The FBI Raided Trump's Home Based On Some Of The Exact Crimes Hillary Committed

Trump took 10,000 documents.. for his library.

Which is fine, except then why leave them in a basement for so long?
I would guess the reason is that Trump was just too lazy to sort them?
They wanted so see what was on Weiner's laptop to see if national security was compromised, not because there was something on there they hadn't seen before, but later said NOTHING was found on his laptop. But it likely cost Hillary the election.

Please stop trying to rewrite what happened. Hillary did NOTHING out of the ordinary course of business. She "bleached" her server 4 years AFTER she left office, having turned over all of her documents, and after 7 Benghazi Investigations had reviewed everything she had ever done as SoS multiple times and found no wrong doing.

Was Hillary supposed to preserve everything she had in perpetuity just in case the Republicans wanted to investigate her again??????

Weiner's laptop had emails from Hillary the FBI had never been able to see.

I agree nothing significant turned up, but that was because Weiner's girl friend was not an important person.
Nor could it possibly have effected any election, because it still was not definitive.
It was as much an unknown as when no one knew what she had sent, before the laptop was found.

And "bleaching" servers is not at all "ordinary", and she only did it AFTER the FBI requested the server.
It was NOT "4 years AFTER she left office, but in 2015, less than 6 months after leaving office in 2014.
All servers are supposed to be preserved for the FOIA.
She knew that.

And the Benghazi investigation had nothing to do with her lax email server.
Benghazi was about why she had sent ambassador Stevens to Benghazi, a dangerous place, not where the US embassy was.
finally someone gets it here


These classified doc laws do NOT at all apply to presidents or vice presidents.
The are above the law because they gain their authority from the people instead of government, and they need to do what ever they want.
For example, Biden could sent a Top Secret report to Putin about some satellite image, in order to threaten him.
Presidents can do what ever they want regarding classified docs.
Always have.
There are page and paragraph notations that are added to all classified docs, and she directly sent docs with those classified notations.
Her excuse she said was they were either classified later, (which can't be right since they then would not have the notations), or they had already been declassified, (which is possible, but unlikely).

It could not possibly have made her job easier, since she would have to first move the docs from the State Dept computers to her email server, before sending them.
It was not a "shortcut", but greatly more convoluted, and intended only to prevent anyone following the trail.
It is my understanding that she never moved or copied actual documents. She was only discussing things she knew about, like you are. You have not copied info from another source, just working from your memory. That is what she was doing and that is the only thing that makes sense. She was emailing to government servers so she knew there would be records kept for her.

More than 2,000 of the 30,490 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department in December 2014 contained classified information, including 110 emails in 52 email chains that contained classified information at the time they were sent or received, Comey said. The FBI director said “a very small number” of the emails containing classified information “bore markings indicating the presence of classified information,” contrary to Clinton’s claims that none was marked classified.

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of the classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information,” Comey said.

One does not "upgrade" but simply add another server, and that is still irrelevant, since she wiped the CURRENT servers before allowing the FBI to have access.
She wiped the server after supplying the 30K emails to the gov't.

The FBI on Sept. 2 released a two-part summary of its investigation of Clinton that said the former secretary of state’s emails were deleted “sometime between March 25-31, 2015.″ That was about three weeks after the House Select Committee on Benghazi served Clinton with a subpoena on March 4, 2015, to produce any emails related to its investigation into the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi in 2012.

Initially, the campaign had told us that the deletions occurred sometime between December 2014 and March 4, 2015, but did not provide a date. Clinton campaign spokesman Josh Schwerin later told us that Clinton and her attorneys had no knowledge of the email deletions in late March 2015 until the FBI released its report on Sept. 2.

Here’s what the FBI report said: By December 2014, Clinton’s lawyers had completed their review of her emails, and sent her work-related emails to the State Department. At that time, a Clinton lawyer told Platte River Networks – which was maintaining Clinton’s private server – that the former secretary no longer needed any emails that were more than 60 days old, and instructed an unnamed PRN employee “to modify the e-mail retention policy … to reflect this change.” The PRN employee told the FBI that “sometime between March 25-31, 2015″ he realized he did not make the change requested by Clinton’s office and he deleted her old emails at that time.

There are NO laws, federal or otherwise, relating to presidential access to classified docs.
By virtue of being elected and representing the people, presidents are totally above any arbitrary security legislation.
They are the ultimate, with total discretion.
Hillary's goal was to avoid FOIA, but Trump likely was just lazy and slow to sort all the boxes.

There are others, including the Espionage Act of 1917
There are page and paragraph notations that are added to all classified docs, and she directly sent docs with those classified notations.
Her excuse she said was they were either classified later, (which can't be right since they then would not have the notations), or they had already been declassified, (which is possible, but unlikely).

It could not possibly have made her job easier, since she would have to first move the docs from the State Dept computers to her email server, before sending them.
It was not a "shortcut", but greatly more convoluted, and intended only to prevent anyone following the trail.

One does not "upgrade" but simply add another server, and that is still irrelevant, since she wiped the CURRENT servers before allowing the FBI to have access.

There are NO laws, federal or otherwise, relating to presidential access to classified docs.
By virtue of being elected and representing the people, presidents are totally above any arbitrary security legislation.
They are the ultimate, with total discretion.
Hillary's goal was to avoid FOIA, but Trump likely was just lazy and slow to sort all the boxes.

Hillary wasn’t trying to avoid freedom of information act requests, she was trying to get around the fact that government computers only have 20 MB of storage per employee.
Read up on presidents.
They do not have security clearances because they do not need one.
They are above and exempt from all classified doc legislation.
LOL. Hate to break it to you, sweetheart but...Rump isn't the president anymore, sweetheart. He is just a normal citizen like you and me. :itsok:
If Trump testifies in his own defense he better have a better strategy than.........

The FBI Raided Trump's Home Based On Some Of The Exact Crimes Hillary Committed​

Read up on presidents.
They do not have security clearances because they do not need one.
They are above and exempt from all classified doc legislation.

Yes they do need clearances after they leave office.

The President is NOT exempt from the laws regarding the storage and security of classified documents.
"The government conducted the search in response to what it believes to be a violation of federal laws: 18 USC 793 — gathering, transmitting or losing defense information; 18 USC 2071 — concealment, removal or mutilation; and 18 USC 1519 — destruction, alteration or falsification of records in federal investigations."

18 USC 793 — gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Hillary gathered classified documents, to include TS/SCI information, documents she did not have proper clearance to have in her possession, and had this material in her home.
(- Which the FBI never raided)

Former FBI Director comey testified under oath, asking questions from then Senator Trey Gowdy, stated Hillary Clinton did illegally send and receive classified information, means.some via UNCLASS

18 USC 1519 — destruction, alteration or falsification of records


Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed multiple classified devices with hammers.

According to former FBI Director Comey under oath, lied to Congress by claiming she only used 1 (one) classified device.


She also attempted to wipe her classified hard drive using 'Bleach Bit' (software % program)


Hillary is on record through testimony as having ordered her staff to strip the classified marking off of classified documents and send the classified information through UNCLASS methods when her Classified FAX was not working.

This is illegally altering classified documents and illegally transmitting / sending classified information.
- By her ordering her staff to do so it proves she knew EXACTLY what she was doing, despite Former FBI Director Comey claiming she was too stupid to know she was breaking laws.


Trump was President at the time and was considered a DECLASSIFYING AGENT, having the legal authority to declassify classified information, which he is on record / testimony as having done with the information he took with him.
- Hillary was a civilian at the time she took classified documents and had no authority to declassify the classified documents she had taken.

(Despite Democrats' / The DOJ's / the FBI's claim this is false, there is documented, recorded evidence that then President Trump gave a lawful Presidential order to the FBI Director Comey to declassify all records and information pertaining to the FBI's criminal CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation against President Trump and his team, an operation that began before he became President and continued into his Presidency.

Despite receiving to declasdify AND RELEASE all CROSSFIRE HURRICANE files and information, proven criminal then FBI Director Comey DISOBEYED that direct order. Comey refused to declassify and release the information because it could implicate Comey, other FBI leadership, and FBI Agents in having committed crimes during the operation.

Going on 19 months later, FBI Director FBI Wray and the FBI continues to criminally refuse to comply with the order. In addition, Wray and the FBI continue to illegally refuse to comply with multiple FOIA Requests for the release of the information, requests filed shortly after the order to declassify and release the info.

The FBI has undeniably proven it is willing to violate lawful orders and break laws to prevent disclosing its criminal actions.

The FBI has proven to have kept classified what was ordered to be DECLASSIFIED and released.

If the FBI and DOJ refused to comply with a direct lawful Presidential order to declassify documents ... how are Anericans supposed to trust the FBI's & DOJ's claim that the documents in Trump's possession - that were seized - were not declassified by President Trump before he left office, which he had full authority to do? By denying ' claiming Trump did not classify any documents they could essentially be trying to 'frame him'.

It does not make logical sense Trump would order the declassification of CROSSFIRE HURRICANE documents but not any others.)


President Trump did not order classified markings be stripped from classified documents, did not send and receive classified documents through Unclassified methods...

President Trump did not have an unsecured server on which he kept classified documents, did not let aides who had no proper clearance abd whose family has ties to terrorists download all of the classified information onto a personal laptop - one shared by a pedo-sexter who also did not have classification / authority to have access to this classified info...

President Trump did not attempt to destroy evidence by illegally attempting to wipe his hard river or smash multiple classified devices he said did not exist (like Hillary did)

The claims that what Trump did is somehow worse than what Hillary Clinton did is a near un-equalled, undeniable fabrication of near biblical proportions yet definitely of historic proportions.

democrats are above the law...three words for you Ed Kennedy murderer
If Trump testifies in his own defense he better have a better strategy than.........

The FBI Raided Trump's Home Based On Some Of The Exact Crimes Hillary Committed​

doesnt he have to be charged with something first dear
"The government conducted the search in response to what it believes to be a violation of federal laws: 18 USC 793 — gathering, transmitting or losing defense information; 18 USC 2071 — concealment, removal or mutilation; and 18 USC 1519 — destruction, alteration or falsification of records in federal investigations."

18 USC 793 — gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Hillary gathered classified documents, to include TS/SCI information, documents she did not have proper clearance to have in her possession, and had this material in her home.
(- Which the FBI never raided)

Former FBI Director comey testified under oath, asking questions from then Senator Trey Gowdy, stated Hillary Clinton did illegally send and receive classified information, means.some via UNCLASS

18 USC 1519 — destruction, alteration or falsification of records


Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed multiple classified devices with hammers.

According to former FBI Director Comey under oath, lied to Congress by claiming she only used 1 (one) classified device.


She also attempted to wipe her classified hard drive using 'Bleach Bit' (software % program)


Hillary is on record through testimony as having ordered her staff to strip the classified marking off of classified documents and send the classified information through UNCLASS methods when her Classified FAX was not working.

This is illegally altering classified documents and illegally transmitting / sending classified information.
- By her ordering her staff to do so it proves she knew EXACTLY what she was doing, despite Former FBI Director Comey claiming she was too stupid to know she was breaking laws.


Trump was President at the time and was considered a DECLASSIFYING AGENT, having the legal authority to declassify classified information, which he is on record / testimony as having done with the information he took with him.
- Hillary was a civilian at the time she took classified documents and had no authority to declassify the classified documents she had taken.

(Despite Democrats' / The DOJ's / the FBI's claim this is false, there is documented, recorded evidence that then President Trump gave a lawful Presidential order to the FBI Director Comey to declassify all records and information pertaining to the FBI's criminal CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation against President Trump and his team, an operation that began before he became President and continued into his Presidency.

Despite receiving to declasdify AND RELEASE all CROSSFIRE HURRICANE files and information, proven criminal then FBI Director Comey DISOBEYED that direct order. Comey refused to declassify and release the information because it could implicate Comey, other FBI leadership, and FBI Agents in having committed crimes during the operation.

Going on 19 months later, FBI Director FBI Wray and the FBI continues to criminally refuse to comply with the order. In addition, Wray and the FBI continue to illegally refuse to comply with multiple FOIA Requests for the release of the information, requests filed shortly after the order to declassify and release the info.

The FBI has undeniably proven it is willing to violate lawful orders and break laws to prevent disclosing its criminal actions.

The FBI has proven to have kept classified what was ordered to be DECLASSIFIED and released.

If the FBI and DOJ refused to comply with a direct lawful Presidential order to declassify documents ... how are Anericans supposed to trust the FBI's & DOJ's claim that the documents in Trump's possession - that were seized - were not declassified by President Trump before he left office, which he had full authority to do? By denying ' claiming Trump did not classify any documents they could essentially be trying to 'frame him'.

It does not make logical sense Trump would order the declassification of CROSSFIRE HURRICANE documents but not any others.)


President Trump did not order classified markings be stripped from classified documents, did not send and receive classified documents through Unclassified methods...

President Trump did not have an unsecured server on which he kept classified documents, did not let aides who had no proper clearance abd whose family has ties to terrorists download all of the classified information onto a personal laptop - one shared by a pedo-sexter who also did not have classification / authority to have access to this classified info...

President Trump did not attempt to destroy evidence by illegally attempting to wipe his hard river or smash multiple classified devices he said did not exist (like Hillary did)

The claims that what Trump did is somehow worse than what Hillary Clinton did is a near un-equalled, undeniable fabrication of near biblical proportions yet definitely of historic proportions.

Hillary committed no crimes.

Hillary is above the law.

That’s the problem.
"The government conducted the search in response to what it believes to be a violation of federal laws: 18 USC 793 — gathering, transmitting or losing defense information; 18 USC 2071 — concealment, removal or mutilation; and 18 USC 1519 — destruction, alteration or falsification of records in federal investigations."

18 USC 793 — gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Hillary gathered classified documents, to include TS/SCI information, documents she did not have proper clearance to have in her possession, and had this material in her home.
(- Which the FBI never raided)

Former FBI Director comey testified under oath, asking questions from then Senator Trey Gowdy, stated Hillary Clinton did illegally send and receive classified information, means.some via UNCLASS

18 USC 1519 — destruction, alteration or falsification of records


Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed multiple classified devices with hammers.

According to former FBI Director Comey under oath, lied to Congress by claiming she only used 1 (one) classified device.


She also attempted to wipe her classified hard drive using 'Bleach Bit' (software % program)


Hillary is on record through testimony as having ordered her staff to strip the classified marking off of classified documents and send the classified information through UNCLASS methods when her Classified FAX was not working.

This is illegally altering classified documents and illegally transmitting / sending classified information.
- By her ordering her staff to do so it proves she knew EXACTLY what she was doing, despite Former FBI Director Comey claiming she was too stupid to know she was breaking laws.


Trump was President at the time and was considered a DECLASSIFYING AGENT, having the legal authority to declassify classified information, which he is on record / testimony as having done with the information he took with him.
- Hillary was a civilian at the time she took classified documents and had no authority to declassify the classified documents she had taken.

(Despite Democrats' / The DOJ's / the FBI's claim this is false, there is documented, recorded evidence that then President Trump gave a lawful Presidential order to the FBI Director Comey to declassify all records and information pertaining to the FBI's criminal CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation against President Trump and his team, an operation that began before he became President and continued into his Presidency.

Despite receiving to declasdify AND RELEASE all CROSSFIRE HURRICANE files and information, proven criminal then FBI Director Comey DISOBEYED that direct order. Comey refused to declassify and release the information because it could implicate Comey, other FBI leadership, and FBI Agents in having committed crimes during the operation.

Going on 19 months later, FBI Director FBI Wray and the FBI continues to criminally refuse to comply with the order. In addition, Wray and the FBI continue to illegally refuse to comply with multiple FOIA Requests for the release of the information, requests filed shortly after the order to declassify and release the info.

The FBI has undeniably proven it is willing to violate lawful orders and break laws to prevent disclosing its criminal actions.

The FBI has proven to have kept classified what was ordered to be DECLASSIFIED and released.

If the FBI and DOJ refused to comply with a direct lawful Presidential order to declassify documents ... how are Anericans supposed to trust the FBI's & DOJ's claim that the documents in Trump's possession - that were seized - were not declassified by President Trump before he left office, which he had full authority to do? By denying ' claiming Trump did not classify any documents they could essentially be trying to 'frame him'.

It does not make logical sense Trump would order the declassification of CROSSFIRE HURRICANE documents but not any others.)


President Trump did not order classified markings be stripped from classified documents, did not send and receive classified documents through Unclassified methods...

President Trump did not have an unsecured server on which he kept classified documents, did not let aides who had no proper clearance abd whose family has ties to terrorists download all of the classified information onto a personal laptop - one shared by a pedo-sexter who also did not have classification / authority to have access to this classified info...

President Trump did not attempt to destroy evidence by illegally attempting to wipe his hard river or smash multiple classified devices he said did not exist (like Hillary did)

The claims that what Trump did is somehow worse than what Hillary Clinton did is a near un-equalled, undeniable fabrication of near biblical proportions yet definitely of historic proportions.

but hillary is above the law because she is a ugly hag
You really think he declassified hundreds of documents containing highly classified data including human intel sources and communication intercepts?

That he declassified every piece of information in every one of those documents?

This is an order about one particular set of documents. It would be foolish to think that everything taken from Trump's house was under this umbrella.

Not all of it was declassified. The memorandum even states that. He even stated he accepts the parts deemed to remain classified to remain as such. And there's no evidence he gave any such standing order.
Meanwhile Charlie Kirk exposes the fact that 35 Trump allies have were raided yesterday.

If true, this country has gone Maoist Communist.
Guess the FBI/STASI crack down on MAGA people came sooner than expected,
The Bai Dung Gestapo FBI/STASI have been very busy boys lately. They will suffer the same fate as the Gestapo/STASI did, even if it takes some time to do it.
We have now entered Stalin, Hitler and Maoist territory. That is not an exaggeration. Thanks to Joey Xi Bai Dung and his criminal DSA Democrat cabal.

"At what point, then, should one resist? When one's belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When one crosses the threshold of one's home? An arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about one of them individually...and yet all these incidental irrelevancies taken together implacably constitute the arrest".

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Last edited:

"The government conducted the search in response to what it believes to be a violation of federal laws: 18 USC 793 — gathering, transmitting or losing defense information; 18 USC 2071 — concealment, removal or mutilation; and 18 USC 1519 — destruction, alteration or falsification of records in federal investigations."

18 USC 793 — gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Hillary gathered classified documents, to include TS/SCI information, documents she did not have proper clearance to have in her possession, and had this material in her home.
(- Which the FBI never raided)

Former FBI Director comey testified under oath, asking questions from then Senator Trey Gowdy, stated Hillary Clinton did illegally send and receive classified information, means.some via UNCLASS

18 USC 1519 — destruction, alteration or falsification of records


Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed multiple classified devices with hammers.

According to former FBI Director Comey under oath, lied to Congress by claiming she only used 1 (one) classified device.


She also attempted to wipe her classified hard drive using 'Bleach Bit' (software % program)


Hillary is on record through testimony as having ordered her staff to strip the classified marking off of classified documents and send the classified information through UNCLASS methods when her Classified FAX was not working.

This is illegally altering classified documents and illegally transmitting / sending classified information.
- By her ordering her staff to do so it proves she knew EXACTLY what she was doing, despite Former FBI Director Comey claiming she was too stupid to know she was breaking laws.


Trump was President at the time and was considered a DECLASSIFYING AGENT, having the legal authority to declassify classified information, which he is on record / testimony as having done with the information he took with him.
- Hillary was a civilian at the time she took classified documents and had no authority to declassify the classified documents she had taken.

(Despite Democrats' / The DOJ's / the FBI's claim this is false, there is documented, recorded evidence that then President Trump gave a lawful Presidential order to the FBI Director Comey to declassify all records and information pertaining to the FBI's criminal CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation against President Trump and his team, an operation that began before he became President and continued into his Presidency.

Despite receiving to declasdify AND RELEASE all CROSSFIRE HURRICANE files and information, proven criminal then FBI Director Comey DISOBEYED that direct order. Comey refused to declassify and release the information because it could implicate Comey, other FBI leadership, and FBI Agents in having committed crimes during the operation.

Going on 19 months later, FBI Director FBI Wray and the FBI continues to criminally refuse to comply with the order. In addition, Wray and the FBI continue to illegally refuse to comply with multiple FOIA Requests for the release of the information, requests filed shortly after the order to declassify and release the info.

The FBI has undeniably proven it is willing to violate lawful orders and break laws to prevent disclosing its criminal actions.

The FBI has proven to have kept classified what was ordered to be DECLASSIFIED and released.

If the FBI and DOJ refused to comply with a direct lawful Presidential order to declassify documents ... how are Anericans supposed to trust the FBI's & DOJ's claim that the documents in Trump's possession - that were seized - were not declassified by President Trump before he left office, which he had full authority to do? By denying ' claiming Trump did not classify any documents they could essentially be trying to 'frame him'.

It does not make logical sense Trump would order the declassification of CROSSFIRE HURRICANE documents but not any others.)


President Trump did not order classified markings be stripped from classified documents, did not send and receive classified documents through Unclassified methods...

President Trump did not have an unsecured server on which he kept classified documents, did not let aides who had no proper clearance abd whose family has ties to terrorists download all of the classified information onto a personal laptop - one shared by a pedo-sexter who also did not have classification / authority to have access to this classified info...

President Trump did not attempt to destroy evidence by illegally attempting to wipe his hard river or smash multiple classified devices he said did not exist (like Hillary did)

The claims that what Trump did is somehow worse than what Hillary Clinton did is a near un-equalled, undeniable fabrication of near biblical proportions yet definitely of historic proportions.

Fox News is your source ? Geesus, why not one of the munchkins from Oz ?

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