The fallacy of self defence by gun

Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff. Can you smell that? What a load of bullshit. You hide behind a gun to compensate, and you struggle in the outside world. That's how your education system raises you, filling your minds with bullshit.
Sniffle…Sniffle…Sniffle. Can you hear that? That’s a foreign pussy *crying* like a small child because he’s afraid of an inanimate object and upset that he can’t prevent Americans from owning that inanimate object.

Cry some more, foreign little pussy. :laugh:
Wow, the UK education system really fails in teaching you twits how to read or comprehend the written word.
Hello, we haven't met. Ah, yes. I apologise. My use of the word "you" was meant to be plural, as in Americans in general, not yourself in particular. I failed to make that clear.
Now tell us how such a similar situation would play out over there in the UK, where you aren't allowed to be armed, if you were in my son's place. I'm sure you can spin some unrealistic fictional and distorted version where mighty 'you' beat off the crowd and get away.
I can as it happens. Back in the late 1970's early 80's I was a bit of a party animal at weekends, and would often chose to walk/stagger home in the early hours from the city centre to where I lived in the suburbs, about 3 miles or so; the walk helped to sober me up. Well, one night on one of my walks home as I neared my house, I noticed there were three men walking behind me a fair distance away. I thought nothing of it at first, but decided to cross the road and take a small detour. When they immediately mirrored my actions and began to close the distance between us, it triggered alarm bells in my head, so I increased my pace and crossed the road again. This time one of them followed me while the other two remained on the other side of the road. Now, I have had a few street fights in my time and knew I'd have a reasonable chance against one opponent, but three would be pushing my luck to breaking point so as I neared home I suddenly broke into a run and ran around a corner and into a narrow, dark, dead end alleyway. I hid in the shadows as they ran by and waited. I chose this spot to make a stand because 1) they'd have to come at me one at a time from the front increasing my odds and 2) as the alleyway was an obvious dead end, I gambled that they'd never think I'd be that stupid. Well after a while they came back and discussed where I had gone, eventually deciding to "hunt" elsewhere. My gamble paid off, no guns or any other weapons were used or needed.
Even more sadly, you don't know squat about America or it's citizens, nor about our gun regulations for legal acquisition and ownership.
And likely your the sort whom would shoot himself, or an innocent bystander if you ever did get your hands on a firearm.
As I said, we've not met. Before the 1996 hand gun ban, I was a member of two gun clubs, and owned three hand guns. In my time in both civilian life and the military, I've fired every calibre of gun and rifle from .22 to .50cal. I won't count the tank guns, mortars or ATGWs I've fired as they aren't really relevent.
Oh, and until 2aguy started cropping up on the Europe forum here preaching his mantra about how our gun control laws don't work, I wasn't in the least bit interested in your gun laws or lack of them. So you can thank 2aguy for my continuing presence and contributions here.
Even more sadly, you don't know squat about America or it's citizens, nor about our gun regulations for legal acquisition and ownership.
And likely your the sort whom would shoot himself, or an innocent bystander if you ever did get your hands on a firearm.
I know more than you think cupcake. Some Brits do have relatives in the US, and some Brits do visit and speak to them. You guys don't venture outside America.
^^ Another retard hiding behind a gun, ^ in shit talk mode - again.
I’m not armed, pussy. I’m not hiding at all. I’m just calling you out as being the obvious retard shit talker you are.

Look. Don’t cry. I do make fun of you. That’s true. But I mean, it’s not like you don’t deserve to be ridiculed. Everything about you is ridiculous. 👍
You hide behind guns because of your tiny dicks. Hence the macho crap you guys come out with.

"Der, come and, der, talk me guns, der".

What is it with you guys and your fixation on the penis? We talk about guys start to sweat, shake, and you think about the really need to get help...your psycho sexual focus is off....guns are not penises...they are not sex toys....get help before you hurt yourself....
What is it with you guys and your fixation on the penis? We talk about guys start to sweat, shake, and you think about the really need to get help...your psycho sexual focus is off....guns are not penises...they are not sex toys....get help before you hurt yourself....
Because you need to compensate. Other Western countries get on with their lives, you guys it's "*Mouth froth* 2nd amendment*mouth froth* come take my guns *mouth froth* 2nd amendment". That's every hour, day in and day out 24/7.

So the planet can only assume it's because you're compensating for tiny dicks because it's a stance a tiny dick person takes. So yours is an inney.
Because you need to compensate. Other Western countries get on with their lives, you guys it's "*Mouth froth* 2nd amendment*mouth froth* come take my guns *mouth froth* 2nd amendment". That's every hour, day in and day out 24/7.

So the planet can only assume it's because you're compensating for tiny dicks because it's a stance a tiny dick person takes. So yours is an inney.

You are the one who needs to compensate. You are emasculated, so you demand everyone else be likewise emasculated.
List of Royal Prerogatives -

1) Sack the PM if he/she doesn't resign after defeat
2) erm
3) erm
4) erm
5) erm
6) erm
7) erm
8) erm
9) erm
19) erm


(shake head, poor American)
List of Royal Prerogatives -

1) Sack the PM if he/she doesn't resign after defeat
2) erm
3) erm
4) erm
5) erm
6) erm
7) erm
8) erm
9) erm
19) erm


(shake head, poor American)

Try again, silly boy.....

• Powers relating to the legislature, e.g. - the summoning and proroguing of parliament; the granting of royal assent to bills; legislating by Order in Council (such as for overseas territories) or by letters patent; creating schemes for conferring benefits upon citizens where Parliament appropriates the necessary finance.

• Powers relating to the judicial system, e.g. - various functions carried out through the Attorney General and the Lord Advocate; pardoning of convicted offenders or remitting or reducing sentences;

• Powers relating to foreign affairs, e.g. – the power to acquire additional territory; the making of treaties (although Parliament has had a veto over treaty-making powers in some circumstances since 201022), the declaration of war and the making of peace; restraining aliens from entering the UK and the issue of passports.

• Powers relating to the armed forces e.g. – the Sovereign is commander in chief of the armed forces of the Crown and the control, organisation and disposition of the armed forces are within the prerogative.

• Appointments and honours, e.g. – appointment of ministers, judges and many other holders of public office; creation of peers and conferring of honours and decorations.

• Immunities and privileges, e.g. – statutes do not bind the Crown unless expressly stated (usually by the formulation “this Act binds the Crown” or similar)

• The prerogative in times of emergency, e.g. – requisitioning of ships or seizure of neutral property in a time of war.

• Miscellaneous prerogatives - various other historic powers relating to such things as royal charters, mining precious metals, coinage, franchises for markets, treasure trove, printing, guardianship of infants.

This should not be considered an exhaustive list.


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