The fallacy of self defence by gun

I've always stated that needing a gun for self defence was a fallacy, and we all know it is. So what's with the gun nuts running off and copying pasting articles from shady sources?

Well look no further, just simply check with Harvard and the studies -

Pardon the pun, Harvard blow holes in the gun nut's self defence argument.

So anyone arming up for the mistaken belief they need to for self defence against others, they're the worst candidate to own a gun.
Here's the thing that blows a huge hole in that Harvard study, Caveman! It's almost impossible to calculate how many violent crimes are prevented by just the possibility that "victims" might have a gun! Criminals will almost always target the weak. If they know that their target isn't allowed to have a weapon then they know that they're free to target them with impunity! If they're not sure...if they think that victim might be armed...they may not even attempt an assault!
*cough* Baron von Steuben *cough*
Baron Von Steuben only trained Washington’s troops. There were several other armies as well as numerous militia outfits like Francis Marion’s that gave the British and Prussians hell without a lick of formal training.
I've always stated that needing a gun for self defence was a fallacy, and we all know it is. So what's with the gun nuts running off and copying pasting articles from shady sources?

Well look no further, just simply check with Harvard and the studies -

Pardon the pun, Harvard blow holes in the gun nut's self defence argument.

So anyone arming up for the mistaken belief they need to for self defence against others, they're the worst candidate to own a gun.
The quote below is from the author named in the study David Hemenway. It's shows a biased opinion on firearms and negates any conclusions he made.

"Instead of it being the mark of a real man that you can shoot somebody at 50 feet and kill them with a gun, the mark of a real man is that you would never do anything like that. . . . The gun is a great equalizer because it makes wimps as dangerous as people who really have skill and bravery and so I’d like to have this notion that anyone using a gun is a wuss. They aren’t anybody to be looked up to. They’re somebody to look down at because they couldn’t defend themselves or couldn’t protect others without using a gun."
Baron Von Steuben only trained Washington’s troops. There were several other armies as well as numerous militia outfits like Francis Marion’s that gave the British and Prussians hell without a lick of formal training.
Ah, yes, Mel Gibson's "Patriot", more terrorist than freedom fighter. "But when he wasn't forging the land of the free, it seems that Marion was slaughtering Indians for fun and regularly raping his female slaves." Mel Gibson's latest hero: a rapist who hunted Indians for fun

Oh, BTW Prussia was "neutral" at the time.
From the Harvard Study where they randomly dialed people, not necessarily gun owners:

"All reported cases of criminal gun use, as well as many of the so-called self-defense gun uses, appear to be socially undesirable."

"We found that guns in the home are used more often to frighten intimates than to thwart crime; other weapons are far more commonly used against intruders than are guns."

This is reality, Greg

"The best estimates are that guns are used to deter or thwart crime between 500,000 and 2.8 million times per year, but the more likely answer is probably somewhere in the middle. A 2021 survey2 estimated that guns are used 1.67 million times per year in self defense in the United States."

"31.1% of all gun owners who took the survey said that they had used their firearm in self defense at least once “even if it was not fired or displayed” (not including law enforcement, security, or military service)."

"No shots were fired in 81.9% of those defensive use cases. 50.9% of the time, displaying the firearm was sufficient to scare off the attacker; 31% of the time, simply telling someone they were armed prevented the attack from taking place. Only 18.1% of the time was firing the gun required to defend their life."

How Often Are Guns Used in Self Defense? | Stats [2023]
I've always stated that needing a gun for self defence was a fallacy, and we all know it is. So what's with the gun nuts running off and copying pasting articles from shady sources?

Well look no further, just simply check with Harvard and the studies -

Pardon the pun, Harvard blow holes in the gun nut's self defence argument.

So anyone arming up for the mistaken belief they need to for self defence against others, they're the worst candidate to own a gun.
so when do you want the military to give up all those bad guns.....they made a great start in afganistan arming the taliban wiht our guns
so when do you want the military to give up all those bad guns.....they made a great start in Afghanistan arming the taliban wiht our guns
I might be wrong, but I think this was covered in the thread, well, I think it was this thread, I suggest you read through it.
I might be wrong, but I think this was covered in the thread, well, I think it was this thread, I suggest you read through it.

It is weird that you never address the fact that after disarming their people.......the European governments then went on to murder 15 million innocent men, women and children...........more people murdered by their own governments than the entire number of people murdered with guns in the entire 246 year history of the U.S......and you guys did it all in just 6 years...

Odd you won't comment on that......I mean, if only government should have guns, those 15 million innocent murder victims should be a pretty good counter argument........

Hey.......maybe you can explain this to us Yanks.....if guns are the issue...why is it that more white Americans own guns, yet more blacks, who own fewer guns, murder more people?

I mean.....if guns are the cause of murder and all....

The US white murder rate is comparable to that of the World Bank High Income nations. The US Latino murder rate is comparable to that of the World Bank Lower Middle Income Nations. The US black murder rate is double the World Bank Lower Income nations and also more than double Africa.

But as high as the US black rate is, it doesn’t approach the murder rate in most of the rest of the western hemisphere to the south of the USA. Mexico is worse than black America, Brazil is worse than Mexico, and El Salvador is the nuttiest war zone of them all, almost tripling black America.

So anyone arming up for the mistaken belief they need to for self defence against others, they're the worst candidate to own a gun.

That is such a preposterously absurd statement that it must have been meant as a joke, right? But then, it was made by an illiterate guy who calls himself Captain Caveman who can't even SPELL the word 'defense,' but we are still supposed to believe you are capable of putting forth a cogent theory of human rights and activity?

They can't explain why gun murder and gun crime in the U.S. went down from the 1990s to 2015 as millions and millions of Americans owned and carried guns....

They can't explain why whites own more guns, but commit less gun murder, while blacks own fewer guns but commit more gun murder....

Just screaming "Guns," doesn't cover it.....
They can't explain why gun murder and gun crime in the U.S. went down from the 1990s to 2015 as millions and millions of Americans owned and carried guns....

They can't explain why whites own more guns, but commit less gun murder, while blacks own fewer guns but commit more gun murder....

Just screaming "Guns," doesn't cover it.....
They also can't explain why the murder rate is almost exactly what it was in 1950

Or why the murder rate in the UK is no lower than it was before all their draconian gun laws were passed

But then again if you punch some asshole who breaks into your home in the UK you are more likely to go to jail than the fucking criminal.
/----/ Get a load of the crap going on in one of your Blue States.
The California governor clearly wants to keep the kind of power that accelerated during the pandemic years. In addition to seemingly endless COVID emergencies, there are many more on the books and more to come.

Wildfires, weather, water… it’s always something else. Newsom knows that any emergency decree quickly steps up control over citizens, creating additional government power while the people lose more of theirs.
Since the state’s COVID emergencies are finally off his "emergency orders" list, there is no shortage of new opportunities for Newsom. Cranking out more "emergencies" keeps him in the public eye as the governor seeks more national exposure for his presumed presidential run.

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