The Fed Attempts To Save Biden's Disastrous Economy

Joe sets another new record ... or at least the Fed does trying to save the US economy from Joe's disastrous policies
Which is going to create even more problems that Joe will have to come
We had a $6 trillion wealth transfer go from the lower and middle class to the wealthy. That is okay with you. However helping ordinary people who were struggling is wrong to you. You are so much bullshit. The pandemic is a major reason. Also the fact that companies can raise prices is why we have inflation. CEOs have admitted this and their own financial statements show they are raising prices more than they need to.
Wow! When I agree with you!
You are just a liar that is all. Biden did nothing to harm our energy independence.
It would be you that's the liar. He cut off access to even more of the north slope and offshore on both coasts and the gulf preventing exploration and production in some of the richest and most profitable deposits we have.

They are also slow walking permits and leases on all federal lands to the point of blocking news exploration and extraction.

There's not much more he could do as president to harm our energy independence.
You are just a liar that is all. Biden did nothing to harm our energy independence.
You keep calling me names while offering nothing to back up your tantrum.

Glad to see some things didn't change while I was gone for a bit.

I actually missed your emotion-based 'Nuh-uhs'.

You keep calling me names while offering nothing to back up your tantrum.

Glad to see some things didn't change while I was gone for a bit.

I actually missed your intellectual 'Nuh-uhs'.

It's hard to see reality when your head is up your own ass so far you can't find your way out.
Companies are setting records for profits that span decades. That was before the Fed started raising rates. Companies have been awash in cash since Republicans cut their taxes.
Considering Obama signed the extension of those tax cuts those are democrat tax breaks.

Companies being profitable is a really good thing especially if you own their stocks or funds in an IRA or 401k.

Being profitable is how companies stay in business and increases share value so those invested in those companies profit as well.
ordinary people who were struggling
The government isn't your mommy, daddy or nanny. They didn't take you to raise. There have been ample "helping hands" from the government during my whole life. Struggling does not mean you go on the dole and live high. Take it down the road parasite.
Also the fact that companies can raise prices is why we have inflation.
If a company's cost to produce goes up, your prices are going up too, moron. That's called capitalism. Sorry, I'm not going to mollycoddle your ass. Get off of it and go to work and you would be amazed what you can do. If you think companies have it so easy, found one and find out.
We had a $6 trillion wealth transfer go from the lower and middle class to the wealthy. That is okay with you. However helping ordinary people who were struggling is wrong to you. You are so much bullshit. The pandemic is a major reason. Also the fact that companies can raise prices is why we have inflation. CEOs have admitted this and their own financial statements show they are raising prices more than they need to.
We have inflation because their costs go up and as they do those increases are passed on to consumers.

You're free to help anyone out you feel is in need and deserves your help. You aren't however free to take from the rest of us to give to others.
Companies are setting records for profits that span decades. That was before the Fed started raising rates. Companies have been awash in cash since Republicans cut their taxes.
Yes, and we started to see a massive increase in hiring and manufacturing jobs moving back to the USA...until the "pandemic" shut everything down. The lowest unemployment in over 40 years occurred in 2018-2019. Wages saw gains as well, although admittedly barely keeping up with inflation. Interestingly government wages saw the biggest gains, outpacing inflation even, for the past 20 years.

Now, with increased taxes and increased interest rates, we are seeing jobs head back overseas. Wages are not even close to keeping up with inflation. Hyper-inflation is not out of the question under the new Biden strategy.

The real objective is to destroy the American economy. The WMF's goal is to equalize the living standards in America with the living standards of third world countries, even if American's are still capable of out-producing and out-performing. The socialists feel that as long as they have sufficient control over the people to prevent rebellion, then better equity and more control and power will be obtained by equalizing things based on need rather than sacrifice or performance.

Everyone already knows it...
But of course the democrats will deny it to their dying day.
Now, with increased taxes and increased interest rates, we are seeing jobs head back overseas. Wages are not even close to keeping up with inflation. Hyper-inflation is not out of the question under the new Biden strategy.

I don't know that will happen anytime soon. Warehouses across the country are still empty thanks to the Democrat paying people more money to stay home than work most of last year. It will take a while and shipping products back the the US is timely.

Once the warehouses are full again and if the fuel, interest rates, inflation, transportation costs continues on this trend, we will see the exit of a lot of businesses.

Joe sets another new record ... or at least the Fed does trying to save the US economy from Joe's disastrous policies
What the fuck are you talking about?
It was the Fed that caused the fucking inflation.
Biden could not run his huge deficits it the Fed was not on board.
Have you looked at the Fed's balance sheet lately?

God damn you people know dick about how things work.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It was the Fed that caused the fucking inflation.
Biden could not run his huge deficits it the Fed was not on board.
Have you looked at the Fed's balance sheet lately?

God damn you people know dick about how things work.

So if not trying to reverse Biden's nose-diving economy what is the Fed doing raising the intetest rate?

Tissue for your emotional meltdowns? :p
Bullshit. The reason we have inflation is because the democrat congress pumped $5T into the money supply and gave away money like it was candy. You can't add that much money to the economy without deflating the value of the money and inflating the cost of everything as a result.
The first stimulus was bad enough. Then, within 2 weeks of taking office, Biden announced *another* multi-trillion-dollar stimulus, which most levelheaded economists agreed would do nothing to help the overall economy since there was plenty in the first package. Of course, congress passed it, thinking the end of the world was at hand.

That second package is most definitely responsible for starting the inflationary cycle. Where did that money go, anyway? Every once in a while I read about minor fraud charges, but seriously, trillions of dollars basically disappeared into thin air (or more likely the back pockets of well placed proletariats).
We had a $6 trillion wealth transfer go from the lower and middle class to the wealthy. That is okay with you. However helping ordinary people who were struggling is wrong to you. You are so much bullshit. The pandemic is a major reason. Also the fact that companies can raise prices is why we have inflation. CEOs have admitted this and their own financial statements show they are raising prices more than they need to.

Who is it that decides how much a company needs to raise their prices?

Labor costs are ridiculous. Fuel costs for a company also have to be part of that increase. Transportation costs went up because diesel fuel follows the price of gasoline. We all know how much more we paid this last winter to stay warm. Imagine what it costs an industry that has to heat a place of a 150 employees.
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