dealing with a self-segregating subculture that pumps out fatherless kids at a rate of 75%. That results in social demise in every predominantly black jurisdiction.
As the rate increases among whites, we’re seeing that manifest itself in other ways perhaps including school shootings. Until it reaches a majority among whites as it has with blacks, the problems won’t be as generally obvious.
Blacks are American citizens. They have tried to assimilate but the larger dominant white society has resisted those efforts. But that doesn't negate the concerns over a national unwed birth rate of 40%. Logically if we think that's a bad thing that leads to crime, those 29.6% of other than black unwed births, should be of more concern than the 10.4% blacks contribute to the 40% on the whole.
The Democrat party and the acquiescence of blacks has caused the post-civil rights segregation, not whites in the name of whiteness.
Just check the countless organizations and events and museums that exist in the name of blackness and not only blacks with an American heritage. Like Obama, the offspring of an African National absentee father raised by whites but still hailed as black by self-segregating blacks.
Last time i checkef most democrats were white. But.segregation never really stopped as far as assimilation is concerned. Yes, black wealth can now be more efficiently drained by white businesses now, but; little else has really changed. Frankly, Blacks were more prosperous during American apartheid.

Does that sound strange? It shouldn't. Just listen to yourself and the answer about self segration booms like a clap of thunder. Your ilk doesn't want social and economic integration between blacks and whites. You don't want your kids going to school with nlack children. You have been socially conditioned to hate black people...and have many American blacks too been conditioned to hate themselves. And that social order was constructed by whites from all political parties including democrats and republicans.
Yup, please let us know when you understand what "rate" means.

I know what rate means but I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

So let me say this to you chicken wing, I asked your punk ass a question, a question you never answered. It was a question about whites and backs getting shot by police. A sissy like you are more than ready to tell us that blacks should not be complaining about this because more whites get shot by police. Your per capita and rate bullshit is never considered in situations like this. So what you are doing is weaseling out like the bitch you truly are.

Now go fetch me some grapes.

I know what rate means

You're lying.

I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

Racist belief?
White rates of unwed births are a big problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.

Higher black rates of unwed births are an even bigger problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.
Then why has the national crime rate been plummeting for decades.

Crime has been plummeting because criminals have been incarcerated.
Hard to commit crimes against the public when you're behind bars.

It would be interesting to see the data on criminal households.
How many were raised in 2 parent families versus single parent households.............
Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too. Due process is still applicable and adjudication is inevitable and reportable. See how ignorant you are?
Do you know how mantly black households there are? Keep in mind that 75% of blacks live above the poverty line while you are mulling over the data.

Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too.

Still fewer chances to commit them behind bars.
The politically-incorrect truth is that human evolution in different environments resulted in physiological traits that effect behavior.

Africans evolved in a hot climate with abundant food so they did not need to plan ahead the way Europeans and Asians did. Especially the groups that had to survive the Ice age, they had to learn to store their food. This led to an overall higher IQ and more empathy for their fellow man.

Black men like to brag about their virility and the size of their penises, and it's not untrue that they have higher testosterone levels. It's why they tend to excel in certain sports and have more muscle mass.
Black Males and Testosterone Evolution and Perspectives

Testosterone levels affect the propensity towards aggressive behavior.
Testosterone and Aggressive Behavior in Man

Black people tend to have a lower IQ:
Race Differences In IQ Mostly Genetic, Not Cultural

They also tend to be more impulsive and prefer instant gratification opposed to delaying gratification for a better outcome:
Then why has the national crime rate been plummeting for decades.

Crime has been plummeting because criminals have been incarcerated.
Hard to commit crimes against the public when you're behind bars.

It would be interesting to see the data on criminal households.
How many were raised in 2 parent families versus single parent households.............
Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too. Due process is still applicable and adjudication is inevitable and reportable. See how ignorant you are?
Do you know how mantly black households there are? Keep in mind that 75% of blacks live above the poverty line while you are mulling over the data.
Where I live it’s mostly black and the median income is $73k yet we have high crime and failing schools. Mostly fatherless.
Where do you live? I find it hard to believe that. high crime would thrive in a place with a high tax base. Surely the local politicians there would be wealithy enough to have clout don at city hall.
PG County, MD. The issue isn’t addressed because it conflicts with Democrat agendas. They’ve been in denial and deflection here for over 30 years.
I was stationed in Maryland back in the early 70s at APG. At that time inner city Baltimore was undergoing re-gentrification. Homes and apartments were sold for 1 dollar and young white and upwardly mobile buppies (black entrepreneurs) came in to revitilize the center of the city and repair the urban blight that had taken hold. I don't know how that turned out but is that regentrified inner city in Baltimore county typical of your location in PG county?
  • Thanks
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I know what rate means but I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

So let me say this to you chicken wing, I asked your punk ass a question, a question you never answered. It was a question about whites and backs getting shot by police. A sissy like you are more than ready to tell us that blacks should not be complaining about this because more whites get shot by police. Your per capita and rate bullshit is never considered in situations like this. So what you are doing is weaseling out like the bitch you truly are.

Now go fetch me some grapes.

I know what rate means

You're lying.

I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

Racist belief?
White rates of unwed births are a big problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.

Higher black rates of unwed births are an even bigger problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.
Then why has the national crime rate been plummeting for decades.

Crime has been plummeting because criminals have been incarcerated.
Hard to commit crimes against the public when you're behind bars.

It would be interesting to see the data on criminal households.
How many were raised in 2 parent families versus single parent households.............
Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too. Due process is still applicable and adjudication is inevitable and reportable. See how ignorant you are?
Do you know how mantly black households there are? Keep in mind that 75% of blacks live above the poverty line while you are mulling over the data.

Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too.

Still fewer chances to commit them behind bars.
Says who? Is that an assumption?
The experts agree, IM2 posted bad numbers.
The CDC numbers are focusing on the national rate of births to all American unwed moms. You and the bald bigot gang are focusing on the stats showing the black rate of unwed births.

On a national level, it's clear that a trend over an 8 year period showing a 40% unwed birthrate affects us all in some way.

But RW conservatives don't see that 40% unwed birthrate as much an American problem as the purported 72/ 80+ black unwed birth rate.
Yet, as IM2 has pointed out, on a national level , the unwed black moms portion of that 40% of un wed births is 10.4%. That leaves the balance of the national figure at 29.6% for all other racial groups combined.
My question is that from a national perspective why focus on the black 10.4% when that 29.6% represents a larger numerically dominant issue.

Here is the scoop. That combined 40% of unwed births to all Americans is the real issue
and any cost to rectify it is going to be paid by all of us who work and pay taxes.
Frankly, though. I don't think the talking heads and so called social experts have done enough to make a good solid nexus between crime and unwed births. That's primarily because they have. assumed that unwed births automatically equates to single parenting and thus those fatherless kids tend to be come criminals. That isn't necessarily true. The present opiod abuse sweeping suburbia. is consuming white lives. Even with the apparent statistical advantage of two parent up bringing on their side, drug addiction is dragging .Hundreds of thousands of them down into criminality and suicide.
That’s a deflection of denial.
If blacks were truly integrated and assimilated, the broader numbers would apply. But we’re dealing with a self-segregating subculture that pumps out fatherless kids at a rate of 75%. That results in social demise in every predominantly black jurisdiction.
As the rate increases among whites, we’re seeing that manifest itself in other ways perhaps including school shootings. Until it reaches a majority among whites as it has with blacks, the problems won’t be as generally obvious.
Blacks are American citizens. They have tried to assimilate but the larger dominant white society has resisted those efforts. But that doesn't negate the concerns over a national unwed birth rate of 40%. Logically if we think that's a bad thing that leads to crime, those 29.6% of other than black unwed births, should be of more concern than the 10.4% blacks contribute to the 40% on the whole.
The Democrat party and the acquiescence of blacks has caused the post-civil rights segregation, not whites in the name of whiteness.
Just check the countless organizations and events and museums that exist in the name of blackness and not only blacks with an American heritage. Like Obama, the offspring of an African National absentee father raised by whites but still hailed as black by self-segregating blacks.
Last time i checkef most democrats were white. But.segregation never really stopped as far as assimilation is concerned. Yes, black wealth can now be more efficiently drained by white businesses now, but; little else has really changed. Frankly, Blacks were more prosperous during American apartheid.

Does that sound strange? It shouldn't. Just listen to yourself and the answer about self segration booms like a clap of thunder. Your ilk doesn't want social and economic integration between blacks and whites. You don't want your kids going to school with nlack children. You have been socially conditioned to hate black people...and have many American blacks too been conditioned to hate themselves. And that social order was constructed by whites from all political parties including democrats and republicans.
That’s a bullshit response. Blacks moved into my locale and I didn’t flee. Don’t lay that on me. Take it up with your segregationist Ilk.
Crime has been plummeting because criminals have been incarcerated.
Hard to commit crimes against the public when you're behind bars.

It would be interesting to see the data on criminal households.
How many were raised in 2 parent families versus single parent households.............
Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too. Due process is still applicable and adjudication is inevitable and reportable. See how ignorant you are?
Do you know how mantly black households there are? Keep in mind that 75% of blacks live above the poverty line while you are mulling over the data.
Where I live it’s mostly black and the median income is $73k yet we have high crime and failing schools. Mostly fatherless.
Where do you live? I find it hard to believe that. high crime would thrive in a place with a high tax base. Surely the local politicians there would be wealithy enough to have clout don at city hall.
PG County, MD. The issue isn’t addressed because it conflicts with Democrat agendas. They’ve been in denial and deflection here for over 30 years.
I was stationed in Maryland back in the early 70s at APG. At that time inner city Baltimore was undergoing re-gentrification. Homes and apartments were sold for 1 dollar and young white and upwardly mobile buppies (black entrepreneurs) came in to revitilize the center of the city and repair the urban blight that had taken hold. I don't know how that turned out but is that regentrified inner city in Baltimore county typical of your location in PG county?
It’s gentrification, not regentrification and that’s just a euphemism for white lefties pricing blacks out of town.
And it’s the opposite of PG County.
What choice do I have? He makes up his own statistics and refuses to back them up when asked to do so. At this point, I'm pointing and laughing at the monkey at the zoo behind the glass because there's nothing more I can do.
Did he make up that national figure showing 40% of babies born to American mothers have been out of wedlock every year for the past 8 years? Or was it the CDC?
He made up the one about whites being retarded violent criminals at higher rates than blacks.
Not really! History trumps the FBI crime data.
Google your history and let the millions of murdered souls speak to you.
FBI crime data is a reflection of how whites and blacks behave in a similar environment. Like the average shitskin, you don't want a scientific, level playing field because it will show your race to be inferior.

That is a broad and inaccurate statement. FBI crime data is just that, data on crimes. It is not limited to blacks and whites.
I didn't say that that's all it does. I was describing how it was relevant here.
It does not necessarily say anything about whether the environment is similar for those involved in the data. If blacks commit or are convicted of more crimes than other races, or at a higher rate, it does not mean blacks are inferior. In this instance, you would at best be taking correlation and assuming causation.
The environment is quite similar. Not identical, but far better than what IM2 would give you with his World War references. And the violent crime rates are hardly all I go by when saying blacks are dumber. There are other things, like IQ tests, ability to run their countries, school performance, my conversations with dumb blacks on this forum, etc... If I only used one of those to make my conclusion, then you'd be right in calling it somewhat premature. But that's not the case.
I know what rate means

You're lying.

I don't dismiss totals to use rate as an excuse deny and perpetuate a false racist belief.

Racist belief?
White rates of unwed births are a big problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.

Higher black rates of unwed births are an even bigger problem.
They'll lead to higher drop out rates, higher crime rates and higher poverty rates.
Then why has the national crime rate been plummeting for decades.

Crime has been plummeting because criminals have been incarcerated.
Hard to commit crimes against the public when you're behind bars.

It would be interesting to see the data on criminal households.
How many were raised in 2 parent families versus single parent households.............
Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too. Due process is still applicable and adjudication is inevitable and reportable. See how ignorant you are?
Do you know how mantly black households there are? Keep in mind that 75% of blacks live above the poverty line while you are mulling over the data.

Serious crimes commited behind bars are part of the data too.

Still fewer chances to commit them behind bars.
Says who? Is that an assumption?

Says who?

Says me.

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