The fallacy of self defence by gun

I've always stated that needing a gun for self defence was a fallacy, and we all know it is. So what's with the gun nuts running off and copying pasting articles from shady sources?

Well look no further, just simply check with Harvard and the studies -

Pardon the pun, Harvard blow holes in the gun nut's self defence argument.

So anyone arming up for the mistaken belief they need to for self defence against others, they're the worst candidate to own a gun.
Fuck Harvard.
No offense.
You couldn't even win independence, the French had to save your ass. And it wasn't over guns. So I suggest you get back to school and start again because it's clear you were asleep or your teacher filled you with shit, the same stuff that you're spewing.

And a Brit had to school you on American Independence. What a let down you are for the American forefathers, they would be greatly disappointed with you.
You couldn't even win independence, the French had to save your ass. And it wasn't over guns. So I suggest you get back to school and start again because it's clear you were asleep or your teacher filled you with shit, the same stuff that you're spewing.

And a Brit had to school you on American Independence. What a let down you are for the American forefathers, they would be greatly disappointed with you.
Yeah we needed help against the largest empire in the world. You needed help against two pissant countries like Germany and Italy. Germany tied up most of your navy with what the USN would call a large task force. The Italians tied up the rest with no fuel oil and trapped in the Med. Rommel kicked your asses until FDR supplied an endless supply of the most modern tank of 1942, trucks, fuel oil, food, avgas, merchant and warships and repair facilities to fix your damaged ships. WWI gutted your country and empire and WWII finished the job. You spend your budget on social programs while depending on the USA for defense.
You still don't grasp the concept. You view it as offended, we just got annoyed at others ignorance, hence why we keep correcting you fools. Does that compute with you??
Nothing you blather on about computes for anyone with a brain cell. So of course, you couldn’t understand. I enjoy your displays of arrogance and ignorance, though.

Helpful hint for you my Brit Twit: I don’t ascribe to all Brits your boundless petty arrogance and low level intellect. 👍

But at least you can’t stick to the stupid topic. You couldn’t even address my refutation of your own dopey position. 😂
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You haven't been outside the US, hence why you're thick as fuck and gullible to what your teachers told you.

When I was in Paris, I noticed a statue, so I took a photo and it's inscription. When I got home, I researched it. Wasn't really interested in American history but this statue highlighted the fact that the American colonies were getting their arses beat by the British. Apparently the conies disliked British taxation, no mention of guns in the independence war whatsoever.

So further reading said the French joined in to help the colonies, and with the Brits investing in other parts of the world, pulled out of the war on America.

Now that's what I found out. But if you read what yanks post, they say, "We whipped the British, you tried to take our guns". So why the lies? Are you embarrassed, was the war not macho enough, are you gullible at school? There must be a reason why a Yank's take on history doesn't actually match true history?

Are you retarded on your own history or are you expecting others not to know history?

Yet you try to come across aloof to others? Why? Are you compensating for a tiny dick? Do you need to force macho? Is it an American cultural thing to be a dick?

What's up with you? I couldn't give two hoots about 1776 but you guys fucking go on about it a lot but spout shite about it. Just sort yourself out and dick down a bit.
That’s quite a lengthy post from a Brit twit over things he doesn’t care about.

Fucker can’t even correctly spell “shit.”
No, you guys have a lazy butchered version of English. It's retarded. We have a licence and licensed. You have have licence for everything. We can have defense and defence. You're stuck with defense.

You can't pronounce Stalictites, Worcestershire sauce, basil and oregano correctly. You're even stuck in the 1800's spelling of Aluminium. And you don't even know "Tom Dick and Harry"?? Are you seriously that dumb?

And you expect Brits to ask you for help? I like your irony because I ain't dumbing down to your level.

Most Americans can't grasp sarcasm and you haven't a clue about idioms. So when it comes to English, you seriously need to go fuck yourself because I've lost count the number of times I've had to school you lot.
You dare to criticize the perfection of your silly language? You’re ignorant.

Morons like you cannot defend even the silent k in “knight.” Silly k nig it.
Do Americans find it macho that they reset their brains to the same old rhetoric to Brits? Are you all related to Biden. Is Biden secretly your father?

Are you all happy slapping one another, whooping like apes in a forest? What's up with you childish yanks?

All this shit on subjects, teeth, banned guns??

I was hoping to be on a forum with adults, not fucking retards that crawled out of the abortion bucket. So can you all just belt the fuck up, you're fucking embarrassing the planet.
That’s it.

By popular acclaim the twit Brit, Corporal Caveman, gets the award for “douchiest post of summer 2022 at USMB.”


Congrats, boy.
I've always stated that needing a gun for self defence was a fallacy, and we all know it is. So what's with the gun nuts running off and copying pasting articles from shady sources?

Well look no further, just simply check with Harvard and the studies -

Pardon the pun, Harvard blow holes in the gun nut's self defence argument.

So anyone arming up for the mistaken belief they need to for self defence against others, they're the worst candidate to own a gun.

Why do you anti-gun nuts have no brains compounded by stupidity with a dose of lying ???

Many of us whom are armed with firearms in public aren't doing such just to respond to threats of violence from guns/firearms only. We carry/pack to protect from any form of violent threat~assault.

The worst candidates for owning a gun are;
1) Criminals, especially those whom engage in violence and assault.
2) Felons, whom due to their conviction for crimes are prohibited to possess firearms.
3) Idiots like you whom likely don't know which end to hold on to or how to use.

Hopefully you will get your wish and be a fatal victim of criminal violence, due to using your brains and wits for defense. You will be no great loss to the species or gene pool.
I've always stated that needing a gun for self defence was a fallacy, and we all know it is. So what's with the gun nuts running off and copying pasting articles from shady sources?

Well look no further, just simply check with Harvard and the studies -

Pardon the pun, Harvard blow holes in the gun nut's self defence argument.

So anyone arming up for the mistaken belief they need to for self defence against others, they're the worst candidate to own a gun.
Go to NYC and stroll the streets at night and get back to us, if you survive.
Wow, you must be so terrified every time you go out of your houses. Either that, or you completely lack any situational awareness in your daily lives.
Wow, the UK education system really fails in teaching you twits how to read or comprehend the written word. Also a major fail in teaching logic.

Most times and places there is no reason to be terrified, but once in a while there may be the unexpected. I've seen too many altercations where if one party is outnumbered, and knocked to the ground, the head kicking and stomping starts. Yet there is no move to outlaw Doc Martins or other heavy boots/footwear.

In my younger years I studied some of the martial arts, and also did fencing. While I might rather carry a rapier or katana, such open carry usually isn't lawful, and they don't have the reach of a pistol if there is a distant threat.

Your snark about my skills at situational awareness show you don't know or understand that concept. More on that in a moment.

While about 99.999% of the time most of us have peaceful lives, there can occur a threatening situation and usually it is sudden and unexpected. Like when your vehicle gets a flat tire or someone pulls their vehicle suddenly in front of you and their is no way to avoid a collision. Both the sort of situations that I've experienced a few times in my 70+ years on this planet.

And it's that 70+ years that means I no longer have the speed, dexterity, agility, or strength of my 20-30s to engage in kungfu with some punk, let alone 2 or 3 or more. And about nine times out of ten, just displaying that you are armed is enough to have potential threats back off and retreat.

So once again I need to relate what is a classic example for consideration.

It was about ten years ago and my oldest son was living in South Tacoma area while finishing college on his GI Bill (he is a combat vet, served in Baghdad, Iraq a few years earlier). That evening, he, his wife, and their almost one year old daughter were heading home and pulled into a 7-11 store to get her a pack of cigs. As he came out of the store heading to get into his vehicle, there was a pimp-mobile parked beside his, on the driver's side, and the "dis-advantaged black youth" in the passenger seat opened his door, blocking my son's path.

So maybe this guy is anxious to get out of the vehicle, but he remains sitting and starts some useless banter with my son, which gradually edges towards potential hostile dialogue. My son is trying to politely respond and hint that he'd like to get into his vehicle. Meanwhile the few clusters of other "dis-advantaged black youths" that have been hanging about in the parking lot start moving closer to this "event".

What the youths in the pimp-mobile didn't know was my son was fingering the pepper-spray in his jacket pocket with left hand, while his right hand was a second away from drawing his pistol. After a minute or so of this delaying chatter, his wife, noticing the potential course events are heading towards and seeing the mob moving in behind my son, her husband, and sitting in the passenger seat of their Escalade, draws her pistol from her purse, holds it up in front of her in a ready to use (and see ~ display) position, and shouts out through the open driver side window, something to the effect:
"Shut the fuck up and let him get into our car!"

Suddenly the door holder becomes much more civil, and pulls his door closed. The crowds start moving back away from the potential "show". My son is able to get into his vehicle and leave. Nothing here to make a substance of police report and hence just one of several such similar situations likely to happen across the USA, daily, but not reported or recorded.

Now tell us how such a similar situation would play out over there in the UK, where you aren't allowed to be armed, if you were in my son's place. I'm sure you can spin some unrealistic fictional and distorted version where mighty 'you' beat off the crowd and get away.

Footnote here; per my son is one quarter Nigerian. However, what "off white" coloring he has, plus other features, tend to make him look slightly Hispanic.
Sadly America is full of idiots who don't know which end to hold on to or how to use, yet can still get guns with ease.
Even more sadly, you don't know squat about America or it's citizens, nor about our gun regulations for legal acquisition and ownership.
And likely your the sort whom would shoot himself, or an innocent bystander if you ever did get your hands on a firearm.
Wow, you must be so terrified every time you go out of your houses. Either that, or you completely lack any situational awareness in your daily lives.
They couldn't live on the UK, their nappies couldn't hold all the shit when venturing out of their house without a gun.

Your last sentence can be condensed to, "Fucking pussies".

Have to get in the daily phrase, 2nd Amendment.
Wow, the UK education system really fails in teaching you twits how to read or comprehend the written word. Also a major fail in teaching logic.

Most times and places there is no reason to be terrified, but once in a while there may be the unexpected. I've seen too many altercations where if one party is outnumbered, and knocked to the ground, the head kicking and stomping starts. Yet there is no move to outlaw Doc Martins or other heavy boots/footwear.

In my younger years I studied some of the martial arts, and also did fencing. While I might rather carry a rapier or katana, such open carry usually isn't lawful, and they don't have the reach of a pistol if there is a distant threat.

Your snark about my skills at situational awareness show you don't know or understand that concept. More on that in a moment.

While about 99.999% of the time most of us have peaceful lives, there can occur a threatening situation and usually it is sudden and unexpected. Like when your vehicle gets a flat tire or someone pulls their vehicle suddenly in front of you and their is no way to avoid a collision. Both the sort of situations that I've experienced a few times in my 70+ years on this planet.

And it's that 70+ years that means I no longer have the speed, dexterity, agility, or strength of my 20-30s to engage in kungfu with some punk, let alone 2 or 3 or more. And about nine times out of ten, just displaying that you are armed is enough to have potential threats back off and retreat.

So once again I need to relate what is a classic example for consideration.

It was about ten years ago and my oldest son was living in South Tacoma area while finishing college on his GI Bill (he is a combat vet, served in Baghdad, Iraq a few years earlier). That evening, he, his wife, and their almost one year old daughter were heading home and pulled into a 7-11 store to get her a pack of cigs. As he came out of the store heading to get into his vehicle, there was a pimp-mobile parked beside his, on the driver's side, and the "dis-advantaged black youth" in the passenger seat opened his door, blocking my son's path.

So maybe this guy is anxious to get out of the vehicle, but he remains sitting and starts some useless banter with my son, which gradually edges towards potential hostile dialogue. My son is trying to politely respond and hint that he'd like to get into his vehicle. Meanwhile the few clusters of other "dis-advantaged black youths" that have been hanging about in the parking lot start moving closer to this "event".

What the youths in the pimp-mobile didn't know was my son was fingering the pepper-spray in his jacket pocket with left hand, while his right hand was a second away from drawing his pistol. After a minute or so of this delaying chatter, his wife, noticing the potential course events are heading towards and seeing the mob moving in behind my son, her husband, and sitting in the passenger seat of their Escalade, draws her pistol from her purse, holds it up in front of her in a ready to use (and see ~ display) position, and shouts out through the open driver side window, something to the effect:
"Shut the fuck up and let him get into our car!"

Suddenly the door holder becomes much more civil, and pulls his door closed. The crowds start moving back away from the potential "show". My son is able to get into his vehicle and leave. Nothing here to make a substance of police report and hence just one of several such similar situations likely to happen across the USA, daily, but not reported or recorded.

Now tell us how such a similar situation would play out over there in the UK, where you aren't allowed to be armed, if you were in my son's place. I'm sure you can spin some unrealistic fictional and distorted version where mighty 'you' beat off the crowd and get away.

Footnote here; per my son is one quarter Nigerian. However, what "off white" coloring he has, plus other features, tend to make him look slightly Hispanic.
Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff. Can you smell that? What a load of bullshit. You hide behind a gun to compensate, and you struggle in the outside world. That's how your education system raises you, filling your minds with bullshit.
Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff. Can you smell that? What a load of bullshit. You hide behind a gun to compensate, and you struggle in the outside world. That's how your education system raises you, filling your minds with bullshit.

No, we don't. We don't need to compensate. We are hapoy with our lives. We just make sure no violent jackass interferes.
Americans are lazy ****s when it comes to the English language, that's why they have a butchered version and you're too retarded to grasp English.

The irony is, you think the English are illiterate with English, laugh my fucking cock off.

I apologise on the behalf of imbeciles, you're a brain dead imbecile.
So now the low-IQ imbecile plays the “I’m not American card”.

Uh…then what the fuck are you doing here then?!? This is a U.S. message board. Your foreign ass doesn’t get to have a voice in our country. 🖕

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